JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    edited January 2018
    Checking in from Monday
    1. Accurate log. ❌
    2. Submit Week 4. ✔ Print 2 copies - 1 for file, 1 to review. ✔ Get computer cart. ✔
    3. 1 set body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). ✔✔ Arrange for official transcript to be sent to masters program. Weekly blog post. Check on comment reply at H.E. ✔ 5k steps at school; aim for 6. ✔✔
    4. Input reflections 6-7. ✔ Call 10 parents. ❌ Outline week 5. ✔ Meeting after school. ✔ Call home; gym for day 3 and cardio. ❌ Steps to 11k; ✔ aim for 12. 5 min run @ 5.5-6.0. ❌
    5. Meds at 6:00. ✔ Plated dinner. ✔ Prep breakfast and lunches for tomorrow. ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 10:00. ✔

    JFT Tuesday
    1. Accurate log.
    2. Revise Week 5. Get computer cart. Input late work. Call 5 parents. Arrange for official transcript. Write part of weekly blog post. Comment at COP; check comment at HE. Talk to DK about book orders (Mindset and Lessons That Change Writers). Email W about tickets for BCSS.
    3. 2 sets body exercises (10 lifted push-ups ALL THE WAY DOWN, 40 sec wall sit, 70 sec plank, 40 sec flexibility, 30 sec balance, 15 side leg lifts). 5k steps at school; aim for 6.
    4. Gym for strength class and cardio. Steps to 11k; aim for 12. 5 min run @ 5.5-6.0.
    5. Kickboxing at 6:00.
    6. Meds at 7:15. Dinner - Soup Plus or Plated? Prep breakfast and lunches for tomorrow. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 9:45.

    Scale goals
    Dec 1 weigh-in: 176.6
    End of 2017: 174.6
    Jan 31 goal - PREVIOUS: 169. That's a 1.5 lb/week drop from a start of 175, which makes the math a little easier!
    Jan 31 goal - REVISED: 172. *sigh*
    Goal for 1/29: 173. Today: 174.4 And we're up again. Not surprised; I went back to the gym Saturday and Sunday, and I did the full flexibility workout yesterday. I dropped like five pounds over the last week, so it's not surprising to see it swing back up. I just hope that it won't STAY up.

    Feeling dissatisfied with my current lessons. I'm kind of winging a revision. We'll see how it goes.
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    edited January 2018
    missheidi wrote: »
    I'm back from family/funeral stuff.
    We will see on Wednesday if i at least maintained.

    JFT 1/29:
    I will:
    Log everything :)
    stay green on calories and net carbs :)
    swim 1000 :(
    drink 80 oz :/
    still work on knitting. I have the main stockinette mostly down, but i'm trying to start with seed stitch to prevent rolling and i'm really struggling with it.
    :o i think i got it. we shall see

    JFT 1/30
    Log everything
    stay green
    yoga class. I've got to get back in the exercise routine!
    drink 80
    knitting practice?

  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 I hope you got some more sleep! I can't really function on 3 hours anymore. Lol. 6 or 7 I'm okay with. 3 not so much. Lol
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food :)
    2. go to the gym :/ Since we had to meet with accountant, didn't have time for this.
    3. meeting with accountant to take in taxes. Hoping everything is there. if we eat lunch out, make smart choices :)
    4. remember my red cup - drink 8+ cups of water :/ Not home enough today, but hope to get in a few glasses tonite yet.
    5. get back on here be accountable :)

    I had to go back almost 5 pages just to find my post!! I love how active you all are, and how we are holding each other accountable, and encouraging each other!! Love you all!!

    JFT, TUes
    1. GO TO THE GYM!! I find I miss it when I don't go
    2. get back to decluttering .... tomorrow ... the linen closet, and "start" on the closet in my daughters room. (I still call it her room, even though she has moved out ... so much of her stuff still there!)
    3. drink water
    4. work on quilt
    5. review and read my beck diet solution cards!! Need to get back doing this
    6. read 1 chapter simple abundance
    7. read 1 chapter on book on emotional eating ..... be aware of my triggers!
    8. get back on here - be accountable!

    Those pesky but necessary accountants! I am tidying linen closets today---I am convinced gremlins live in pantries and linen closets---I get them all tidied and organized and a short while later BAM! they are in disarray again!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »

    Goals for today Monday

    :( Stay in the green - was fine until late at night - soooo close
    :)64 oz non-coffee, non-carbonated
    :) 10K steps
    :( Plan dinners for the week
    :)Pre-log tomorrows day
    :( Bed by 11:30
    :( Read the dysfunctional team book
    :( Vacuum upstairs

    Need to make the sleep goal a priority. Without it everything else goes to heck.

    Goals for today Tuesday
    • Stay in the green - was fine until late at night
    • 64 oz non-coffee, non-carbonated
    • 10K steps
    • Bed by 11:00
    • Read the dysfunctional team book
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,512 Member
    Recap M 1/29
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 50:13 / remembered to stretch after = yay! :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,523 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 35 floors :smiley:
    3) Not sure of meal plan...have leftovers to eat / net calories green / monitor the usual = Net calories & sodium green, sugar red, protein good, fiber low & 14c water :neutral:
    4) Evening: pick up something for office-mate's bday Fri / prep bday cards to mail sister and friend / review cake recipes for Mom (her bday is Wed & I'm going to visit) / wash towels / wrap bday gift for ex-roomie & prep to ship = surprisingly, got everything on list done, except deciding which cake recipe to make :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = still on screen past 9 :# + difficulty falling asleep :s = see the correlation! :# / everything else done :smiley:

    JFT T 1/30
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 49:25 & stretched after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green / monitor the usual
    4) Mail bday package to ex-roomie & bday card to E / bake & frost cake
    5) Off computer & phone 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30

    Tomorrow, Wed, I am off work and driving 3hr round trip to visit mom & dad on her 81st bday. Dad, who's an excellent cook, is making lasagna for our noon meal. Not sure how logging will go, but do intend to walk (maybe dog instead of treadmill?) before I leave home.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Yesterday was a good day diet-wise - managed to stay within calories even though I went to the pub in the evening!! This is a real first.

    A second first (or maybe just a second!) Is that I pre logged three alcoholic drinks and then chose to have only two. I think that has literally never happened before. A definite NSV! :)

    Yesterday's commitments -

    - log everything I eat :smile:
    - stick to food plan :smiley:
    - read Response cards 3 times today :neutral: Only managed two but it worked anyway
    - 30+ minute lunch break :smile:
    - leave work by 6pm latest :neutral: 6.30 - got distracted by some big news about company restructuring and ended up chatting to colleagues about it till late. I'm not negatively affected and might actually be able to wangle something positive out of it if I play my cards right. Was scheming with my colleague about how to go about it!
    - one water for every alcoholic drink :smile:

    Fantastic NSV and staying within your desired calorie amount. Now, JFT do it again! I think folks who eat out a couple times a week or more, really have to be intentional, just like you were yesterday. You certainly need a social life and you just proved that you can "have your um, cake, and eat it too" by your stupendous self control.
    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I’ve been feeling okay!
    Apart from 1 day where I was sick again. Typical really. As soon as I get medicine or flag up some sort of ailment to my gp it miraculously disappears...
    So not needed to take tabs but that’s a good thing! But had a call confirming I have a bacteria in my guts (not sure which) and they’re sorting that now to see what I need. Probably antibiotics.

    But today, I’ve felt the best in ages! I’ve been so happy all day! And all it took was having the house spotless from the night before so no cleaning when I got up and a coffee before the kids got up and that sorted me for the day! (Although had to sacrifice my bladder lol, I went for a wee about 4 times in an hour!)

    I have found that when my home is clean and orderly, I am at peace, can handle life's hiccups, I am more joyful, and just happy. But it took me a number of years to figure that out...I realized when I visited a certain friend whose home was in order, I had such a tranquil feeling come over me...no chaos or distractions of things screaming to be cleaned or picked up. So I began to emulate her. It's harder with kids but they are being trained as well. And I realized if I tidy up daily it only took a few minutes, which was/is much easier to carve out than an hour or more! (and why is it the one day my house looks topsy turvy is the day a neighbor will decide to come over---nope, just can't make it over when the house is gleaming, lolol!!!)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I’m happy about the garden, but even more excited for when we move house which will hopefully be this year if we buckle down and get saving!
    I’d love to have some grass! And some areas where I can plant flowers! Which is weird because even when I was in my early 20s and still living at home, my mum and dad had a massive garden yet I had never mowed it, never planted a flower because I hated insects and such. In fact the most I did in that garden was dig holes to bury my hamsters haha
    So I don’t know where this sudden love of gardening has come from!
    Plus as it will be our own garden and not shared we will buy some lovely furniture and my OH wants a fire pit and BBQ. And we can get swings and slides for the kids.
    I can’t wait! feel like life is really taking off this year for us as a family!

    Ooooh! Keep us updated about the house search! Exciting times! And am so pleased that you found out about your stomach issue. Hopefully it will be 100% again soon---again, please keep us updated.

    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Recap M 1/29
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 50:13 / remembered to stretch after = yay! :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 13,523 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) hours & 35 floors :smiley:
    3) Not sure of meal plan...have leftovers to eat / net calories green / monitor the usual = Net calories & sodium green, sugar red, protein good, fiber low & 14c water :neutral:
    4) Evening: pick up something for office-mate's bday Fri / prep bday cards to mail sister and friend / review cake recipes for Mom (her bday is Wed & I'm going to visit) / wash towels / wrap bday gift for ex-roomie & prep to ship = surprisingly, got everything on list done, except deciding which cake recipe to make :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 = still on screen past 9 :# + difficulty falling asleep :s = see the correlation! :# / everything else done :smiley:

    JFT T 1/30
    1) Treadmill 3 mi before work / 49:25 & stretched after :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Net calories green / monitor the usual
    4) Mail bday package to ex-roomie & bday card to E / bake & frost cake
    5) Off computer & phone 9:30 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:30

    Tomorrow, Wed, I am off work and driving 3hr round trip to visit mom & dad on her 81st bday. Dad, who's an excellent cook, is making lasagna for our noon meal. Not sure how logging will go, but do intend to walk (maybe dog instead of treadmill?) before I leave home.

    Safe travels. Your parents will love the effort you made. Enjoy that lasagna! If you haven't, I suggest you take a pic of your dad with the lasagna. I really regret not having any of my mom and her delish cooking. I made a cookbook for our married kid and his wife and included pictures taken over the years of the kids cooking or eating various dishes that are in the cookbook. Makes for very sweet memories....but I wish I had some of my mom to put next to her recipes :(
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Tuesday, Day 19

    Completed all goals, including logging my meal from CFA. I was even able to have a small ice cream cone and small waffle fries with my salad and still stay in the green.

    Log all food
    Stop eating by 8pm
    Drink 7 glasses of water before 7pm
    Complete online program
    Ride 5 miles on the bike

    Success: When I began this health journey in January I tried on a pair of ski pants. I could zip them but they were pretty darn snug. A couple weeks ago they were just snug. This morning they are a perfect fit around the belly and too loose around the waist!

    Question: Do any of my fellow aged 50+ friends have problems with getting rid of lower belly fat? It hasn't changed a bit (I measured) while my waist has gotten noticeably smaller (not small...smaller!). UGH I hate it.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,097 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    joan6630 wrote: »
    JFT, Monday
    1. log all food :)
    2. go to the gym :/ Since we had to meet with accountant, didn't have time for this.
    3. meeting with accountant to take in taxes. Hoping everything is there. if we eat lunch out, make smart choices :)
    4. remember my red cup - drink 8+ cups of water :/ Not home enough today, but hope to get in a few glasses tonite yet.
    5. get back on here be accountable :)

    I had to go back almost 5 pages just to find my post!! I love how active you all are, and how we are holding each other accountable, and encouraging each other!! Love you all!!

    JFT, TUes
    1. GO TO THE GYM!! I find I miss it when I don't go
    2. get back to decluttering .... tomorrow ... the linen closet, and "start" on the closet in my daughters room. (I still call it her room, even though she has moved out ... so much of her stuff still there!)
    3. drink water
    4. work on quilt
    5. review and read my beck diet solution cards!! Need to get back doing this
    6. read 1 chapter simple abundance
    7. read 1 chapter on book on emotional eating ..... be aware of my triggers!
    8. get back on here - be accountable!

    Those pesky but necessary accountants! I am tidying linen closets today---I am convinced gremlins live in pantries and linen closets---I get them all tidied and organized and a short while later BAM! they are in disarray again!

    Is that like.. Duvet covers and pillow cases etc?
    There’s a “life hack” where you put the set (so bottom sheet, duvet cover and 1 pillow case) into the remaining pillow case. And then they’re all together and when it comes to changing the bed you just pull out the pillowcaseyou need and everything is inside it!
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I’ve been feeling okay!
    Apart from 1 day where I was sick again. Typical really. As soon as I get medicine or flag up some sort of ailment to my gp it miraculously disappears...
    So not needed to take tabs but that’s a good thing! But had a call confirming I have a bacteria in my guts (not sure which) and they’re sorting that now to see what I need. Probably antibiotics.

    But today, I’ve felt the best in ages! I’ve been so happy all day! And all it took was having the house spotless from the night before so no cleaning when I got up and a coffee before the kids got up and that sorted me for the day! (Although had to sacrifice my bladder lol, I went for a wee about 4 times in an hour!)

    I have found that when my home is clean and orderly, I am at peace, can handle life's hiccups, I am more joyful, and just happy. But it took me a number of years to figure that out...I realized when I visited a certain friend whose home was in order, I had such a tranquil feeling come over me...no chaos or distractions of things screaming to be cleaned or picked up. So I began to emulate her. It's harder with kids but they are being trained as well. And I realized if I tidy up daily it only took a few minutes, which was/is much easier to carve out than an hour or more! (and why is it the one day my house looks topsy turvy is the day a neighbor will decide to come over---nope, just can't make it over when the house is gleaming, lolol!!!)

    I know, it’s like in my head I know it’s easier to keep on top of it and have a “do it now” approach. I always do this with the table after the girls have ate. I clean it an hour or so later after getting them to bed and it’s much harder trying to scrub off dried on bean juice than if I just wiped it straight away!!
    And I know this and I know I feel better when it’s all clean.

    So why the feck can’t I do it all the time haha! :lol:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I know, it’s like in my head I know it’s easier to keep on top of it and have a “do it now” approach. I always do this with the table after the girls have ate. I clean it an hour or so later after getting them to bed and it’s much harder trying to scrub off dried on bean juice than if I just wiped it straight away!!
    And I know this and I know I feel better when it’s all clean.

    So why the feck can’t I do it all the time haha! :lol:

    I was like that for the longest time! I would just put them in the sink and leave them. It's easier for me because it's just me and DH. But I've found over the last few days that doing the dishes as soon as we are done eating gives me such a sense of accomplishment. And if something has to soak I make sure that I do it before bed. I get depressed if I wake up to dishes in the sink. Lol. I do have to clean off the table next to where my DH sits. It's always so cluttered. Lol

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Back from a wonderful vacation to Yellowstone National Park in winter. It was exhilirating!Saw tons of bison and elk, trumpeter swans and ducks, and it was so interesting to see the paint pots, and thermal pools in winter---the snow gives it a whole different dimension.
    So many posts--I'll never get caught up!
    Exercise for 20"
    8 glasses of water
    Log all food.
    Study for master gardeners' class
    Organ practice--30"
    Remove clutter--30"
    It looks as if other posters are decluttering--January seems like a good time to get rid of stuff)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    So why the feck can’t I do it all the time haha! :lol:

    I KNOW!!!! I ask myself the same thing! I am my own worst enemy, lol!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    asclepsia wrote: »
    Back from a wonderful vacation to Yellowstone National Park in winter. It was exhilirating!Saw tons of bison and elk, trumpeter swans and ducks, and it was so interesting to see the paint pots, and thermal pools in winter---the snow gives it a whole different dimension.
    So many posts--I'll never get caught up!
    Exercise for 20"
    8 glasses of water
    Log all food.
    Study for master gardeners' class
    Organ practice--30"
    Remove clutter--30"
    It looks as if other posters are decluttering--January seems like a good time to get rid of stuff)

    We went to Yellowstone for the first time the last of October...and it snowed! It was quite lovely and saw so much wildlife. We've thought about going over Christmas...good to know you enjoyed it in the winter. How many days were you there?
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yes. Linen closet generally holds sheets, quilts, towels, etc. And here in the states many/most(?) people sleep with a top and bottom sheet, with the duvet used as a covering whereas I believe people in Europe oftentimes sleep with bottom sheet and duvet only, correct? So, if we use a duvet we only have one duvet cover (or a couple to switch out between seasons), as there is a sheet between the person and the duvet! Make sense? And some people don't use duvets. They have a quilt, bed spread or comforter on the top of the bed.

    Now, aren't you sorry you asked, lolol (I can't answer with a simple, "yes!")
    I've seen the sheet/pillowcase combo...never think to try it...thanks for the reminder!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I went out with my friend and her son this morning and now I have no desire to really do anything else. Lol. I went over my finances and wrote down all of the debt we owe so that I can see it all in front of me. It's not terrible, but it's still a decent amount. It's mainly my student loans and his medical bills. But at least all of my stuff we've been paying on time. I am a follower of Dave Ramsey and one of his things is paying off debt by doing the smallest bill and when that's paid off you use that money and whatever you have left in your budget to pay the next one off and up it goes until everything is paid off. Most people can pay it all off in about two years if they budget right and actually follow the steps. I think that once I have a job again we are going to do that. I also have a large check coming in and I can't decide if I should invest all of it so I dont have to pay taxes on it or use some of it to pay off debt and then invest the rest of it. I think I need to sit down with an accountant. Lol.

    I was supposed to go get my DH's car looked at today but I just dont feel like doing it. I might go to the gym later but my couch is really comfy so I think I'll sit here for a bit longer. Lol!
  • mmartin7613
    mmartin7613 Posts: 37 Member
    @ toaljasa
    Question: Do any of my fellow aged 50+ friends have problems with getting rid of lower belly fat? It hasn't changed a bit (I measured) while my waist has gotten noticeably smaller (not small...smaller!). UGH I hate it.

    Type this in your google search. There were a plethora of options.
    youtube lower belly fat exercises over 50