Pregnancy – August 2011



  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    My friend came over last night and brought me the high chair we registered for!! :bigsmile: :happy: She wouldn’t tell me when my shower is, only that she wasn’t able to make it. But I’m pretty sure it’s next Sunday. My mom, who never wants to do anything, suddenly wants to take me to lunch after church next week. I take her out to lunch for her birthday and mothers day and normally have to throw a fit to get her to go with me. Once she’s there we have a great time, but for some reason getting her to go is a huge process. I could be wrong, but either way I’m going to make sure I look nice that day. :laugh:

    Yesterday we spent an hour and a half walking around the car show (I was bored out of my mind) with hubbys aunt and uncle. We cut it short because it started to rain pretty hard and by the time we made it back to the car everyone was soaked. So of course I woke up this morning with a horrible cold. How it’s possible for my nose to be stuffed up and running at the same time, I’m not sure. Now I’m off to get ready for church and my family reunion this afternoon – hope everyone has a great Sunday!
  • I am pregnant, due January 2012. How do I join this group?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Abott - just jump right in! Congratulations and welcome! (And I asked almost the exact same question a few months ago :laugh: )

    Ron - it does sound like baby shower coming up next week :wink: Enjoy! And the car show - other than the walking, I'm jealous. I love looking at cars as much as my husband, but when his family goes to something like that, it tends to be a "guys outing" (I think I'm to only wife in the family who can drool over a '77 Stingray or get absolutely giddy about a classic Mustang). Sorry to hear you got soaked and you're not feeling well.

    I've had a bit of a sore throat and headache for the past couple of days. I know it's been going around the board, but it can't be contagious that way! Maybe something to do with pregnancy? :tongue:
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Ronya- that would be exciting to have your baby shower next Sunday if not at least you'll be able to enjoy a nice lunch out with your mother but you're probably right espesically since you only have a few more weeks left until baby time

    Julz- sorry you aren't feeling well that really stink when you're pg I got a pretty bad cold around 4th of July it really sucked

    Elizabeth- I stopped sleeping on my stomach pretty early on because it was uncomfortable and then I would switch from my side to my back but the past couple of weeks I have been exclusively sleeping on my side I haven't gotten out my body pillow yet but probably will need to in a few weeks I'm still not feeling uncomfortable yet

    I think that I will add in a pregnancy ticker as well
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome Abott I'm new too just started posting yesterday! Do you know what you're having? I'm not sure when in Jan you are due but I am due Nov 22nd so it wouldn't be too far off from Jan this is my 3rd baby.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Last box!!!!!! :love: :love:
  • mukie89
    mukie89 Posts: 99 Member
    Love the pic rach:)

    Will catch up more in the next couple of days. I'm actually sitting on the plane taking me to my conference in Seattle :) my bitthday was so good! My mam thoroughly spoiled me :) I certainly ate alot, after getting gifted with my fab chocolates, chocolate dipped fruit and a dinner out but I'm confident I can male up for this over the next few days by exercising at the hotel.

    Have a great Sunday ladies! Xoxo

    excuse the spelling mistakes =p after waking up at 5, catching a plane at 7:50 and taking the 5.25 hour flight to seatlle i was kinda stuffed. unfortunately when i got to the hotel i couldnt check in for another hour, so ive used that time to go to the gym :smile: made me feel great after the stuffy plane.

    ronya- thats awsome that your friend got you the highchair you wanted!!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Do they not trust you to call if you head to the hospital?

    Well, I always thought we would call and let them know, however after today it is making me second guess that decision...I worry that they will just come down and sit in the waiting room, and crash our bonding party as soon as the baby is out. I would much rather have the baby, have an hour or two to bond and breastfeed, and and rest for 4-5 hours before any visitors arrive.

    I'd say set the boundaries in advance that you will call them but they can't come to the hospital until you call them again and give them the go ahead. What if you don't tell them so they call and you don't answer, then they come to the house and they don't answer, so they just show up at the hospital "to check"?!

    I've realized how lucky I am in this regards. 1) no one lives near us so no one can show up unannounced or really uninvited and 2) my folks drove down overnight from Chicago to pick up my son and take him home with them when I was in labor earlier than planned and had not one to watch The Boy. They not only drove all the way from Chicago to Nashville, but they took just a few hours to get a little rest (they were there probably 3 hours tops and in my room for maybe 1-2 hours? I was puking, I don't remember. Plus they totally left me alone). Anyway... they drove all the way down there and then LEFT before the baby was even born. They easily could have waited around and rushed in to see him but instead went home to wait and come see him a week or so later after he was home and we were ready (well, that's not how it turned out, my mom flew back down the next day when we found out he was sick... but, that was the plan at least!)
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    Hello everyone! It sounds like you all are doing well :smile: Hopefully I will have time to post more later (work has been crazy) but I just wanted to post exercise results for the week really quick.

    Monday - 45 minute walk
    Wednesday - 45 minute walk
    Thursday - 45 minute walk
    Friday - 30 minute walk
    Saturday - 30 minute walk
    Sunday - 1 hour walk
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Do they not trust you to call if you head to the hospital?

    Well, I always thought we would call and let them know, however after today it is making me second guess that decision...I worry that they will just come down and sit in the waiting room, and crash our bonding party as soon as the baby is out. I would much rather have the baby, have an hour or two to bond and breastfeed, and and rest for 4-5 hours before any visitors arrive.

    I'd say set the boundaries in advance that you will call them but they can't come to the hospital until you call them again and give them the go ahead. What if you don't tell them so they call and you don't answer, then they come to the house and they don't answer, so they just show up at the hospital "to check"?!

    I've realized how lucky I am in this regards. 1) no one lives near us so no one can show up unannounced or really uninvited and 2) my folks drove down overnight from Chicago to pick up my son and take him home with them when I was in labor earlier than planned and had not one to watch The Boy. They not only drove all the way from Chicago to Nashville, but they took just a few hours to get a little rest (they were there probably 3 hours tops and in my room for maybe 1-2 hours? I was puking, I don't remember. Plus they totally left me alone). Anyway... they drove all the way down there and then LEFT before the baby was even born. They easily could have waited around and rushed in to see him but instead went home to wait and come see him a week or so later after he was home and we were ready (well, that's not how it turned out, my mom flew back down the next day when we found out he was sick... but, that was the plan at least!)

    We've decided to approach it like this;

    We will call the immediate family when I go into labor if they can handle not telling people and NOT coming to the hospital. We will call them as soon as the baby is born and let them know when it would be a good time to visit. This day is about us and bonding as a family of 3 (for us at least), not pleasing everyone else. If they aren't able to accept that we won't be calling until AFTER he's here.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend! We got a few things done on our "To do before Avery is Here" list. Still so much to do and time is just flying by! And call me crazy but I have a suspicion that we're going to have an earlybird on our hands... watch because I say that he will be late now :wink: I have an appointment today so we'll probably find out more then but at my last appointment, 2 weeks ago, the doctor was very surprised that he was already locked, loaded and ready to go ie dropped into my pelvis. This usually happens 3 weeks before delivery.... that was 2 weeks ago! I'm not saying he'll be here tomorrow or next week by any means but I don't think we'll be making it to our due date.

    Happy Monday :flowerforyou:
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    In all honestly, I can't remember what we arranged as far as calling people with my first. I do know that I said NO ONE will be there when I deliver except my husband (I changed my mind when it came time and let my MIL stay, but I had a better relationship with her then). My husband called everyone after she was born to announce it. With #2 we had to drop the other child off at in-laws, so they were stuck with her and couldn't crash us at the hospital. He was born at midnight, so we didn't call until morning. Similar kind of thing for #3 (except for timing).

    But I think I need to start deciding what I want for this one. My biggest fear right now is that I'll need to go to the hospital in the middle of the night when husband is at work, and not wait until he can get out of there and home (he's a "controller" for a tv station, so if he leaves in the middle of Letterman, he's got to make sure there's someone else to cover and go to commercials at the right time) and then whomever I stir out of bed to take me won't leave. But I can always talk to nurses and have them come up with an excuse for me. Like I said, need to start thinking about it, so I know what to tell family to expect.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Abott – welcome! Just jump right in.

    Julz – you would have loved the car, it’s actually one of the biggest ones in the county. I hope you’re not getting sick. My cold started out as a sore throat and headache a few days ago, and I think the rain just pushed it over the edge for me.

    Lindsey – yea for the last box!!! :bigsmile:

    Melissa – good for you for going to the gym. You’re better than me; I would have just sat in the lobby and waited to check in. :laugh:

    Jenna – great job on the exercise challenge!

    Danielle – I hope you have a good appointment today!

    I’m going to call my mom when I go to the hospital and I’ll let her handle everyone else. I don’t care if my mom is at the hospital but once active labor starts the only one I want in the room with me is my husband. I was worried about everyone rushing the hospital until I realized the nurses will kick out anyone I don’t want there, so I’m not too worried about it anymore. They even told me they’d make up a medical reason that the visitors needed to leave so they wouldn’t know I wanted them gone.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I weighed myself today and I’ve managed to maintain my weight since my last doctor appointment. :noway: I think it’s a combination of walking more, eating better and throwing up most of my food. At this point I’m just happy that I’m keeping dinner and my vitamins down. :ohwell:

    Exercise challenge:
    Monday: walked 30 minutes
    Tuesday: walked 1 hour 10 minutes
    Wednesday: walked 30 minutes
    Thursday: walked 1 hour 10 minutes
    Friday: walked 1 hour
    Saturday: walked around the car show for an hour and a half
    Sunday: walked 20 minutes
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I've been exercising (some) all along, I might as well post it here too :laugh:

    Exercise challenge-
    M- Walk, 20 min
    T- swimming laps, 30 min
    W- walk, 10 min
    F- walk, 45 min
    Sa - swimming laps, 30 min

    It looks better than I though, when I list the whole week's at once! :happy:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Hi everyone!! Hope you all had a great weekend.

    Veronica and Matt- I don’t know what I am having, I run with team green! LOL. I really don’t have much of a “gut feeling” either. I guess we will find out soon enough! That kind of sucks that everyone crashed your birth! That is exactly what I don’t want to happen.

    Anne- Thanks for the tip re: the nurses. I will be sure to talk to them if I feel like I am not ready for visitors. I talked to my husband as well and he is going to call his parents and lay down some ground rules/let them know how it is going to go when I go into labour. I am sure that they will be ok with what we have to say.

    Elizabeth- It was probably around 20 weeks or so when I started to feel like my stomach was no good. Every since about 32 weeks it has seemed physically impossible.

    Melissa- Glad you had a great birthday and got spoiled! Enjoy your conference.

    Ronya- How sweet of your friend. You must be excited for your shower! Sorry you keep getting sick! And awesome job on keeping the weight gain in check.

    Abott- Welcome! Just jump right in with us.

    Julz- Hope you don’t end up getting a full blown cold! I had a runny/stuffy nose for ages with this pregnancy . I hope you can get something figured out too what to do when you go into labour. Could you have a close friend take you, and just stay until your hubby arrives?

    Lindsay- Yay for the last box!

    Mel- Your parents sound awesome! I am definitely having my husband set boundaries with his parents first.

    Danielle- I really like your approach. I had not even thought about asking them not to spread the word I am in labour right off the bat.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hope everyone had a good weekend! We got a few things done on our "To do before Avery is Here" list. Still so much to do and time is just flying by! And call me crazy but I have a suspicion that we're going to have an earlybird on our hands... watch because I say that he will be late now :wink: I have an appointment today so we'll probably find out more then but at my last appointment, 2 weeks ago, the doctor was very surprised that he was already locked, loaded and ready to go ie dropped into my pelvis. This usually happens 3 weeks before delivery.... that was 2 weeks ago! I'm not saying he'll be here tomorrow or next week by any means but I don't think we'll be making it to our due date.

    Happy Monday :flowerforyou:

    Fair warning -- Going past my due date was pure torture after I set myself up for thinking she was going to come early! Between the sh*ts and the prodromol labor and the OB telling me I could go any day at 36 weeks and telling me I wouldn't make it past 38 weeks at 37 weeks I REALLY thought she was coming a week or 2 early. Yet there I sat nearly fully effaced and 3cm dilated and having contractions every 5-10 minutes for 4 weeks. I'd probably still be pregnant if I hadn't been induced. :laugh: I hope you're right! :wink:
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Today is my due date based on being dated with my ultrasound. I am telling myself now that... that must have been wrong. Keeping Friday in mind. Friday is my due date based on the first day of my last period.

    If I don't have the baby by Friday we are going on a date to see the moving "The Help". Something special to keep my mind off it all!
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Holy moly is it ever slow around here since all the July babies were born!

    So, in an effort to get things moving again, and since we have some new faces, how about another "get to know you" type post. Copy and paste the questions into a new reply and answer for yourself. If you don't care to share some of the info, simply skip over.

    Real Name:
    How far along in pregnancy:
    # of Children you have:
    # of Children you want:
    Education (if applicable):
    Current Occupation:
    Dream Occupation:
    Marital Status:
    How you met your baby daddy:
    What brought you to MFP?
    How tall are you?
    What was your highest weight?
    What was your lowest weight?
    What is your goal weight?
    What is your goal size?
    Anything else you would like to share?
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,611 Member
    Real Name: Rachel

    Age: 27

    Location: Small town, Alberta, Canada

    How far along in pregnancy: 39 weeks 3 days

    # of Children you have: 0

    # of Children you want: 4-5 (if I could convince hubby! he wants 3 max)

    Education (if applicable): BA in Psychology

    Current Occupation: Stay at home wife. I have been off work for about 2 months (was under too much stress and was effecting my pregnancy negatively), prior to that I was doing payroll and accounts payable for the municipal government

    Dream Occupation: Stay at home mom until my children are old enough to care for themselves after school. At which point I want
    to upgrade my education to either be a social worker, psychologist, or maybe even a midwife.

    Marital Status: Married since July 10, 2010

    How you met your baby daddy: Valentines day 2008. We met in a bar in Calgary (where I was living when we met), and went out on our first proper date 2 days later. The rest is history!

    What brought you to MFP?: I wanted to lose weight to TTC. Then 3 weeks later I was pregnant!

    How tall are you?: 5'6"

    What was your highest weight?: It is my weight right now. I am ashamed to share.

    What was your lowest weight?: 163 (which was very thin for me)

    What is your goal weight?: 155

    What is your goal size?: 10 would be great, 8 would be better

    Anything else you would like to share?: I am really hoping for a drug free delivery experience with the lowest amount of intervention as possible. My interests include baking, cooking, budgeting, finance, psychology.