Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
  • cjbrummet
    cjbrummet Posts: 66 Member
    @happygirlxxx that is the fantastic news!!!!

    Well I made it to workout today, so go me. I spent 30 min using the weight machines. I spent a lot of time doing arm exercises and my arms feel like they are going to fall off right now. I dread how tomorrow will feel. But the results will be worth the effort.
  • happygirlxxx
    happygirlxxx Posts: 301 Member
    Thank you all!!! I am almost relieved ... I will be at 100% with the final test. The doctor said its not really necessary, but if it will give me peace of mind then to go ahead with it.

    I finally step on the scale ... scary number!! I have not gone all the way back to my Jan 1 weight, but have gained most of it :'( but as I said today is a a brand new day to start and smile :) Sorry guys I will screw up the progress of the challenge :|

    @cjbrummet good workout!

    The Winter Games

    Name: Ana
    Age: 42
    Height: 5'3”
    Highest weight: 229.6

    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018): 161.4
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018): 153.4

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 155.1
    Jan 12: 154.0
    Jan 19: 152.3
    Jan 26: 149.1
    Feb 2nd: 157.7
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: +8.6 (and this was in just one week!!!!)
    Weight -/+ this challenge: - 3.7
    Total weight lost: - 72.44

  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    @happygirlxxx - so glad the great came out in your favor. As for the weight gain, trust me, much of that is water. Get back on track today and when you step on the scale tomorrow you will see a big drop. The day after, a little more. After that, it's "real" and you just gotta work it. And you WILL! Don't beat yourself up about it - that just makes it worse.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    The Winter Games!

    Name: Birgit
    Age: 62
    Height: 6'0"
    Highest weight: 305 lbs. (4/4/16)

    Start Weight (Jan 8, 2018): 199.2 lbs.
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018): (190 lbs.) REVISED 186 lbs

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: missed it, jumped in late
    Jan 12: 191.8
    Jan 19: 190.0
    Jan 26: 187.4
    Feb 2: 187.2
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -0.2 lbs
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -12.0 lbs
    Total weight lost since 4/4/16: 117.6 lbs

  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    The Winter Games

    Name: Niki
    Age: 72
    Height: 5' 2.5"
    Highest weight: 278.4

    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018) 236.5
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018) 227.4

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 232.7
    Jan 12: 231.7
    Jan 19: 227.8
    Jan 26: 226.8
    Feb 2: 230.4
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: +3.6
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -6.1
    Total weight lost: -48

    I am sorry also, group, for having such a bad week weigh-wise ... I didn't overeat on any day, it's just that I'm in the 'hold-it' stage of tummy-work and hope things will have evened out by next week's weigh-in.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    @happygirlxxx ... So wonderful that your tests came back 'good' ... welcome to the age of lumpy lumps in all the wrong places :)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @happygirlxxx ... so glad to hear that news!

    Name: Tracy
    Age: 44
    Height: 5’5”
    Highest Weight: 274
    Current Weight: 210
    Goal weight: 190

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 202.8
    Jan 12: 200.8
    Jan 19: 201.2
    Jan 26:201.0
    Feb 2nd:199.0
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -2
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -11
    Total weight lost: 75 lbs.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    Name: Margie
    Age: 71
    Height: 5' 1 ½”
    Highest weight: 295 (Late Aug.2017)

    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018) 278.5
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018) 271.5

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 278.25
    Jan 12: 273.0
    Jan 19: 272.0
    Jan 26: 272.5
    Feb 2nd: 269.5
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -3.0
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -9.0
    Total weight lost: 25.5
  • raindogmaa
    raindogmaa Posts: 205 Member
    @happygirlxxx So glad to hear your results!!! What wonderful news! I agree with @birgitkwood ... I am sure much of that is water. I know that you will now fully focus and continue to inspire us all with your workout reports and recipes!

    AFM -- Well... still recovering from the foot surgery and so so so so anxious to get back to physical activity. I have some personal stress family drama happening right now so the fact that I am not binging my troubles away is a major NSV. On the scale I went up a bit this week and I am exactly where I started at the beginning of this challenge. I am absolutely not going to reach my challenge goal but I am so grateful for this challenge because its making me accountable... and given my current situation, I could have really put on the pounds if I let myself. Today is a good day.

    Name: Cyndy
    Age: 60
    Height: 5' 3"
    Highest weight: 252

    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018): 208.8
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018) 190

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 209.9
    Jan 12: 206.6
    Jan 19: 206.6
    Jan 26: 207.5
    Feb 2nd: 208.8
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: +1.3
    Weight -/+ this challenge: 0
    Total weight lost: 43.2

  • ckozl81
    ckozl81 Posts: 59 Member
    Name: Carol
    Age: 37
    Height: 5' 9"
    Highest weight: 364

    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018) 339
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018) 329

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 336.1
    Jan 12: 342.2 (it was birthday week)
    Jan 19: 338.7
    Jan 26: 337.7
    Feb 2nd: 338
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: +0.3
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -1

    Total weight lost: 26.0
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @ana-- so happy to hear your good news!!

    AFM-- well, it's coming off really, really slowly, but at least the scale is moving in the right direction. I know in part, it's due to my own inconsistencies. I tend to have one or two days/week where I'm not eating very healthily, and that bumps the scale back up, but at least it's coming back down a tiny bit lower each week.

    Friday fitness:
    Got to the gym Monday and Wednesday, and I plan to go again tomorrow. Getting back into running has been more difficult than it ever was in the past.

    Name: Karen
    Age: 48
    Height: 5' 7"
    Highest weight: 247

    Start Weight (Jan 2, 2018) 205
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018) 190

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 203
    Jan 12: 202.4
    Jan 19: 202.4
    Jan 26: 202.2
    Feb 2nd: 201.8
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -.4
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -3.2
    Total weight lost: 45.2 lbs
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    The Winter Games

    Name: Cellosmiles
    Age: 37
    Height: 5' 3"
    Highest weight: 257

    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018) 227
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018) 217

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 223.4
    Jan 12: 224.2
    Jan 19: 226.6
    Jan 26: 226.6
    Feb 2nd: 225.2
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.2
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -1.8
    Total weight lost: -31.8

    Well being sick all week helped me not to gain more weight by stopping my overeating indulging phase!

    Well my daily 4 goals havent gone overly well.
    1. Logged most of what i ate. Didnt bother on a few days...because it didnt stay in anyways.
    2. Havent eaten any chocolate.
    3. Washed just enough dishes to make some homemade chicken noodle soup. The rest remain.
    4. Ate veggies once but they came back out. So i put that on hold for a few days...maybe tomorrow.
  • b_lisieux
    b_lisieux Posts: 187 Member
    @cellosmiles Sorry you've been sick. Hope you are 100% recovered! That wasn't a fun way to lose some weight! :smile:

    @skinnyjeanzbound Slow and steady wins the race. :smile:

    @raindogmaa I would say you definitely had a huge NSV this week with all that have going on. It would have been so easy to binge but you didn't. Way to go!!! Pat yourself on the back!

    @happygirlxxx That kind of one week weight gain is water. I agree completely with @birgitkwood. It will come off before you know it, a little more each day.

    We are having a family birthday dinner here today for my daughter. I've already entered the dinner into my journal and can plan the rest of my day around it. My granddaughter is coming home from college for it and I'm looking forward to seeing her. I made one of her favorite snacks that she loves....sadly I love it too. It's called Chocolate Chip Cheeseball. That will be very hard to stay out of but I'll try. :smile: Tomorrow we are supposed to go to a Super Bowl party but now they are calling for snow so maybe we'll just stay home. That wouldn't break my heart. I'm not into football at all, don't even understand the game, plus I can control my own food. :wink: Let it snow. LOL Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    The Winter Games

    Name: Barb
    Age: 70
    Height: 5'3”
    Highest weight: 258
    Start Weight (Jan 1, 2018): 204.8
    Goal Weight (Friday, Feb 23, 2018): 195

    Weigh-ins on week of
    Jan 5: 206.2
    Jan 12: 202.8
    Jan 19: 202.8
    Jan 26: 204.2
    Feb 2nd: 202.8
    Feb 9:
    Feb 16:
    Feb 23:

    Weight -/+ this week: -1.4
    Weight -/+ this challenge: -2
    Total Weight loss overall: -55.8

    I guess I had better revise my goal to just getting back into Onederland! Had a little set back this week, nothing major but left me very tired everytime I tried to do anything. So...basically just read and ate! Amazing I still managed to lose what I had gained the previous week, water weight after surgery???? Will have the challenge numbers shortly!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    The Winter Games Report Week 5 We had an overall gain this week but I don't want anyone to feel bad, there were extenuating circumstances and many things going on. I'm sure this coming week will be much better so just keep plugging everyone, we can do it! GOOD NEWS we now have 3 people who have met their challenge goal! Congratulations to Tracy @NewCaddy, Maggie @b_lisieux and Birgit @birgitkwood great job! the rest of us still have three weeks to work toward our personal goals. Onward and downward as they say!
  • kbeyer23
    kbeyer23 Posts: 88 Member
    Hi! This seems like a really nice thread of lovely people. I'd love to join in.
    My name's Katrina. I'm 36, a stay at home mom of two boys (4 & 8yrs) and I'm starting a weight loss journey (AGAIN). Actually, it took me a lot of courage to get back on the wagon this time after losing and gaining the same 50+ pounds three times over the past 8 years! Fear of failure had kept me from trying again. But, I've been back at it for about a month now and down from 302 to 289. I know I need a closer community and accountability this time.
  • birgitkwood
    birgitkwood Posts: 486 Member
    Thanks, @bapcarrier, for that synopsis. It's always nice to see how we're doing as a group. It helps! Altho no congrats are in order for ME just yet - I've revised my goal for this challenge down to 186 because the original goal (190) was quickly met just by dropping a bunch of water weight. So right now I'm still 1.2 lbs from my goal and, frankly, I may not reach it by 2/23! Looking ahead at the next few weeks I see family events, V-day (chocolate!!), as well as my birthday. All of which involves food that's out of my ordinary daily menu plan. But I know I have to make emotional space for that sort of thing or life is simply not worth living.

    Having said that, I'm really working hard at getting back to my pre-Thxgvg maintenance weight of +/- 182. I had gained approx 10#s over the holidays and IT MUST COME OFF!! It's truly hard! I keep telling myself to be patient and that last year it took me about 3 mos to go from 192 - 182, so I really have no reason to fret. Difference is that last year my GOAL had been about 192, and instead of maintaining at that level I just kept losing for a few more months. This time I'm really wanting to get back down there and I'm finding it a serious challenge. But... It. Will. Happen!

    @kbeyer23 - wecome! We're so glad you found us! And well do I know your struggle. I was overweight my entire adult life, until I finally got up to my highest at 305. Somehow last year something finally clicked in my brain and I managed to take off the weight. You can too! Just keep doing what you know to be the right thing, and don't give up. We're all here, rooting for you. You got this!
  • lessofme150
    lessofme150 Posts: 105 Member
    Good evening everyone!

    I am trying to remember to come in here on a more consistent basis but have failed miserably. I know that this group knows the struggles I am going through and hoping that things click again for me before I am back up to my highest weight. I am way too embarrassed to even post what that number is so kudos to those who are posting for the winter games. I realistically should lost 200lbs but will be happy with 150 for now. I know, baby steps and break it down to smaller numbers but wanted you to all know that this group is where I should be.

    I have recently been diagnosed with high blood pressure (right before Christmas). I have been borderline for many years and with my Dads HBP history / family heart issues my dr has monitored it closely all this time. My dr has been after me to lose weight a lot the past couple of years and every time he does, I just want to scream “tell me something I don’t already know!” Since being diagnosed with HBP, my eating has gotten way worse instead of better