Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    So I know it isn't Thursday but here is my truth - I'm getting discouraged.

    I'm eating well (sometimes my choices aren't always the best like pizza but they fit in my macros for the day), drinking plenty of water, and eating a lot of fruits and veggies. Last week I gained 3 lbs and I was sure it was water weight and would come back off this week - this morning my scale showed a half pound loss which is disappointing.

    Logically I know this won't go fast and I know that probably the skin issues I'm dealing with are contributing to my gains and now super small loss - but it is still discouraging because I've been working so hard tracking daily, trying to make better choices, drinking my water and so on. I know right now adding exercise won't help because whenever I've added that in the past for the first 2 weeks I show big gains as my joints settle into things and the swelling in them goes down (which I am now discovering the swelling in my hands and feet in the morning and in some of my joints when I start up an exercise program could be related to the skin issue if this is indeed psoriasis).

    I know I need to push through this and not give up, I know I need to commit to myself and put myself first. Maybe putting myself first means hiding our scale for a bit and just basing it off of how clothing fits and feels.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    BUMP. Happy Friday!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @Lois_1989‌ - I have an app on my laptop called Freedom which disables the Internet for a set amount of time. The only way to get around it is to reboot the computer which, unless it's some sort of weird Internet emergency, I'm not likely to do. It can also be scheduled to start at certain times of day. Thinking it's time to start using that again. Anyway! Congrats on the loss and stay strong!

    @MKknits‌ - Hang in there. If you stick with your plan, even when it seems like you're not making any progress, then you're developing valuable skills like discipline and commitment. Remind yourself that time passes no matter what, and you'll be glad you used yours to create healthy habits.

    I plan a productive day today - cleaning, laundry, writing, errands.

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 11-17

    Diet Goals

    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - 3/7
    * No fast food 2/7 days - 1/7
    * Plan meal for Sissy Night with healthy options for me -

    Excercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3/7 days - 2/7
    * Short yoga at home as part of Miracle Morning - 6/7

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 4/7
    * Refill pill box when empty - DONE

    Personal Goals

    * Follow Miracle Morning routine 7/7 days - 6/7
    * In bed, lights out by 10:30pm 5/7 days - x/7
    * Tweak night time routine -
    * Create concrete task(s) to accomplish after morning routine/before sitting down to work -

    Cleaning Goals

    * Finish decluttering kitchen -

    Work Goals

    * Edit mag profile #1 and file -
    * Write mag profile #2 and send out for review -
    * Write mag profile #3 and send out for review -
    * Write mag feature and file -
    * Set up interviews for mag profile #4 -
    * Invoice magazines
    * Write newspaper weekend feature #1 - DONE
    * Write newspaper weekend feature #2 - DONE
    * Invoice newspaper for weekend coverage - DONE
    * Set up interview for newspaper profile
    * Write newspaper precede #1 - DONE
    * Write newspaper precede #2 -
    * Invoice newspaper for work this week -
    * Figure out shopping cart issue for e-commerce site
    * Sub at high school on Thursday afternoon - DONE
    * Send 5 pitches on behalf of PR client - DONE
    * Follow up on pitches from last week - DONE

    January All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 16/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 3/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 7/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday- I am just going to post real quick and do more later. I was hit with a road block in loving myself last night but I decided that the best way to deal with the situation was to change it. As I stated prior the my Math teacher was from Russia hard for me to understand him and he was extremely fast. I asked him for help during office hours last night and he belittled me and made me feel very stupid. I even told him I struggle a lot with math and never had algebra in my life until last semester at 40 he basically called me a liar and said math is easy. He said it is day 2 I shouldn't be asking for help already. He proceeded to pull my pencil out my hand and said "here I will do it for you" I was just stating I didn't understand why the sign changed but all my math numbers were right. I left got in my car and cried for 20 minutes all the negative talk in my head attacked full speed. I woke up this morning thinking I am not stupid and yes I struggle with math because it is hard for me and a teacher who doesn't understand or believe is not going to help me learn. I dropped the class will take it again in the summer or fall. Thanks to those who offered me help but I won't need it this semester. In the past I would have stayed in the class and been pissed the whole semester at the situation. Cheers to learning my worth.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen‌ - You definitely made the right choice getting out of that class. No one deserves to be treated like that! I hope you made it clear to the Registrar why you were dropping the class, and I highly recommend emailing the Chair of the Math Department as well. S/he needs to know how this instructor is behaving.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Friday!

    @Karen~Thanks for the heads up, sounds like I need to get my legs strong! :wink: I really don’t want to tip over and submerge myself in Alaskan waters! LOL I hope you are making headway in your grading.

    @Kaye~I was going through the exact same truth with myself that while I have lost over 100# there are still many lessons that haven’t sunk in. I had to be honest with myself—I’m trying to be better about it now and look for the cues when I find myself reaching for something I shouldn’t. Excuses are so easy to come by. No wonder I wasn’t making any progress. I really think it’s something that will always be our Achilles Heel; we’ll have to be cognizant of our choices every day for the rest of our lives.

    @ereilly~I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. :frowning: It’s so hard to watch the people closest to us suffer; I’m sorry for what she had to endure over the last years.

    @bluetopaz~LOL You should see the bugs in Texas! I swear the grasshoppers are the size of a small rodent. :lol: I lived in NY for 27 years so can empathize with the cold/humidity in the northeast. I do not miss it at all! :smile:

    @lleecc~I had the same fear for years and there were times that I did lose and gain back (sometimes more than I lost). The last time I started this journey though I promised myself I wasn’t going back and I haven’t. There are times I’ve had gains here and there but I have never given up and haven’t gained anything near what I would have in the past.

    @MKknits~You mentioned you may have psoriasis, right? It is an auto-immune and inflammatory disease, so can certainly see how it could be affecting your weight loss. Have you seen a dermatologist? They may be able to prescribe some medication to ease your symptoms. Also, remember not to deny yourself of the foods you enjoy just have them in moderation—so it’s okay to have the pizza, if it fits in your macros it’s all good. Most of all, don’t be hard on yourself—remember it’s not a race, the weight didn’t pile on overnight so it won’t come off over night. All those ½ pound losses add up in the end.

    AFM~Not much to report. Had a session with my trainer last night, he never has me do burpees but did last night! PURE EVIL! :smiling_imp: Going to be in mid-60s here this afternoon so meeting a friend and her four dogs at the park for a walk (we have same trainer so thing he’s joining us as well). I feel like I’ve done well with exercise this week, met my goals, hoping the scale reflects that tomorrow.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Cardio DONE!
    Monday~Cardio DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Thursday~Trainer DONE!
    Friday~Walk w friend at park
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Friday Fitness (could also be viewed as my Thursday Truth)…been a tough week with fitness. Monday …to sore to walk. Tuesday…sister was sick. Wednesday…no excuse, just didn’t go. Thursday…put the wrong color fondant on a cake so I had to start all over. With the restart I didn’t get done until 1:30 so I’m glad I skipped the gym or I would have had to take vacation day so I could get it done. BUT…the cake will be picked up by 7:00 tonight so we’re hitting the gym after that.

    @Holly…if I don’t get logged in before the end of the work day, I’m most likely not going to be posting (see yesterday for example). I know I do better when I get on here and read from everyone and post myself – helps me focus. Too bad about your math professor – very unprofessional…would have been nice to get it out of the way. I’ve always loved math. Right now, my daughter is learning the “new” math and that means I can’t really help her as I don’t know how to do it. They say that those that don’t learn math the traditional way will be really helped with this new option of learning…I wonder if you could do some of that. Might help you with your upcoming math classes. I believe they have it on the internet quite a bit or maybe reach out to the local school for information.
    @Tom…was there nothing going on for January 15th? I see that World Humanitarian Day is celebrated August 19th.
    @Kelley…we reached 42 yesterday!! And it is suppose to stay in the 30-40 range until next Wednesday – heat wave!! One of my favorite “adventure” excursions in Alaska was doing the zip line. If you can work it in to the budget and timing, I would highly recommend it. I think Karen has a good point about kayaking. I’ve only done it in small lakes…doing it in the bay/ocean will be much wavier.
    @Hansea47…interesting how your day off looks busier than other days.  You must be a MOM???!!!!
    @ereilly311…so sorry to hear about your friend. Tragedies like that can really spin people for a loop. I agree with your take away though…I lost my dad at a younger age (63 – not nearly like your friend, but pretty early for a man that had a 90 year old dad). You do need to remember that life can be taken away at any moment and that it’s best to live life to the fullest. He kept saying “when I retire..” Never got that far and so I’m not saving my adventures for retirement.
    @Teresa…glad you are on the mend. My daughter had an emergency appendectomy this fall so I’m glad they caught it before it ruptured (Emma wasn’t so lucky). But lady….don’t GOOGLE things!! No better way to think you’re dying than to google things. HA!
    @Kaye…you can do this. One day at a time.
    @Laurie…glad your “rest” has done you well. When Emma was little, she was allergic to her formula. Before we figured it out, she would have periods of extreme crying. I, as her mother, had moments that I would set her in her crib and go outside for a few minutes so I didn’t have to hear her and just cry myself. One evening, I had a teenage girl and her boyfriend babysit while the mother and I went for dinner and a couple of drinks. Emma had cried at least 2 of the 4 hours. She told her Mom that it was bad enough that she didn’t want to have sex and become a mom accidently.  
    @Karen…my husband will now be home with us in the evenings. Plus he’s gone from 60-80 hours per week to just 40. Right now he feels like he’s on vacation and shouldn’t have to do too much around the house. I’m gonna give him a week to relax and enjoy his new found freedom but after that we might have to have a serious talk about some household duties. Although to be fair to him, he has done a wonderful job of being the parent that takes and picks up the kids from their activities.
    @melifornia…your friend has the job my son wants. 
    @MKknits…I can understand your frustration…15 days before my scale moved. Just keep at it and it’ll eventually lose the battle and give you the victory.

    AFM…yesterday was a bad food day but I never even logged it. At first it was just a “oh crap, I forgot” and then it turned into “what the heck did I eat…can’t remember.” On the plus side I was on my feet for most of the evening doing a large cake that’s due today so I burned more calories than normal. Today will be a better day as I can just START AGAIN after a tough one.

    Looking forward to the weekend. We have no formal plans so I might have to take in a movie. Haven’t seen one in a while. Have a great day everyone!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy Friday- I am just going to post real quick and do more later. I was hit with a road block in loving myself last night but I decided that the best way to deal with the situation was to change it. As I stated prior the my Math teacher was from Russia hard for me to understand him and he was extremely fast. I asked him for help during office hours last night and he belittled me and made me feel very stupid. I even told him I struggle a lot with math and never had algebra in my life until last semester at 40 he basically called me a liar and said math is easy. He said it is day 2 I shouldn't be asking for help already. He proceeded to pull my pencil out my hand and said "here I will do it for you" I was just stating I didn't understand why the sign changed but all my math numbers were right. I left got in my car and cried for 20 minutes all the negative talk in my head attacked full speed. I woke up this morning thinking I am not stupid and yes I struggle with math because it is hard for me and a teacher who doesn't understand or believe is not going to help me learn. I dropped the class will take it again in the summer or fall. Thanks to those who offered me help but I won't need it this semester. In the past I would have stayed in the class and been pissed the whole semester at the situation. Cheers to learning my worth.

    @Holly~You did the right thing. He should NEVER treat a student that way and in my opinion has no business teaching! :rage: Take it this summer and maybe try to take it with no other classes. I ditto melafornia's advice about letting the registrar and/or chair of the math department know how you were treated. He has no business teaching at any capacity!

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning all.

    Happy International Hot & Spicy Food Day
    It’s International Hot & Spicy Food Day! Archaeological evidence suggests that people have been using hot spices in their recipes for over 6000 years. Did you know that the hottest chili pepper in the world is the Naga Jolokia? On average, one of these peppers is over 170 times spicier than a jalapeno pepper!
    Throughout the world, there are hundreds of different spices that contribute to an array of hot flavored foods. Hot foods can actually be very good for you because of their medicinal and antimicrobial properties. Garlic, chilies, onions, allspice, and oregano all kill bacteria and make food safer to consume.
    To celebrate this holiday, try a few hot peppers or hot sauces with your food today!
    15 Hot Recipes for International Hot and Spicy Food Day

    “I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” – Muhammad Ali

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Happy Friday- I am just going to post real quick and do more later. I was hit with a road block in loving myself last night but I decided that the best way to deal with the situation was to change it. As I stated prior the my Math teacher was from Russia hard for me to understand him and he was extremely fast. I asked him for help during office hours last night and he belittled me and made me feel very stupid. I even told him I struggle a lot with math and never had algebra in my life until last semester at 40 he basically called me a liar and said math is easy. He said it is day 2 I shouldn't be asking for help already. He proceeded to pull my pencil out my hand and said "here I will do it for you" I was just stating I didn't understand why the sign changed but all my math numbers were right. I left got in my car and cried for 20 minutes all the negative talk in my head attacked full speed. I woke up this morning thinking I am not stupid and yes I struggle with math because it is hard for me and a teacher who doesn't understand or believe is not going to help me learn. I dropped the class will take it again in the summer or fall. Thanks to those who offered me help but I won't need it this semester. In the past I would have stayed in the class and been pissed the whole semester at the situation. Cheers to learning my worth.

    Oh,Holly, I am so sorry. I suggested you talk to the teacher because it had always worked for me in the past. That man turned out to be a brute, an ignorant son of a dog. I would report him to the dean's office.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen Holly, how horrible. That guy should NOT be teaching! A good teacher HELPS his students! I am glad you chose to wait for another teacher.

    @MKknits I sure can understand your frustration. I hope the Dr. can find the solution to your skin problems.

    @Niki Time to cook again. You KNOW you are happier and feel better when you do. Gotta admit though I sure didn't want to do it either last our age it seems we have been doing this 1000 years! LOL

    @Robin HI Ellen. I hope things are going well for you.

    It is mid morning and I think I had better get back to work.

    Make it a good day everyone.

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    tlh0407 wrote: »
    @Teresa…glad you are on the mend. My daughter had an emergency appendectomy this fall so I’m glad they caught it before it ruptured (Emma wasn't so lucky). But lady….don’t GOOGLE things!! No better way to think you’re dying than to Google things. HA!

    You are soooo right!! The more I looked the more it seemed I had some horrible cancer. My friend had asked me where I got my medical degree and I said, "WebMD of course! That's were everyone gets their degree." :D

    I'm feeling somewhat better this morning. Still tired and sore. Hubby and I are going to go run (i.e. walk slowly) some minor errands and try to get me a little more active. Sitting in a chair all day is aggravating my back issues. Good grief is all I have to say about that!! :s

    @mnwalkingqueen, what a terrible thing that stupid math teacher put you through!! I went back to school at 40 and math was a huge struggle for me. Fortunately, I had the most wonderful teacher whose patience and teaching ability helped me tremendously. I so hope you get a better teacher next time.

    @Tom, I <3 me some hot & spicy food. I'm thinking a nice pot of chili is in the works for tomorrow now that I'm back to eating normally.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

    My PA suspects it is psoriasis because of how I responded to prednisone - it went away when I was on the high dose but came back as soon as they started weaning me off of it plus it rebounded (so it came back about 3x as bad) which I guess is common when you treat psoriasis with steroids and not common with allergic reactions (which is what they thought it was at first). Apparently only a dermatologist can diagnose and treat psoriasis though so I'm on my own until I get in with one - and the closest apt they had was May 1 (just the thought of itching for that long is driving me nuts), though they did add me to a cancellation list so there is a chance I could get in earlier. For now I'm treating it holistically which provides some relief to the itch but isn't treating the bigger issue and the bigger issue needs to be treated.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen‌ You did the right thing! I had a statistics professor who treated me that way and I tried to stick it out and ended up failing (truthfully through no fault of my own I had proof she was marking my work wrong when on another classmates work it was correct and when I questioned her she wasn't able to show me why I was wrong she just kept repeating "It is wrong I don't change grades"). I worked so hard too and it was such a soul crushing defeat for me. Good news is I waited until I could sign up with a new statistics professor, retook it and aced it! Math is a struggle for me too so learning from someone that I struggle to understand and who isn't supportive makes it that much harder.
  • bluetopazsnake
    @kah68 - EKKK! As big as rodents? Nope! No thank you! lol I can understand why... this cold makes my bones ache so much!

    @MKknits‌ - I am sorry I read your post to mmwalkingqueen! But that is a BAD BAD math teacher! Statistics is stressful enough on its own, same with math. And she shouldn't be a teacher if she can't solve her own problems, and explain why each thing is and where you are making your mistake. Or be able to work through the problem correctly. I am sorry you had to deal with her. I am glad you aced it with another teacher! You go girl!

    Friday Fitness:
    I start school Tuesday, January 20th. So I plan to use the school gym.

    Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I am thinking of either using the treadmill, elliptical, or just walking around their inside lap belt thingy for an hour to start off with. I haven't been active for a while. So I think I will do this the first and perhaps the second week just to get in the habit of going. I am not sure what type of equipment is there, this being only my second semester. I would like to incorporate some strength training, but I am not even sure where to begin.

    Food wise.. I am unsure. My two busy days Tuesday and Thursday, I will only have 15 minutes in between classes. So... I think just a small amount of snacks in between.

    I am just starting out. So if you have any advice please share!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015

    saw on FB from a friend and had to share with you all. Some very good ideas in this.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @bluetopazsnake‌~I finished my college degree while working full-time and my schedule was so crazy. To this day I don't know how I did it. :wink: What's funny is that I didn't even know there was a fitness center on campus until after I graduated and I "happened" upon it when I attended a career expo! Really nice facility, too with Olympic size swimming pool and cardio machine after cardio machine! :flushed: Anyway, I went to a fairly large college with fast food places on campus--so I frequently got a sandwich from Subway. It travels well, so you could pick one up before heading to campus. I also had protein packed snacks in my bag that traveled well like protein bars (i.e. thinThin, Luna), single serving bags of mixed nuts, or half of a peanut butter sandwich--snacks like that along with a bottle of water often kept me from feeling hungry. Oh, and I chewed sugar free gum--I was usually in classes until after 10pm, kept me awake. :wink:
  • bluetopazsnake
    @melifornia - I hope you don't mind, but I decided to copy your planning schedule to do list thingy!

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 18-24

    Diet Goals

    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - #/7

    Exercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 2/7 days - #/7

    Health Goals

    * Get 8 hours of sleep - #/7

    P-Exam Goals

    Catching Up Work:
    * Do a quiz for Counting Techniques and Combinatorial Probability - #/1
    * Do a quiz for Random Variables - #/1
    * Study Moments (read 29 pages) - #/29
    * Do a quiz for Moments - #/1
    * Study Moment Generating Functions (read 11 pages) - #/11
    * Do a quiz for Moment Generating Functions - #/1
    *Study Percentiles, Mode, Skewness, and Kurtosis (read 15 pages) - #/15
    * Do a quiz for Percentiles, Mode, Skewness, and Kurtosis - #/1
    *Study Chebyshev’s Inequality (read 3 pages) - #/3
    *Do a quiz for Chebyshev’s Inequality - #/1
    *Do two quizzes for section 1 - #/2

    This week’s work:
    *Study Univariate Transformations (read 12 pages) - #/12
    *Do a quiz for Univariate Transformations - #/1
    *Study Discrete Distributions (read 51 pages) - #/51
    *Do a quiz for Discrete Distributions - #/1

    School Goals

    Applied Probability:
    * Read Sections 1.1-1.3 and 1.5 - #/9
    * Do Homework Problems - #/3
    * Read Sections 2.1 – 2.3 - #/16
    *Do Homework Problems - #/7

    Mantra: You got to do the work to get it.
  • bluetopazsnake
    @kah68 - That is impressive. I only work part time, just not the last two semesters. Like the last one or this one. I have been out of school for two years due to moving and trying to become a resident of the state. lol Sounds like something I would do. You just get so busy with life and especially with a full time job, you don't really have time to see all that a campus has to offer. That sounds awesome, the sandwich thing. lol I am going to try to stay away from the Hot Dog "Varsity Dog" food cart. They sell amazing quesadillas. But they are so not good for you at all! I am not sure how I am going to survive this semester. I have fallen so behind on my studying for the P-exam.. as you can see. And I should be doing more practice problems. Like every second of the day. ;-;
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi - have just been reading all the posts. Thanks for all the virtual hugs and well-wishes. <3 I'm not back yet, just stopping by.

    @Ereilly - my sympathies for your loss. A tragic situation, and my heart goes out to both you and her family. The mystery makes it all so much worse. I do hope you get an answer in time.

    @Walking Queen - proud of you for dropping the class. I also took a college nite course in math from a foreigner and had to drop it due to not being able to understand what he was saying. He'd say, and I'd hear "yaydee-yay" which I later learned was his pronunciation of "88" - it was just way beyond me!
    But, your teacher's rudeness and belittlement to you should be reported. A note would suffice - no need to go in person.

    You are ALL doing such a great job at supporting each other!

    Credit where Credit is Due - although my name is attached to this discussion, please be aware that @Skinnybluejeans and @Lauriek70 have been here since its inception, and have virtually been my partners in keeping this alive. Without their many worthwhile suggestions, and daily comments, and covering for me during my periods of absence, this discussion would have died out a long time ago. (Prior to the recent update, this discussion required a lot more maintenance and upkeep! )
    I'm sure you all have noticed their leadership here as well.

    Their daily presence is a benefit, their commentary so helpful, and their leadership so evident. A big round of applause for Laurie o:) and Skinny o:) is long overdue!!! <3<3<3

    New Business: February Challenge:

    I recently read an article about the value of weight-lifting in burning calories. I'm not going to sum it up, as there's plenty to be found on MFP and other on-line sites.

    Does anyone want to consider weight-lifting in the February Challenge, and if so, how should it be incorporated?