Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    ellie117 wrote: »

    I haven't joined one of these alcohol challenges yet, but since I started my journey in November 2017 I really cut back on my alcohol intake.

    Since 2011, I've gained roughly 60+lbs. My diet has never been "healthy" but I certainly didn't overeat or visit McDonalds too often. My problem? Craft beer. For a few years, I would finish or half a 6-pack per night. On weekends? I'd enjoy a 12-pack myself on Friday nights, another on Saturday nights, and probably a 6-pack on Sundays. WOW, just typing that out really puts into perspective how much I was drinking my calories and most likely doing damage to my liver.

    Since November 2017, I have almost cut out beer entirely. I went from 60+ beers per week, to down to 1-2 if any at all. On the 1-2 days a week that I do drink, I've switched over to white wines. Specifically Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio. By switching to wine, I drink far less calories in alcohol, and much less frequently than beer.

    I do miss the atmosphere of craft beer - local breweries in South Jersey are great hangout spots on nights and weekends. But I am truly seeing a difference in how I feel, look, and fit into my clothes.

    Hoping I can completely cut out beer and limit my wine intake to no more than 1 bottle lasting through the whole week.

    Thanks for this challenge!

    I guess a thread about drinking less isnt the place to discuss favorites, haha, but since you are a south jersey craft beer lover like myself - what are your favorite places?
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,299 Member
    @donimfp I am so glad I make you smile :)
  • randomlychosen
    randomlychosen Posts: 24 Member
    HELL YES. This is awesome.
  • randomlychosen
    randomlychosen Posts: 24 Member
    And the fact that alcohol and my medication don't go well together helps a lot as well. :D
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @randomlychosen that's where I'm at too! Sucks doesn't it?
  • randomlychosen
    randomlychosen Posts: 24 Member
    @randomlychosen that's where I'm at too! Sucks doesn't it?

    I had three glasses of wine last weekend and I felt so poorly the next day. I felt extremely dejected.
  • randomlychosen
    randomlychosen Posts: 24 Member
    I just want to remind myself and anyone else who didn't drink last night, how great we feel this morning. Now if I can just have a huddle back here around 5-7 pm tonight for everyone to remind me again, how great Saturday morning will feel as well! TGIF

    Haha. You're right. :)
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    @randomlychosen that's where I'm at too! Sucks doesn't it?

    I had three glasses of wine last weekend and I felt so poorly the next day. I felt extremely dejected.

    I had three and I was fine. The next day I had more than that and that's when the problem presented itself! So I set my goal to no more than 1-3 drinks Friday & Saturday and nothing on Sunday. One might be ok... a mimosa or a hot toddy. Those don't lead me to drink all day/night.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Good morning all. Feb day one was easy peasy for me being AF. But I failed some on the bad food choices. Does not help we woke up again in New England to a snow storm. UGH this sort of weather disappointment can trigger a lazy day. MUST GO WORKOUT.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Superbowl weekend. I do not PLAN to drink. If I do it might be one or two and that is it. We can do this everyone!!! We will make it through the weekend!!!!!