JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    • 64+ ounces
    • Stay under 1500 calories
    • 10K steps
    • Eat 4 different color freggies
    • Set up Thunderbird Tower group room
    • Start researching plumbers for particle filtration issue

    I get my water from a well. I am very happy with the water quality, but we do have a problem with particles in the water. Things that are large enough to buildup and overtime clog intakes on faucets, shower heads etc. I have to learn what can take care of this between the well and the house. It has become a real problem over the last two years as the build up has well it has built up.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @juntura Welcome! We are glad to have you! We are an awesome bunch of mostly women. We are an incredibly active board and always here for each other! I hope you enjoy it like we do!

    OMG!!! I've fallen below my first goal weight!! It was 155. I stepped on the scale this morning and it read 153.6!!! I can't believe it actually happened. Last year it felt like it never would! It's been two years since I've been this small! I'm so effing excited!

    Sorry to rhapsodize. Lol. I just can't contain how happy I am!

    That’s ANAZING!
    Well done!! You should be over the moon :)

    So what’s your next goal weight!!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @HGSmith0920 ☆☆ It's a celebration!!! ☆☆
    Congratulations on reaching your first goal weight :joy: It CAN be done and you are proving it!! Way to go!!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Well I kinda just lurked on JFT this weekend. Everyone is doing a great job and it is encouraging to see you all persevere through everything!

    ☆☆Welcome to all the new JFT posters☆☆

    This weekend I relaxed on Saturday and was productive on Sunday. However, each day I just "played it by ear." I did complete analyzing the 100 glycopeptides I needed to do and now I'm moving on to the next 100. After that just 100 left then I can work on writing my project paper and my poster. Then I get a break from school. I'm hoping the last few weeks of my pregnancy consists of relaxing and preparing for labor with no school worries!!

    2/5 Monday JFT:

    ▪Regular morning routine for kids
    ▪Breakfast w/ hubby
    ▪Weekly Grocery Trip
    ▪Pick up kiddos from school 3-4pm
    ▪Academy - need a few more baseball items
    ▪Raider Graphix - pick up kiddos embroidered baseball bag :joy:
    ▪Prenatal Yoga
    ▪Research work at Home - Analyze 20 glycoleptides
    ▪Dinner by 7 pm
    ▪Bedtime by 10 pm
  • Jcc2018
    Jcc2018 Posts: 20 Member
    1) Log my food intake
    2) Stay within caloric goals
    3) Drink 64 oz of water
    4) Read/meditate
    5) Be gentle with myself
    6) Be accountable to someone else
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 Thank you! My Ultimate goal is 125. My next goal weight is 140. That way there's 15 pounds between the next one and the ultimate. I find that more doable then if it was just 125. Lol.

    @MLHC1 Thank you so much! I'm still astounded that it actually happened.

    I haven't told the DH yet, but I think my weight loss is inspiring him to lose his extra weight. He's 5'3" and weighs almost 200lbs. The problem is that he as a very poor body because of years and years of extreme sports when he was younger. He had no health insurance doing those years so when he hurt himself he didn't go to the hospital or doctor and they all healed poorly. So now he's paying the prince. We have a nice park with awesome trails right down the road from us and we both have bikes and a bike rack so we're going to try a few bike rides when it warms up. It also helps that I pack relatively healthy lunches for him and make healthy dinners as well. So we'll see! Hopefully, it works. He's pretty tired of being so overweight. But I can't wait to tell him that I lost those extra 3lbs! Lol
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    @Bex953172 Yay! That's awesome! I can't wait to see baby pictures! Lol. It's probably all the work you're doing now that's making you so tired. Although I wouldn't know. Lol. I've never been pregnant. But I know that since I started writing out a list and times to do things I've been getting waaaay more done in a day then I used to so I'm exhausted every night. I'm usually in bed the latest 11. Most nights it's earlier and I tend to fall sleep on the couch during the evenings too. Lol. But I'm glad that you are getting a lot more done these days. Hopefully, it'll help now that you'll have 3 little ones running around. Lol.

    @missheidi That makes a lot of sense then. Lol. I came from a relatively small school district. My graduating senior class only had like 200 hundred students in it, if that.

    that's how i grew up. if i would have graduated from my home town my class would have had about 60.
  • Holly1019
    Holly1019 Posts: 43 Member
    Thank You @Saragirl2 .... I did do a JFT list and am doing pretty good at it. I think it will help. I am logging my food and I already stretched.
  • Holly1019
    Holly1019 Posts: 43 Member
    Just For today. Make sure I thank all of you wonderful people here taking the time to read and help others. Its very helpful.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    I'm really bad at weekends. Just sayin.

    2/5 JFT
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    swim 1000
    working on a new crochet project.
    delivered passes, am at 6017 steps and 5 flights of stairs. whew!

    my oldest has started pulling out his eyebrows and eyelashes, called trichotillomania. It's a compulsion, probably related to the autism and sensory issues. Hoping to get it redirected before it's too bad.

    Oh no that’s awful.
    I have dermatrillomania? Which is skin picking. So any scabs or spots I just can’t leave alone.
    It’s a horrible compulsion to have, caused by my anxiety.
    Hope they can sort something xxx
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    Congrats @HGSmith0920 - great news on the loss!

    I have managed most of my list today. Feeling recovered after my rubbish Sunday. Think lots of us seem to struggle with weekends but I am really valuing the way that JFT brings me straight back to a new day.

    So recap 5/2:

    - exercise before kids get up ✅
    - water 2ltr + ✅ but could really have done with more
    - stay within calorie goal ✅
    - intervention assessment :/ just not enough time today
    - amend Thursday plan ✅
    - medium term plan ✅
    - amend notes from coordinator ✅
    - batch cook veggies ✅

    As soon as my cooking is finished I am ready to get cosy in bed. It’s only just gone 9pm here - I swear one day soon I will be going to bed before my small children! So rock and roll... :D

    Have a lovely rest of today and see you back here tomorrow x
  • clairelouisey
    clairelouisey Posts: 68 Member
    1. stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Go to yoga class :)
    3. Go to personal training session :(

    My personal trainer was ill, I could have done a workout on my own but didn’t!

    1. stick to calorie goal
    2. Go to yoga class
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    I'm really bad at weekends. Just sayin.

    2/5 JFT
    log everything
    stay green
    drink 80
    swim 1000
    working on a new crochet project.
    delivered passes, am at 6017 steps and 5 flights of stairs. whew!

    my oldest has started pulling out his eyebrows and eyelashes, called trichotillomania. It's a compulsion, probably related to the autism and sensory issues. Hoping to get it redirected before it's too bad.

    actually not swimming. it's pj day at school and i really don't want to go walking around downtown to the y in my jammies. and it's cold.
  • cynhow
    cynhow Posts: 23 Member
    Took a quick gander at the posts here - this looks like a great way to keep it simple!

    My JFTs are to

    1. log everything I eat today
    2. make it to the gym

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member

    JFT 2/5/18

    1. Up by 6:30(this might be hard) :(I woke up when the alarm went off at 630. Reset it for my DH's time to get up and just kind of laid there in between wake and sleep for the next hour
    2. Coffee/Bible/MFP :DCoffee and MFP were done, didn't do the Bible. Mostly because I woke up late
    3. Clean out freezer(Keep Vs. Trash) :(I spent two hours cleaning and organizing
    5. Run to Bank/Walmart :)Did both!
    6. Make egg salad for lunch :)Was really yummy!
    7. Lunch with Mom :)Very successful!
    8. Call Doc about an appointment for DH for Tuesday :(Totally forgot until about 5 pm and they were closed so I have to call tomorrow morning and see if they can squeeze him in.
    9. Finish folding clothes :)I am really enjoying this new way of folding.
    10. Vacuum :|I think it's jammed so I will have to figure it out tomorrow. It did a pretty poor job but some stuff got picked up
    11. Send resume to 2 places :(The hour-long dinner prep kind of killed this if I wanted to go to the gym
    12. Prep dinner and put in crockpot :)Done. It was messy and really annoying. I dont think I will make it again even though it was very tasty. We do have some leftovers in the freezer so maybe another time I'll reheat them.
    13. Gym :)Did an awesome workout! I think I am becoming a gym rat.
    14. Clean bathroom :|Kind of but not really.
    15. Dinner/Dishes :)Just have to finish a few things that are soaking and then they are done.
    16. DH time :)Doing this now. He rubbed my neck for a little bit. I have this intense love of rubbing sensations and light touches. I'm a little weird. I would much rather he rub my shoulders or neck then massage them. Lol.
    17. Read/Bed by 11 :)Read at the gym so I might not do it tonight but I have a feeling I'm gonna be in bed by 10 Lol

    Had another good day. The late-night yesterday and the sudden desire to spend 2.5 hours cleaning before Mom came over killed a few things I had planned on doing this morning. But I have a feeling I am going to sleep well tonight and if I go to bed early I will probably wake up early. If it is early enough I can go to the gym before I meet with my friend at 9:30. The DH is off tomorrow so I'll spend a lot of time with him. I know it seems like we get a lot of time together, but most of the time we are so engaged in our technology that we dont often spend any real time together. I think we need to change that. I think that will be something we work on this month. I made mozzarella stuffed meatballs. I made the meatballs from scratch and everything. It was incredibly time consuming and annoying. I think that will be the last time I make them. Or at least not until I have a day that I can really focus on it. I spent a really nice lunch with my mom. We had egg salad sandwiches. I dont know why, but I wanted to clean the house, like a really good cleaning, to impress her. I have always been a really terrible housekeeper and that has changed over the last three weeks and I'm finally keeping up with all of the housework. She was dually impressed. If you had told me 7 or 8 years ago that my mom would someday be one of my best friends. I would have laughed in your face. But over the last five years, we have grown so much. Both of us have. Individually and as a mother and daughter. We had a lot of issues to work through, but between a church class we both took and several serious conversations, we worked through all of it and are so much closer than we ever have been. It is absolutely amazing the relationship we have now. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! Anyway!

    Onto my list!

    JFT 2/6/18

    1. Up at 6 am/Morning Routine
    2. Gym
    3. Library with R and L
    4. Laundry
    5. Dinner prep/lunch
    6. MOVE BOXES!!!!!!
    7. Look over story!(I am determined to do this!!!!)
    8. Hang out with DH
    9. Dinner/Dishes
    10. Pittsburgh Penguins game
    11. Bed by 11

    Hope everyone has a great night!

    I just want to know how it took 2 hours to clean a freezer!! How big is it?!