JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    @joan6630 It seems I'm forever trying to keep my protein up. I do notice that when I'm closer to my protein goal, I do not binge. I've read that I should set my protein goal at a gram per lb at goal weight. So, my goal weight is 150 and my protein goal is 150 grams. I'll have to try the yogurt or eggs in the evening b/c I tend to be reaching for carbs at that time.

    @Sa1936 Try not to feel down on yourself. We've all been there. This thread is awesome and I'm sure you'll be able draw some inspiration from it. I was going to suggest packing a healthy filling snack for the ride home from work or maybe have something waiting for you when you get home.

    Someone asked about RECIPES...90% of mine come from Allrecipes.com and I save all the recipes I like on their site. I always read the first 3-4 reviews. Even though I have many cookbooks, I'm not using them the way I used too.


    Crockpot stew tonight-no mashed potatoes for me!
    Drink water-64oz min. I'm hoping to take this off my list soon as I'm pretty sure I can maintain it.
    Track all my meals today. Start cutting back on carbs & increase protein - goal 150 grams.
    30 min walk with dog in neighborhood.
    Gym-weight machines.
    Cleaning house-continue tossing, cleaning & organizing-tackling the dreaded snacks & cookbook cabinet :wink:
    Read today's Simple Abundance.
    Afternoon, meditate 25 mins.
    Finalize details for volunteer efforts. Try saying "No" once in a while!
    10pm bedtime-read book, no device.
    Fitbit increased to 20,000 steps-set in app.
    I've stopped sneaking food-amazing how when you talk about it, it can help you get back on track.
    Lunch with a friend today-I've logged Thai plate onto my food tracker.

    Yesterday, I went to my first appointment with a chiropractor. What a freaky experience. I go again tomorrow but I'm going to have to be brave. I believe that carrying around the extra 50-60 lbs is causing my spine to be out of alignment and thus pain in other parts of my body. Judging by the amount of cracking sounds (which are not actually cracking) I was pretty unbalanced.

    If any of you see a chiropractor and would like to share your experience, please do so. I welcome any feedback. I would love to be healthier as I approach my 50's.

    If I can maintain a healthy habit for 5 days in a row, that would be great.
    If I could maintain the same healthy habit for 5 years, now that would be awesome!

    I use Allrecipes, too. They have a good heart healthy category and the nutrional info is handy. I've noticed that MFP oftentimes has the very recipe I'm using. I've also been going on the Hello Fresh. They have the recipes on their site and I like the fact that I can get food on the table in about a half hour.

    "I would love to be healthier as I approach my 50's." Yes yes yes. I had a friend tell me that after 50 your body changes significantly and it becomes harder to lose the weight. Well, she is right! When I was 51 it seems like I woke up and everything had just dropped---even my knees became droopy!!! I am now 55 and my face, which would usually tighten up as I lost weight is just not doing it this time. So good for you. You are going to reap so many benefits by getting healthy now and entering in the next phase of your life's journey being in great shape physically, mentally, and emotionally.

    Peace and joy
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    JFT, 1/24/18

    1. Log all food! :) I was actually way under my calories! But at least I ate over 1000. Lol
    2. Weigh myself! :D Forgot, but I'll do it as soon as I finish this post!
    3. Attack, Attack, ATTACK second room :) It looks soo much better! I'm so proud of myself!
    4. Figure out something for dinner :) Actually used my crockpot for the first time in 5 months! And it was yummy!
    5. (Optional) go food shopping :/ Going to do this today!

    Wow! I can feel the joy coming from your writing! You made me smile--it seems like the "weight" has been lifted and you are thriving again. Enjoy your transformed rooms---I hope you just bask in them and soak in the tranquility that an orderly area brings about.

    So glad you are eating well :)

    Peace and joy
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    So I'm glad the weight is going down, but now there's a new worry. Nothing major! But I haven't been able to do much dedicated exercise this week because we're in dress rehearsals for the play. I'm concerned that what I'm really seeing is just the water weight loss because I'm not exercising as much. I do get my 10k steps in, but it's pretty much just walking at school and pacing nervously backstage! It's not like I'm going for a jog or anything. So I guess I'll just have to ride it out and see what happens next week. Fingers crossed!
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Fantastic that you are enjoying your play and getting the scenes down. That takes a lot of work and determination, especially when you have so many other responsibilities outside of the theater--I'd be a puddle of tears by now. It sounds like it's a worthwhile endeavor for you. Also, I want to encourage you to cling to the fact that your weight is going down! Shoo Negative Nelly out the door! Ain't got no time to entertain her :) Focus on the process--continue drinking water, bring healthy snacks, walking, and resting...just for today, you can't do much else so enjoy the fact that what you can do you are doing WELL! (You indicate your desire to log food accurately---is there something you can do to make this happen? Prelogging what you know you are going to eat, and then adding to or modifying later that night?) (When is opening night?) Your excitement regarding the play makes me smile :smile:

    Peace and joy!

    Welllll... I don't feel like I'm being really negative; more like pragmatic. I'm kind of reminding myself that if I start getting back to the gym and working out again next week, I might not see as much of a loss - and I might even gain some back.

    Opening night is TOMORROW! I'm super excited.

    I'm not sure what else I can do to log food accurately. My downfall is just that I get hungry and I think carefully about fixing something that will be filling but not too high calorie, and I *don't* think about logging it at that point! And then it's not weighed, so... why bother? :P
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    Thank you @toaljasa for holding me accountable!! I thought of your post all day -- can't let you down! And to keep from eating --- cleaned out hubbys side of the closet!!

    JFT, THursday
    1. go to the gym. No excuses
    2. log ALL food
    3. drink water - remember what that red cup is for
    4. read 1 chapter in the new book I bought today -- about emotional eating! I KNOW this is what I do .... need to overcome this!
    5. work on business taxes .... hopefully will be able to finish tomorrow. Don't divorce hubby ;) (We both hate doing our taxes... so I'm in a grumpy mood, and so is he!)
    6. try out my new indoor grill with a new recipe -- trying to get more protein, so we are hoping this will help me find more ways to "grill" during these cold months
    7. go outside and get some vitamin D -- suppose to be in the 60s!!!
    8. work on quilt
    9. declutter something - try for my side of the closet
    9. get back on here - be accountable

    HA! Last night my daughter called to chat---I grabbed on to that opportunity as they don't come nearly as often as I'd like! Afterward, the hubs announced he was going to bed---I said, "Well, I can't because I have to get my stretches in!" There was no way I was going to leave those undone---I felt you tugging on my coattails, lol!!! So it was a win for both of us--love it.

    And wow! You did great! AND you were rewarded with a cleaned out, tidied up space. That is a good idea---re-focus your attention on something else so that the craving/pull dissipates. I'll be waiting to see what your marital status is the next couple of days, lolol!!! It sounds like y'all just about have those taxes taken care of...that will be an emotional burden gone!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    So I'm glad the weight is going down, but now there's a new worry. Nothing major! But I haven't been able to do much dedicated exercise this week because we're in dress rehearsals for the play. I'm concerned that what I'm really seeing is just the water weight loss because I'm not exercising as much. I do get my 10k steps in, but it's pretty much just walking at school and pacing nervously backstage! It's not like I'm going for a jog or anything. So I guess I'll just have to ride it out and see what happens next week. Fingers crossed!
    toaljasa wrote: »
    Fantastic that you are enjoying your play and getting the scenes down. That takes a lot of work and determination, especially when you have so many other responsibilities outside of the theater--I'd be a puddle of tears by now. It sounds like it's a worthwhile endeavor for you. Also, I want to encourage you to cling to the fact that your weight is going down! Shoo Negative Nelly out the door! Ain't got no time to entertain her :) Focus on the process--continue drinking water, bring healthy snacks, walking, and resting...just for today, you can't do much else so enjoy the fact that what you can do you are doing WELL! (You indicate your desire to log food accurately---is there something you can do to make this happen? Prelogging what you know you are going to eat, and then adding to or modifying later that night?) (When is opening night?) Your excitement regarding the play makes me smile :smile:

    Peace and joy!

    Welllll... I don't feel like I'm being really negative; more like pragmatic. I'm kind of reminding myself that if I start getting back to the gym and working out again next week, I might not see as much of a loss - and I might even gain some back.

    Opening night is TOMORROW! I'm super excited.

    I'm not sure what else I can do to log food accurately. My downfall is just that I get hungry and I think carefully about fixing something that will be filling but not too high calorie, and I *don't* think about logging it at that point! And then it's not weighed, so... why bother? :P

    Ha! You sound like my mom, "I'm not being negative, just realistic!" And there can be truth in that statement. But I do admire how well you are doing in maintaining and keeping up with the habits you have established with all your commitments, etc. I'm not sure I could at this point in my health journey.

    Well, if the logging becomes an issue for you, then you will figure out a way to make the change. Some folks MUST log in every morsel--it's distressing if they don't. And others are more relaxed about it. Different personalities, different methods!

    Tomorrow! Wow! Be sure to keep us updated. Enjoy every moment.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member

    Just for Wednesday:
    • Drink lots of decaf fluids ;) Did not do well with this yesterday. But I've been really nauseous so I'm not beating myself up about it.
    • No processed foods today--perhaps tomorrow, but not today! :)
    • Read next chapter of Simple Abundance, Soulful Simplicity and Beck's Diet Solution :)
    • Watch/Read first lesson of Body Groove program ;) Not exactly feeling good enough to get up and "groove". This will have to wait until I feel better.
    • Meditate and listen to podcasts ;) I did have some quiet time, but didn't listen to podcasts.
    • Complete at least one item on my "This week..." list :)
    • Bed by 9:00 and gratitude journal first. Sleep early because I've been home sick for a few days ;)
    • Do not hit Snooze button tomorrow morning :)

    Well, I've decided instead of beating myself up, I'm giving myself credit for the things I was successful at yesterday...both goals I listed and good choices I made which weren't listed. I was really good about making healthy food choices which I normally do not do when I don't feel good. Normally, when I am feeling sick, I grab junk food all day long.

    I went into work this morning, and my boss sent me back home. She said although my make-up looked very nice, I look like "crap" underneath it and she wanted me to know it was okay to go home and get rest until I felt better. So, I'm home again. Day 3 of not feeling well. :disappointed:
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Day 15

    I got yesterday's goals done, even though I was working on one at 10:15pm!

    JFT, Thursday:
    I will complete online program
    I will journal
    I will do band and light weights
    I will ride the bike five miles
    I will log all food
    I will drink 7 cups of water (have been hitting the 8 mark regularly)
    I will set a timer and get up and move around every hour

    Success: I was preparing dinner last night and my husband walked up behind me and said, "Your pants are getting droopy!" Music to my ears!!!

    What I am learning:
    I guess I need to learn this because I keep randomly running across quotes/messages teaching me that the process is more important than the goal. I was thinking the other day when I was again reminded...when I am traveling by car I have a destination---say I'm driving from Upstate NY, where we used to live, to see some of the kids in Texas. I have my destination in mind but I'm not thinking about that when I'm driving. I'm focusing on the road, making sure I'm on the correct highways, watching out for hazards, crazy drivers, state patrolmen, lol. I stop and stretch my legs, eat, sleep, etc.

    Throughout the journey, I check to see how much more I have to go and get excited/relieved as I get closer to the destination. But it's not consuming me. It does not distract me from accomplishing what I need to be doing while I get there. And I don't quit. I may have to detour, but I keep going. I don't go backwards. I push through the obstacles, stop and rest when I need to, but I continue to maintain my direction. That's how I need to approach my health journey, so that THIS TIME I can reach my destination and not return!

    “Success is a journey, not a destination. The doing is often more important than the outcome.”
    — Arthur Ashe

  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    Often I wish I could click on more than one response.
    :) Insightful or inspiring that you're continuing to beat back the eating monster. I get the binging thing. It's as if the food just takes over and we can't think. Unfortunately we can't go cold turkey on food.
    :D Woo that your quilt is coming along. I'm trying to keep my mind centered as while I'm working on something all these other project ideas barge right on in. I have a small UFO in line next and then back to finishing the borders on the large pink and blue. Trying to keep everything in line.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    Just for Wednesday:
    • Drink lots of decaf fluids ;) Did not do well with this yesterday. But I've been really nauseous so I'm not beating myself up about it.
    • No processed foods today--perhaps tomorrow, but not today! :)
    • Read next chapter of Simple Abundance, Soulful Simplicity and Beck's Diet Solution :)
    • Watch/Read first lesson of Body Groove program ;) Not exactly feeling good enough to get up and "groove". This will have to wait until I feel better.
    • Meditate and listen to podcasts ;) I did have some quiet time, but didn't listen to podcasts.
    • Complete at least one item on my "This week..." list :)
    • Bed by 9:00 and gratitude journal first. Sleep early because I've been home sick for a few days ;)
    • Do not hit Snooze button tomorrow morning :)

    Well, I've decided instead of beating myself up, I'm giving myself credit for the things I was successful at yesterday...both goals I listed and good choices I made which weren't listed. I was really good about making healthy food choices which I normally do not do when I don't feel good. Normally, when I am feeling sick, I grab junk food all day long.

    I went into work this morning, and my boss sent me back home. She said although my make-up looked very nice, I look like "crap" underneath it and she wanted me to know it was okay to go home and get rest until I felt better. So, I'm home again. Day 3 of not feeling well. :disappointed:

    You poor woman! I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. And I'm glad you have a boss who is supportive and looks after your well-being. What a treasure! Before I read that, I was looking at your list and saw all you had accomplished. Knowing how ill you've been I was thinking, "Wow! She really pushed herself, good for her." I'm glad you are on the same page and are rah-rahing your success...and to avoid the junk food...hats off to you! That is tough. I hope you can continue to do so and that you maintain while you are resting your body.

    Peace and joy.
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @OConnell5483 It sounds like perhaps your new job values you enough to make sure you're in one piece. ;)
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @toaljasa "Your pants are getting droopy" Awesome work and great, observant hubby!
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    @clicketykeys Just concentrate on what you need to right now. Remember that comment I made in December about how at that time of year we take our already full lives and cram even more in and wonder why we're crazy and it doesn't fit? Take it easy on yourself hon.
    Oh and, "break a leg"!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Keeping it simple today, since I'm on day 3 of not feeling well.

    Just for Today/Thursday:
    • Log meals, snacks and "bites of"...
    • I will not eat processed food today...maybe tomorrow, but not today!
    • <29 g added sugar
    • Water, Water Water!
    • Move clothes from closet shelves to the new dresser
    • Mark one thing off the "This week, I will" list
    • Update Beck's index cards and review then throughout the day as needed
    • Read today's Simple Abundance, Beck Diet Solution and another chapter in Soulful Simplicity before bed

    This week, I will:
    • Color my hair
    • Declutter one space (cupboard, drawer, closet, shelf, desk, bar area in basement) :) Decluttered spice cabinet, baking cupboard and shelf in cupboard by stove.
    • Update my bullet journal's to-do list
    • Pay bills :) Done
    • Meal Plan dinners for week :) Beef roast, venison tenderloin, salmon, chicken.
    • Find one new crockpot recipe to make this week Chicken, veggies & rice tonight in crockpot
    • Set up sewing area and continue working on baby quilt *Priority*

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,348 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Had my scan and appointment!

    Baby has grown again so all good news again!

    Consultant has referred me to an endocrinology specialist? To find out if there’s a problem with my thyroid or if it’s not been absorbed because of being sick.
    I have been given tablets to stop sickness.
    And a sample pot to poo in.. yes, I have to poo in a pot! I was mortified lol!!!!
    Feel more sorry for the person who has to check it though!

    So pick up my tablets tomorrow and hopefully start to feel human again!!

    I am SO happy you were seen and that everything is good! I have been worried about you. (((Bex)))
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    JFT Wednesday

    JFT Wednesday 1/24/2018
    • :o Stay in green - eat pre logged and packed food all good until after 11 when the semisweet chips called. I am just a chocolate monster lately. I think it is about to end. Sometimes I just have to feed the beast until I get sick of it. I am feeling the preference for fresh fruit and all kinds of veggies.
    • 10K steps yep.
    • Track fluids try for 64 oz didn't get it all logged, but I know I was over.
    • Plank for 2 minutes
    • :) Walk 2 miles don't think I made it to 2, but was way over 1 so I counted 1
    • Horses feet trim (farrier)

    Called home to get the DH to take out a pound of ground beef and he is having a bad day allergy wise. Having an attack. The cold spell we had pushed back the pollen counts back down, but something is setting him off. He is taking medication and will be out of it tonight. Therefore I think I will be able to kick in the rest of the exercise I need for a certain challenge. Bad for him, good for me.

    Its late in the day, but this is my JFT
    • Stay in the green - but be flexible due to training class & forced socialization
    • 64 oz water
    • Cook new cabbage recipe for dinner
    • 10K steps & 2.5 miles walked
    • No raiding the Semisweet chocolate chips
    • Terrorize cats & dog = a.k.a. Vacuum downstairs
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    missheidi wrote: »
    I had a thought earlier. If I were to actually get up when the alarm goes off instead of hitting snooze three times, I could do a 20 minute yoga video before anyone else is up.

    I have this same problem every morning/nap. I am always setting the alarm early so that I can keep hitting the snooze button until I absolutely have to get up! Lol. This year I am going to change that around!

    So far I'm two for two today. I actually got up an hour before my alarm this morning and got up when my 1st nap alarm went off! It was really nice. I got so much done this morning! Lol