JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    Everyone is just chugging right along! There's an upbeat air here and I love it! And as Joan said in one of her posts... (paraphrasing big time) just think where we are going to be at the end of the year if we keep meeting our daily goals!

    I was eating until 8:30 last night due to the hubs running late, and I didn't do the timer, but other than that, I made or surpassed my daily goals.

    JFT, Friday:
    I will eat one egg for breakfast (I am not a b'fast eater and find this to be really difficult to do so I'm writing it down as I am not meeting my calorie amounts at all)
    I will complete online program
    I will journal
    I will do band and light weights
    I will ride the bike five miles
    I will log all food
    I will drink 7 cups of water (have been hitting the 8 mark regularly)

    And, thanks to Joan, I will get back to scanning pictures! I will scan 20 pictures (don't want to overdo on my first day back at it, lol)

    I have been at the same weight for 4 days. But I have not despaired or given up or in (in part because of y'all's willingness to share your experiences). I realized I have not eaten breakfast this week so I am determined to at least eat an egg.

    What I am learning:
    “Think in terms of today's resolutions, not the year’s.”
    — Henry Moore

    Peace and joy---have a Fulfilling Friday!!!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member
    Wasn’t sick yesterday. Or today
    Typical really. Takes me a few days to mention anything to a dr and as soon as I do it clears up! Literally story of my life!!!

    Got the tablets as a just incase, going to see how the next couple of days go and if I start again I’ll start taking them. It’s only a 7 day course but don’t want to take them unnecessarily.

    Thanks for your comment :)
    I was relieved too!

    And thank you to everyone else who has had me in their thoughts whilst figuring out what was going on :) it’s nice to know I’m supported even though I’m on a mfp “break” haha
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,519 Member
    Oh my stars, I've had so many interruptions just trying to post JFT! Including an emergency drill of my work building...well, one extra stairs break at work. :D

    Recap R 1/25 - Skipped treadmill before work (see #3), amazing how much better I feel with enough sleep
    1) Meals & snacks prelogged / trying new recipe for dinner: chicken & broccoli twice baked spaghetti squash / stick with plan / net calories green & monitor the usual = Change in dinner plan since inside of squash was bad...ate rotisserie chicken (was supposed to be in recipe), asparagus & side salad instead. Net calories & sugar red (trending this week), sodium/protein/fiber excellent & 15c water. :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 11,004 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 hours & 30 floors :smiley:
    3) Workplace hike at lunchtime (not enough snow for snowshoes) = Sun never came out like predicted, nice hike anyways, good to get outside during workday B)
    4) Evening: no choir, so 2 quick errands on way home & at least 2 things on to-do list = Knocked out my list except laundry, and even called mom & dad for chat :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15 (treadmill F a.m.) = Not sure :neutral: / done :smiley: / done :smiley: / nope, and I was just posting about sleep, too! :s

    JFT F 1/26
    1) Walked 3 miles on treadmill before work (3 snooze alarms) / 51:11 :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Not sure about meals today / net calories green, been red most of week / monitor the usual
    4) Evening: errands, wrap hubby's bday gifts for Sunday, laundry

    That's it, because today is Friday. Have a great day everyone!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    That's it, because today is Friday. Have a great day everyone!

    Have a great Friday, cschmitz!
    (Snooze punch suggestion: Crank up Mandisa's Good Morning song!
    I hear the birds singing
    Now my alarm's ringing
    Get up, get up, hey!)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Thursday

    All the blues in the quilt are from my stash, the grey I used because it's for a man. The backing is flannelette because I love flannel backs and I figure it's great in a quilt for someone who's I'll.

    Beautiful quilt. And I'm sure you feel a sense of satisfaction having used some of your stash. This time last year I quietly scoffed at when I read about a person's "stash." I thought, "Why would anyone keep that much fabric around and keep buying more??" Haha, joke's on me!!!

    I didn't think about using flannel as the backing. I am doing baby quilts and that might be a nice thing to have---a cool side and a warm side.

    Thanks for sharing your masterpiece. I'm sure the receiver will be greatly blessed.

    I have made 5 or 6 baby quilts and I always use flannel on the back. It's so soft on their little faces and such a comfy material! I made one without flannel on the back and it looked really nice but wasn't as soft. Love flannel! LOL! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Not really managing to keep up with the posts properly - barely have time to post - but I'm sending you all good wishes and thoughts! Happy to see @HGSmith0920 back and happy!

    I can't always read them all either depending upon the time of day I log on and how busy my day is, but I do kind of skim to see how has been on, and I always smile when I see that you posted! Happy Friday, @slittlemeister !

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    As a new quilter, the seam ripper has become my best friend!!!

    Have a fantastically successful Friday!!!!

    You sound like me! I love quilting, but I'm not good at it so the seam ripper is my BFF too! LOL! But that's how we learn, right?
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    A question for all you USers..
    Do any of you use cannabis under medical grounds seeing as it’s been legalised over there?

    It is not legal in the state I live in. Some states have legalized it for medical use but have not changed the law for it to be legal to sell or buy it in that state. Kind of messed up, huh?

    Anyway, I do have some friends in other states that use it for medical use. Most of them are on my breast cancer survivor groups and have a lot of residual pain and sickness from the surgery, chemo and radiation they had. They swear it helps them feel better but doesn't actually make them "high". I really don't know how it works to be honest beyond what they have said in the online support groups.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @joan6630 I'm so sorry to hear about your niece's husband! I think a tote and quilt for your niece is a really nice idea. I'm sure there must be something from Jenny on Missouri Quilt videos. I also like the videos from Therese (Theresa?) from DownUnder. Hers are really quick and easy to follow. I could watch hers for hours!

    @HGSmith0920 I can hear the happy uplifting tone in your posts and am so happy about that! Happy you're back and happy you are doing so well! I always set our timer on the coffee maker so that it turns on 30 minutes before I wake up so it's ready to pour a cup as soon as I get out of bed! That way I'm not tempted to stop and buy a sugary and usually expensive cup of coffee on the way to work. I have a to-go coffee cup that I fill up and use sugar free French Vanilla powdered creamer in. That way I have the best of both worlds... :smile: I give you a thumbs up on your NSV of not stopping! I don't know if I could if I didn't bring a cup with me in the car.

    @Bex953172 Putting the borders on the quilt for little Casey this weekend! Top is together (the squares) but need a little bit of a border around them now. Then I will be attaching the back and the batting! I'm slow and not perfect by any means, but it's getting there! :heart:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member

    Just for Today/Thursday:
    • Log meals, snacks and "bites of"... :) Even the two mini-sized tootsie rolls I popped in my mouth.
    • I will not eat processed food today...maybe tomorrow, but not today! :( I gave into ice cream tonight for the first time in about three weeks. Put me in the red.
    • <29 g added sugar :( See above.
    • Water, Water Water! :s Really bad at this. Been laying down sick and not even getting up to fill my water glass. Not good. need to work on this.
    • Move clothes from closet shelves to the new dresser :(
    • Mark one thing off the "This week, I will" list :(
    • Update Beck's index cards and review then throughout the day as needed :(
    • Read today's Simple Abundance, Beck Diet Solution and another chapter in Soulful Simplicity before bed :)

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Day 4 of sick. Can I just say that this sucks? I don't know why I'm even writing goals because I'm doing absolutely nothing but laying down. But it's part of my routine and I don't want to stop for anything! Love the new ideas I'm seeing from everyone on here. One of the ideas I saw was decluttering by scanning pictures. I have boxes in the basement of things the grandkids have made me that I just cannot get myself to throw away. Maybe it's time I start taking pictures of those things and tossing them. They won't mean anything to anyone but me anyway! I don't think I'm ready to do that yet though, so maybe I'll start by at least taking pictures of them piece by piece without actually tossing them yet. (Sound like a Hoarder, don't I?) I also saw someone else mention printing this list and hanging on refrigerator...I did that last weekend and it really did keep me on task! Great minds... :mrgreen:

    JFT (1/26/2018):
    1. Log every bite
    2. No processed food today...maybe tomorrow, but not today.
    3. <29 g added sugar
    4. WATER! At least eight 8oz glasses of water. Try using lemon or citrus flavoring
    5. Move clothes to the new dresser DH refinished for me
    6. Update Beck's Index cards and review them as needed.
    8. Read today's Simple Abundance, Beck Diet Solution and Soulful Simplicity before bed.
    9. Take time to listen to my podcasts today. Feeling depressed since being home sick for 4 days. Need to pull myself out of this.
    10. Mark at least one item off my "This week..." list

    This week, I will:
    • Color my hair
    • Declutter one space (cupboard, drawer, closet, shelf, desk, bar area in basement) :) Decluttered spice cabinet, baking cupboard and shelf in cupboard by stove.
    • Update my bullet journal's to-do list
    • Pay bills :) Done
    • Meal Plan dinners for week :) Beef roast, venison tenderloin, salmon, chicken.
    • Find one new crockpot recipe to make this week Chicken, veggies & rice tonight in crockpot
    • Set up sewing area and continue working on baby quilt *Priority*
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    [quote="OConnell5483;c-41299902" I also saw someone else mention printing this list and hanging on refrigerator...I did that last weekend and it really did keep me on task!

    I bought myself a really nice day planner that someone had suggested and I love it! It's got a to do list, and a hourly list. As well as a gratitude list and top three goals and stuff like that. It's really helped me stay on track! It's exactly what I needed. There is great satisfaction in checking off things that I have done. Lol.

    Today has been pretty busy so far. Got the DH up in time for his appt. In fact, we got there about a half an hour early. I always over estimate the time it's gonna take to get there. But I'm almost done with my budget for Feb, got my light installed above my sink, and organized all my spices and things on the shelf above the sink. Now I'm completely exhausted so I'm gonna sleep for a while. I definitely need a nap. Lol
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,519 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    That's it, because today is Friday. Have a great day everyone!

    Have a great Friday, cschmitz!
    (Snooze punch suggestion: Crank up Mandisa's Good Morning song!
    I hear the birds singing
    Now my alarm's ringing
    Get up, get up, hey!)

    No offense to anyone, but if I cranked that song at 5:30 a.m., hubby would kill me. Plus, it reminds me of when my mom used to sing to wake me up as a kid, and I hated it (NOT a morning person). Hubby works weekdays until midnight & comes to bed anytime between 2 - 3 a.m. When my alarm goes off, he sleeps right through it. Which is fair b/c I sleep right through his coming to bed most nights. As long as I'm up and dressed for my walk by 6 a.m. my "snooze system" works for me. I just think of the extra stuff I could get done with the time, or get to work early. Nah. :p

    But thanks for the thoughts! :D
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »

    That's it, because today is Friday. Have a great day everyone!

    Have a great Friday, cschmitz!
    (Snooze punch suggestion: Crank up Mandisa's Good Morning song!
    I hear the birds singing
    Now my alarm's ringing
    Get up, get up, hey!)

    No offense to anyone, but if I cranked that song at 5:30 a.m., hubby would kill me. Plus, it reminds me of when my mom used to sing to wake me up as a kid, and I hated it (NOT a morning person). Hubby works weekdays until midnight & comes to bed anytime between 2 - 3 a.m. When my alarm goes off, he sleeps right through it. Which is fair b/c I sleep right through his coming to bed most nights. As long as I'm up and dressed for my walk by 6 a.m. my "snooze system" works for me. I just think of the extra stuff I could get done with the time, or get to work early. Nah. :p

    But thanks for the thoughts! :D

    Your circumstances certainly warrant a more quiet, subdued wake up! My mom used to come in and say "It's giddy-up time!" Drove me absolutely crazy...I was in a foul mood before getting my toes on the floor, haha!!!
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member

    Just for Today/Thursday:
    • Log meals, snacks and "bites of"... :) Even the two mini-sized tootsie rolls I popped in my mouth.
    • I will not eat processed food today...maybe tomorrow, but not today! :( I gave into ice cream tonight for the first time in about three weeks. Put me in the red.
    • <29 g added sugar :( See above.
    • Water, Water Water! :s Really bad at this. Been laying down sick and not even getting up to fill my water glass. Not good. need to work on this.
    • Move clothes from closet shelves to the new dresser :(
    • Mark one thing off the "This week, I will" list :(
    • Update Beck's index cards and review then throughout the day as needed :(
    • Read today's Simple Abundance, Beck Diet Solution and another chapter in Soulful Simplicity before bed :)

    We are just glad you feel up to posting! Give yourself grace and a green light to lighten up on daily goals---except for the water...drink that water!!!
    Peace, joy, and hugs (with a face mask on!)
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    toaljasa wrote: »
    As a new quilter, the seam ripper has become my best friend!!!

    Have a fantastically successful Friday!!!!

    You sound like me! I love quilting, but I'm not good at it so the seam ripper is my BFF too! LOL! But that's how we learn, right?

    Yep. And can I just say, I find it encouraging when I hear of a seasoned quilter having to rip out??!! I hate that it's done but it just helps me knowing we all mess up! I am starting on the next baby quilt---I am trying to make one for each of my daughter's dear friends when they have their first baby. I just finished one (my first finished quilt) and have the fabric for a second friend---but thankfully not the backing---now I'm going to make it flannel! Then I can start quilting for my very own first grand! So excited! I'm also going to quilt a stocking for the baby (got the pattern from Jenny on MSQ)
  • clairelouisey
    clairelouisey Posts: 68 Member
    1. Stick to calorie goal :)
    2. Order Tandoori Macchi curry and 1 beer :)

    Well, according to my best estimates I stuck to my calorie goal but eating out who knows! I definitely choose a low calorie option and didn’t gorge on all the breads/rice etc- they were right in front of me too o:)

    1. Stick to calorie goal
    2. Do yoga class
    3. Walk dogs
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member

    @Bex953172 Putting the borders on the quilt for little Casey this weekend! Top is together (the squares) but need a little bit of a border around them now. Then I will be attaching the back and the batting! I'm slow and not perfect by any means, but it's getting there! :heart:

    Oooo so excited!!!

    It doesn't matter how long it takes :) you've put so much work into it and I'm going to love it!!
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I just woke up from my nap and had a cup of coffee, just waiting for it to kick in. I could fall asleep at the table I'm sitting at right now. But I got up when the alarm went off instead of hitting the snooze button a whole bunch of times, so I'm proud of myself. I usually only want to sleep for an hour and end up sleeping for three. It's crazy. I guess I just like being comfy so much. Lol. And my laptop blended in with my sweatshirt on my couch so when I grabbed the sweatshirt I laptop fell on the ground with a loud thud, but thank goodness it was closed and seems to be alright. No cracked screen or anything. I dont know what I would do without it! I'm going to need it to start job hunting tomorrow.

    I hope everyone is having a great afternoon!

    @Bex953172 Is the little peanut's name Casey? I think I missed that post! I love that name!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,104 Member

    @Bex953172 Is the little peanut's name Casey? I think I missed that post! I love that name!

    Yes it is, I posted sometime last year in the old thread. It was originally Casey-leigh but I dropped the Leigh because I decided i didnt like it lol

    So Saskia, Marley and Casey! I can't wait to see what she looks like! Saskia is dark hair with dark eyes and Marley is blonde with blue eyes and me and my partner both have dark hair and I have hazel and he has green eyes.

    So the combination is going to be interesting! Just wondering if she will be more like Sask or more like Marley or completely different again!