Gaining weight eating high carbs???



  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    edited February 2018
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So wait, despite starting three threads upset that you gained weight because you ate pasta and are desperate to lose weight and keep falling off the wagon, you were actually looking for someone to suggest a gluten allergy because that's what you suspected, but you didn't mention it in any of all your posts in your three threads, but we are patronizing because we didn't read between the lines in your posts to figure that out???

    Best of luck to you and have a great day.

    Yeah, I didn't realize being psychic was a requirement for these forums. I thought giving advise based on the information given was enough.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So wait, despite starting three threads upset that you gained weight because you ate pasta and are desperate to lose weight and keep falling off the wagon, you were actually looking for someone to suggest a gluten allergy because that's what you suspected, but you didn't mention it in any of all your posts in your three threads, but we are patronizing because we didn't read between the lines in your posts to figure that out???

    Best of luck to you and have a great day.

    Yeah, I didn't realize being psychic was a requirement for these forums. I thought giving advise based on the information given was enough.

    I've tried for years to figure out what other people were thinking simply through computer osmosis... I still fail at it- so I must- like a mere mortal rely on the information provided.

  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    Don’t tell me that I don’t want it hard ... I can’t help but ‘binge eat’ and what I really need to do is find out why I do that! No it’s not stress, no it’s not emotional, no it’s not restrictive diets. I’m addicted to food .... So someone now help me??

    If it feels like an addiction, you have a relationship problem with food whether or not it's related to emotional eating or stress or whatever. To help change that relationship so you can lose and keep off the weight, see:

    Dr. Judith Beck is the daughter of Dr. Aaron Beck, who developed the cognitive-behavioral approach to altering behavior. The Beck Diet Solution book is available on Amazon (both paper and Kindle formats) as well as many other book vendors.

    Another approach that some find helpful is intuitive eating:

    The principles of mindful eating are well worth looking at for ideas, too:

    I ended up taking useful concepts and approaches from all these sources: take what seems relevant and useful to you, leave the rest. Regarding fluctuations -- see cwolfman13's graph above.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So wait, despite starting three threads upset that you gained weight because you ate pasta and are desperate to lose weight and keep falling off the wagon, you were actually looking for someone to suggest a gluten allergy because that's what you suspected, but you didn't mention it in any of all your posts in your three threads, but we are patronizing because we didn't read between the lines in your posts to figure that out???

    Best of luck to you and have a great day.

    Yeah, I didn't realize being psychic was a requirement for these forums. I thought giving advise based on the information given was enough.

    This whole experience has definitely got me rethinking my participation in the forums- taking time to carefully answer a question that was asked only to be told I'm "thick" for not knowing what she *really* wanted to know!

    welcome to the internet?

    You *sort* of get used to it.
    But it's why frequently people get here and go "wow you guys are so mean" when you start to see this *kitten* all the time- it's less about being mean and more about being realistic about a trendline.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    kimny72 wrote: »
    So wait, despite starting three threads upset that you gained weight because you ate pasta and are desperate to lose weight and keep falling off the wagon, you were actually looking for someone to suggest a gluten allergy because that's what you suspected, but you didn't mention it in any of all your posts in your three threads, but we are patronizing because we didn't read between the lines in your posts to figure that out???

    Best of luck to you and have a great day.

    Yeah, I didn't realize being psychic was a requirement for these forums. I thought giving advise based on the information given was enough.

    This whole experience has definitely got me rethinking my participation in the forums- taking time to carefully answer a question that was asked only to be told I'm "thick" for not knowing what she *really* wanted to know!

    welcome to the internet?

    You *sort* of get used to it.
    But it's why frequently people get here and go "wow you guys are so mean" when you start to see this *kitten* all the time- it's less about being mean and more about being realistic about a trendline.

    Yeah, I know- I've been on the forums for a couple of years. This one just ticked me off because I went to the trouble to write a carefully thought-out post on one of her threads only to discover she was soliciting (and refusing) the exact same info on 2 others. Arghhh!!
  • LW3380
    LW3380 Posts: 118 Member
    In the end it wasn't the OP fault she put on 5lbs but it was due to a food intolerance...go figure! ;);)
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited February 2018
    Because there are so many f**king know it alls I actually don’t know who to believe!! I’ve dieted or ‘healthy eaten’ since I was 16 I’m now 28 and I’m still struggling with my weight. I’ve done Cambridge diet, weightwatchers, slimming world, low carb, calorie counting and tried to healthy eat on my own so come on tell me what actually works?? I don’t weigh myself straight after I’ve eaten I’m not that thick?! But when I went slimming world I had pasta for my lunch and weighed in at 5lb heavier so stop telling me things I already know, I’m trying to find what suits me and atm most of you are telling what I already know. Don’t tell me that I don’t want it hard enough because trust me in my heart of hearts I know I do but I can’t help but ‘binge eat’ and what I really need to do is find out why I do that! No it’s not stress, no it’s not emotional, no it’s not restrictive diets. I’m addicted to food, I have the same feeling over food when I want it as I do with a cigarette and until I have it it won’t subside. So someone now help me??

    First bold: maybe it's time to stop dieting, and just start eating normal foods. Yo-yo diets - long term - have proven to actually cause more weight gain than they ever take off. Eating things in moderation, whole, natural foods is good for your body. Unless there's a medical reason to not eat specific things, but I'm not a doctor so I won't get into that. All things being even, moderation and regular eating is a fantastic way to go.

    Second bold: Binge eating - if you actually have it - is a mental disorder. If what you described in your OP is what you're calling a "binge" then this isn't one. I am a binge eater and have eaten upwards of 5,000 calories in one sitting on top of what I already ate during the day. It totaled almost 7,000 calories for the day. Eating disorders often mask other problems, emotional problems and maybe mood stability. For me, I am a perfectionist and I deal with deep seeded feelings of inadequacy . . . like I won't be good enough for anyone, ever. I've been in counselling for almost 2 years. So what you need to do is get help. If you're genuinely suffering from an ED you need to seek a professional. This has nothing to do with carbs, eating them or not. Binge eating is a mental disorder, it's often deep seeded in something else - usually emotional issues - and you need to get help. If you are just saying you're a "binge eater" then you need to stop . . . breathe and walk away for a minute. EDs are tough, they are hard to get through and you can't do it by yourself. Just saying you're bingeing isn't fair to those are genuinely going through this and it may sound insensitive but after dealing with this for years - with professional help - it bothers me a whole lot when people throw the term around loosely.

    So you need to do one of two things: have the willpower to stop eating, or seek professional counselling to deal with the ED.

    ETA: I read through the rest of your posts re: gluten intolerance . .. so you don't over eat on anything other than pasta? Claiming you're a binge eater is a serious thing, there are people really dealing with it. Don't use these terms lightly. Based on your other posts it really seems like you're just looking for attention and validation that OMG no you're fine, eat more, you need to eat more but not those evil carbs. No. Not even close.

    And - this may not be something you want to hear, but try it - my heaviest, heaviest binges on record were full of high-processed, white carbs. Think whole sleeves of bagels, who loaves of bread, entire boxes of pasta, pizza, 4 or 5 orders of fries, etc. In working with a registered dietitian and a counsellor, eating these kinds of foods trigger - for a small time - the same effect that anti-depressants have in your body. They actually cause a brief, but awesome, spike in dopamine and makes you feel normal for a bit. But then, if you're depressed, your levels go back down and you crave these foods. I never once have craved or binged on sweet foods, always foods that are highly processed, and high in carbs. I was very depressed for a long time, and it's a battle I fight and will continue to fight daily. If you're really having trouble, you need to talk to a professional. Claims of gluten intolerance if you're actually, truly bingeing won't help. And claims of bingeing when you're just having a day where you ate a little more than you should is disrespectful to those battling EDs.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    It’s probably due to all the food in your intestines. Visit the porcelain throne and then weigh yourself. I guarantee you’ll be lighter.

    Weight varies up to 5lbs in either direction. Don’t go off of your day to day weight, but by your weekly to monthly average.
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    If you eat 2.5 lbs of food and immediately weigh 2.5 lbs more, you may be allergic to food.