Girls feeling when they see a six pack abs good looking guy at gym



  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    "Not my type"
    "Possibly has a small penis"

    She did say "possibly". Why punish with a woo? :huh:

    Isn't woo good?

    Like woo hoo! YES!
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    bojack3 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    bojack3 wrote: »
    I find it odd that people would somehow think a man having abs is a negative thing. If he has a character flaw and acts like a conceited self centered *kitten* and flaunts having abs in the process, that has more to do with mind issues not body. But if a guy acts decent and takes very good care of himself why try to make something negative out of a positive. A woman need not care if a man has abs, but to hold it against him without him acting a fool about having them, is pretty strange to me.

    Yea agreed.

    I wonder if really fit women are thought of the same way? When I am my leanest at the pool/beach or wearing something tight/revealing that shows my figure clearly, do people think I'm conceited and live in the gym and eat out of Tupperware? Haha.

    Yes, apparently being extremely fit equates to being a douche and no fun to a lot of people.

    We gonna do this again?
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I only rape guys who have a 10 pack.

    I think I would accidentally commit seppuku trying to attain this...
    Worth it!

    Let me know when you're ready.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I only rape guys who have a 10 pack.

    I think I would accidentally commit seppuku trying to attain this...
    Worth it!

    So your comment and pfp makes me think about lyrics to live by....

    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it
    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it
  • WorkerDrone83
    WorkerDrone83 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I only rape guys who have a 10 pack.

    I think I would accidentally commit seppuku trying to attain this...
    Worth it!

    So your comment and pfp makes me think about lyrics to live by....

    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it
    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it

    Cool. Thanks for the earworm for my drive home today :p
  • bojack3
    bojack3 Posts: 1,483 Member
    I only rape guys who have a 10 pack.

    I think I would accidentally commit seppuku trying to attain this...
    Worth it!

    So your comment and pfp makes me think about lyrics to live by....

    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it
    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it

    The lyrics

    So deep

    Yes....I get the feeling the deep message is, as long as you keep repeating you're worth's true.
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    My pleasure @WorkerDrone83 myyyyyy pleasssssure really

    I only rape guys who have a 10 pack.

    I think I would accidentally commit seppuku trying to attain this...
    Worth it!

    So your comment and pfp makes me think about lyrics to live by....

    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it
    Give it to me, I'm worth it
    Baby I'm worth it
    Uh huh I'm worth it
    Gimme gimme I'm worth it

    The lyrics

    So deep

    The assertiveness....
    The confidence....
    The affirmation....

    I couldn't agree more with your assessment of these amazing lyrics @leut_underpants
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    edited February 2018
    "Not my type"
    "Possibly has a small penis"

    She did say "possibly". Why punish with a woo? :huh:

    Isn't woo good?

    Like woo hoo! YES!

    No, it's bad like "that's woo, ur dumb". But people think it's supposed to be woohoo, so that's why I don't pay it any attention, lol.
  • ms_true
    ms_true Posts: 43 Member
    I feel like I care more about my abs.
  • It takes a lot more than just 6 pack abs to get my attention, it's all in how he moves... how he carries himself.
  • bojack3 wrote: »
    I find it odd that people would somehow think a man having abs is a negative thing. If he has a character flaw and acts like a conceited self centered *kitten* and flaunts having abs in the process, that has more to do with mind issues not body. But if a guy acts decent and takes very good care of himself why try to make something negative out of a positive. A woman need not care if a man has abs, but to hold it against him without him acting a fool about having them, is pretty strange to me.

    I think people make snap judgments on character based on physical appearance all the time, whether youre fit or completely out of shape, attractive or not...well dressed or like a slob... there will be some dick who thinks they know what you're all about... is jealous of you or critical of you... So just live your life as you see fit.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    "Not my type"
    "Possibly has a small penis"

    She did say "possibly". Why punish with a woo? :huh:

    Isn't woo good?

    Like woo hoo! YES!

    No, it's bad like "that's woo, ur dumb". But people thing it's supposed to be woohoo, so that's why I don't pay it any attention, lol.

    My bad... What I should have said was ... On MFP, Woo means an idea or approach is too good to be true.

    But it's ok if you want to thing [sic] that's woo, ur dumb... I follow my own rules too....

    Oh, btw here is the definition of Woo when MFP launched it...

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  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    LOL That number caught your eye? It is a great number, right? Now I know why we get along....
  • rockmartin50
    rockmartin50 Posts: 1,747 Member
    i see the numbers those are good numbers
  • huntersvonnegut
    huntersvonnegut Posts: 1,177 Member