Less alcohol- February 2018- one day at a time



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    Went to Happy Hour (?) and ordered club soda. My friend asked 'why did you come if you're not going to drink?' Doesn't that say a lot about it all? I responded, 'To see you.' Had a club soda and was happy. It floored me though that they charged me as much - less 15 cents - as for a draft. I order a couple appetizers so it wasn't like taking up space and not spending. Anyway, next time water most likely as it just bugged the heck out of me. LOL I felt good last night, felt good driving home, and feel good this AM. 5 days AF.

    That's interesting. Most pubs around here don't charge for club soda. They assume you're a designated driver and don't charge.
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    FattieBabs wrote: »
    I lapsed on Saturday whilst taking my lovely niece out to lunch. We had a 3-hour lunch and I had a campari and soda and we shared a very nice bottle of wine. I felt bad about it later but I have to say I did enjoy the "treat" - and that is one way of looking at it.. Maybe for me the way to deal with this is moderation rather than cutting out completely but to keep a very careful eye on what "moderation" means. Out with friends on Friday and I am driving so should be straightforward

    That is how I have been handling it, moderation as a treat. I went from drinking 2-3 nights a week to only one, and I drink a lot less on that one night. Sometimes it has gone even better and I havent even had any drinks on that one night I planned out.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    I wish I would have come across this thread at the beginning of the month! I usually drink a bottle of wine over the course of the weekend and never really realized what effect that could be having on my results.

    Does anyone have any tips? Cold turkey vs gradually?

    Hello glad to have you. I personally have been doing gradually with no planned execution to stop completely. What ever feels right to you as this point. But try not to make yourself promises that will only disappoint you in the long run. Moderation is a wonderful thing! :)
  • springsweet
    springsweet Posts: 184 Member
    I wish I would have come across this thread at the beginning of the month! I usually drink a bottle of wine over the course of the weekend and never really realized what effect that could be having on my results.

    Does anyone have any tips? Cold turkey vs gradually?

    I'd say whatever feels best to you personally, but keep checking back into this place and sharing your experiences. That's the biggest thing that's helped me so far. :)
  • runtodayamyrun
    runtodayamyrun Posts: 59 Member
    BuffMom84 wrote: »
    I'm kind of disappointed that I haven't drank any fewer days this month so far but I have been drinking less any time that I do drink. I stopped drinking wine entirely which is a major plus for me. Any time I drank in the past I'd always down a whole bottle of wine, then drink 2-3 beers afterwards. Now (with the exception of this past Saturday) when I drink, I'll have 4-5 beers and that's it for the night. So I am making some progress. Hoping to not drink at all until Friday and then only have a few beers. It'd be a lot easier for me to not drink if I didn't have a husband who drinks every other night!

    I finished reading This Naked Mind and I thought it was very good, but I think it's hard to undo 16+ years of drinking just by reading one book. So now I'm going to read Alcohol Explained. Maybe if I keep pounding my brain with literature, it will keep sinking in. I think it's already working somewhat, but it's a slow process.

    I've found Annie Grace's videos from the Alcohol experiment are helpful to listen to along with the book. She does repeat a little bit, but I need that. I listen to them everyday to work.
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    Alzzi76 wrote: »
    46 days AF!! YAY!

    Well done Mary!! o:)o:)

    Thank you!! :)
  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    My triggers are boredom, stress, anxiety, and pizza.

    Does anyone else notice how much wine/alcohol is on TV shows since trying to cut back on drinking? Some of the shows I watch, the people drink like fishes, but never look drunk.

    Definitely...it has been like that on tv for years.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,190 Member
    I wish I would have come across this thread at the beginning of the month! I usually drink a bottle of wine over the course of the weekend and never really realized what effect that could be having on my results.

    Does anyone have any tips? Cold turkey vs gradually?

    For me, I quit cold turkey. I made a commitment to myself. Wrote it down. Read lots of books and searched for blogs online. I started on Jan. 1st. The first two-three weeks are hard; it's like a punishment - I felt deprived. Then, you start to re-frame your thinking and say things like, "I won't drink JUST for today. I will drink tea. I feel so much better without alcohol..." You will find what works for you.

    Another tip, many of us found a substitution for the alcohol. Maybe it's working out, walking more, reading, drinking tea or drinks with shrubs, etc.

    You have to decide if you want to quit or moderate. Either way, this thread will really help you. Start from the beginning of it, and read when you are feeling a craving. There are so many good ideas and books out there.
    Many of us like Alcohol Explained, Alcohol Lied to Me, This Naked Mind, and so much more. Best wishes! We are here for you and cheering you on!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    49 days AF....pretty used to this now.

    Wow. Super job!
  • xcjumper
    xcjumper Posts: 207 Member
    BuffMom84 wrote: »
    I finished reading This Naked Mind and I thought it was very good, but I think it's hard to undo 16+ years of drinking just by reading one book. So now I'm going to read Alcohol Explained. Maybe if I keep pounding my brain with literature, it will keep sinking in. I think it's already working somewhat, but it's a slow process.

    This is what I'm doing....I think it's helping, at least, to explain why it's so hard to stop and why Alcohol is so addictive. I always classified myself as a social drinker when, in reality, I'm addicted to it. Maybe not physically but mentally. This is what the books are saying. I'm now reading "quit drinking the easy way". He reiterates what someone mentioned earlier. That we have to acquire the taste of alcohol. No body likes it on first taste. I do remember when I first started drinking in HS that I went through a lot of different kind of alcoholic drinks to find something that I could stomach. Ugh!!

    In the book, he reiterates that you have to quench the desire to drink, that willpower will not work. Once you release the desire then you will not be addicted anymore. He states that willpower is just basically an accident (binge) waiting to happen.

    Not sure if I got that absolutely correct yet, but you get the gist of it anyway.

    Have a great day!

  • MaryBethHempel
    MaryBethHempel Posts: 513 Member
    I wish I would have come across this thread at the beginning of the month! I usually drink a bottle of wine over the course of the weekend and never really realized what effect that could be having on my results.

    Does anyone have any tips? Cold turkey vs gradually?

    For me, I quit cold turkey. I made a commitment to myself. Wrote it down. Read lots of books and searched for blogs online. I started on Jan. 1st. The first two-three weeks are hard; it's like a punishment - I felt deprived. Then, you start to re-frame your thinking and say things like, "I won't drink JUST for today. I will drink tea. I feel so much better without alcohol..." You will find what works for you.

    Another tip, many of us found a substitution for the alcohol. Maybe it's working out, walking more, reading, drinking tea or drinks with shrubs, etc.

    You have to decide if you want to quit or moderate. Either way, this thread will really help you. Start from the beginning of it, and read when you are feeling a craving. There are so many good ideas and books out there.
    Many of us like Alcohol Explained, Alcohol Lied to Me, This Naked Mind, and so much more. Best wishes! We are here for you and cheering you on!

    Great advice Julie! I will also add that I was so strengthened when I saw all the posts on how improved lives were after they stopped drinking. I noticed so many more benefits to be free of alcohol, instead of drinking and being controlled by it.