Riots in Croydon – I am so so sad I could cry



  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    I live in Birmingham & i had a lucky escape as i tried to travel home last night. I was about to follow my normal route through the city centre when i was warned by a police officer nit to go that way. So grateful to him i managed to get past the chaos & get one of the last buses out of town. Thought i'd be home safe but by 10pm the trouble had spread out of city to my area so spent a sleepless night worrying about friends who live/work in the city.

    This has made me so angry, i have friends in London that have had to leave their homes overnight. I don't know what the answer is but something needs to be done now!
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    its horrific. My OH commutes into london everyday but i want him to stay away till it all calms down
  • Klbryce1
    Klbryce1 Posts: 23
    it's disgusting. i was watching the news and was actually shaking with anger! my thoughts go out to you and every other innocent person being caught up in this ridiculous mindless violence.
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    its sickening and totally scary!
    evil evil people.....
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I am so sorry for all the law abiding people that are being caught up in this terrible thuggery.

    I think my Husband is right, we should get in the army and shoot the looters, the rioters and 'protesters' what a pile pf crap, they are all just worthless thieving mindless scum we would all be better off without. Shoot to kill I say, world would be a better place and we would be paying out less benefits to a load of worthless rubbish, because that is what they are.
  • martinah4
    martinah4 Posts: 583 Member
    I'm so sorry that this is happening in your city! It's just senseless violence and crime. My prayers are with all the innocent people in London and suburbs.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Lucy, you do a difficult enough job as it without these A-holes making life tougher. I cannot express enough respect for you and your collegues.

    From one Londoner (luckily in a borough as yet unaffected by the riots) to another I can only say how disgusted and angry I am about it all.

    I come from a working class background, I am one of four kids and I grew up on a housing estate. Yet I never saw society as owing me anything.

    I went to school, I went to college and then I put myself through Uni (I was the first year that HAD to pay fees's). I decided to make something of my life as opposed to bemoaning the fact I was "poor", I came from a rough area blah, bah, blah.

    If I want a flat screen TV I do not loot eletrical stores, I BUY one with my hard earned money.

    These people make me sick. There is no political message it is just an excuse to steal and damage our beautiful city.
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    I am a south Londoner too and had to pass through one of the areas concerned early yesterday night - horrific!

    I have been sat in my home to scared to go out watching the news as the areas I grew up in were torched and looted. I'm leaving the UK next week to work abroad and I am so saddened that THIS will be my last memory of London.

    I have been close to tears about this.:sad:

    I give thanks to God for wonderful people like you who were there to reassure those vunerable people. May God bless, guide and protect you
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    Sorry to hear you're right in the thick of it. It's absolutely disgusting, I live right up north but it seems to be heading up the country. The police just can't handle it and normal people are just helpless. Places like your hospital should have immediate security like police guarding it or something people are even more vulnerable in hospital it's not fair.
  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I hope things get better soon.

    Surely there is a solution for all of this? Even if some people end up getting hurt.It's ofcourse not good to go kill them,but I mean they could shoot them in the legs couldn't they? That'll make them stop? I don't think the army is the solution though,because there are too many of them outside the UK.
  • frostymorning
    frostymorning Posts: 8 Member
    Thinking of you during this sad time
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    I live in the UK, have lived in London and a few other large Cities. Watching parts of London torn apart, along with what can only be described as "jumping on the bandwagon" in Birmingham makes you wonder where is next. It's sickening. Give the police more power and more guns, we are far too lenient...

    Glad you and yours are safe.

    I agree! Give them guns and turn the cameras off and i will turn a blind eye to whatever happens!!

    Also bring in the ARMY!!! they will sort them out!!

    Guns are never the answer, countries with armed police still face these issues.
    Besides, it was police with guns that kicked the whole thing off - and FYI there's a lot of evidence that the guy wasn't even shooting at police, he simply had a gun. A crime? Yes. Deserved to die for it? No.

    As horrible as the violence is, having armed police shooting at teenagers (no matter how disgraceful their actions are) is never going to be right, and the public uproar from parents and other young people would make the situation far worse.

    So while I totally condemn the actions of the rioters, and pray that the madness doesn't spread up here, I would never say the police should have guns...
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Lucy, I live in Enfield and I literally had the riots on my doorstep on Sunday. Last night in Croydon looked absolutely terrifying, my heart goes out to you.
  • FJMilner
    FJMilner Posts: 407
    Lucy my thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone involved. It is an absolute disgrace and I am ashamed to be British xxx
  • emmaldownie
    emmaldownie Posts: 232 Member
    This is all just too much!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    more violence will beget more violence. It will justify their "cause".
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Ok, let's get a few things straight.

    The current rioting on the streets of London has NOTHING to do with the tragic events involving CO19 officers in Tottenham last Thursday. Those ****ing morons out looting have no political agenda, no cause, or no beliefs. They are just mindless opportunistic thugs who fancy the latest TV without having to work for it. SImply put: they are criminals.

    These people are utter ****tards. They are not true Londoners. They are not true English people. They are not truly British. I love my city and this country as do most of us who live here. Would we do anything to deliberately harm it or make it worse? No. We work hard to make it better, to improve it, to see it flourish. I have seen the place where I grew up as a kid in flames. I have seen places where I watch football matches vandalised. I have seen places where I have drinks with friends utterly destroyed.

    We WILL get through this but we need a show of physical strength on the streets. Visible and powerful policing. The police need to know that we the people support them to help us get through this. It would be a shame if we had to call a state of emergency and have tanks roll down London streets. Hitler couldn't manage to get artillery on to English soil but the people who live here cause that to happen. How ****ing stupid is that?

    ****ing ****s.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I'm in Leatherhead, so not far from Croydon. Round here they send in police helicopters if a kid cheeks an officer, so no way would they know how to handle anything worse.

    I'm scared for the weekend and scared for our country's future. The BNP must be exstatic as much of the violence is being presented as race related. I am proud of living in a moderate country and I don't want that to change.

    I pray for a solution, but once it's happened once...
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I'm pretty horrified by everything going on really, and disappointed in our "civilised" society. Bring out the army and the water cannons and it'll soon shut them up. I'm also horrified by the soft-line stance that appears to be advocated by Theresa May - I don't believe violence should be used unless provoked, but these people are attacking and endangering others- and even the presence of the army would possibly invoke some sort of fear into these poor excuses for humanity.

    Furthermore, I think Boris Johnson should be particularly vilified for his reluctance to return from holiday until THIS AFTERNOON.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    I just googled what happened because i hadn't heard a thing.. I don't turn on tv much.. I guess that could happen anywhere, I will have to read to find out what angered these people so much :(

    You will struggle to discover what angered these people. Honestly - if you actually asked them what made them so angry they smashed up shops where the owners were just trying to make a living and set fire to businesses, they wouldn't have a clue why.

    Seems everyone is angry at mobile phone companies and electrical goods stores, hence why they keep breaking into them and removing the goods.......