Ravenclaw Common Room



  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    OH! and i did the exercise thingies during the commercial breaks of so you think you can dance one day this week :bigsmile:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm having a harder time than I thought I would have coming up with meals that my husband can eat. I decided to make some turkey stew - but what to put in it? Normally, I would put green beans, limas, mushrooms, rice, tomatoes - but he can't have any of that!! I ended up concocting a pretty good stew using onion, garlic, carrot, turnip, sweet potato and cabbage! It was yummy! :bigsmile:
  • NikkiMustang77
    Hey guys, mind if I join in? I'm a bit low on motivationish, and hopefully fellow Ravenclaws can help me get going :)

    If so:
    Weight: 150.6 lbs on 8/6 (totally buggered up weighing myself yesterday morning - boyfriend stayed over, and I have issues weighing myself around him in a uniform manner)
    End of August goal: 147 lbs sound okay? I've been on here three weeks or so and lost one pound, still trying to get myself used to eating proper amounts at proper times and not binging during emotional upheavals.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! can it really be monday already?? hoping for good numbers and motivation for all of us this week :bigsmile:. have a great day!!!:wink:
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey guys, no weigh in for me this week sorry. I'm painting my bedroom at the moment, and as a result my scales are in our spare room... somewhere... under a pile of my things and furniture. It is truly atrocious how much junk I have. That's what I have learned having to unpack & move all my stuff so I could start painting. Lol.

    I forgot to add my August goal before, its to get down to 64.5kg / 142lb.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Weight in:
    Last week 196.5
    This week: 195

    One more pound and I can say I'm overweight instead of obese. I'm going to schedule a massage for that milestone.

    Lets see points:
    4 food tips
    1 "bathroom" workout
    5 days posted to board
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey guys, mind if I join in? I'm a bit low on motivationish, and hopefully fellow Ravenclaws can help me get going :)

    If so:
    Weight: 150.6 lbs on 8/6 (totally buggered up weighing myself yesterday morning - boyfriend stayed over, and I have issues weighing myself around him in a uniform manner)
    End of August goal: 147 lbs sound okay? I've been on here three weeks or so and lost one pound, still trying to get myself used to eating proper amounts at proper times and not binging during emotional upheavals.

    Hi, Nikki. Welcome to Ravenclaw!! If you haven't already, check out the Ravenclaw Common Room blog for more information about what we do here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/azsuzi/view/ravenclaw-common-room-information-128045. Glad you joined us!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Monday Ravenclaw! Back to work after my 3 days off last week that I took to finish my final paper - glad that's over!! Still trying to figure out how to plan my day around my husband's new diet so I can pack enough for breakfast, lunch and snacks. I'm sure this will get easier but my head is swimming right now!!

    I'll post last week's results tonight when I get home and we'll have several new Ravenclaws on the chart! :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    welcome to nikki, our newest Ravenclaw!! :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Here are our results for July 31 - Aug 7:

    lottee1000: #1 weight loss with 2.2%!
    _gwen & azsuzi: tied for most house points with 10 each

    Congratulations to this week's Prefects!! :happy:


    There's a lot of blanks on the chart now, but I'm hoping as people start coming back from vacations and get back to school and work, we'll have more participation.

    Great week everyone!!
  • sunstonefire
    Hello Ravenclaw :) I'm just joining in and am looking foward to getting to now everyone and cheering us all on to our goals! I've just recently joined this site and so far have lost 2lbs. I'm still working on my portion control and finding some tasty replacements to the junk food I ate far too much of. lol

    My start weight as of today is 248lbs.
    My goal for the end of August : 240lbs.
  • NikkiMustang77
    welcome to nikki, our newest Ravenclaw!! :flowerforyou:
    thanks :)

    tried the ice water this morning - owowow teeth. might just opt for a glass of cold water, as opposed to room temperature water i'm used to drinking.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaws, happy tuesday!! welcome to sunstonefire!! :flowerforyou: just finished workout...biceps and triceps now burning!! hope you all have a great day. :bigsmile:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Ice water and my teeth are not friends. I'm with Nikki, cold tap water for me!

    I seemed to have picked up some sort of cold or virus this weekend. I've been sleeping hard and long the last few days.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ravenclaw!

    Ice water hurts my teeth too - LOL!! I'm going to try to stick with the ice and just take tiny sips until its gone. I got in one day of the biceps/triceps, but I think I'm going to just do it every other day so my arms have a chance to recover.

    With my change in diet, I'm having a hard time meeting my calories each day - and I'm not hungry by the end of the day. I don't know if that means eating clean foods feeds your body with less calories or if I'm totally off the mark with what I'm eating. I'm going to keep at it a while and see how my body responds. If I plateau, I guess I'll have to rethink everything.

    Glad you found us sunstonefire! Welcome to the group.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi again! I just found this fantastic post by MFP-er Mickmelie called "Eat more to Lose more, explained." about why we need to eat all of our calories. I found it here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/302589-eat-more-to-lose-more-explained
    I would just like to take a moment to correct a logistical error I regularly see. I think it confuses people more than it helps...

    Most of us who have around the MFP block a few times will tell you: You need to eat more to lose more. This is absolutely true. It's the reason WHY this is true that can be confusing and is often stated wrong by well meaning fitness palls.

    When you eat too few calories (not enough to fuel your body) over a long period of time your weight loss can (and eventually will) stall. You can call it "starvation mode" or whatever you want. However, it is NOT because your body "stores more fat at lower calorie levels" Your body needs all those calories and it uses all those calories. It does not and cannot afford to store them!

    The reason why you will plateau is because your body thinks you are in famine. In order to "help" you through these rough times of drought and food scarcity, your body will SLOW DOWN. The natural day to day processes your body undertakes without your conscious knowledge turn down a notch so that you can survive on less.

    We're not talking about exercises and such... you can continue to force yourself to do the same amount of exercise on 500 calories as you did on 2000 calories. Your body has other, tricky, ways of slowing down that you cannot control. It expends less energy on the daily functions like mucus production, digestion, hair growth, skin regeneration, and so forth. Under normal circumstances, your brain is a major energy suck (some pplz more than others, hehe). In order to conserve energy, your brain slows down. Who wants that? You might fidget less, sit more often, and sleep in a little longer. You might have less enthusiasm when exercising. All of these things add up to requiring less (AND BURNING LESS!) calories during the day. POOF! Plateau!

    Now think about what would happen to your body if all these processes were to slow down for an extended (months, years?) period of time. You'd become more prone to infection and illness. Those processes are in place for reason. They keep your body healthy and running the way its supposed to. Hair loss, brittle nails, bad skin, listlessness, and so forth are very common side effects of not properly fueling your body... ask any long-term ED. You're probably not going to die... but you can become very sick.

    This doesn't happen in a day, but over a long period of time, IT WILL HAPPEN. It happened to me and to a lot of others here on MFP. So what's the solution? Well DUH! EAT FOOD!

    Some extra food for thought.... I ate an average of 900 calories per day for 3 months. I lost the same amount of weight per week as I have eating 1200 calories per day for the past 4 months.My skin is better, my nails are better, my mood is better, I have more energy. It wasn't worth it. But MAYBE being able to share my story and help others will make up for it.

    Well, thanks everyone for reading. I love you all! NOW EAT UP, DAMMIT!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    Hello ravenclaws Ive really missed you. I weighed in on sunday and 166 and my goal is to be 140 by Halloween. So Aug goal 160 sept goal 150 and by nov 1st 140
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw, happy wednesday!! yesterday was to be a low calorie zig zag day, but i was really hungry after supper i decided to switch out yesterday and today (was to be high day). hopefully that will confuse my metabolism even more!! not doing great with the morning water challenge. my stomach doesn't handle water well till i've been up a couple of hours. doing ok with the arm exercises though. hope everyone has a geat day!! :bigsmile:
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws,

    I've been dragging the last few days. I'm not really sure why. I think I picked up some kind of cold bug over the weekend, I've been sleeping like crazy. And maybe feeling a bit down after spending three days making art and not feeling very positive about the work I produced. And also a disappointment from an acquaintance who I thought was a friend but after promising to get together to talk about art, blew me off twice. I've felt hungry the last few days, not famished or craving anything, just wanting to eat a bit more protein in the evening.

    Food-wise, I've been right on track. Exercise-wise, I haven't exercised since Sunday. I did a mid-week peek at my scale this morning and I'm at 193.5 (!) so I'm tracking better than I expected.

    I had a hysterectomy three years ago, so I'm pretty sure it's not that time of the month.

    I think I'm moping around, but it occurred to me I might not be getting enough food too. But maybe that's wishful thinking.

    Any thoughts?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws,

    I've been dragging the last few days. I'm not really sure why. I think I picked up some kind of cold bug over the weekend, I've been sleeping like crazy. And maybe feeling a bit down after spending three days making art and not feeling very positive about the work I produced. And also a disappointment from an acquaintance who I thought was a friend but after promising to get together to talk about art, blew me off twice. I've felt hungry the last few days, not famished or craving anything, just wanting to eat a bit more protein in the evening.

    Food-wise, I've been right on track. Exercise-wise, I haven't exercised since Sunday. I did a mid-week peek at my scale this morning and I'm at 193.5 (!) so I'm tracking better than I expected.

    I had a hysterectomy three years ago, so I'm pretty sure it's not that time of the month.

    I think I'm moping around, but it occurred to me I might not be getting enough food too. But maybe that's wishful thinking.

    Any thoughts?

    Hey Gwen. Did you read that post that I quoted on here a couple of days ago? It sounds like you might not be getting enough calories - what you're describing is exactly what Mickmelie was talking about. Hope you feel better soon!