feel like im about to quit



  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Just a quick peek at your diary, and it looks like a lot of processed stuff. One day you had 3 granola bars as a meal? That's a lot of sugar in one sitting. Another day was some frozen pizza of sorts. I'm not being critical, i've been there! And I'm sure to be there again. I know how challenging it is to manage without processed foods. But maybe you need to look at what you're eating, as much as how many calories you're eating?


    I haven't had time to read everyone else's posts, so I"m sure I"m reapeating. Sorry.

    Try more fruits, veggies and whole foods. Make sure you're really weighing and measuring things, not just estimating. That's a huge downfall for people. Be sure to drink your water, and have way more than 8 cups if you're sweating a lot exercising.
    Be kind to yourself. But be honest with yourself about what you're doing. Are you tracking every bite? Are you sneaking chicken nuggets off your kid's leftovers and not putting it down (I've been so guilty of doing that!) And make sure you're balancing your intake of food with your exercise. See if you can give yourself a few days of rest in between to recover. Adjust your eating accordingly.

    But don't give up! People gave real suggestions, try to work on it. You can do it!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    PS. Jillian Michaels is a money making machine. Her advice isn't Gospel, nor is it for everyone. You have to find what works for you!
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Looked at your diary. I would try to up the protein you have at breakfast and eat breakfast every day. Preferably an egg if you eat them. I would also decrease the amount of processed foods you eat. The amount of sodium and sugar they contain can be hindering your weight loss. Also try to get at east 1 cup of a green leafy vegetable into diet. When you have a lot to lose it's darn near impossible to eat back all your exercise calories, but you should plan to eat more on work out days. I also make sure to get protein both re and post workout. Sometimes it's as simple as a protein shake or a handful or nuts.
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    Just a quick peek at your diary, and it looks like a lot of processed stuff. One day you had 3 granola bars as a meal? That's a lot of sugar in one sitting. Another day was some frozen pizza of sorts. I'm not being critical, i've been there! And I'm sure to be there again. I know how challenging it is to manage without processed foods. But maybe you need to look at what you're eating, as much as how many calories you're eating?


    I haven't had time to read everyone else's posts, so I"m sure I"m reapeating. Sorry.

    Try more fruits, veggies and whole foods. Make sure you're really weighing and measuring things, not just estimating. That's a huge downfall for people. Be sure to drink your water, and have way more than 8 cups if you're sweating a lot exercising.
    Be kind to yourself. But be honest with yourself about what you're doing. Are you tracking every bite? Are you sneaking chicken nuggets off your kid's leftovers and not putting it down (I've been so guilty of doing that!) And make sure you're balancing your intake of food with your exercise. See if you can give yourself a few days of rest in between to recover. Adjust your eating accordingly.

    But don't give up! People gave real suggestions, try to work on it. You can do it!

    the pizza was a free day and after seeing that 2 slices meet my cal goal, it hasnt happened. the bars were helping me meet my cal goal, as i said, i cant make it unless theres something i shouldnt eat. i log in every bite. i typically make my diary the night before so i can use it a a guid for the next day. things that are random i add as soon as i fix it. everything is logged. i dont do any midnight snacking. my daugher is 1 so she eats off my plate. my husband eats differnt food than me and i know not ot go near it. i eat loads of veggies and usually 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup cherries, and maybe a bannana.

    not meaning to sound deffensive lol but i dont really know what else to eat. its too expensive making seperate meals and after chasing a todler around all day and doing the gym for a few hours, im either too tired to eat or i just eat what i made my husband, but less of it with added veggies. i dont eat after 7, and i dont drink alochol. i stick with water and the soy mild for ceral
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    The whole eating your calories back thing seems to confuse a lot of people. When you exercise you are building muscle which will increase your body's ability to burn fat and calories at resting rate. So eating the calories back helps you to lose the fat and the exercise helps to increase your ability to burn the fat off as well. So make sure you eat at leat 1200, I know it is hard but there are a lot of calorie dense things out there if you don't want to eat too much, like peanut butter and cheeses etc...
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Just a quick peek at your diary, and it looks like a lot of processed stuff. One day you had 3 granola bars as a meal? That's a lot of sugar in one sitting. Another day was some frozen pizza of sorts. I'm not being critical, i've been there! And I'm sure to be there again. I know how challenging it is to manage without processed foods. But maybe you need to look at what you're eating, as much as how many calories you're eating?


    I haven't had time to read everyone else's posts, so I"m sure I"m reapeating. Sorry.

    Try more fruits, veggies and whole foods. Make sure you're really weighing and measuring things, not just estimating. That's a huge downfall for people. Be sure to drink your water, and have way more than 8 cups if you're sweating a lot exercising.
    Be kind to yourself. But be honest with yourself about what you're doing. Are you tracking every bite? Are you sneaking chicken nuggets off your kid's leftovers and not putting it down (I've been so guilty of doing that!) And make sure you're balancing your intake of food with your exercise. See if you can give yourself a few days of rest in between to recover. Adjust your eating accordingly.

    But don't give up! People gave real suggestions, try to work on it. You can do it!

    the pizza was a free day and after seeing that 2 slices meet my cal goal, it hasnt happened. the bars were helping me meet my cal goal, as i said, i cant make it unless theres something i shouldnt eat. i log in every bite. i typically make my diary the night before so i can use it a a guid for the next day. things that are random i add as soon as i fix it. everything is logged. i dont do any midnight snacking. my daugher is 1 so she eats off my plate. my husband eats differnt food than me and i know not ot go near it. i eat loads of veggies and usually 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 cup cherries, and maybe a bannana.

    not meaning to sound deffensive lol but i dont really know what else to eat. its too expensive making seperate meals and after chasing a todler around all day and doing the gym for a few hours, im either too tired to eat or i just eat what i made my husband, but less of it with added veggies. i dont eat after 7, and i dont drink alochol. i stick with water and the soy mild for ceral

    Not everyone does this, but I look at more than just the calories goal. I look at nutrients as well. Those 3 granola bars may have met your calories goal, but if it's not providing the nutrients your body needs it's the equivalent of empty calories. It's not going to help your body burn off fat. My rule with something like pizza is to balance it out with a green veg.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I'm going to agree with what's been said in this thread, and that is that you need to EAT. Your body cannot function if you don't feed it, and it won't burn fat if it can't function properly. Eat your calorie allotment every day, including your exercise calories. Drink plenty of water. Starving yourself is not the way to lose weight. You'll only succeed in destroying your metabolism and making yourself miserable. Eat healthy food, and eat more than you're eating now.
  • janiecorona
    I suggest not to stay that low. I don't reach my 1200 calories but I get up to at least 1000 calories a day. I only work out an hour. So I think you are eating to little for what you work out. Your body is holding onto the fat since it's "starving." Try eating a bit more. I do that and I've been losing 2 lbs a week steadily for the last 3 weeks.

    Also, don't quit. Whatever happens, don't quit.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You claim that you cannot eat more than that -- I'm sorry, but you can. And you must. If you truly feel that you cannot eat more, then you need to see your doctor, because you are not eating very much food at all. You have convinced yourself that you don't want to eat very much because you think food is the enemy. It's not.

    I'm sorry to sound harsh, but it sounds to me as though you're headed toward eating disorder territory, if you aren't there already. Healthy food is not the enemy. And quite frankly, you say you don't have time to prepare food for yourself -- if you don't take the time and effort to care for yourself, what kind of example is that for your child? Show your child that it's important to take care of yourself. Do this for yourself, and for that baby. Don't let your child grow up thinking that it's ok to completely sacrifice all of your own personal needs in the name of caring for others.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    dont give up. the only person you are giving up on is yourself. you can do this.

    I have a toddler and i work full time but i try and make good choices. You have to include more fruit and veg into your diet. Invest in a slow cooker/ crockpot if you dont have one. It cooks away slowly so u dont have to spend time in the kitchen- pretty handy if you have a busy day. plus u can batch cook and freeze meals. your family will be a lot healthier if you are healthy as well!

    I would also eat more. your diary is making me hungry. no less than 1200 cals in a day- the amounts you are consuming are very very low. you need to fuel your body better
  • Jholt47
    Jholt47 Posts: 20
    Don't give up, it sounds like your metabolism is running slow. Eat more one day a week to get it going. High protein and coconut oil can also help increase your metabolism.
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    You claim that you cannot eat more than that -- I'm sorry, but you can. And you must. If you truly feel that you cannot eat more, then you need to see your doctor, because you are not eating very much food at all. You have convinced yourself that you don't want to eat very much because you think food is the enemy. It's not.

    I'm sorry to sound harsh, but it sounds to me as though you're headed toward eating disorder territory, if you aren't there already. Healthy food is not the enemy. And quite frankly, you say you don't have time to prepare food for yourself -- if you don't take the time and effort to care for yourself, what kind of example is that for your child? Show your child that it's important to take care of yourself. Do this for yourself, and for that baby. Don't let your child grow up thinking that it's ok to completely sacrifice all of your own personal needs in the name of caring for others.

    i didnt exactly say that. I lead a busy life and i sometimes have to skip a meal resulting in low cal count. I have never eaten very much, espically in summer. i tend to just drink water and teas. When i feel too tired to make food for myself, i dont think im setting a bad example for myself. i get up around 6 am every morning to make my husband and daughter breakfeast, and while he can watch her i start on the house work, laundy, and yard work. i dont get to my breakfest till 10-11 am. byt then its too late for lunch, and i'll have a snack. i make sure my husbands dinner is ready when he gets home, and he can rest before i go to the gym. at 7-8. i dont get home till 11 or 12 and i dont eat after 7. im not anorexic or bullimic. i dont binge and purge. i know food is not the enemy, but when you have a husband thats trying to gain weight, and youre trying to lose it, diet foods aren't for him. i make sure he and my daughter eat, and if i miss a meal, then thats the way it is.

    if i were over the toilet gagging myself, yea, thats a bad example for my daughter. being busy isnt.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    it is a plateau. if you want to take a break for a week, thats fine! I did that and am back today with more motivation than before. i went through a plateau and began starving. I gained a little weight, but now i feel i am back on track.

    hope this helps!!!
  • AliDarling
    AliDarling Posts: 373
    The whole eating your calories back thing seems to confuse a lot of people. When you exercise you are building muscle which will increase your body's ability to burn fat and calories at resting rate. So eating the calories back helps you to lose the fat and the exercise helps to increase your ability to burn the fat off as well. So make sure you eat at leat 1200, I know it is hard but there are a lot of calorie dense things out there if you don't want to eat too much, like peanut butter and cheeses etc...

    you actually made me unerstand that. even the trainer couldnt explain that i burn cals durning the rest after work outs. so is it after i eat the 1200, burn off most of em, do i eat 1/2 or do i go up to 1200 again?
  • pumpkinmoccasin
    I know EVERYONE has said it but you REALLY need to hear it: You NEED to eat more. Your body isn't losing any fat because every single thing that you eat, regardless of what it is, is turning into fat because your body is starving and freaking out. MFP calculates a healthy deficit in the calories that it gives you so eat that amount. Keep up your exercise routine and you don't have to eat back your exercise calories if that makes you uncomfortable (but if you still aren't losing at least eat some of them). It takes 2-3 weeks of doing something to be able to tell if the change that you made is gonna stick to at least hang around doing the RIGHT things for a couple more weeks and you should see loss.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    i tend to just drink water and teas. When i feel too tired to make food for myself, i dont think im setting a bad example for myself. i get up around 6 am every morning to make my husband and daughter breakfeast, and while he can watch her i start on the house work, laundy, and yard work. i dont get to my breakfest till 10-11 am. byt then its too late for lunch, and i'll have a snack. i make sure my husbands dinner is ready when he gets home, and he can rest before i go to the gym. at 7-8. i dont get home till 11 or 12 and i dont eat after 7. im not anorexic or bullimic. i dont binge and purge. i know food is not the enemy, but when you have a husband thats trying to gain weight, and youre trying to lose it, diet foods aren't for him. i make sure he and my daughter eat, and if i miss a meal, then thats the way it is.

    if i were over the toilet gagging myself, yea, thats a bad example for my daughter. being busy isnt.

    You're preparing food for your husband and your daughter. Eat that! You're already making food, so just have some yourself. If you make sure everyone else around you has enough to eat, why do you not think that you're worth the same consideration? And it's not like it would take any more work, because you're already in the kitchen preparing meals and snacks for other people. Just throw another egg in the pan, another potato in the oven, another serving of whatever it is you're making, and eat it. You don't even have to sit down if you don't want to. Grab a bite on the way through to the laundry room. Grab another one when you come back to get some water. Eat a few bites as you clear the table. And yes, being "too busy" to take care of yourself IS a bad example. Do you want her to grow up thinking she has to let herself come last in everything, to the point of sacrificing her health? Because that's what you're doing. You are her example.

    The reason I think you have an unhealthy relationship with food is BECAUSE you eat so little. BECAUSE you don't care if you eat. BECAUSE you said that when you eat, you feel bloated. These are not healthy ways of reacting to food, and they CAN be signs of a budding eating disorder. Binging and purging are not the only bad things people do with regards to food. Food is fuel for life. You need it. So I'll say it again: if you don't eat enough because you don't think you have time, re-prioritize your time. But if you feel that you physically cannot eat enough, see your doctor. Nobody's body is healthy on such small amounts of food, and yours is no exception.

    I'm saying these things because I want you to be healthy and happy. I want to see you achieve your goals, because you are worth it!
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    I second and third what everyone else says.

    I don't understand though when you say you can't eat something. What can't you eat? I eat anything I want, about 1100-1400 cals a day depending on the day, and just eat in moderation. I lost 12 lbs in about 3 weeks. I'm not even working out like a maniac. I do at least 3 workouts at least 30 minutes each a week.

    This isn't a restrictive diet. Why don't you eat a little bit of your daughter or husbands breakfast foods? You would get a morning boost, have more energy to do all the work you need to do, and you can count that as the 400+ calories you NEED in your diet.

    Feel free to friend me and look at my food diary for ideas. I still eat burgers, pizza, ice cream, breakfast etc... I've just figured out how to do it modestly instead of the 4,000 calories a day that I used to consume.

    Edit to add: I am also THE #1 most picky eater EVER born. I promise you that! lol
  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    I know I already replied to this post but I was listening to a Jillian Michaels podcast later today and I wanted to share something she said about herself on there. She said that she eats 1500-1600 calories a day and the days she exercises she eats around 2000. Also I have read that you should eat something alteast 30 minutes after exercise, a carb and protein, so that your muscles can rebuild and have the fuel to rebuild. I hope this helps you. Good luck to you.