Chiropractic care

Curious to know what other people think on this. I’m generally a *major* skeptic on anything alternative but found myself yesterday at a first adjustment. Woke up sore and in pain and questioning the legitimacy of any ‘medicine’ that creates more pain-no intention of ever doing that again! I’ve heard great things from some people, wonderful tales about how they were all fixed up and so on and so on and lived happily ever after...
Research on the great web demonstrates how prevalent chiropractic medicine is. I’m curious to know your thoughts or experiences (negative or positive).


  • YvetteK2015
    YvetteK2015 Posts: 654 Member
    Oh, but on the flip side, I was seeing an osteopath, and my headache specialist was completely Ok with me having him as a doctor, because he was medically trained.
  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    That makes sense, it probably covers them too
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited March 2018
    A good chiropractor can be a great thing for some people and for some not. It just really depends on your issues for some people they get great relief, for others it doesn't do a thing, and for some it makes things worse. I would talk to a doctor first to see if it would be an good option for you and then if it is find a REALLY good one, I find word of mouth from friends or family is a good way to find good doctors and chiropractors. It's the same way at the spine clinic I work at (pain management doctors/surgeons not chirpractors)'s a process in finding out what works best for you and you start with the easiest things and work your way up. Patients get frustrated when the first thing they try doesn't work, sometimes there is no instant miracle and it takes work and dedication on the patients part to not give up.
  • Curious to know what other people think on this. I’m generally a *major* skeptic on anything alternative but found myself yesterday at a first adjustment. Woke up sore and in pain and questioning the legitimacy of any ‘medicine’ that creates more pain-no intention of ever doing that again! I’ve heard great things from some people, wonderful tales about how they were all fixed up and so on and so on and lived happily ever after...
    Research on the great web demonstrates how prevalent chiropractic medicine is. I’m curious to know your thoughts or experiences (negative or positive).

  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2018
    In 2012 a chiropractor adjusted my neck and clipped a vertebral artery. I had a massive basilar artery stroke that left me with locked in syndrome (that's totally paralyzed and aphasic but completely conscious otherwise) Expected to die, I was sent to a neurological center in Toronto and miraculously re-gained some of my functions. 1 year or rehab later I re-learned to walk and talk and am now deficit free. It's a very small risk but I'd rather not take it.

    That’s awful! I’m sorry that happened to you!
    Awesome that you’re feeling better but horrible that a ‘treatment’ caused the stroke.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    edited March 2018
    Not a fan and I was good friends with a chrio who gave me free adjustments for awhile when I was young. I realized he was either a scam artist or seriously stupid because he showed me a "my" back X-ray that had a huge spinal curve in the thoracic spine, which was impossible since it would have been easily visible as the shoulders on the X-ray were clearly at different levels that did not show in the mirror etc.

    I talked to a real doctor a couple weeks later and he said it was quite clearly not the right X-Ray since he couldn't find it.

    I believe the independent research shows some benefits for certain things such as temporary relief of low back pain, but for a person who is otherwise healthy I wouldn't waste my time or money, and I wouldn't go to one without consulting a physician about my condition first.
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    I see a chiropractor on a monthly basis and have for a little over a year. Years ago I never would have imagined seeing one but once I did, I noticed a significant difference in my migraines. The chiropractor who I see does not do much of the traditional 'cracking' or 'popping' that I think most people think of but he focuses on the muscles that are tight and are pulling areas out of alignment. I may lay on a massage table to being the visit with rollers that wave up and down my back to help loosen me up. He then uses more holds and stretches than anything to help loosen my back, neck and head up.
  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    edited March 2018
    Grimmerick wrote: »
    Lean59man wrote: »
    Chiropractic is non-science hokum.

    Do some research on the origins of chiropractic. It's total nonsense.

    Show us some research, I'm willing to read it. I found this, maybe it started out that way I don't know, but it's becoming more legitimate or at least legitimate enough to be looked into. I work at a spine clinic and while we don't do anything involving it, we also know it has a time,place, and use. Many of our patients have seen relief with it and some haven't. It's success is very much based on the individual and their issues and probably also the knowledge of the chiropractor. I will tell you this though, they can't xray worth a *kitten*. :D My only other thought on it is if it's hokum and nonsense that doesn't work then a lot of people are lying about it working for them.

    What I always wonder about is the placebo effect. Most people (who are happy with chiropractic care) seem to have glowing reviews of it. There are very few moderate reviews of it. This makes me think that the placebo effect might play a factor in it. Of course, I’m sure some people might find relief for it (if it works for you, then why not?) but I get relief from popping my own back. From the chiropractor, I’m experiencing more pain today that I wasn’t before walking in.
    I was also told that my back problems could be 100% fixed by going in 3-4 a week; false promises make me skeptical as does the price tag: $500 for the first month if I followed their recommendations (um...Nope!)
    I looked for recent articles or scholarly journals but everything is *old* or drowned out by articles about how great chiropractic medicine is (of course the articles are put on the web by chiropractors). {Shrug}
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I go. Dh does not believe in it.

    My insurance pays for it, thankfully.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited March 2018
    Grimmerick wrote: »
    Lean59man wrote: »
    Chiropractic is non-science hokum.

    Do some research on the origins of chiropractic. It's total nonsense.

    Show us some research, I'm willing to read it. I found this, maybe it started out that way I don't know, but it's becoming more legitimate or at least legitimate enough to be looked into. I work at a spine clinic and while we don't do anything involving it, we also know it has a time,place, and use. Many of our patients have seen relief with it and some haven't. It's success is very much based on the individual and their issues and probably also the knowledge of the chiropractor. I will tell you this though, they can't xray worth a *kitten*. :D My only other thought on it is if it's hokum and nonsense that doesn't work then a lot of people are lying about it working for them.

    What I always wonder about is the placebo effect. Most people (who are happy with chiropractic care) seem to have glowing reviews of it. There are very few moderate reviews of it. This makes me think that the placebo effect might play a factor in it. Of course, I’m sure some people might find relief for it (if it works for you, then why not?) but I get relief from popping my own back. From the chiropractor, I’m experiencing more pain today that I wasn’t before walking in.
    I was also told that my back problems could be 100% fixed by going in 3-4 a week; false promises make me skeptical as does the price tag.
    I looked for recent articles or scholarly journals but everything is *old* or drowned out by articles about how great chiropractic medicine is (of course the articles are put on the web by chiropractors). {Shrug}

    Some of it could be the placebo effect which hey like you said if it works why not, probably not for all people though. If you don't find relief, then it's not the modality for you, doesn't mean other things won't help and def keep looking, don't give up. If it works for you do it. Everyone is different and different things work for different folks. It works the same way at our spine clinic, we start with anti inflammatory medication, PT, pain medication, surgery etc etc . All, some, or none of those work for patients, everyone is different.....and unfortunately sometimes there just isn't a good answer.
  • sportychic87
    sportychic87 Posts: 214 Member
    Well said^