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Intermittent fasting- just an acceptable way of starving yourself?



  • SilverRose89
    SilverRose89 Posts: 447 Member
    edited March 2018
    sijomial wrote: »
    I think you have it backwards about eating disorders, people who already have disordered eating problems may well not be best served by doing IF.
    From the 5:2 web site the first category on the list of people who are advised not to do 5:2 is:
    "People who are underweight or have an eating disorder"

    Interestingly to me, it also lists people "with a history of severe mental health problems" on that list, as seperate to history of eating disorders.

    Depending on definition I would probably fit the criteria as having a history of severe mental health problems unrelated to eating disorders though, probably as part of my other issues, I have had problems with binge eating and difficulty around this. I do not do IF but I do gravitate towards it somewhat in that I will often not eat breakfast, have a very small lunch and then a big dinner and evening snacks as a way to manage my calories and also I have found this the most effective way to reduce my binge eating considerably to a level I would have previously thought impossible.

    So it is interesting to me they would say proper IF is not recommended. Perhaps, having a history of other mental health issues I am at higher risk of eating disorder and this is why.
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    Grimmerick wrote: »
    If someone wants to disguise an eating disorder they will find a way to do it, if not IF then something else.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    aliblain wrote: »
    I’ve noticed a few people saying that they are combining different types of IF diet (doing 5:2 and 16:8 for example) or limiting their eating window to a very short time. I like IF but part of me is uneasy about the way it makes skipping meals acceptable. What we reckon? Is IF just a way of people disguising disordered eating as an acceptable diet?

    I don't know anyone in person saying they eat IF. I know people who don't eat breakfast or snack but they don't call it anything.

    People that post here saying they do IF mostly seem to understand they need to get enough calories per day/week.

    I think someone with disordered eating will likely be attracted to things that lets them restrict food and meals severely. Like fasting, clean eating or being a low carb vegetarian, the banana diet or doing whole 30 repeatedly. You'd have to check in with the individual to see what they are really doing.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    aliblain wrote: »
    I’ve noticed a few people saying that they are combining different types of IF diet (doing 5:2 and 16:8 for example) or limiting their eating window to a very short time. I like IF but part of me is uneasy about the way it makes skipping meals acceptable. What we reckon? Is IF just a way of people disguising disordered eating as an acceptable diet?

    No...you can do IF and still hit your calories...there's nothing disordered about skipping meals.

    I used to inadvertently do 16:8 because I never used to eat breakfast in the morning...I'd eat my dinner at 8:00-8:30 and then wouldn't eat lunch until 12:00...I definitely hit my calories and then some because I put on 40-50 Lbs over the course of about 8 years doing that.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    eminater wrote: »
    What on earth is a 'Vanity Pound?'

    My maintenance weight is 180 Lbs at around 15% BF...If I wanted to cut to 170 Lbs and have my abs pop, those would be vanity pounds because I'm already at a perfectly healthy and acceptable BF%.
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