Gained 9lbs in a few hours

I’ve worked really hard to get to the current weight I am today and I’ve 100% lost weight because all my jeans fall off me and skirts and all the clothes thag didn’t fit me now do. However today it’s my friends birthday and Mother’s Day tomorrow so I thought I’d give my self a cheat weekend as a little treat so today I went out for a lovely meal and when I got back I weight myself this morning I was 10st 1 and now I’m 10st 10 wtffffff I feel disgusting and wish I’d never even bothered going out all my hard work for nothing and I’m probably going to cancel Mother’s Day tomorrow because I’ll just gain more and I tried on the dress for tomorrow and it feels tight today even tho it was perfect yesterday. My stomach looks huge and has doubled inside and my neck feels really fat like I don’t even have a chin or jawline. How can I get rid of this immediately makin me so depressed and miserable


  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    What everyone else said, it's definitely not 9 lbs of fat. I try not to weigh myself after cheat meals/cheat days/cheat weekends (cuz sometimes it turns into that, for me :D ), the number on the scale is always overly inflated.

    If it makes you feel better, last Sunday I ate a ton of crap (way more than just one big meal, which is what it sounds like you had), and against my better judgement I weighed myself the next day. I was up about 7 lbs from my last weigh in. I was good for the next couple days, got my workouts in and let my body rid itself of all the bloating and water weight, and when I weighed myself again those 7 lbs were gone almost overnight.

    Don't skip Mother's Day tomorrow! I know exactly how you feel because I've been there a lot. You shouldn't beat yourself up for slipping up sometimes; it happens to the best of us. I've found that when I don't put so much pressure on myself, it actually gets a little easier to make good food choices even when I'm dining out. Remember this is a lifestyle change, one bad meal or a cheat weekend isn't going to ruin everything you've worked for.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    This wasn't even an overnight fluctuation, this morning compared to later that same day.

    OP, you didn't gain 9 lbs of fat after a single meal.

    I agree with this:
    What did you have? It’s sounds like something did not agree with you. It certainly isn’t fat weight.

    Seems you may have eaten something that caused bloating (which is why your stomach seems bigger). Add in the weight of the food you ate, and drinks, increased sodium from the meal. All very likely causes. Perhaps weighing yourself in the mornings only, if it causes you this much distress.

    I think everyone missed that part about this was the same day.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    This wasn't even an overnight fluctuation, this morning compared to later that same day.

    Good point - I didn't even realise that until I re-read the OP! Perhaps she weighed herself naked this morning and fully clothed later in the day? As well as all the other possibilities that have been suggested.

    But yeah - OP, don't give up, and don't beat yourself up about it. There's no way you put on that much actual weight in one day, and you haven't ruined all your work so far. You may even find that most of it is gone again in the morning.

    If necessary, find another dress that fits you more comfortably, go out and enjoy your day, and get back to your normal routine on Monday. :)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Hey, i ate a 1000 calories in the last 48 hours. Not because i avoid eating, just because i worked a double at the hospital and just crashed in bed after i got home. I gained a!

    And you showered! Haha

    No usually lose weight after the
    maybe this is the problem I haven't showered yet. Lol

    I don't miss those days at all.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Hey, i ate a 1000 calories in the last 48 hours. Not because i avoid eating, just because i worked a double at the hospital and just crashed in bed after i got home. I gained a!

    And you showered! Haha

    No usually lose weight after the
    maybe this is the problem I haven't showered yet. Lol
