(POST 3) BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge!!



  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Since I joined this group I have found t so motivating. I love the challenges and love keeping myself in check by reminding myself of the goals I've set for this challenge. I really hope I see 160 at the end of the month, but if I don't quite make it ay least I've come a long way and this group has helped me :) Also sorry for not being around last week. My screen busted on my other phone so I had to get another one and have been getting used to it and had to work 4 days in a row last week.
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    Since I joined this group I have found t so motivating. I love the challenges and love keeping myself in check by reminding myself of the goals I've set for this challenge. I really hope I see 160 at the end of the month, but if I don't quite make it ay least I've come a long way and this group has helped me :) Also sorry for not being around last week. My screen busted on my other phone so I had to get another one and have been getting used to it and had to work 4 days in a row last week.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    :smile: I started my real attempt at cross training today which means I am doing a bit of

    everything in one 60 minute workout. Start with the elliptical, move to the stationery bicycle

    then it's on to the treadmill for a nice 15 minute run! It was fun and exhilarating:bigsmile:

    I want more!:wink: Sticking to my green tea every day and careful to get lots of calcium.

    I have added 3 strength training sessions per week now so I am challenged to get

    the right amount of protein but I am working on that...hope all is well in BobberLand

    for all my wonderful BobberPals:glasses:
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I look forward to reading how others are meeting their individual challenges to lose weight/be healthy and I need the weekly weigh in to help me stay focused.
  • MaggieP86

    I know I'm here extremely late in the challenge, as there's only 19 days to go, but I'd love to hop in.

    In the next 19 days I hope to lose 4 pounds. The reason this could be tricky is I'm about to head out for a week in Souther California for a business trip. (My first ever business trip, I'm super excited!!) The food options could be questionable, I'm still waiting to hear the final verdict on where I'm staying and what my options will be. My saving grace will be (I hope) the hotel gym. I'll be away from my friends for a full week with nothing to do but workout or veg -- and I'd rather work out!

    My starting weight (which would have been Monday) was 217. If I weigh under 213 after this is all said and done I'll be thrilled!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Here is a challenge for today. Let everyone know what this groupe has meant to you. I am not some one that checks out the board each day and responds to all of the challenges (an for that I apologise), but weighing in each week with you gouys has kept me motivated and focused.
    Since this challenge has started I have lost close to 10 pounds even though there were weeks that I felt I was trappened in endless stagnation. To everyone who has kept this group going ...


    I joined mfp in May, since joining the Bob group I have lost more weight. I look forward to the challenges & push myself every day. It has kept me motivated, I've tried things I would never have tried before ie. elipital, new receipes, also weighting myself... yes weighing myself.... I would never do this as I was too afraid of seeing what was there. But, I am over my fear & weigh myself once a week & look forward to it. I started the group at 220 lbs & now am 192. I will reiterate & quote what you said." To everyone who has kept this group going ..."

  • livinglifeandlovingit
    If this challenge is still going, I would like to join. I'm not trying to lose weight just for the summer. I am losing weight to be able to climb stairs without feeling like I am about to pass out! Please let me know how to join.
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hi livinglifeandloving you can contact prplangl4 (that's letter l) who set it all up. Have a great weekend.
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    I joined MFP in Jan. The BOB was the first challenge I got involved in. I was previously doing a challenge at work - I teach - and was looking for something to keep me motivated throughout the summer. I found it with BOB. The friends I have gained through this challenge are wonderfully encouraging. I have done a bunch of different challenges over the summer, but this one was my favorite. Kristy's enthusiasm is contagious, and kudos to her for the TON of work she put into this! The website was awesome - I have not seen anything like it in any other challenges. Thanks for keeping me on track throughout the summer! I am down 17 pounds since starting BOB. If I was struggling with something, I would go on the thread, and what do you know? - There would be a challenge or comment that perfectly addressed what I was dealing with and helped me along. THANKS to Kristy (prplangl4) and thanks to all of you!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Fell off the wagon this weekend!! So much for having a loss-- I am now on the right track again!!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been away on vacation and checking in but it looks like I didn't miss much in this challenge since I left. Is everyone still hanging in? How are you doing? Does anyone need a little kick to keep going??

    My weight is up a few pounds but I am ready to jump right back in and get the scale moving in the right direction again! This challenge has really helped motivate me and I hope we can keep it going to the end.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I think its tough to do a big challenge in July and August. Many go on vacation during this time, or are out and about with friends and family. Hope everyone is hanging in there. I am...and very excited the children go back to school next week.
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I'm still around, doing well so far.
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    Weigh in today.....what will the scale show today?

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Hi all! I am back from vacation! I was up 2.7 pounds, but they are gone today, and I am weighing in at 199.6!!! Have a happy healthy week!
  • lclarkjr
    lclarkjr Posts: 359 Member
    Hey there BOB-ers! There is a week left until the final weigh in so has everyone had much success slimming down this summer? I know there haven't been much in the way of mini-goals and such lately, but I hope that doesn't mean everyone has fallen off the wagon. So does anyone care to share how far they've come since they started the BATTLE OF THE BULGE - Summer Slimdown Challenge?

    I'll go first. I joined the challenge way back in the first week. At the time I had only been using MFP for 2 weeks and I figured joining a challenge would be the best way to keep me on track. It seemed like every other challenge was in progress so when the BOB challenge was created, I was ecstatic. I jumped on it and have been following along with the daily posts, weekly updates and mini-goals. Since the beginning of the challenge (14 weeks ago), I have lost 18.2 lbs. The smallest shirts, shorts, and pants I've owned in the last 6 years fit me comfortably now. I have been on track and stayed within my calories for 12 of those weeks and I really owe a lot of my success to the BOB challenge. The weekly weigh-ins on Monday kept me accountable during the weekend. I knew I couldn't slack off. I want to give a special shout out and big thank you to Kristy (prplangl4) for starting this challenge and putting all the work in you did to keep it going for so long. You are awesome!!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Hi all, where did the time go! only one week left :sad: :sad: . I started BoB challenge in the third week. I was on MFP for 2 weeks prior as well. I was so excited to be in this challenge. I checked out all the posts, the mini challenges. I became addicted-in a fabulous way.

    I lost 26 pounds with the BOB challenge & a total of 32 pounds so far. I feel I have the tools & knowledge now (thanks to Kristy & the BoB challenge)to lose the weight & become healthy. I am now half way there & I can truly say I am enjoying my journey. I hated to weigh myself but since the weekly weigh-ins I look forward to doing so, it kept me accountable during the weekend as well.

    Thank you again to Kristy(who I hope is doing fine) & too all my friends & Bob-ers, I'm forever grateful.

    P.S Congratulations Iclarkjr-only 9 pounds to go.. woo hoo! & congrats to all the Bob-ers!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    :smile: Sure, I'll share! I joined BOB from the start. I was wrapping up a challenge at the school I teach at, and wanted something to keep me going during the summer months. BOB is the first challenge I ever joined on MFP. I have lost just about 18 lbs. on the BOB. Thanks to all the great members on here for their support, and to Kristy for the AWESOME job she did putting this all together. I have since joined other challenges over the summer, but this one was one of the best I have seen. The website was fantastic and the whole thing was highly motivational! Keep on losing!!
  • livinglifeandlovingit
    I joined BOB when I joined MFP which was about 25 days ago. My sister introduced me to this site and I have been very thankful for that. I have not lost much weight (3 pounds) although I stay within my set calorie goals, however I have noticed a difference in my clothes and the way they fit, so I am stoked. I have slimmed down! My co-workers told me that I don't look as wide...ha. So we have only one more week left for the final weigh in, hopefully I will shed another pound or two. I thank all those that post nice things on the home page and through the blogs. If you start another challenge after this one, count me in!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    :happy: Hello MFP wonderful ppl!!! Fellow Bobers!!!:glasses:

    I feel like I have come a very long way since beginning with this

    challenge a few months ago. I stopped weighing myself after the first week

    of this month because I began strength training in earnest. The scale was

    not moving and it just felt right to ignore it for awhile! As it turned out the second week

    of August I was wearing a size 6 and as of today, some of my new clothes are even

    a size 4! I will continue with this challenge (in a way), beyond the end of the month

    because I will need to in order to reach my goal weight by my Birthday next month.

    I will be forever grateful to you all and especially our fearless leader, for taking the

    time & to show caring for other human beings on this awesome planet of ours!!!

    In this day and age where so many are only out for themselves, it is refreshing:heart:

    Best wishes as we wind down here into the last few days of BOB:drinker: cheers!!!