Teachers or Future Teachers



  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    I'm a future teacher, finishing up my licensing program and will hopefully be in my own classroom 2011-2012 school year. I will be teaching middle school science. I run an educational program between the zoo and the library system here in New Mexico. I bring education animals and bio facts from the zoo out to the libraries and put on programs for the kids. I love it!!!
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I want to join!! I am a 6th grade teacher in central Louisiana. This is my 10th year teaching and my 4th in sixth grade. I have also taught 5th and 2nd grades. I bring my lunch to school. But it seems like there are always snacks that get in my way!

    My husband is deploying to Afghanistan for a year in 5 days so I want to shock him when he gets home!

    Any tips on filling and satisfying snack would be great!

    That is a great surprise! As far as snacks I like frozen grapes, Greek yogurt, granola, tuna, weight watchers snacks, almonds, special k sour cream and onion chips, smoothies, graham crackers, carrot sticks, peanut butter celery and raisins, and frozen mango slices.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I'm a subject leader for ICT in the UK and work stupid hours. This will be my 6th year when we go back in September.
    When I'm working it's so easy to pick at food or get bored and use food as an excuse.
    There is often cakes or biscuits on the table in the office too.
    I did really well and lost 26lbs but have put 8 back on.
    I tend to do better when I'm at school!!

    As for the feeling hungry by 11 - I have no idea how that works either. :O)
  • Delaina1
    Delaina1 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi! I'm a first year teacher. I teach high school English Inclusion which means that I am an individual coach for children who are in normal ED classes but have learning disabilities. School has only been in session for a week, but so far I'm loving it! I feel really lucky because most of the teachers at my school are super fit, including the principal who encourages an active lifestyle! We even have a teachers only gym where our principal teaches a hard core spin class everyday after school! I would love to join this group so that I have some poeple who understand the teacher schedule and lifestyle!

    I'm also the assistant dance team coach! I've danced my whole life and am so glad to be back in it!

    I weigh 129lbs right now (I'm only 5ft tall) and I would like to get down to 120. I'm down about 15 pounds since I started MFP in 2009! Slow but steady :)
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    PS: Can anyone tell me why I'm STARVING come 11am during term time, but in the holidays I can eat the same breakfast, do a three hour work out and not want to eat until lunchtime?!? Grrr

    I always wonder the exact same thing. When I am at work all I think about is food for some reason and I am always starving. I am interested in knowing more about how the system works in the UK!
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I am an elementary school teacher and literacy specialist. This year (and possibly next) I will be working as a master teacher; coaching, training, and modeling best-practices in literacy for a range of age-groups. Pretty cushy by teacher standards, but you should know that I am already itching to get back in my OWN classroom.

    My long-term goal is to be able to cross my legs and leave them there without doing isometric exercises to hold them in place. I don't know what weight that will be, but I'll let you know when I get there. I lost some weight before joining MFP on 5/31/2011, but I'm hoping that by the New Year my MFP ticker will say more than 50 pounds lost.

    Hi! What type of background do you need to qualify for that job? Only asking because I saw a position like that over the summer but I was unsure what the position entitles. That is a great goal! I think it would be helpful to set daily goals as well so I won't cheat as much! lol
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I LOVE this idea! My name is Kimberly. I'm 30 years old and a high school English teacher. Next year will be my 6th year of teaching (hard to believe it's been that long). I have lost 14 lbs so far and I have another 50 or so to go. I'm a bit nervous about school starting back because I started MFP and my healthier lifestyle at the beginning of summer. This meant, of course, that I could exercise whenever I want in the middle of the day and that I have plenty energy. This won't be the case when I start back with school next week. It's going to take a lot more motivation, and energy to get up early to exercise and I will have to plan my meals. We can do this together, though! Feel free to add me, my fellow teachers :flowerforyou: . I am so excited about this group!

    I love English! It is (to me) the most useful subject. I might be a little bias though lol. Finding time to exercise is my number one priority.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I'm a subject leader for ICT in the UK and work stupid hours. This will be my 6th year when we go back in September.
    When I'm working it's so easy to pick at food or get bored and use food as an excuse.
    There is often cakes or biscuits on the table in the office too.
    I did really well and lost 26lbs but have put 8 back on.
    I tend to do better when I'm at school!!

    As for the feeling hungry by 11 - I have no idea how that works either. :O)

    What is ICT?
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    I'm a future teacher, finishing up my licensing program and will hopefully be in my own classroom 2011-2012 school year. I will be teaching middle school science. I run an educational program between the zoo and the library system here in New Mexico. I bring education animals and bio facts from the zoo out to the libraries and put on programs for the kids. I love it!!!

    Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun! Good luck with your future endeavors!
  • Cdcaldwe
    Cdcaldwe Posts: 189 Member
    Part of me can't wait for school to start back, part of me worries about all the temptation. Doughnuts, baked godies and the such in the mornings. School lunches usually aren't that bad. On the good side we have a wonderful salad bar everyday at lunch. I am getting ready to start my 14th year in education. This year as principal, so i have to stay away from stress eating and eating just to eat. The biggest problem i will have this year is when the cooks make pepperoni rolls. They are absolutely the most wonderful creation to come out of a school cafeteria.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I'm a subject leader for ICT in the UK and work stupid hours. This will be my 6th year when we go back in September.
    When I'm working it's so easy to pick at food or get bored and use food as an excuse.
    There is often cakes or biscuits on the table in the office too.
    I did really well and lost 26lbs but have put 8 back on.
    I tend to do better when I'm at school!!

    As for the feeling hungry by 11 - I have no idea how that works either. :O)

    What is ICT?

    I was waiting for this question :O)

    Information Communication Technology.

    Computers really. Technology, how it's used in the work place, using it for communicating and presenting information...
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hi! I'm a first year teacher. I teach high school English Inclusion which means that I am an individual coach for children who are in normal ED classes but have learning disabilities. School has only been in session for a week, but so far I'm loving it! I feel really lucky because most of the teachers at my school are super fit, including the principal who encourages an active lifestyle! We even have a teachers only gym where our principal teaches a hard core spin class everyday after school! I would love to join this group so that I have some poeple who understand the teacher schedule and lifestyle!

    I'm also the assistant dance team coach! I've danced my whole life and am so glad to be back in it!

    I weigh 129lbs right now (I'm only 5ft tall) and I would like to get down to 120. I'm down about 15 pounds since I started MFP in 2009! Slow but steady :)

    Whoooo short people rock! I am 5'1 125 lbs. I want to get to 115 but it's not a big deal if I don't. 119 is great to! I am interested in hearing about the types of teaching methods you use with your inclusion class.
  • 30in11
    30in11 Posts: 14
    Hi everyone! I'm a future teacher, currently going into my last year of certification and hopefully starting teaching high school English/History in the 2011-12 school year. Last year while practice teaching I gained 10-15 lbs and that CANNOT happen this year.

    I also have 2 kids of my own, 4 and 6... so I'm busy busy busy and getting in exercise especially when lesson planning is very hard. Sometimes impossible.
  • Bee_B
    Bee_B Posts: 89 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I was very excited when I saw this thread. It'll be great to connect with other teachers for support and motivation.

    I am a newly qualified teacher from Ontario, Canada and I am moving to teach daily supply in the UK in about 5 weeks. I'm super excited but very nervous as well.

    I started this journey on MFP while finishing up teacher's college and I'm really hoping I'll be able to stick with my goals while adjusting to a new career and life in a different country. It's going to be a challenge but I'm up for it.

    If anyone has any advice about teaching in the UK or supply teaching in general, it would be greatly appreciated!
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hi teachers! So, I was thinking that we all should set tel goal for the first month of teaching. Then continue for each month until the end of the year.

    My goal is to not eat fast food for lunch more than twice a month.
  • joimichele
    joimichele Posts: 382
    Hi teachers! So, I was thinking that we all should set two goals for the first month of teaching. Then continue for each month until the end of the year.

    My goal is to not eat fast food for lunch more than twice a month and to exercise at least 5 times a week NO MATTER WHAT!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    Dreading the thought that all my good work over the summer holidays is going to go down the drain. No working 12 hours at school then doing the hour drive home and collapsing. Must keep on working out!

    Need some accountability for my actions to ensure that I keep this up!


    PS: Can anyone tell me why I'm STARVING come 11am during term time, but in the holidays I can eat the same breakfast, do a three hour work out and not want to eat until lunchtime?!? Grrr
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Climbingpanda, I can so relate to needing to keep the same energy level up to workout and yet feeling so exhausted by the end of the day. And I am absolutely starving between 9 and 10 working, yet I'm not at home. Perhaps I am more active just keeping an eye on all the students.
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    I want to join!! I am a 6th grade teacher in central Louisiana. This is my 10th year teaching and my 4th in sixth grade. I have also taught 5th and 2nd grades. I bring my lunch to school. But it seems like there are always snacks that get in my way!

    My husband is deploying to Afghanistan for a year in 5 days so I want to shock him when he gets home!

    Any tips on filling and satisfying snack would be great!

    My it seems we've some things in common. I am also a teacher, and separated from my husband (a marine) for at least four more months. Great plan for his homecoming :)
  • cantina920
    cantina920 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi! My name is Tina and I am a teacher in Texas. I taught 4th grade for 9 years, then moved down to 1st grade. This will be my 3rd year with the little ones, and I love it! Tomorrow is my first official day back, but I've been working in my room for the past 2 weeks!