Lose 5lbs + in March 2018



  • bduanemyfitness
    bduanemyfitness Posts: 75 Member
    Start weight: 212
    March 1: 196
    March Goal: 190
    Ultimate goal: 180 (BMI <25)

    Mar 02 - 196
    Mar 09 - 192!
    Mar 16 - 191
    Mar 23 - 190!
    Mar 30 -

    Total loss for March - 6 LBS...so far

    Still watching those calories and doing my best to weigh everything.
    NSV: Had blood work done this past week. Everything was in "good/normal" range, except BMI. Meaning HDL was finally over 40 and Glucose was 95 (has been up over 100 for a bit). BMI was expected, and is trending down. My primary car MD will be smiling in May.
    Feeling great!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Ultimate Starting weight - 338.8
    Current weight - 205.7
    February goal - 199

    Ultimate goal - 150

    Mar 03 - 205.7
    Mar 10 - 205.7
    Mar 17 - 204
    Mar 24 - 203.4
    Mar 31 -

    Total loss for March - 2.3 LBS

  • MissMaggieMuffin
    MissMaggieMuffin Posts: 444 Member
    Original SW (Jan 15/17): 206.8

    Weigh-in day is Saturday

    Challenge Goal: 159
    Ultimate Goal: 156

    March 1; 163.8
    March 3: 158.8 Repeat of February - weight spikes on the first of the month, only to drop a couple of days later!! Now if only I could keep it there........ :|:o
    March 10: 158.8
    March 17: 158.0
    March 24: 159.2

    Total loss for March:
  • saltypickle
    saltypickle Posts: 307 Member
    Original weight: 165
    March goal weight: 145
    May final goal weight: 135

    28: 150
    08; 149
    15: 147.5
    23: 147.5
    Total lost in March: 2.5#
  • LittleOakTree
    LittleOakTree Posts: 54 Member
    Starting late but will still aim for 5# weight loss this month.

    Starting weight - 127#
    March starting weight - 127#
    March goal - 5#
    Ultimate goal - 113#

    Lbs lost in March - 3.6#

    3/10 - 127#
    3/17 - 124.2# Lost 2.8# this week
    3/24 - 123.4# Lost 0.8# this week
    3/31 -
  • Chocciebunbuns
    Chocciebunbuns Posts: 62 Member
    Original Starting weight - 212.6
    March Starting weight: 174
    Current weight: 169.8
    March Goal: 168

    3/5 - 174
    3/10 - 170
    3/17 - 171
    3/24 - 169.8
    3/31 -

    March loss: 4.2lbs

  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    Starting weight - 190
    Current weight - 157 (2/23)
    March goal - 152
    Ultimate goal - 135-140

    March 2-155.4
    March 9-159
    March 16-155.4
    March 23-155
    March 30-

    Lbs lost in March:
  • rachelcalsbeek
    rachelcalsbeek Posts: 185 Member
    Original starting weight - 197.6 lbs
    March starting weight - 161.2 lbs
    March goal - 157 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 150 lbs

    3/10: 159.2
    3/17: 159.8
    3/24: 159.8

    Total loss for March:
  • SamskiB
    SamskiB Posts: 211 Member
    edited March 2018
    Original starting weight (Jan 31st 2018) - 67.6 kg / 149.03 lbs
    March starting weight - 64.4 kg / 142 lbs
    March goal - 59.8 kg / 131.84 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 51.3kg / 112.44 lbs (would be happy with 52.62 kg / 116.01 lbs though)

    I weigh in on Sundays

    4th - 64.5 kg / 142.2 lbs
    11th - 63.8 kg / 140.65 lbs
    18th - 63.6 kg / 140.21 lbs (been maintaining most of this week, its so annoying. hit the plateau i think)
    25th - 63.3 kg / 139.55 lbs (worked out why i'm not losing as much weight..its my new medication! TMI info though...i did get down to 63 kg dead on during the week! )
    31st -

    Total loss for March (so far) : 1.1 kg / 2.4 lbs
  • avielosesit
    avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
    And it’s weigh in day!!

    SW: 185
    GW: 159
    March starting weight: 185
    March goal weight: 179

    March 10: 184.3
    March 15: 183.1
    March 20:182.0
    March 25: 180.9
    March 30:
  • avielosesit
    avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
    And it’s weigh in day!!

    SW: 185
    GW: 159
    March starting weight: 185
    March goal weight: 179

    March 10: 184.3
    March 15: 183.1
    March 20:182.0
    March 25: 180.9
    March 30:

    Whoops, posted a little too quickly.

    Huge progress made in March but I’m worried about making my ultimate goal of 179.
  • maryanosike
    maryanosike Posts: 78 Member
    Starting weight - 178 lbs on Dec. 26, 2017
    March starting weight - 182 lbs
    March goal - 177 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 130 lbs

    March 4 - 183 lbs
    March 11 - 179
    March 18 - 180 lbs
    March 25 - 179 lbs

    Lbs lost in March: -4 lbs

    Notes: I'm happy I was able to lose those 4 pounds this month, but I feel like I am not giving my best effort. My diet has been sloppy, to be honest, and I'm hoping to tighten that up this month.
  • EvieStreetJ
    EvieStreetJ Posts: 62 Member
    Current weight- 142 lbs
    Goal weight for End March -137 lbs
    Mar 01 -142
    Mar 08 -140
    Mar 15 -139
    Mar 23 -139
    Mar 31 -

    Total loss for March - - - lbs (better be 137 :D )
  • Fisah17
    Fisah17 Posts: 202 Member
    Starting weight - 191
    March starting weight - Sunday weigh-ins
    185 March 4th
    184.8 March 11th
    184.6 March 19th
    182.8 March 25th (it's possible by the 31st, last weigh-in day)
    March goal - 180
    Ultimate goal - 170* (updated from 175)

    Lbs lost in March - TBD... :*
  • xilyssa
    xilyssa Posts: 8 Member
    Starting weight - 215
    March starting weight - 195.8
    March goal - 190/189
    Ultimate goal -125/130

    3/3 - 195.8
    3/10 - 195
    3/17 - 193
    3/24 - 192.2
    3/31 -

  • tramaine_21
    tramaine_21 Posts: 348 Member
    I have to remind myself that my body just needs time to adjust; being over 200+ lbs for 20+ yrs is going to take some time for my body to settle, ie muscle adaption, metabolism. I never realized how out of shape I was until I got in shape. Long story short, weight-loss has been a roller-coaster ride--ups and downs. So grateful to be in Onederland but, boy, seems like I'm going to be parked in the late 190s for a while. I'll just keep on pushing...

    Feb 28/Mar 3rd: 195.2
    March 10th-24th: 202-198.0, Water, salt, edema issues--and a birthday weekend...
    Upcoming fast...Autophagy goals :smile:

    "I Ain't No Quitter"--Shania Twain
  • MaryAnne1
    MaryAnne1 Posts: 183 Member
    The weight loss seems to be kicking in now that my body is getting used to exercising again, fingers crossed a bit more comes off before the end of the month, I've still got this week!

    Starting weight - 197 lbs
    March starting weight - 193.5 lbs
    End of March goal - 188.5 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 154 lbs

    March 1 - 193.5 lbs
    March 8 - 192.5 lbs
    March 23 - 191 lbs

    Lbs lost in March - 2.5 lbs