Wow... That had how many calories?!!?



  • Fisah17
    Fisah17 Posts: 202 Member
    The Cobb salad with apple cider vinaigrette dressing from Chick disappointed!
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Nuts and pasta
  • SpanishFusion
    SpanishFusion Posts: 261 Member
    jrochest wrote: »
    So I weighed my fruit. . . and my lovely big navel orange weighed 12 ounces! 167 calories. OUCH.

    Do you weigh it with the skin on or off?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Can we talk about Girl Scout cookies?!?! 150 calories for two Samoas?! Last year I was eating half the package in a sitting. And wondering why my pants were getting snug...

    Two Samoas* was usual my calorie finisher during my 2016 summer cut.

    (* or one, depending on how the days had gone)
  • ogtmama
    ogtmama Posts: 1,403 Member
    That a blueberry muffin has almost double the calories of a chocolate dip doughnut...and that a Snickers bar is somewhere in between!!! :o
  • Fitnessmom82
    Fitnessmom82 Posts: 376 Member
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    Can we talk about Girl Scout cookies?!?! 150 calories for two Samoas?! Last year I was eating half the package in a sitting. And wondering why my pants were getting snug...

    Two Samoas* was usual my calorie finisher during my 2016 summer cut.

    (* or one, depending on how the days had gone)

    That's what I am doing now!! Changed my rate of weight loss and still struggling to get all my calories. Girl Scout cookies are the perfect helper right now haha!
  • Suly09
    Suly09 Posts: 88 Member
    Cbean08 wrote: »
    Suly09 wrote: »
    Little Debbie chocolate donuts. 430 calories!! I realized after I finished them. AGHH, I need to start entering food before I eat it. :neutral:

    They're donuts... covered in chocolate... Did you expect them to be low calorie?

    But they are little....LOL. I did not expect them to be low calorie Obiouslyyyy but it was shocking too see how many calories it actually had. Wasn't expecting half of my daily calorie allowance to go to Little Miss Debbie.
  • Copper_Boom
    Copper_Boom Posts: 85 Member
    Starbucks blueberry scones. Used to pick one of those up with my americano every morning. 460 calories! So not worth it.
  • jwcannon70
    jwcannon70 Posts: 28 Member
    Pasta with sausages. Obviously, I knew it wasn't a healthy meal but no idea that the calories were that much. Then sometimes I would have a meatball or two with it. Just that meal would be close to my total allowance.
  • Copper_Boom
    Copper_Boom Posts: 85 Member
    Starbucks blueberry scones. Used to pick one of those up with my americano every morning. 460 calories! So not worth it.

    Almost all of the baked goods at Starbucks are so high in calories, like 360-500 for any of it! I never thought their stuff was very good anyway and it's all frozen and just thawed out to sell. Now that they post the calories in the case I've found it pretty easy to steer clear! I do get a cake pop once in a blue moon but that's about it (and still kind of high at 170-210 calories for one cake pop).

    I'd rather have a donut at Dunkin than any of that, if I'm gonna have a sweet baked treat, and surprisingly most of them are lower in calories than the muffins, scones, and loaves at Starbucks. Crazy!

    You are so right! It wasn't very good, it was just very convenient in the moment (never mind that I would get hungry an hour later). The scary thing is, before they started posting calories at the case, I would have guessed a scone of that size to be around 250 calories.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Starbucks blueberry scones. Used to pick one of those up with my americano every morning. 460 calories! So not worth it.

    Almost all of the baked goods at Starbucks are so high in calories, like 360-500 for any of it! I never thought their stuff was very good anyway and it's all frozen and just thawed out to sell. Now that they post the calories in the case I've found it pretty easy to steer clear! I do get a cake pop once in a blue moon but that's about it (and still kind of high at 170-210 calories for one cake pop).

    I'd rather have a donut at Dunkin than any of that, if I'm gonna have a sweet baked treat, and surprisingly most of them are lower in calories than the muffins, scones, and loaves at Starbucks. Crazy!

    If I'm going to get a croissant or scone, it will be at the local bakery for sure.
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    6" Subway Spicy Italian /double meat. 830 calories. Good thing In swam today!
  • 1houndgal
    1houndgal Posts: 558 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    When I started I was a grazer. It’s amazing how many calories you can add up with a little bite here and a little bite there.

    Last week I ate an peeled orange that weighed 326g and was 300 calories. It was the most delicious thing I ate all day.

    I think maybe I won't weigh my oranges... lol.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Just recently found out the calories difference between a pork belly burger patty and my normal burgers - holy heck!!! The party alone is a meals worth
  • LewisAMartinez
    LewisAMartinez Posts: 22 Member
    Any baked goods from Starbucks. The old coffee cake was basically a meal in itself.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    rlr5072 wrote: »
    ONE slice of cheese pizza at Costco's food court is 700 calories. If I ate two, I'd be over my calorie goal for the day. So not worth it.

    This. I rarely eat it anymore. It's good, but not THAT good.