What is attractive?



  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    freakishly tall men, broad shoulders...not afraid to be a man. My fiance told me he's drawn to my dependability (if I say I'm going to do something, I do it)...he's drawn to my intelligence (7 years of university never killed anyone lol), I'm VERY goal orientated, every job I've ever had i've excelled at, I'm a closet hoe (I can't help but listen to pitbull, and I have a crush on the ***** cat dolls lol)...he told me that my determination to give my step son a good female role model is definitely sexy. Not to mention he love loves brunettes with glasses...Tina Fey is his "other" girlfriend. Yep everyone is different, for my man, sanity is sexy, and undramatic, no giggling like an idiot unless you're intoxicated, and no flinching when he's yelling...that's just stupid. And NO checking his emails or cell phone, 100% complete trust and honesty is definitley sexy.

    Good thing I found my wife because the ladies here seem to like the tall guys. I"m closer to freakishly short (5'6") than freakishly tall. :laugh:
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    So the physical is wide ranging.

    Personality wise the most common seems to be confident. Hmm. Any idea where I can get some of that? :sad:
  • PalmettoparkGuy
    PalmettoparkGuy Posts: 212 Member
    Somebody that's non-judgmental.
  • danacho
    danacho Posts: 115 Member
    So the physical is wide ranging.

    Personality wise the most common seems to be confident. Hmm. Any idea where I can get some of that? :sad:

    Confidence will slowly creep in the closer you get to your goals and the happier you start to feel about yourself:smile:
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    So the physical is wide ranging.

    Personality wise the most common seems to be confident. Hmm. Any idea where I can get some of that? :sad:

    It is hard to do but somehow try to see yourself as others see you.
    I have a difficult time with that so no good advice on how actually to do it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Bit of a random question but what does everyone find attractive/sexy? Men and women.

    But I am curious as to what most men find attractive...? With the influence of mags, movies, porn, music vids, it is quite confusing to know what men really like?
    Attractive is what makes YOU feel good. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I know many "attractive" women who have the personality of a lost deer. If you try to abide by the criteria that society holds as attractive, every average person here would be considered ugly. And it's us "ugly" people that put these people on pedestals and infect our youth for trying to achieve that look. The old term "beauty is only skin deep" applies more than ever now because there are so many "pretty" people out there with bad attitudes.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    Manly dudes. Strength. Confidence.
  • jonbobfrog
    jonbobfrog Posts: 294
    they have to have a nice smile
    they have to be intelligent enough for me to be able hold a reasonably intellectual conversation with them
    they have to be a little soft . . . I don't like muscle-y guys too much
    they must have good personal hygiene! stinky guys are gross
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    Expressive eyes, a great smile, intelligence. Being a man while still being soft. Not afraid to be silly and spontaneous to pull me (the stick) out of the mud! A great sense of humor and not afraid to express their emotions.

    I always went for the artist/musician type 'bad boys' who rebelled against authority. Maybe because I was so straight-laced? :D
  • jesienia
    jesienia Posts: 294
    Intelligence, a great sense of humor, someone who is caring, kind eyes and a nice smile.
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    So the physical is wide ranging.

    Personality wise the most common seems to be confident. Hmm. Any idea where I can get some of that? :sad:

    Confidence will slowly creep in the closer you get to your goals and the happier you start to feel about yourself:smile:

    Tthanks I hope so!!
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    [/quote]Attractive is what makes YOU feel good. Who cares what anyone else thinks? I know many "attractive" women who have the personality of a lost deer. If you try to abide by the criteria that society holds as attractive, every average person here would be considered ugly. And it's us "ugly" people that put these people on pedestals and infect our youth for trying to achieve that look. The old term "beauty is only skin deep" applies more than ever now because there are so many "pretty" people out there with bad attitudes.

    Thanks I like that - lost deer hehe!
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    for me i find lots of things attractive super short hair or shaved head, great legs, furry chest, beautiful smile, tasteful tats, employment lol, great sense of humor
  • BigBadVooDooBob
    Someone who is confident in herself (but not arrogant), has a good sense of humor, intelligence, likes to read, but not necessarily the same books I like. Someone who is comfortable in her own skin.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    What is attractive to me?
    Men who are not afraid of nor ashamed of their masculinity. There are too many girly men in the world today, so when a guy is just unapologetically male, that's very attractive to me.

  • BigBadVooDooBob
    So the physical is wide ranging.

    Personality wise the most common seems to be confident. Hmm. Any idea where I can get some of that? :sad:

    A long time ago (I'm 52 now, was in my 20's at the time) I decided that I had to learn how to do things by myself, not because I expected to be alone but I felt that it would help me be comfortable in my own skin. So I would go to local attractions, movies, clubs etc. by myself and just have fun. My head was held high and at the end of the day when I went home, I knew that I had conquered something, broken through some obstacle. It's easy to see the many things you can't do, but it is more important to see the many things you can do! Your writing shows you to be intelligent, your picture shows you to be attractive, so theres two things in your favor already, now look at yourself and see what else you have accomplished. Or even look at things you've tried and possibly not succeeded at! The important part is that you tried. That in itself is an accomplishment. That, for me, is where confidence comes from.
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Being nice is number one for me.

    Otherwise? Think Blondie from The Dollar movies + Bear Grylls from Man vs. Wild... which I guess = kinda dirty, unshaven, and takes less than 5 minutes to get ready (and 2 minutes of that is brushing his teeth).

    He should also like to be outside, be environmentally conscious, and make me laugh.

    Not specific at all :bigsmile:
  • StevenJS86
    StevenJS86 Posts: 21 Member
    Someone who loves God first of all, someone who respects me, helps me, supports my dreams and decsions, guides me, is sweet as honey, deffends me when I'm not there (lol), lifts me up, can sing, isnt affraid of crowds, lets me SPEAK! lol, corrects me lovingly, BRINGS THE KING OUT OF ME not the fool, is patient, PROGRESSING IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE, confidence, loves (1 Corinthians 13), educated, works out with me or by herself if im not there, loves to talk, is confident, edifies my heart spirit and minf, and so much more!!!

    Of course is beautiful, in shape, and just loves to have fun and is positive even in moments where all the rest cant (including me) she is the one that lifts me up :)!

    Someone that I can fight for no matter what just like in the movie I was forced to see "The Notebook" by my sister lol it was actually very good...
  • StevenJS86
    StevenJS86 Posts: 21 Member
    Someone who loves God first of all, someone who respects me, helps me, supports my dreams and decsions, guides me, is sweet as honey, deffends me when I'm not there (lol), lifts me up, can sing, isnt affraid of crowds, lets me SPEAK! lol, corrects me lovingly, BRINGS THE KING OUT OF ME not the fool, is patient, PROGRESSING IN ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE, confidence, loves (1 Corinthians 13), educated, works out with me or by herself if im not there, loves to talk, is confident, edifies my heart spirit and minf, and so much more!!!

    Of course is beautiful, in shape, and just loves to have fun and is positive even in moments where all the rest cant (including me) she is the one that lifts me up :)!

    Someone that I can fight for no matter what just like in the movie I was forced to see "The Notebook" by my sister lol it was actually very good...

    oh is funny and can take a JOKE lol....as well as is good with kids, and wants a family!!!!!!!!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I like dark hair, full lips, broad shoulders, and big hands