
  • sweetCJ
    sweetCJ Posts: 144
    Put the bag in the freezer...they will be to hard to eat them as fast as you are right now...and by your 3rd one, you might be discurage. also, only take one out at a time. Take one, go sit at the table our in the living room, eat it. If you want another one, get up, go to the freezer, get one out, walk back to the livingroom, eat it and repeat. hopefully this will help with the amount that you eat.

    Don't banned the oreo from your life, just not as often and as many. Good luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If she refuses to stop buying them even though you've asked her not to, either have her hide them where you can't find them or dump them down the garbage disposal.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Stop being a drama queen is step one.
  • Dunrick
    Dunrick Posts: 23
    Have you mom parce them out into small bags of like 5... so you eat a full bag and go damn... bag is done but it is done and it is all good... if that fails get a lock box and have her dole them out to you on a limited basis.
  • roxiedo
    roxiedo Posts: 154
    Try cutting down on them. Say you have 10 Oreos a day, cut down to 7 for a week or two and tell yourself after that time period you will only have 5 a day for a couple of weeks, then 3. Then try adjusting to every other day or two. It is a habit you need to break it gradually. I was like that with Frito Lay Original potato chips. I weaned myself from them and now I can enjoy a small bag of them as a treat every couple weeks. :wink:
  • BethanieK
    BethanieK Posts: 201
    And the sad thing is she hides them from my dad, and I guess secretly me too, but then I find them!

    It's not an Easter Egg hunt--quit looking for them, and voila!
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    Have them with a big glass of milk to fill you up. I eat my cookies and sweet very slowly I savor eat tiny bite in my mouth and i can eat one or two cookies in the time it takes my friends to eat 5 or so. And i am satisfied. it is only the flavour i want anyways after you swallow it it is pointless.
  • alleyag
    alleyag Posts: 142
    funny thing.... I love double stuffed oreos! There are 3 packages in my basement at the moment for when I do want them. I could eat a box in one sitting no problem. What I've learned is that ido don't let myself get hungry I won't snack. I log everything I will eat for the day in the morning and stick to it. If I find myself getting hungry or leave a meal unprepared when its time to eat. I say to myself ill just have 2 cookies. Yeah ok. 25 cookies later I'm miserable. It happens. Don't beat yourself up just figure out what your triggers are and fix them. The quote at the bottom.of my page has always been this way. If you want this bad enough you will stop eating cookies! All the time I don't mean ever. :)
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 847 Member
    mmmm oreos. my bf makes deep fried oreos... mmmm

    NO NO NO NO Jen... BAD ... BAD ... FOOD....
  • kateyrog
    kateyrog Posts: 15 Member
    Oh goodness, I love Oreos. They still only sell the regular ones here, can't get double stuff unless I beg someone to get me some on a trip to the US! But don't give up the good work. Someone recentlyl said to me, "Nothing tastes as good as being slim feels" and you know what, she's right.
  • becalm
    becalm Posts: 31
    Stop being a drama queen is step one.

    I'm simply asking for advice.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Stop being a drama queen is step one.

    I'm simply asking for advice.

    My advice would be mostly to muster some self control. That's all it takes. Just remember for each one of those cookies, you're putting yourself more at risk to not reach your goals, or making it harder to do it.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Spray them with Windex and walk away. Actually, no. Someone might eat the toxic cookies. OK, spray with windex, throw in the garbage, THEN walk away!
  • becalm
    becalm Posts: 31
    Spray them with Windex and walk away. Actually, no. Someone might eat the toxic cookies. OK, spray with windex, throw in the garbage, THEN walk away!

    Hahahah thats actually an awesome idea!!!!!
  • merdine2011
    merdine2011 Posts: 6 Member
    well i so can relate tell her if she must buy them tell her to keep in her room or hide them from you that way your not tempted omg i have a craving now thank goodness we do not have any cookies n the house lol
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Spray them with Windex and walk away. Actually, no. Someone might eat the toxic cookies. OK, spray with windex, throw in the garbage, THEN walk away!

    Hahahah thats actually an awesome idea!!!!!

    I actually do it sometimes. It's very empowering to destroy a food that has so much control over you. I go a little overboard with the Windex sometimes. I should start buying the off-brand lol
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    You're going to have to control yourself eventually. But if you're Mom is so into buying them, maybe you could get her to get the 100 calorie packs instead?
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    Despite all the funny and amusing replies , the real advice is dont eat them. This is also something no one can help you with.
    Learning self control will help you in the long run with many things.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Double Stuffed oreos are my weakness. I had about 10 last night, and I am currently eat them now as we speak. Please help me! I don't buy them, but my mom does regardless what I say! I don't know how to not eat them when there here!

    if you "don't know" how not to eat something, no one can really help you.

    i have a child, have cookies and stuff in the houses all the time, I simply just don't eat it. There is no trick, the only way someone cannot stop eating some thing is they simply dont want to.

    and the only reason to come on here with this 'problem' is so people will tell you its okay , its not your fault, you aren't responsible.

    but the bottom line i s you are responsible and no one else is, its not your moms fault you are eating them unless she is holding you0 down and shoving them in your mouth.

    so get over yourself and make the decision about what YOU want to do