Hey You Young Adults (20-30ish)! Let's Connect!



  • andiiknapp
    andiiknapp Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all! Im 26, from Chile (moving to canada soon though!), i need to lose around 40-50 lbs, i have lost 15 in 9 weeks! Super motivated so far! Feel free to add!
  • MarissaLock3
    MarissaLock3 Posts: 14 Member
    So glad this post is connecting people! If I haven't added you, feel free to add me!
  • DancingMachine325
    DancingMachine325 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! I’m 32 looking for friends who exercise and eat healthy to go through this with me!
  • fatguy_fitness
    fatguy_fitness Posts: 195 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm 30ish, but feel like I'm 20ish. :smiley:
  • Mschmitt1119
    Mschmitt1119 Posts: 65 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hey 24 here, finishing up my degree this year then off into the “adulting” world. I came on here after I transferred colleges cause I was partying way to much grades dropped and gained over 40# in 4 years. Now back down to my original weight, in the best shape of my life, and an honors student. Feel free to add me. I keep my log open, always willing to be a support leg since it took one for me (my best friend) to get back into shape.
  • _pinup_doll
    _pinup_doll Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 21 and looking for like minded people to bw friends with
  • HarveysBud
    HarveysBud Posts: 421 Member
    30 something'ish looking for like minded friends with goals and some determination. Only looking for those who are active on here and support. Because I'll do the same.
  • Thatguyfrom215
    Thatguyfrom215 Posts: 21 Member
    Bumping this thread, I'm Blaine. 24. A few weeks into my journey of getting my athletes body back. Not that bad but got some work to do. I love life, and I love the Lord for giving me it! Let's connect
  • haleighjean
    haleighjean Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone! 24 year old adultish kid from Virginia. I've lost 46 pounds in the last year due to mental health struggles and try to log in to the My Fitness Pal app as often as I can to check my nutrients and such are being met. I am adding more exercise to my at home routine, but don't always make it home early enough to workout before bed. Hoping to lose another 20 -30 lbs the healthy way this year and could use a community! Add me and we can support each other!
  • davidventer111
    davidventer111 Posts: 15 Member
    Heeeeeey fellow comrades. South African looking to join a community of like minded people. Would appreciate it if I could be in the Wolfpack O.O
  • tiffanygarncarz8417
    tiffanygarncarz8417 Posts: 38 Member
    26 here. (Birthday yesterday) Finished getting my CNA 3 years ago. Have 2 beautiful girls. Looking to lose a few pounds before my trip in July to Punta Cana. After having my second daughter I feel like I lost some on my motivation and energy. Definitely wanna get that back :) feel free to add me, love meeting new people!
  • savannahr129
    savannahr129 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone I am 24. I am in the process in losing 50-60 pounds. Wish me luck! <3
  • JacobAO
    JacobAO Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jacob, I’m 27 years old, and I’m ready to tackle this weight loss challenge head on! I live in Gainesville, FL (Go Gators!) with my handsome partner of 9 years. We are currently navigating adulthood with some success and hope to purchase our first home in the near future. I was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, stage 2 hypertension, and sleep apnea. My goal is to lose approximately 150 lbs and get rid of these crippling health conditions. I started eating low-carb/keto/paleo and exercising for 90 mines each weekday since the beginning of May and have lost about 50 lbs, so only 100 more to go! I feel truly inspired by the motivation and support of this community and look forward to watching you all progress in your journey. Good luck to everyone sharing this weight loss challenge and please feel free to add me to make a connection and share support!
  • treysdaddy19
    treysdaddy19 Posts: 30 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    Looking with some other young adults to connect with on this app! If you're a college student, fresh outta college, adult-poser, one of those in that new struggle called "adulthood", one of those somehow succeeding at adulthood in this economy, student debt struggler, any of those and more. Whether married, single, dating, kids in the picture or not, if you're between ages 20 and 30ish, let's be friends. Post below so others can add you too!

    Tell us a bit about yourself, what brings you here, and what you want from this community! Let's keep each other accountable, motivated, and change our lives for the better together!

    I've been using this app since August 2017 but took a brief break, but now I'm back and ready to roll!

    I will be 40 this year but I wanna tell everyone keep your head up and push on. Being on a site like this is great if you loose motivation it is great to be able to talk to someone going through the same struggles you are keep eachother going. I'm are ways around you can friend me and talk to me anytime you need a kick in the butt..good luck everyone! !
  • JacobAO
    JacobAO Posts: 9 Member
    Hey everyone I am 24. I am in the process in losing 50-60 pounds. Wish me luck! <3

    Good luck! You’ve got this!!
  • JennMairi
    JennMairi Posts: 42 Member
    Hi, I'm Jenn, 26. I used MFP a few years back when I was studying for my undergrad and exercising a lot training with the lifesaving team. Sadly during the last 2 years doing my masters I piled on the weight. I lost a little bit for my wedding last August but gained more since then over my final year and placement. I eat like crazy with stress and especially essays!

    Anyway, I've finished my masters now and I have a bit more time on my hands so I'm trying to get fit for good! Doing a lot of exercise classes, swimming when I can, and getting back on top of my food.

    Most of the MFP friends I had back in 2012 are inactive now, so I'd like some friends to help keep me on track! Please feel free to add me :)
  • JacobAO
    JacobAO Posts: 9 Member
    JennMairi wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Jenn, 26. I used MFP a few years back when I was studying for my undergrad and exercising a lot training with the lifesaving team. Sadly during the last 2 years doing my masters I piled on the weight. I lost a little bit for my wedding last August but gained more since then over my final year and placement. I eat like crazy with stress and especially essays!

    Anyway, I've finished my masters now and I have a bit more time on my hands so I'm trying to get fit for good! Doing a lot of exercise classes, swimming when I can, and getting back on top of my food.

    Most of the MFP friends I had back in 2012 are inactive now, so I'd like some friends to help keep me on track! Please feel free to add me :)

    Welcome back, Jenn!! You have a whole community of support to cheer you on during your journey! Good luck and remember to update everyone on your progress!!
  • briana_Lively
    briana_Lively Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm Briana and I'm 21. I'm looking to lose about 40lbs, and to gain some muscle! I'm struggling with eating, and motivation so I need some friends for sure!
  • UkkotheIrish
    UkkotheIrish Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone!

    30 year old Irish guy here, I hope my age doesn't disqualify me from the group :)!

    I've never used the community features on MFP before, but I thought I'd give it a shot this time. Meet new people and all that!

  • alyssapark16
    alyssapark16 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm 23 and live in Seattle. I'm moving to Korea in August to start my master's degree :) Add me!