Scale stuck for 3 weeks



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,509 Member
    OP, you have very little time and you work a lot. People have responded to the sports and diet aspects. Thus a few other things:

    - can you find work closer to where you live? Even if it earns less it might still be about the same net pay if you don't need to pay for those ridiculously long commutes. Otherwise, move closer to work? The same is still true: money saving by keeping the commute down. Maybe you don't even need a car or public transport ticket then.
    - cook simple food! Buy a few fresh ingredients: seasonal veggies, some starches, some meat or fish and cook simple, quick dishes from them. Cook bigger portions and warm up the leftovers for the coming day(s). My cooking never takes more than 30 minutes including cutting and making spice mixes, marinades and the likes.
    - Bring food to work that is superfast to prepare. I usually bring fruit, vegetables and 5 slices of bread with simple things like a slice of salami or other things. Takes 5 minutes to prepare and pack in the morning.
    - A house doesn't need cleaning every day. Hey, you're not even home to actually enjoy is, thus why waste so much time on it?
    - Btw, if moving is an option, a small flat is superfast to clean. My 40m^2 flat needs about 90 minutes per fortnight if I clean it, though I've outsourced it to a cleaner who just needs 60 minutes. Costs me £20 per 4 weeks.
    - MORE SLEEP! again, get your priorities right, but sleep clearly is a priority for you right now!