Ketogenic diet



  • pdxhak
    pdxhak Posts: 383 Member
    edited March 2018
    fb47 wrote: »
    Anyone see Jeff Nippard's video on keto??? I find he explains it very well and his verdict at the end didn't surprise me, because I always said that there is no best diet, it's all personal preference, that's about it.

    Yep. It comes down to the individual as all diets should.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member

    This MD goes deep into the science of why a Ketogenic Diet is working so well for more and more people these days.

    Stopped at Kim. ugh

    I didn't even make it that far.

    As stopped at the woo buzzwords "wellness experts"

    Alas, shooting the messenger can translate into shooting oneself in the foot....

  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I'm currently on a keto diet for my epilepsy which is a bit different than the standard keto. For neuro conditions it's 80-90% fat, 5-15% protein, 0-5% carbs (which is what I'm following). Fat doesn't fill be up like protein/carbs do unfortunately. The good thing though is my seizures have been decreasing. Surprisingly, I'm rapidly losing weight (Even though that wasn't my original intention) despite eating over 2,500 calories and over 200 grams of fat. I use a minimum of 12 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. Its really good in recipes! Cellulite is disappearing so I guess that's a plus lol. And my blood sugar crashes finally stopped.

    were your seizures due to your blood sugar crashing? are you diabetic too or? what do you mean rapidly losing weight? and how do you measure your food intake? because rapid weight loss is usually from a very high deficit which should not be the case if you are really eating 2500 calories, unless you are on the go all day every day,or you have an underlying health issue causing it that you dont know about.

    Its a possibility that my seizures are due to low blood sugar, although ive had seizures since age 7. I dont have diabetes but my father does. I have reactive hypoglycemia, epilepsy, IBS, Gastroparesis, and SIBO. Veggies, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, wheat, and most dairy makes me look 5 months pregnant along with gas, cramps, bowel issues (my stomach will temporarily swell). My safe foods are meat, butter, oils, nut butters, cream cheese, etc. Anything low in fiber (however, i have to avoid refined foods and sugars because of my reactive hypoglycemia). Coconut oil helps me use the bathroom. The IBS-C, Gastroparesis, and methane SIBO causes chronic constipation and slow motility. TMI...but...Coconut oil gives me the runs and I'd rather have that then being backed up for 3-4 weeks. I use a measuring spoon (tablespoon) to fill ice cube trays with coconut oil, nut butter, and stevia and freeze. They taste great! I go through 1-2 trays per day.

    Does the high fat bother your gastroparesis? I have severe gastroparesis (70% left at 4 hours) and Crohn's (with an ileostomy so constipation isn't an issue just slow output) and I have been told low fibre, low/moderate fat as fat apparently slows motility.

    Fat does not bother me. Only fiber bothers my GP. Everyone who has GP will have their own severity of it. Your's sounds pretty bad. Do what you need to do to manage your symptoms xoxo

    I have a recent, tentative diagnosis of gastroparesis. I'm not about to stop following a ketogenic diet, but I haven't found many resources that offer guidance.

    Any tips?

    Fiber is your enemy. Fiber slows down digestion a lot. Fat slows it down a bit. I stick to low fat as fats really bother me. Everyone is different but most literature about gastroparesis says stick to moderate fat. Eat small meals spread throughout the day. Liquids are much easier digested than solids and lots of people with gastroparesis have normal emptying times with fluids. Those are the general guidelines but everyone is different and those with mild- moderate gastroparesis can definitely eat a bigger variety of foods than those with severe gp. Have you jad a gastric emptying study yet?

    Not yet.

    I'm going to get the R-R interval study recommended by Dr. Bernstein first, in order to try to determine whether the vagus nerve is involved as it is with many diabetics.

    (He cautions that the variability in stomach emptying can produce different results on the emptying test from one day to the next...)

    Yes I agree that it varied from day to day. I had 2 3 months apart and both were in the same severity category but 16% different (1st one i had 54% in my stomach at 4 hrs second i had 70% left). I don't have diabetes so I'm in the ideopathic category meaning no one has any clue why I have it. I did have major abdominal surgery for Crohn's 4 months pre symptoms but the surgeon wasn't near my vagus nerve. I was on opioids but not until after symptoms started. My GI blamed the dilaudid as I was on it (i was i hospital) the first test but I had stopped taking it more than a month before the second test which was worse so it obviously wasn't the dilaudid causing it. I'm a medical mystery.

    Good to hear you don't have to juggle diabetes management as well!

    I'm new to GP, but the more I read, the more mysterious it seems to get...
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    RalfLott wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    RalfLott wrote: »
    I'm currently on a keto diet for my epilepsy which is a bit different than the standard keto. For neuro conditions it's 80-90% fat, 5-15% protein, 0-5% carbs (which is what I'm following). Fat doesn't fill be up like protein/carbs do unfortunately. The good thing though is my seizures have been decreasing. Surprisingly, I'm rapidly losing weight (Even though that wasn't my original intention) despite eating over 2,500 calories and over 200 grams of fat. I use a minimum of 12 tablespoons of coconut oil per day. Its really good in recipes! Cellulite is disappearing so I guess that's a plus lol. And my blood sugar crashes finally stopped.

    were your seizures due to your blood sugar crashing? are you diabetic too or? what do you mean rapidly losing weight? and how do you measure your food intake? because rapid weight loss is usually from a very high deficit which should not be the case if you are really eating 2500 calories, unless you are on the go all day every day,or you have an underlying health issue causing it that you dont know about.

    Its a possibility that my seizures are due to low blood sugar, although ive had seizures since age 7. I dont have diabetes but my father does. I have reactive hypoglycemia, epilepsy, IBS, Gastroparesis, and SIBO. Veggies, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, wheat, and most dairy makes me look 5 months pregnant along with gas, cramps, bowel issues (my stomach will temporarily swell). My safe foods are meat, butter, oils, nut butters, cream cheese, etc. Anything low in fiber (however, i have to avoid refined foods and sugars because of my reactive hypoglycemia). Coconut oil helps me use the bathroom. The IBS-C, Gastroparesis, and methane SIBO causes chronic constipation and slow motility. TMI...but...Coconut oil gives me the runs and I'd rather have that then being backed up for 3-4 weeks. I use a measuring spoon (tablespoon) to fill ice cube trays with coconut oil, nut butter, and stevia and freeze. They taste great! I go through 1-2 trays per day.

    Does the high fat bother your gastroparesis? I have severe gastroparesis (70% left at 4 hours) and Crohn's (with an ileostomy so constipation isn't an issue just slow output) and I have been told low fibre, low/moderate fat as fat apparently slows motility.

    Fat does not bother me. Only fiber bothers my GP. Everyone who has GP will have their own severity of it. Your's sounds pretty bad. Do what you need to do to manage your symptoms xoxo

    I have a recent, tentative diagnosis of gastroparesis. I'm not about to stop following a ketogenic diet, but I haven't found many resources that offer guidance.

    Any tips?

    Fiber is your enemy. Fiber slows down digestion a lot. Fat slows it down a bit. I stick to low fat as fats really bother me. Everyone is different but most literature about gastroparesis says stick to moderate fat. Eat small meals spread throughout the day. Liquids are much easier digested than solids and lots of people with gastroparesis have normal emptying times with fluids. Those are the general guidelines but everyone is different and those with mild- moderate gastroparesis can definitely eat a bigger variety of foods than those with severe gp. Have you jad a gastric emptying study yet?

    Not yet.

    I'm going to get the R-R interval study recommended by Dr. Bernstein first, in order to try to determine whether the vagus nerve is involved as it is with many diabetics.

    (He cautions that the variability in stomach emptying can produce different results on the emptying test from one day to the next...)

    Yes I agree that it varied from day to day. I had 2 3 months apart and both were in the same severity category but 16% different (1st one i had 54% in my stomach at 4 hrs second i had 70% left). I don't have diabetes so I'm in the ideopathic category meaning no one has any clue why I have it. I did have major abdominal surgery for Crohn's 4 months pre symptoms but the surgeon wasn't near my vagus nerve. I was on opioids but not until after symptoms started. My GI blamed the dilaudid as I was on it (i was i hospital) the first test but I had stopped taking it more than a month before the second test which was worse so it obviously wasn't the dilaudid causing it. I'm a medical mystery.

    Good to hear you don't have to juggle diabetes management as well!

    I'm new to GP, but the more I read, the more mysterious it seems to get...

    I'm happy about that for sure. My blood suhar always comes back normal. I do have issues because I have an ileostomy (and crohn's)which makes it a bit more complicated drug wise. The meds to speed up your stomach also speed up the small intestine which isn't an issue of you have a colon but without one it causes output, dehydration and electrolyte balance issues so I can only take the minimum dose. Also a lot of the antienemics are also used for constipation which is a big no no for ileostomies (constipation is impossible) for the same reason above. so the drug choices are very limited. Gastroparesis is such a frustrating disease. I hope your tests come back ok.
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,661 Member
    I too like carbs I am trying to be more careful what I eat but I don’t think it would be especially helpful. I think moderation and a lifestyle change is most helpful and my Pcp said stay away do a paleo instead if one feels the need
  • torche_
    torche_ Posts: 6 Member
    It’s most definitely not for me. There’s too much restriction, besides the fact that you can eat bacon lol. But I’ve seen it work for multiple people in my family.
  • snowshoe072
    snowshoe072 Posts: 4,661 Member
    All my numbers ldl,Hdl are right where they need to be why mess with a good thing? Life is too short to be restrictive maybe you need a pizza make it deep dish and a bottle of wine!!!!!
  • Snrussell09
    Snrussell09 Posts: 51 Member
    I've been on the keto diet lately and have lost around 40 pounds doing it but it's also in conjunction with controlling my caloric intake. I just noticed more consistent, higher weight loss on keto but that's just me. I'm not doing it it forever but I am doing my own kind of cyclical keto (carb meal a week) until I hit my goal and then I'll return to good ole fashioned calorie counting to maintain or bulk or whatever the case my be. It certainly not necessary, I lost 100 pounds eating carbs and sugar and whatever else I wanted!
  • rozann2
    rozann2 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes for me. For me, it is sustainable and it has become a way of life. I feel full for the first time in my life. I'm losing weight and feeling well.
    I have a history of binge eating that I suffered from for almost 30 years. Keto is the first way of eating that has ever put me into remission

    Exactly how I feel about it too. It has so far been very good for me.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Not for me. I have better luck with allowing myself to eat what I want, just restricting portions. Disallowing foods would cause me to binge.
  • GoldGlover89
    GoldGlover89 Posts: 118 Member
    I’m 30 pounds down since February! The options may be slim from the outside looking in but they really aren’t.

    -You can incorporate fast food into your diet. There are a lot of popular places that work with people on Keto. Hardee’s and Chick fil a are the best in my opinion. They will make any sandwich keto friendly by adding lettuce instead of the bun. It’s free to do so.

    -There are some great brands that are keto friendly. “Know Better Foods” makes bread alternatives for keto dieters, they sell burger buns that I love. I can’t tell the difference between it and whole wheat bread.

    -I love ice cream, my wife and I discovered “Enlightened” brand ice cream and I think it tastes better than regular ice cream.