JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    JFY (Saturday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water :)
    2. Log all the food I eat :)
    3. Stay in the green with my food intake :/
    4. Make dessert for Easter Dinner :)
    5. Color eggs (will see if I can get my 14 and 19 year old sons to help...LOL it might just be me this year) :) (They actually humored me and colored eggs this year. <3<3 )

    JFT (Sunday)
    1. Drink 8 glasses of water
    2. Log all the food I eat
    3. Don't go crazy with my eating today
    4. Don't catch the oven on fire like I did on Thanksgiving!! LOL

    Happy Easter!!
  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Starting slow. Today’s commitments.

    Walk the dog.

    At least 15 min stepper

    6 glasses of water


    Supposed to get some flurries later so better get that walk in now!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited April 2018
    I have gained 10 pounds since last October, and so frustrated! I can see how easy the old habits gradually creep back, and this is what happened to me. As hard as I am trying, it is not good enough. So, no more wasting time. We are now going into the 4th month of the year, so I am not going to look back at the 3 months where I accomplished nothing, but rather, on the next 6 months, where I can turn this all around and reach my goals.

    I know they say not to lose weight for certain "occasions", but rather just for general good health. But I am going to post my goals for "occasions" I have, in hopes this will help me get and stay motivated!

    April 1 - current weight 197.6
    Long-term Goals:

    April 27 - I am meeting 3 of my high school girlfriends for a weekend get away. Goal is to be at 194 pounds

    May 20 - My brother, who passed away 10 years ago at the age of 51, is being honored at the high school where we all went to school. My cousin nominated him for the award "Distinguished Alumni Award", and my brother won! They will be posting his picture in the high school halls, and a plaque. So ... when we go to that, I want to be able to wear a pretty dress, and my goal for this is to be UNDER 190 pounds.

    June 10 - my daughter will turn 40, and she and I are going to plan a weekend get away as a special weekend for her. She has few friends, and life has so many challenges for her. So just a drive in the car, stay at a nice hotel, maybe go out to eat or something. But my goal for this is to be 185 pounds

    July 20 --- my birthday. I will turn 67. My goal is to be at 180 pounds. I CAN DO THIS!!

    - Meet my first goal of 175 pounds

    Christmas - Be at my goal weight of 170 pounds, and learn to maintain this weight.

    Starting weight Jan 1, 2017: 217
    Starting weight Jan 1, 2018: 195.5

    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Weights 2018:
    January 1: 194.5
    Feb 1 : 190.2
    March 1 : 193.6
    April 1: 197.6

    April Goals:
    1. Lose 4 pounds - 1 pound a week = 194 (hoping to lose more, but this will be my goal)
    2. April Challenge --- 8+ cups of water EVERY DAY
    3. log food minimum of 5 days a week - aim for 7 days
    4. Exercise minimum of 5 days a week - 60 minutes each time
    5. start walking outside again at least 3x a week. Walking not only helps me physically, but mentally more than anything. Clears my mind, and just enjoying the fresh air is a good thing.

    SO my goals for today are:
    1. enjoy easter with my husband and daughter. I am going to try and log my food, but not obsess about it. This is life... but I don't need to eat anymore candy. So after today, toss out those jelly beans which for the past week I have been munching on!
    2. concentrate on water.. WATER CHALLENGE --- 8+ cups
    3. go out for a walk if we don't get snow!
    4. get back on here tomorrow.
  • toaljasa
    toaljasa Posts: 955 Member
    For those of us participating in Joan's 8+ cups of water challenge:

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    I like the idea of doing something to honour my dad. It isn't actually his anniversary (that's in September - I was rounding when I said it was 4, years) but I think it will be good to do anyway.

    My mum actually suggested that we put some flowers on his grave, I think doing that will help. It actually just helped that she suggested it at all because one of my problems with the whole thing is a fear that she is moving on and forgetting about him/preferring this new guy.

    I realise that sounds ridiculous - they had some fairly big problems though because of his mental health issues/behaviour in relation to those and some of the things she says about their relationship sometimes make it seem like she might really think she's better off without him. So it made me feel a whole lot better that she suggested doing that. (I should probably actually talk to her about some of this stuff sometime... It's difficult though)

    I also gave a reasonably big donation in Dad's church this morning, and lit some candles for him and several other relatives. All of this helped I think!

    Thanks again for your support and advice... It's very valued. And happy Easter to all of you :)

    I know how hard it is to lose someone we love so much .... my father has been gone now for almost 25 years --- and so many days, I still miss him so much. No one will ever replace your father ... your mother knows this. But what your father would want is for your mother to be happy again. You know your mother loved your father so much ... and putting flowers on his grave is such a wonderful thing to do .. your mothers way of telling you that this new person in her life will never replace the love she had for your dad, but she is moving on, and needs and wants to be happy. Life is too short.
    It is also so wonderful to light the candles for your dad in church. He will never be out of your life ... his memories will always be there. Hugs to you, and I hope your easter is filled with joy and peace.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited April 2018

    Spent afternoon & early evening finishing food prep for Easter dinner: baked & frosted Easter bread, made two fruit salads, whipped cream & assembled trifle, and constantly washed dishes to keep counter clear. Filled all Easter baskets ~ hoping to send goodies with family as they leave, otherwise I will take to work. Organized kitchen & tables for remaining menu. Helped hubby with some additional cleaning, but not too much. It was his turn to clean today. Didn't log any of my activity as "exercise" although I know it was. We are ready for the family! <3

    Since Sunday is Easter, I will be celebrating with choir at church and family at home. No JFT goals. No logging food or beverages (adult or otherwise) for me. I will eat & drink what I like in moderate portions, and no regrets. Back to JFT on Monday.

    Wishing all my fellow JFTers a blessed and happy Easter! <3

    Sounds like a fantastic easter for you!! Enjoy the day!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @joan6630 !!!! I am SO glad you’re back!!

    I drank 8 cups of water the other day lol!
    Me! 8 cups! Haha

    This thread isn’t the same without you :)

    Im up to 3 cups now and it’s 7pm! Oops! I forgot it was April 1st!!
    Best get my red cup refilled!

    Your so sweet Bex!!!
    Drink UP!!! You just reminded me to grab my red cup, and gulp down another 2 cups before lunch!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Just for Today/Saturday:
    1. Journal my food :#I did not. I know exactly what I ate but for the most part was unplugged all day yesterday and just never logged on to journal!
    2. Eat mindfully. Make good choices :)
    3. 8 cups of water :)
    4. Take K to Hobby Lobby for art supplies :)
    5. Lymphatic massage x 2 today ;)Actually only x 1
    6. 2 things off my to-do list :)
    7. Watch Brewer game and maybe the Minnesota Wild game (not sure of times) :)Watched bits and pieces of the Brewer game.
    8. Try to be unplugged as much as possible. :)Probably a bit too successful at this, but I felt I needed it.
    9. No ice cream tonight :)
    10. Nighttime routine: Read Simple Abundance, New Day New Me, listen to podcasts, gratitude journal :)
    11. Bed early so I can get up for Easter service tomorrow. :s

    Didn't get on here early enough to set goals for today. I had a good day though with my food, water and to-do list!
    1. Journaled my food :smile:
    2. Drank 8 glasses of water :smile:
    3. Decluttered file cabinet :smile:
    4. Bills and balance checkbook :smile:
    5. Unplugged :smile:
    6. Made lasagna for our Easter dinner...weird? probably. But delicious! :smile:
    7. Winding down for dinner :smile:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    So I had a really nice day today. The service this morning was amazing. It wasn't your typical Easter service which I liked. It was packed but it was soo good. Lol. The DH and I took a nap this afternoon before we left to have dinner at my brother's. It was nice. It was what we needed. The service had a lot of shouting and woohoo's which gave the DH a migraine but the nap seemed to revitalize him. And everyone was well behaved at the brother's apartment. The DH is pretty withdrawn in social situations. At least when there are a lot of people that he doesnt really know. He can be really chatty in a small group that he knows well(ie my parents). He doesnt know my brother and his fiance very well and we met her mother for the first time so he was pretty involved on his phone. But everyone, mainly my brother and mom, was really well-behaved. The food was fabu! R(the fiance) made stuffed rabbits(weird, I know). They were REALLY really tasty. I thought I was going to have a problem eating a bunny but it was good enough that I was able to look past the whole cuddly wabbit thing. Lol. I got a lot of hugs from the brother. We do not have a close relationship but he seems to be opening up more, or at least growing up a bit.

    Anyway(LOL), I hope everyone is having a great Easter!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @joan6630 So happy you had a nice visit with your son and the boys! It's really nice you could see how close he and the boys are. That must put your mind at ease somewhat knowing that his relationship with the boys is still strong!

    I'm going to post tomorrow's goals here now so I don't get busy and forget tomorrow. Looks like we've got another wintoer storm watch tonight. **screaming inside my head**

    Just for Monday [4/2]:
    1. Journal all food.
    2. Eight 8 oz glasses of water
    3. No ice cream
    4. Put a smile in my voice and be a positive influence at work
    5. Move every hour: Hit 250+ steps 12 out of 12 hours / >6000 steps / 30 minutes active
    6. Lymphatic massage x2 / wear compression sleeve majority of day / wear bedtime compression sleeve
    7. Do not hit snooze in the morning
    8. Do one Simple Abundance assignment
    9. Tiny Habits - [ ] scripture [ ] prayer [ ] Tuesday's outfit [ ] wash & moisturize face before bed
    10. Evening Routine: Simple Abundance, New Day New You, Gratitude Journal

    It's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member

    JFT, 4/1/18

    1. Attempt to log food(we're having stuffed rabbit for dinner) :DDecided to make it a no log food day today. I dont think I ate toooo badly today. I did eat a caramel filled bunny but that really was the only candy I had.
    2. 72oz water :'(Definitely not. Had probably half that. Had two glasses of soda and a beer though.
    3. Up by 7 :|720...Panda was a jerk in the early morning again last night.
    4. Breakfast :'(Nope. Didnt even think about it
    5. Church @ 9 :)Got there about 915 but had a really really good time
    6. Lunch :)
    7. Meal Prep :'(Napped instead.
    8. Meet @ Parents @ 2 :)2-ish. Lol
    9. Easter Visit/Dinner :)Had a wonderful time but glad to be home
    10. Pens Game(If there's time) :|Currently losing 3-0...
    11. Shut down by 10 :|Maybe, maybe not. Depending on when the game ends. The DH doesnt want to watch so I'm listening to it.
    12. Bed by 11 :)Probably.

    See my above post. Lol!

    @karenleona WELCOME! My advice is to start small. Too many tasks at once can cause feelings of overwhelming. And come back every day. We definitely keep each other accountable as well being each other's biggest champions and commiserators.

    Onto goals!

    JFT, 2/2/18

    1. Get back to logging food
    2. 72oz water
    3. Up @ 6
    4. Morning routine
    6. DH up @ 7
    7. Pull meatballs out of the freezer
    8. Work 815-515
    9. Walk during lunch(maybe...supposed to be snowy!!!!!)
    10. Spaghetti and meatballs for dinner
    11. Prep sandwiches/cut up fruit
    12. DH time
    13. Shut down by 10
    14. Bed by 11

  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Sunday
    1. Attempt to log, even if it means guessing. ❌
    2. Use "30" playlist for about 3 minute to 8 minute walk/run ratio for 35 minutes, followed by a cool-down walk and some stretching. ✔
    3. Cure tilapia for ceviche. ✔ Divide saag; cook more quinoa if needed. ✔ Chop celery. ✔ Sort laundry. ✔ Clear folding area. ✔
    4. Ready Player One with D. ❌ Clothes donated. ❌
    5. Look for 9Round form. ✔ Pay registration for Jacky. ❌ Pay for Class 2. ❌ Pay not-a-union dues. ❌ Order Left Hand of Darkness and Akata Warrior.
    6. Leave for garden by 4:00. ✔ Keep meds in car; take before return. ✔ Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 10:00. (close enough)

    JFT Monday
    1. Attempt to log, even if it means guessing.
    2. Use "30" playlist for about 3 minute to 8 minute walk/run ratio for 35 minutes, followed by a cool-down walk and some stretching. Make a "rest day" playlist alternating songs between runs and walks.
    3. Chop celery. Grade one set of papers. Outline plans for Unit 5.
    4. Lunch with parents. Clothes donated. Call 9 Round about free week?
    5. Look for 9Round form. Pay registration for Jacky. Pay for Class 2. Pay not-a-union dues. Pick up Left Hand of Darkness and Akata Warrior.
    6. Leave for garden by 4:00. Keep meds in car; take before return. Update JFT. Teeth flossed, rinsed, brushed; in bed by 10:00.

    Scale progress & goals

    November: 183.6
    December: 176.6
    January: 174.6
    February: 173.6
    March: 179.6

    April 1: 180.2. G'night all.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I have gained 10 pounds since last October, and so frustrated! I can see how easy the old habits gradually creep back, and this is what happened to me. As hard as I am trying, it is not good enough. So, no more wasting time. We are now going into the 4th month of the year, so I am not going to look back at the 3 months where I accomplished nothing, but rather, on the next 6 months, where I can turn this all around and reach my goals.

    I know they say not to lose weight for certain "occasions", but rather just for general good health. But I am going to post my goals for "occasions" I have, in hopes this will help me get and stay motivated!

    April 1 - current weight 197.6
    Long-term Goals:

    April 27 - I am meeting 3 of my high school girlfriends for a weekend get away. Goal is to be at 194 pounds

    May 20 - My brother, who passed away 10 years ago at the age of 51, is being honored at the high school where we all went to school. My cousin nominated him for the award "Distinguished Alumni Award", and my brother won! They will be posting his picture in the high school halls, and a plaque. So ... when we go to that, I want to be able to wear a pretty dress, and my goal for this is to be UNDER 190 pounds.

    June 10 - my daughter will turn 40, and she and I are going to plan a weekend get away as a special weekend for her. She has few friends, and life has so many challenges for her. So just a drive in the car, stay at a nice hotel, maybe go out to eat or something. But my goal for this is to be 185 pounds

    July 20 --- my birthday. I will turn 67. My goal is to be at 180 pounds. I CAN DO THIS!!

    - Meet my first goal of 175 pounds

    Christmas - Be at my goal weight of 170 pounds, and learn to maintain this weight.

    Starting weight Jan 1, 2017: 217
    Starting weight Jan 1, 2018: 195.5

    1st Goal weight:175
    2nd goal weight: 170
    (5'11" tall, 66 years old)

    Weights 2018:
    January 1: 194.5
    Feb 1 : 190.2
    March 1 : 193.6
    April 1: 197.6

    April Goals:
    1. Lose 4 pounds - 1 pound a week = 194 (hoping to lose more, but this will be my goal)
    2. April Challenge --- 8+ cups of water EVERY DAY
    3. log food minimum of 5 days a week - aim for 7 days
    4. Exercise minimum of 5 days a week - 60 minutes each time
    5. start walking outside again at least 3x a week. Walking not only helps me physically, but mentally more than anything. Clears my mind, and just enjoying the fresh air is a good thing.

    SO my goals for today are:
    1. enjoy easter with my husband and daughter. I am going to try and log my food, but not obsess about it. This is life... but I don't need to eat anymore candy. So after today, toss out those jelly beans which for the past week I have been munching on!
    2. concentrate on water.. WATER CHALLENGE --- 8+ cups
    3. go out for a walk if we don't get snow!
    4. get back on here tomorrow.

    I love turn goals by event, what a great idea! Glad you had a good time with your son.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited April 2018
    SO my goals for today are:
    1. enjoy Easter with my husband and daughter. I am going to try and log my food, but not obsess about it. This is life... but I don't need to eat anymore candy. So after today, toss out those jelly beans which for the past week I have been munching on! :) Well ---- the good news is that the candy is all out of the house, except for a jar of starbursts - which I do not like, so I know I won't be eating them! It was so cold today, and hubby and I were just really lazy. So we sat out in our 3-season patio room, watching the snow and rain (me, wrapped with a quilt!), and just enjoying each others company. But it was a nice way to spend a day after a hectic and busy week. Later in the afternoon, my daughter and I went to see the movie "If I Could Only Imagine". It was awesome!! If you get a chance, it is worth seeing! It is about the band "MercyMe", and the song they wrote called "If I could Only Imagine", which I just love. Came out to a car covered with ice, but we made it home OK.
    2. concentrate on water.. WATER CHALLENGE --- 8+ cups :) I have to REALLY think about doing this, but I did get in all my water! I think I had to drink 4 glasses tonite though ... which means I will probably be up a lot during the nite. But I have to meet my own challenge!! I am determined to turn this into a habit, like I have with exercise.
    3. go out for a walk if we don't get snow! :/ No way --- cold, rainy, and later ice/sleet. Good day to stay inside and just stay warm.
    4. get back on here tomorrow. :)

    JFT, MOnday.
    Since there is ice and snow all over the cars, I probably won't get to the gym tomorrow. I may try and go in the evening, but I know that losing weight is 90% what I eat, and 10% exercise, so I am not going to beat myself up if I don't get there tomorrow. They are saying tonite that everything will be slick in the morning, so just not worth getting into a car accident. (Plus, I hate scrapping off ice on the cars in the morning!)

    1. log all food
    2. Drink only ONE bottle of Diet Coke, and the rest of the day, drink water. This will be hard for me to do, but I am realizing that when I am thirsty, I tend to grab another bottle of caffeine-free diet coke instead of water. I need to get more water, so for just one day, I will try this. (wish me luck LOL)!!. They say that caffeine actually dehydrates a person, and I think this may be part of my problem - just being dehydrated.
    3. Water Challenge --- drink 8+ cups of water
    4. eat 5 servings of fruits/veggies. I have been really slacking on this and need in increase my veggies and fruits
    5. eat slowly, and enjoy every bite. Be mindful of what I am eating, and be mindful of not eating too much.
    6. work on chemo hats, and finish up quilt
    7. get back on here -- be accountable.