Less Alcohol- April 2018- One Day at a Time



  • Stepping18
    Stepping18 Posts: 25 Member
    Joining again this month. My goal is to be AF. Last month was a struggle for me and I had a few damp days. Thanks to the group for keeping this thread going!
  • snoo61
    snoo61 Posts: 549 Member
    Stepping18 wrote: »
    Joining again this month. My goal is to be AF. Last month was a struggle for me and I had a few damp days. Thanks to the group for keeping this thread going!

    Welcome back!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    sarahbums wrote: »
    I'm joining in!

    just your friendly neighborhood former alcoholic here ;) . Long story short, I got sober through rehab in Oct. 2015 after nearly drinking myself to death via one liter of vodka per day, every day. I went a full year 100% alcohol-free. I read the Big Book a couple of times and attended a dozen or so AA meetings before deciding the 12-step approach just wasn't for me.

    After my year of total abstinence i took what was, admittedly, a big risk and started to very, very gradually reintroduce the occasional drink. And so far, so good- no relapses/binges, I've stayed far away from hard liquor (still don't trust myself with it yet), and have managed to stick to just white wine. One 750ml bottle per week. Only thing is, over the last few weeks I've noticed my cravings have been more frequent and intense, and it's getting hard to stick to my limit.

    So, my goal for this month is to do just that:
    1. limit my intake to no more than 1 bottle/week. if i can make it 0 bottles, even better
    2. no more than 2 glasses in one sitting, and
    3. find ways to manage/cope with cravings

    I'll try to check in here at least once a week. Best of luck to everyone!

    [Oh, just as a Disclaimer: I know only a lucky few of us addicts can pull off moderation, so i'm not recommending everyone try to. This is just the approach that's worked for me, personally]

    Thanks so much for your input. So good to hear your story; it's very inspiring.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    The title of this thread captured my attention. I’m not ‘joining’ the group persay but I am offering congratulations to everyone here wanting to make a difference in their lives. I’m a recovering alcoholic, sober 9 years last month (March 7th). Hitting rock bottom and having to climb my way out of pergatory was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done in my life. But it can be done for those of you recognizing that you have a problem. Kudos to each and every one of you and I wish you all success in your endeavors ❤️

    Wow! 9 beautiful years. I'm sure you can give us a lot of tips.
    Your strength is admirable! Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    Made it AF for 7 days. Had 2 glasses with dinner last night. Enjoyed but not as much as I'd anticipated. (scratching head) Here's to a new week. I believe in my ability to make healthy choices.

    Love your mantra for the week! I'll write yours on a sticky note and use it, too!
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    Stepping18 wrote: »
    Joining again this month. My goal is to be AF. Last month was a struggle for me and I had a few damp days. Thanks to the group for keeping this thread going!

    Welcome back! We're in this together! Xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    aklrn wrote: »
    I'm in. Plan for once a week, and not to excess. I have an issue sticking to just 1 or 2. So it's just best if I don't start. I feel so much better, I didn't have any alcohol last week, slept well, had more energy, and didn't have to be reminded of what I said or did. And lost a pound! So I'm in. Will be accountable!

    Awesome job! The energy level is amazing when you're AF.
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    Thank you Julie for hosting this thread. I am trying to cut back on alcohol because I realize it’s slowing down my weight loss as well becoming a every night thing. In March I started not drinking Sunday through Thursday and cut back on the weekends. I plan to continue that pattern in April and be much more alcohol aware. I am glad to have found this supportive group.

    My pleasure for hosting the thread. It has changed my life. I was drinking way too much and in November, I saw this thread. Someone else started it, but she couldn't continue it for December so I did. Isn't' it funny how things fall into place?

    So happy to have you here. xo
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    twyla77 wrote: »
    i work in the restaurant / bar industry so alcohol is always available (and free!) so this is going to be a challenge! but i think i can do it!

    Another friend on this thread, Erik, also works in the industry. It will be tough for you but it is doable. The power of our mind is amazing. I know you can do it.
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    Even though I’m not setting any strict health goals of any kind til I come back from vacation, I am still determined to kick this week in the butt before I go away. I have off today and first thing I am doing is heading to the gym. (The old me would have seen vacation only four days away and probably cracked open a beer by lunch)
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,307 Member
    bdbchick wrote: »
    I’m really annoyed right now and am wanting a drink but I’m gonna resist. I’m on day 8 of no booze and I am not gonna miss being able to put a sticker on my “Days without Booze” paper.

    I love stickers!!! Good for you for making a chart. Simple, visual reminder of your success. Stay strong.
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    sarahbums wrote: »
    I'm joining in!

    just your friendly neighborhood former alcoholic here ;) . Long story short, I got sober through rehab in Oct. 2015 after nearly drinking myself to death via one liter of vodka per day, every day. I went a full year 100% alcohol-free. I read the Big Book a couple of times and attended a dozen or so AA meetings before deciding the 12-step approach just wasn't for me.

    After my year of total abstinence i took what was, admittedly, a big risk and started to very, very gradually reintroduce the occasional drink. And so far, so good- no relapses/binges, I've stayed far away from hard liquor (still don't trust myself with it yet), and have managed to stick to just white wine. One 750ml bottle per week. Only thing is, over the last few weeks I've noticed my cravings have been more frequent and intense, and it's getting hard to stick to my limit.

    So, my goal for this month is to do just that:
    1. limit my intake to no more than 1 bottle/week. if i can make it 0 bottles, even better
    2. no more than 2 glasses in one sitting, and
    3. find ways to manage/cope with cravings

    I'll try to check in here at least once a week. Best of luck to everyone!

    [Oh, just as a Disclaimer: I know only a lucky few of us addicts can pull off moderation, so i'm not recommending everyone try to. This is just the approach that's worked for me, personally]

    Your story is very inspiring and motivating. Kudos to you for recognizing your habits and doing something about it especially going AF for 1 year!!!
  • OliverRaningerVegan
    OliverRaningerVegan Posts: 349 Member
    I had THE BEST SLEEP last night.

    I dont drink.