How to stop going over my calorie goal?



  • quinnivere1979
    quinnivere1979 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on a 1800 calorie diet. I am slowly changing my calories as I go. I prep cook for my breakfast making eggs or some kind of meat with veggies. I have been doing this for the last 3 weeks and have found that I don’t get hungry for lunch as I used to. I have also found that I am a little more picky about what I snack on as well. I think starting off the day with a healthy meal has influenced the choices I have been making through out the day. I have lost weight since. I will be changing my lunch by prep cooking here in a few weeks when school is out. I think mindset helps. When I start the morning on a good note
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Pre-log everything you will put in your mouth in the morning. It keeps me accountable and I know if I have wiggle room to eat a bit of chocolate or something else later in the day when my hunger strikes. If you can't fit everything in, then plan on walking or working out or whatever your calorie burn of choice might be.
  • CaffeinatedConfectionist
    CaffeinatedConfectionist Posts: 1,046 Member
    I agree with other posters that it's important to identify whether you're going over your goal because your overall intake is unnecessarily low or if it's because you're bored, tired, hormonal, etc, because the solution is going to be different depending on what the root cause is.

    That being said, I'm another vote for pre-logging as an accountability tool. I pre-log my day, meals and snacks both, before I begin eating. This helps me stick to my caloric goal but also to meet my macros - having enough protein and fat in your diet helps with satiety.

    Besides, I'm usually pretty tired when I get home from work and knowing in advance what I'm going to snack on prevents me from browsing through the fridge and cupboards and grabbing whatever looks most appealing - which is good, because when I'm tired what looks most appealing is something easy like potato chips or sweet like cookies. Pre-logging allows me to fit foods like that into my day while still ensuring that I have proper nutrition from my other foods.

    For me, a lot of it boils down to routine and habit. I don't mindlessly snack anymore because I spent years breaking those habits and replacing them with new and healthier ones. It takes time, patience, and the ability to forgive yourself.
  • itisidaisy
    itisidaisy Posts: 121 Member
    Drink more water so you feel fuller. Keep yourself busy so you don’t snack mindlessly. Also, track your food BEFORE you eat it. That way you can stay on track with what you should be eating. It’s ok to eat chocolate biscuits if it keeps you sane, but the key is to eat them in moderation—like 1 or 2 biscuits instead of the entire package.