HELP! I'm stuck :(

anniecate747 Posts: 19 Member
edited April 2018 in Motivation and Support
I am 5'6'' and currently weigh 161 lbs. I started at 187 and am very proud of the weight I have lost, but I am just stuck here. My goal weight is 150. I only lost 4 oz. in the last 27 days. I have been exercising 40 mins on the elliptical, as well as following the 1300 calorie diet. I have an active job, and am extremely honest on here about EVERYTHING I eat. I am eating very healthy foods (Salmon, Veggies, greed fat free yogurt, wheat bread, avacado). I am not sure why I am just stuck at this weight :'( I just REALLY don't know what to do. This program says "If every day were like today you would weigh 147-151 lbs (usually within that bracket) in 5 weeks.. that was 4 weeks ago! HELP :( REALLY down right now... :( I am just crying and feeling really defeated :(


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Do you use a food scale to weigh everything?
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2018
    I know you say you are logging everything but if you really were only eating 1300 the weight would be practically falling off you... but on the up side, you still have lost a little bit in the last month, just not as much as you probably had hoped.

    Are you using a food scale to weigh everything?

    Have you started a new workout?
  • anniecate747
    anniecate747 Posts: 19 Member
    Yes, I am VERY careful about measuring everything :(
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Measuring with cups and spoons is not very accurate.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Are you a daily weigher? if so you will see trends, the ups and downs.

    Have you been eating more sodium high foods than previously? or introduced more carbs? not that theres anything wrong with either but they will mask fat loss as the body holds on to water.

  • anniecate747
    anniecate747 Posts: 19 Member
    I TRULY am honest about everything. I have kept my diet the EXACT same since I started all of this in December. I have eaten the same foods every week and rarely dine out (and when I do, I order very healthy food and always log in here). I just don't understand :'(
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I'm hoping someone will post that helpful chart soon for you! it will let you cross off other possibilities ie meds/ hormones.

    And you haven't said yet if you have introduced exercise lately either?
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Well, if you think you are logging everything correctly, you could lower your intake by 100 calories or add a little more exercise.
  • anniecate747
    anniecate747 Posts: 19 Member
    what chart? Would love to see! I have definitely been exercising every day for the past 27 days. I was not doing that before... was only doing about 3 days a week. I just really wanted to kick it up a notch. I will say, I do feel like I look better, and people have really noticed a difference, but I just hate that the scale is not budging... :( I am not a daily weigher... should I be? I am not on any meds currently that cause weight gain. I did just end my cycle two days ago, so could be retaining water from that still? I just don't know... I'm so sad right now :'(
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
  • anniecate747
    anniecate747 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok, well I read that chart. Not seeing anything helpful. I still feel sad and terrible. :'(
  • need2move2
    need2move2 Posts: 130 Member
    Do not cry.. you need to high five yourself. YOU HAVE LOST 26 POUNDS! That is awesome... you need to celebrate it! Stalls suck... I have had several over the past year... I stick to my menu and eventually the scale starts moving again... I think it is my body catching up to the weight loss!
    Good luck!
    You are doing awesome!
    Stay strong!
  • shulerjs
    shulerjs Posts: 2 Member
    Have you incorporated strength training to your exercise program? A balanced exercise routine is just as important as a balanced diet. Try mixing in some strength/weight training and stretching/Pilates/Yoga with your cardio. Your body may be getting used to the "new" you, so confuse it a bit. Good luck!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    Just to be clear, your "being very careful about measuring" means you use a food scale for everything, right?

    Also, it's really not a question of honesty. Accurate food logging is a skill like anything else that can take some time to master, is all. :)

    If you are not weighing daily, you may be missing the big picture. A person's scale weight is affected by many things, including hormones (especially for women), sodium, and exercise (we retain water to repair muscle). You may be hitting the scale on a particularly high day for you, but actually losing overall. Daily weighing and a trending app would help you track your overall progress.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Start taking measurements.
    You might be seeing a different number go down instead of the scale number.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    You could still be retaining water from your cycle. It takes me almost a full week to get back down.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    what chart? Would love to see! I have definitely been exercising every day for the past 27 days. I was not doing that before... was only doing about 3 days a week. I just really wanted to kick it up a notch. I will say, I do feel like I look better, and people have really noticed a difference, but I just hate that the scale is not budging... :( I am not a daily weigher... should I be? I am not on any meds currently that cause weight gain. I did just end my cycle two days ago, so could be retaining water from that still? I just don't know... I'm so sad right now :'(

    Water retention for muscle repairing? I'm all for exercising often, but remember that your body will hold on to water to deal with muscle repairs.

    Last suggestion: are you hydrated enough, as in drinking enough fluids? Doesn't matter if it's water, coffee, tea, juice, milk, etc..
  • Philly927
    Philly927 Posts: 14 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    Start taking measurements.
    You might be seeing a different number go down instead of the scale number.

    This^ I plateaued too on the scale but then measurements proved my body was still changing. Just because the scale doesn't move, doesn't mean progress isn't being made.
  • anniecate747
    anniecate747 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks Philly and need2move... I just need some encouragement... I don't want to starve myself. I feel like I am already eating the right amount, and don't always even reach the 1300 calorie mark, especially since the elliptical adds at least 400 calories for 40 minutes, sometimes a bit more depending on how hard I go. Shulerjs, maybe you are right about my body getting used to the "new" me... I have just started doing more exercise. Is it possible that I am just gaining muscle mass??? So frustrated... :(