25 lbs, who is with me?



  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Portion control is working well. So I can eat rich and umami foods without feeling cravings. I can still have things like beer or wings or ham so long as I’m not over the limit. It’s just way better than fasting for me. I’m still amazed at how little my body needs compared to how much I would absent mindedly gorge.
  • GottaLose23
    GottaLose23 Posts: 8 Member
    Still feeling either the hunger, or the muscle memory of snacking a bunch during the day... Either way, that’s been toughest part for me; but seeing Brock and Olaf and Mzz posts, it makes sense to not completely deprive myself! Thanks guys!!
  • xOlaf
    xOlaf Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2018

    Today: I did ok, I overate by about 150 calories, but it was still a good day for me. I've officially lost 11.8 pounds in almost a month, so I'm happy. I expect the weight loss to start slowing down soon, so I will no longer do daily weigh-ins to avoid being discouraged moving forward.
    Portion control is working well. So I can eat rich and umami foods without feeling cravings. I can still have things like beer or wings or ham so long as I’m not over the limit. It’s just way better than fasting for me. I’m still amazed at how little my body needs compared to how much I would absent mindedly gorge.

    It absolutely is mind boggling! I think back on my binge eating days and it makes me cringe a little. I used to be so lazy that I would order food delivery 2-3x a week after I got home from school/work. Thank God I broke that habit because it was so costly and horrible for my waistline. I hope I lose the weight for good this time!
    Still feeling either the hunger, or the muscle memory of snacking a bunch during the day... Either way, that’s been toughest part for me; but seeing Brock and Olaf and Mzz posts, it makes sense to not completely deprive myself! Thanks guys!!

    It's definitely normal, esp if you just started the diet. Give it a few more weeks and most of the cravings will be gone. I say eat healthy but if you REALLY crave something, save some calories for it or just work harder at sweating it off!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Had a bit too much on Thursday which threw me off. But today has been moderate. Ate some vegetable dumplings with noodles and a peanut sesame sauce. Very light.

    Daily weigh ins can not only be discouraging but fluctuate within a +/- 3 or 4 lbs range. Best to hold off for a week or two to see real progress. My weight hasn’t changed much but I can feel my stomach is less bloated and clothes fit better which is motivating enough for now.
  • mikeeboy07
    mikeeboy07 Posts: 4 Member
    Count me in
  • jaslynporto
    jaslynporto Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. It’s inspiring to all of read your posts and your weight loss goals! I’m also hoping to keep myself more accountable and get down to 103 pounds from 144 pounds.

    Ps. Wishing the best of luck during your individual weight loss journey’s
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Feeling a little discouraged and I know posting on here, even if no one says anything back, makes me feel better and more motivated to continue this journey and not just give up. Woke up this morning with an increase in weight and with a migraine so wonderful Monday morning! Not. Even having a hard time getting myself motivated to get dressed and go into work today but I do already have a healthy lunch packed and my gym clothes ready to go for after work, just got to get myself there first. I did have an accomplishment though of logging for 30 days straight now and that's encouraging because I've never stuck with logging my food/weight this long before and I'm making a mini goal to continue for another 30 days straight. And since I posted that here for any one to read, I've got to hold myself accountable for it and not let myself slide. Okay, feeling better getting this all out there, ready to start my Monday. Have a great day all!
  • sshields1975
    sshields1975 Posts: 22 Member
    mz144 wrote: »
    Feeling a little discouraged and I know posting on here, even if no one says anything back, makes me feel better and more motivated to continue this journey and not just give up. Woke up this morning with an increase in weight and with a migraine so wonderful Monday morning! Not. Even having a hard time getting myself motivated to get dressed and go into work today but I do already have a healthy lunch packed and my gym clothes ready to go for after work, just got to get myself there first. I did have an accomplishment though of logging for 30 days straight now and that's encouraging because I've never stuck with logging my food/weight this long before and I'm making a mini goal to continue for another 30 days straight. And since I posted that here for any one to read, I've got to hold myself accountable for it and not let myself slide. Okay, feeling better getting this all out there, ready to start my Monday. Have a great day all!

    Just writing things out is very helpful. Great job with logging in 30 days, making it a habit now :). Enjoy the gym and work out those feelings. You will feel much better after.
  • xOlaf
    xOlaf Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2018
    mz144 wrote: »
    Feeling a little discouraged and I know posting on here, even if no one says anything back, makes me feel better and more motivated to continue this journey and not just give up. Woke up this morning with an increase in weight and with a migraine so wonderful Monday morning! Not. Even having a hard time getting myself motivated to get dressed and go into work today but I do already have a healthy lunch packed and my gym clothes ready to go for after work, just got to get myself there first. I did have an accomplishment though of logging for 30 days straight now and that's encouraging because I've never stuck with logging my food/weight this long before and I'm making a mini goal to continue for another 30 days straight. And since I posted that here for any one to read, I've got to hold myself accountable for it and not let myself slide. Okay, feeling better getting this all out there, ready to start my Monday. Have a great day all!

    Congrats on being consistent with logging!! I actually dont log at all - I use myfitnesspal as a tool to look up calories and I calculate it in my head throughout the day. I also gained a pound (couldn't stay away from the daily weigh ins), but I know it'll shed soon. On a positive note, all my cravings for fast food is virtually gone, hoping it stays that way! I'm hoping to get to 130-135 by mid-June. The scale honestly fluctuates SO much. But I know that if we do what we have to, the weight will be gone sooner or later - it's science!
  • ladybugluver23
    ladybugluver23 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m trying to lose about the same amount of weight! Is it too late to be a part of this. I think encouraging each other can be really useful when it comes to motivation!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey all, I haven’t been posting much thanks for keeping the flame alive. Back on track with light calorie meals, yesterday dinner was a Southwest style salad with lean chicken and today’s lunch is a noodle bowl with carrots, cucumbers and peanut sauce, and maybe and apple on the side. It’s eternally February here so I don’t feel like walking around until later this week, which it will finally be about 60 F, so I’ll have to make more sacrifices eating-wise.
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Had a busy day yesterday so didn't get to post any but it was a good day. Schedule is getting changed up today so I'm still trying to figure out when I can fit in some exercise but weigh in was good today so need to continue to make exercise and eating better a priority and not let a changed schedule derail all the good I've done so far. I hope everyone is having a great week so far and thanks for the comments Monday, I really needed them!
  • Amanda_Kw
    Amanda_Kw Posts: 2 Member
    I'm would too! I'm stuck in the same boat as everyone else! I'm super frustrated at the moment. I had some success the first few weeks and now that I've started working out more I see the scale going in the opposite direction. I know most say to ignore the numbers but I'm having trouble doing that despite my clothes fitting better.
  • rdruken
    rdruken Posts: 16 Member
    Please add me! Looking for friends, I’m 5ft 1 and currently down to 148, hoping to get to 130 and reevaluate my goals
  • Arilynngma
    Arilynngma Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in. I have way more than 25 pounds to lose but 25 is a fantastic start and will be a great accomplishment for me when I get there. Would like to be there by the end of June when I head to Pennsylvania for my sons college graduation, but that is a lot to lose in such a short time. If you are needing a friend feel free to add me :smiley: We can do this together!
  • xOlaf
    xOlaf Posts: 39 Member
    edited April 2018
    Hey hey everyone!! Hope you're all staying on track and living a healthy life :) I've lost that pound I gained plus some! Yay! Approx a month ago, I started at 164.8, I weighed myself this morning and I'm down to 151.4. Can't wait to hit the 140's!!! So excited to NOT be doing any kind of fad diet, still have my "bad" meal every now and then, and STILL lose weight. Granted it's starting to slow down a lot more than when I first started, but even a pound a week is a win to me. 20 more lbs to go!! Hopefully I can do it in 2 months :)
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Light eating day yesterday. Met my calorie goal and slept well. Today so far, also very light and cannot wait to log my progress next Sunday and see results. Keep it up people.
  • AprilMLowe
    AprilMLowe Posts: 447 Member
    I would like to join in. I am 2541bs currently and losing 25 pounds slowly and keeping it off would be wonderful. I have made some minor adjustments like drinking at least 32oz of water a day and using splenda in my coffee instead of sugar. I have incorporated more fruits and vegetables and lowfat yogurt. I am up for more suggestions anytime!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    It finally feels like spring out now if it wasn't so darn windy it'd be perfect. Skipped the gym for the warm weather and walked outside for an hour. Kids have soccer practice tonight so if it continues to stay nice out I'll walk some more around the soccer fields. Been having a good week so far so hoping for a good weigh in tomorrow morning. I've been reading through the last couple posts here and it seems like everyone's been doing pretty good, keep moving forward!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Had a great weigh in this morning, down 2 pounds! So excited to see this and weighing myself on Friday gives me so much motivation to not sabotage myself this weekend. Thinking about doing a weekly Friday weigh in, just to see what's working for me through the week or not. Hope everyone is having a great Friday the 13th too!! :smiley: