Women are insane.



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I think women tend to be better drivers than men. Or more specifically, safer, drivers than us statistically.

    If a guy is driving you are more likely to get to your destination sooner and it will probably be more fun. With women it will take a bit longer but you are less likely to be involved in an accident.

    I think most women though can't PARK for crap. Sometimes it is just painful watching a woman try to parallel park. I have to resist every bone in my body getting in the car and taking over....
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    Friends come and go in your life as you need them, they are not always supposed to stick around... I'm going through the same thing. My friend is mad at me for a very stupid reason, however, she is a lot younger than me and is a total drama queen... I wouldn't cry if we went our separate ways.... hope you feel better
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Women are terrible friends, in my experience. Too whiney, too superficial, too moody ... no. Just no. I can't handle that.

    My best friend of 10 years ditched me in my divorce. She said that my situation hurt her too much because it reminded her of when her ex-fiance dumped her 2-3 years earlier. Sorry that MY divorce inconvenienced YOU. She didn't want to hear what happened. She just .... disappeared. Took me off her Facebook, MySpace, LiveJournal - everything without a single word from her. I found out through someone else that her excuse was that she didn't want any "drama" which was really confusing considering the fact that I wasn't talking to anybody about the divorce. No one wanted to hear it, so I wasn't talking about it. Whatever.

    Every now and then, I'll get a tiny urge to maybe message her. It's been about 3 years since we last talked. I sometimes wonder what she's up to. But then I remember that she's a self-centered, adolescent who is always angry about something. Serious emotional drain. I don't want to go back and try to be friends with someone who *kitten* on me when I needed them most.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I think women tend to be better drivers than men. Or more specifically, safer, drivers than us statistically.

    If a guy is driving you are more likely to get to your destination sooner and it will probably be more fun. With women it will take a bit longer but you are less likely to be involved in an accident.

    I think most women though can't PARK for crap. Sometimes it is just painful watching a woman try to parallel park. I have to resist every bone in my body getting in the car and taking over....


    I've seen that go both ways...though I agree on the parking.

    My brothers wife is 5'1, and has a foot made of pure lead. She drives an 01 Silverado 4dr, 2500, longbed, 6" lift, 35's, 6.0, and if she's in it...the pedal is matted.

    She can barely see over the wheel. I finally feel safe on the roads, now that I'm 800 miles away from her.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It is what is needed too.
    Left to a guy a house would have 8 rooms with brown walls because that was the color that was on sale.
    Life would be very empty and dreary without a lady`s point of view and perspective.
    Amen brother...amen.

    You two MUST be single. Just wait until you get roped into endless discussions about feature walls, matte v gloss paint, if silk wallpaper is fashionable anymore.

    It won't be all rainbows and butterflies then. Oh noooooo ;)
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    those types of friendships are TOXIC and they wear you out! This is for the best! doesn't feel like it now, but soon you will feel such relief.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I MUST say this...please remember, not every woman is the same. Yeah, I get the guy talk thing but generalization and stereotypes are a huge pet peeve of mine.

    Funny timing for this topic - for whatever reason, I was thinking of one of my ex friends this morning. She was fun to hang around but was way too boy crazy (read: slutty) and way too immature for me to deal with after a while. I mean, it's one thing to still live with your parents when you're almost 30 but seriously, you can't stick to our plans because they want you to watch the dog while they run to the store or whatever? Yeah, too many of those lame excuses and I'd had it. I had a life and my own commitments and was tired of shuffling both around for her benefit. Phew...guess I still haven't gotten closure on that one...

    I seriously can't deal with people who say they care about you soooo much but then turn around and treat you like a doormat.
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    I am a careful, safe driver, and I can park very well... until my boyfriend is in the car. Then I can't parallel park for beans because I feel I have to get it right the first time I attempt, no readjustments. By myself or with anyone else in the car I take my time and do as many re-adjustments as needed (usually 1).

    As for women - my younger sister used to be the type that needed the attention. She always have the funniest story, the loudest voice singing, etc. They can be fun to be with if they are happy but I'd hear from our mutual friends that they didn't trust her, wouldn't get too close to her becuase of the self-serving attitude. It got tiring both from the drama point of view and being in a family of 7 kids, I felt left in the shadows. Thankfully as she's gotten older she's channeled that into a great job - she pulls in grants and donations for a non-profit charity for challenged adults while doing theatre as a hobby.

    I steer away from the drama types now. I can spot them a mile away usually.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    It is what is needed too.
    Left to a guy a house would have 8 rooms with brown walls because that was the color that was on sale.
    Life would be very empty and dreary without a lady`s point of view and perspective.
    Amen brother...amen.

    You two MUST be single. Just wait until you get roped into endless discussions about feature walls, matte v gloss paint, if silk wallpaper is fashionable anymore.

    It won't be all rainbows and butterflies then. Oh noooooo ;)

    LOL... and what is wrong with brown?
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    It is what is needed too.
    Left to a guy a house would have 8 rooms with brown walls because that was the color that was on sale.
    Life would be very empty and dreary without a lady`s point of view and perspective.
    Amen brother...amen.

    You two MUST be single. Just wait until you get roped into endless discussions about feature walls, matte v gloss paint, if silk wallpaper is fashionable anymore.

    It won't be all rainbows and butterflies then. Oh noooooo ;)

    Yeah but if she can make me my sammich it will all be good.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Okay, seriously, I don't get the whole "make me a sammich" thing. If you're going to demand to be fed, which is fine and all, why not demand something better than a sandwich? I'm a great cook. I'm not making anyone a damned sandwich.
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Okay, seriously, I don't get the whole "make me a sammich" thing. If you're going to demand to be fed, which is fine and all, why not demand something better than a sandwich? I'm a great cook. I'm not making anyone a damned sandwich.

    Maybe they're looking for something more than PB&J? If it were me, I'd go for a delicious panini!

    There's something to be said about a tasty, perfectly prepared sandwich. Simple pleasures!
  • bakebunny
    bakebunny Posts: 253
    A good sandwich (condiment, lettuce, tomato, thin sliced cheese, enough meat to recognize not so much that you can't taste anything else) is wonderful. When I make a sandwich for myself I forget the little things like the tomato. Made for someone else, I tend to dress up the plate as well.

    But I'd rather have a grilled veggie lasagna.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm a magnet for psycho female friends. To the point where I've kind of withdrawn from trying to make new ones. I've just had a string of so-called friends turning crazy psycho on me, being nasty or hurtful. I just can't take it anymore.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I only have 1 female friend (my best friend of 20 years) and the rest are male. Sorry you are going through this! I hope everything works out for the best!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Okay, seriously, I don't get the whole "make me a sammich" thing. If you're going to demand to be fed, which is fine and all, why not demand something better than a sandwich? I'm a great cook. I'm not making anyone a damned sandwich.

    the simple pleasure of quality meat and cheese between two nice slices of bread.... Sure I would prefer a perfectly grilled porterhouse but a sandwich would hit the spot!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Okay, seriously, I don't get the whole "make me a sammich" thing. If you're going to demand to be fed, which is fine and all, why not demand something better than a sandwich? I'm a great cook. I'm not making anyone a damned sandwich.

    It is a joke guys make to needle ladies with the image of him sitting in a chair watching TV while she waits on him.
    Or at least that is how I always took it. tongue.gif
  • I hear ya, sister! This is why all my friends are male, too. They never want drama and they're rarely interested in picking a fight, unless it's with other dudes. Girls are crazy, and you're better off without someone who causes you so much stress. Having her around is certainly no way to have a healthy life!
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    I went through something similar, the girl and I aren't friends anymore, she had a melt down and I was the one who got handed the **** pile and the blame for no reason other than the fact that I was the only one still talking to her, it sucks...not to be rude, but ever think maybe it's not "women" that are the problem? You only have one female friend...maybe its not that all women are crazy...maybe it's just...
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Okay, seriously, I don't get the whole "make me a sammich" thing. If you're going to demand to be fed, which is fine and all, why not demand something better than a sandwich? I'm a great cook. I'm not making anyone a damned sandwich.

    It is a joke guys make to needle ladies with the image of him sitting in a chair watching TV while she waits on him.
    Or at least that is how I always took it. tongue.gif

    Are we related lol?