Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    @ladylara777- Wish I had an answer for eating emotions, for they plaque me as well. The only thing I've found is to just stay the course, doing the best I can and relying on my faith to bring me back around. In spite of your hiccup, you are still on your way down and you're almost 8 pounds lighter! Woohoo!
    @DebCountsAll- This is such a difficult time for you, I'm amazed you are even able to do what you do! I'm sending hugs and prayers for you.
    @tricx21- Welcome and congrats on the new baby girl. You've found a good spot for encouragement and accountability!

  • ladycopnh1
    ladycopnh1 Posts: 287 Member
    Will you be continuing this challenge through the summer ? I would love to jump in.
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    welcome to you ladies, @glammooreghoul and @raven0811. I understand the embarrassment of not fitting on rides. I went to an amusement park with my grands last summer and even though I had lost 50 pounds I still couldn't fit due to the distribution of my weight. It was disappointing and embarrassing. I want you to enjoy your kiddos and your vacay so I'll be pulling for you, Raven!

  • raven0811
    raven0811 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you! @campfirequeen1 It is nice to know that I am not alone and there are others that understand.
  • glammooreghoul
    glammooreghoul Posts: 75 Member
    I think I'm gonna make my goal to get 3 lbs off this week. I was also gonna do a step goal for the week but it's supposed to rain every day except Wednesday so walking wont ve happening a lot this week. I am going to Atlanta Wednesday for a show so I will definitely get some steps on.
  • Yennyboops
    Yennyboops Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2018
    I have lost and gained the same 30lbs 2-3 times over the last couple of years. Need to lose 100lbs. Traveling for work and then working from home makes it challenging. Does anyone else work from home and have suggestions on how they keep from snacking during the day? I’m trying to have realistic goals and make lifestyle changes to make this the last time with those 30lbs!
  • raven0811
    raven0811 Posts: 4 Member
    Monday: I've lost 1lb, I feel like it's not much at all, but its better than nothing.
    Tuesday: I need to make some mini goals to reach, but I'm not sure what.
  • jules81
    jules81 Posts: 83 Member
    I hit my step goal of 6000 step yesterday - well did 8000 :)

    @yennyboops I sometime make healthy tub of fruit up to snack at home. Plus buy 100 cals crisp, fiber one bars or have 100 cals of mash mallow weighed out.

    Have a great Tuesday everyone... its 1.50 pm here and i am on 4000 steps :)

  • EmergencyGraphics
    EmergencyGraphics Posts: 132 Member
    Welcome to all the new faces.

    My goal this week is to log all my food... good or bad. I need to write it down and hold my self accountable. Monday went well. Today will go well too :smile:

    @Yennyboops Set your self a schedule at home that you can only have one snack at a certain time and have those snacks prepped in the morning. If you feel like you need another snack, make sure your actually hungry and not just wanting a break from the work. If you need a break, take a 10 min walk.