Pregnancy – August 2011



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,514 Member
    indiankel - welcome! With my second and third, I got pregnant within 3 months of stopping the pill (with the second, we thought it would take longer so he was a bit of a surprise!) With this one, it took us 4 or 5 months after I stopped the pill. Every woman, and every pregnancy, can be different. Good luck!

    mukie - I completely understand those emotional breakdowns. Sometimes it's the craziest thing that sets us off, right? (but it usually is that on top of everything else!) Hope you have a safe flight and good luck on your GD test.

    Rachel - yay for progress! Hope you can have your wish of natural everything and you soon have a healthy little one in your arms.

    PPD - I worry about it too. Don't think I really had any issues with my others, but been more vulnerable to major emotional swings in the past few years, and I hope the changing hormones with a new baby don't set it off. I definitely plan on talking to my doc early if it happens (or letting my husband talk to the doc - he's good about helping me with that!). I know that usually one of my best strategies to combat depression is regular exercise, but that's not necessarily possible post partum.

    AFM - Our dryer quit a few weeks ago, and I've been hang-drying stuff since, so when my brother offered to take me to the laundromat (and pay for the machines) I jumped on it. Then it was dinner time, and he ran off and bought KFC. Not the best food choice ... and I was shocked to see that 1 biscuit has about as many calories as 1 drumstick! (At least according to the info here). Now I'm glad I couldn't snack through the GRE test, because I would have been way over on calories otherwise.

    Had my second NST yesterday. Fluids are lower than before, but still well within normal. She said that it could be from a change in position (I'm pretty sure his back has been on my left for a while, but he's turned so it's now on my right) and nothing to worry about, and they got the heartrate changes they like to see. She gave me a kick-count sheet to keep track - just once a day, time how long it takes to feel 10 movements. As long as it's within an hour, we're considered ok.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,514 Member
    I'm thinking of getting my hair cut today, and was also thinking about getting it colored. I've heard a lot of conflicting info on hair dye when pregnant. Does anybody have any info/insight/ideas on that?
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    I'm thinking of getting my hair cut today, and was also thinking about getting it colored. I've heard a lot of conflicting info on hair dye when pregnant. Does anybody have any info/insight/ideas on that?

    I heard it's okay after the first trimester as long as the salon is well ventilated. Your stylist would probably have more information on that.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Julz – yes, you do have to splurge every once in a while. My splurge today was breakfast at Dunkin Donuts! And you’re better than I am; when our dryer broke I went on laundry strike until the new one was delivered. On the hair dye: as far as I know there is no evidence that it will harm the baby. Up until a few weeks ago (I stopped for $$ reasons) I got my acrylic nails refilled every two weeks and we’re both healthy.

    Rachel – ahhh, you’re close!!! :bigsmile:

    Veronica – I know a few people who had GD but didn’t have an issue after the baby was born, hopefully you’ll be one of them. I hope you’re cold goes away soon. I had a really bad one the other week, they’re no fun.

    Indiankel – I was on the pill for 4 years and didn’t give my body anytime to adjust before TTC, I got pregnant the second month I was off the pill. But everyone’s body reacts differently so if it does take a while it doesn’t automatically mean something is wrong. Weight gain is tough after spending so much time losing. I lost 53 before I got pregnant and as of today I’ve gained 37.5, a lot of that is due to poor eating on my part. But you can’t stress too much, you’ll drive yourself crazy.

    Melissa – hope you’re feeling better. An emotional meltdown is totally understandable after all of that. Have a safe flight!

    Great appointment today….still a girl!!!! :bigsmile: She’s about 3lbs and 16oz and in the 34th percentile. She’s breech, but the doctor isn’t concerned right now and said there is plenty of time for her to flip over. Everything looks great, she’s perfect! :happy: :heart:
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    Doctor said everything was looking good. Have epidural class next month I don't know if I will use the epidural yet or not but she said to go just in case. I'm up to 172.8 now I've gain 22 pounds already.
  • indiankel
    indiankel Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you ladies for your responses. I have been on the pill for 20 years off and on. I know thats along time! I have been a career woman and have finally found the man of my dreams! The past 2 months I have started my period a week early, even being on the pill! I will be 38 in January and my husband will be 42 in October...he asked how long we are going to try because obviously we don't want to be overly old and trying to have a baby! I'm truly hoping that since I am starting my period even while being on active pills that "maybe" it won't take us long. And, everyone is right...I will gain what my body needs to support my pregnancy and I will "try" not to eat everything in sight but remain healthy and active!!!
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    Thank you for this thread....don't know why I didn't look sooner! Hubby and I are going off the pill in a month and then wanted to give myself a few months for my body to adjust before "trying" Anyone in the same boat or anyone that had been on the pill for along time? I also have to say that I am extremely scared of alot of weight gain because I've worked so hard to lose about 35lbs but in the end know that it will be worth it and can lose it again! I am also noticing a few that haven't gained much weight at all!!

    How long have you been on the pill? I was on the pill for a few years, didn't start trying until I had been off it for over 2 and it still took us about a year to get pregnant, even though bc had stopped 2+ years prior to. My best friend stopped the pill on her wedding day and it took her 10 months to get pregnant. Everyone is different but it does take awhile for bc to completely leave your system. My doctor recommended going off it a year before we were ready to try.

    Gaining after losing is never easy but your body will do what it needs to for your baby, remember that.

    Everyone IS different for sure! I went off birth control in August 2009 and found out we were pregnant in September 2009
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Hi ladies, would love to join! I am currently TTC :)
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    Hi ladies, would love to join! I am currently TTC :)
    Welcome and I love your Chihuahua .. adorable :)
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hi! I'm due November 21st and just found this thread. Good to see there is a place us preggers can keep up with each other. I haven't been doing much for exercise, but I'm watching what I eat very closely and have only gained 15 lbs in the 25 weeks 4 days I've been pregnant. This is my 3rd baby and I'm having a boy.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    VeronicaanddMatt0605 Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Scorpiomom it's good to see another lady due around the same time as me. I'm due Nov 22nd with my 3rd as well except I'm having a little girl

    Mukie- boy it sure sounds like you had a rough night hope that your appt goes well and that your little one is doing well

    Julz- glad everything is going well with the little boy about the hair dye I've heard that it's okay to use while pg I've heard that going darker is better than having it be lighter or using bleach I don't dye my hair but only because I can't afford it

    Ronya- I hope that the GD doesn't cause me any problems either I had it with my first and he was perfect had no problems and wasn't a big baby but that didn't start until 28weeks but I'm just hoping and praying that this little girl is okay glad that your us went well and it sounds like your little girl is doing well

    My family and I are going to be taking our last camping trip of the summer this weekend. I think that the weather is going to be a bit cold but hopefully the rain will hold off. I also have to get ready for my son's 5th birthday party I can't believe that he is going to be 5. I also had a question for any cloth diapering mamas out there I want to know the best and cheapest diapers to use for newborns? Also how many diapers do you need? I bought cloth diapers when I had my son but they never fit or worked right so I just gave up but if I didn't need to buy too much more than what I have now would like to save the money and not need to use disposables. Thanks in advance.
  • chelledmal
    chelledmal Posts: 328 Member
    I'll be heading home to WV for the remainder of August. There isn't good cell service out in the country, so I'll miss ya'll!
    Rachel you better have that sweet baby in your arm by the time I get back!!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,514 Member
    Ronya - haha, I like your response to no dryer. Unfortunately, if I did that we'd all be wandering around naked. No idea when we can afford a dryer (and right now, I'd spend the money first on a crib and carseat!) I just do what I have to to get by, but I'm grateful I was taught the "old fashioned" way to do things. :)

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Michelle and Veronica- have fun on your trips!

    I went ahead and got my hair done. Decided to go red, and I love it! will try to post pics soon :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    julz -- I dyed my hair a few days before I gave birth. I did a bit of research first and decided at that point there really wasn't any harm. I used foam hair dye and did it at home so I could totally control the ventilation.

    Though I was totally expecting a blond baby (actually, I expected a baldy) and she ended up having hair the exact same color I dyed mine! :tongue: Thank goodness I dyed my hair or no one would ever believe she belongs to me & my hubby! I have very light brown hair (very light blond when I was a kid) & he has blond hair (white hair as a kid). We both have a parent with black hair so I guess that's where it came from.
  • L4JSnP
    L4JSnP Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! I would love to join in this group! I am a new mama of a beautiful baby girl (8 months). I suffered two miscarriages before I had her...I'll save the story (it's on my profile if you'd like to know more). Anyways, I found MFP exactly one month ago 7/11/11 and I have lost 11 lbs. so far...I guess that's my lucky number. Anyways, I really want to have children close together but I cannot get pregnant this weight. So, I feel like I am on a fast track to lose weight so I can have another baby. I am scared of another miscarriage but I do not want to chance a risky and complicated pregnancy this here I am! I would love the encouragement and to share in the joys of all the new mamas, almost mamas, or trying to be mamas out there!

    pre-pregnancy weight: 196
    gave birth: 260
    joined MFP 7/11/11: 238.6
    CW: 227.6
    1st GW: 188.6 (by 1/11/11 6 months on MFP-50 lbs.)
  • L4JSnP
    L4JSnP Posts: 6 Member
    tech error
  • Anya1982
    Anya1982 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, Everyone I am category C!
    Just found out:) 8 weeks pregnant:)
    Have not planned it:) We have 9 months old baby boy:)
    I do not mind, the only thing is I need help girls! I really want to find few friends who might want similar things-stay healthy and as slim as possible during pregnancy time. I put 2 stones during my first one and I have stone to lose from number 1. This time I hope I will not put any weight on. No matter what they say, it is really hard to lose it once it is on. I did breastfeeding and all of it... still the same weight since I gave birth.
    So.... Anyone out there in similar situation-please come and say hi!

    Best of wishes:
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Hi, Anya! Congrats on the new pregnancy! I don't know what I'd do it I had babies that close together. lol Mine was 15 months old when I got pregnant. I know you can manage your weight well in pregnancy if you try. With my first, I gained 50 lbs, with my 2nd I gained 65 lbs, and with this one so far, I've only gained 15 lbs. I know I can limit the rest of my gain to about 20 lbs, so that will put me at my lowest gain ever. This site has helped me alot even though I haven't been too active, I've been watching what I eat.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Why hello due date!

    I hope the baby comes within the next couple days.

    Heading to the city today for dinner, a movie, and some shopping if we have time. That should keep my mind off the fact that I have no baby yet!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    LOL Hope all the activity evicts that stubborn baby sometime in the next couple days.