25 lbs, who is with me?



  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Well I pulled up my big girl pants and went outside today (after I had to talk myself into doing it for about 20 mins) and was able to get 45 minutes of a jog/walk in before it started raining again. Already feel better getting some exercise in, I need to remember that I always feel more energized after working out.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    It’s not so bad! It rained a little yesterday and it was chilly but I made 3.5 miles happen. Today I got 2 in. We got this!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Good afternoon all. Hope you are making progess no matter how small or incremental.

    Had a pretty light lunch today with cucumbers and hummus to start with s chicken salad sub. Actually putting my yogurt on hold since I wasn’t hungry for it. That’s a rarity for me since I usually eat all food I pack.

    I will try to get another 3-mile + run in today. It’s helping a ton, I am sleeping so sound and don’t ache the way I usually do from a daily office lifestyle. Cheers.
  • Sierradboothby
    Sierradboothby Posts: 5 Member
    Just started on here. Im excited to make some life changes! I quit smoking cigs in January, so I'm feeling pretty unstoppable!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    The weather is gorgeous here today, the wind is a little chilly but the sun feels great! Got a 20 minute toning walk in plus a 30 minute jog/walk. Now I'm sitting in the sun enjoying a little relaxation until the kids get home from school and all becomes hectic. Thinking I'll squeeze another walk in while the kids are at soccer practice, it's just too nice to sit around, especially with the chance of rain we have tomorrow. Got to get it while the gettings good!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    I'd love to join this group......56 years old.....haven't seen 145 pounds in 15 years. I'm on the rise again, at 191 and need to get to at 150 for better health.
  • missbutton82
    missbutton82 Posts: 151 Member
    I'd love to join ya'll.. I'm 190 and would like to work my way to 150. I'm 5'2 also. Feel free to friend me and give me the motivation I need, I'll do the same! :smile:
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    @teriseaton and @missbutton82 welcome! Always love to have new members join the group!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    All threadwatchers feel free to friend me and post updates.
  • nsv18
    nsv18 Posts: 9 Member
    I started on April 8th, 2018 so far 14 lbs down. I know is fast but I'm scared to eat normal. I did the 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse by JJ Smith . After 10 days now I'm drinking 1 smoothie a day, one small healthy meal such as a salad a day, healthy snacks e.g. cucumbers, fruits, and drinking 3 liters of water a day. I don't exercise much trying to tho. I started doing Zumba today for an hour. How did I motivate myself? long story I posted a long story on Introduce Myself the beginning of my healthy start to a new life. But I need help I don't want to lose so much so fast and at the same time I want to keep on doing this. I have never lasted so long. Please help!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    @missbutton82 thank you!
  • AbandondedKSCharger
    AbandondedKSCharger Posts: 562 Member
    My weekend was quit the challenge. I ate a very healthy dinner, fish, brown rice and asparagus. But blew it later with wine...ugh! Saturday we spent chasing a 2 year old at the ball park, so I felt I did good there. Sunday, as beautiful as it was outside, spent most of the day indoors with chores. I wish I would have taken the time for a bike ride or walk. This morning I logged my food, but missed my 20 minute walk at break, worked right through it. Hoping my connection here will keep me more accountable.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Had a trip to Boston which derailed my momentum a bit, so I am taking a few days off from tracking. Though I got about 25 miles of walking in so all wasn’t totally lost. Will resume running and moderation today but just don’t feel like logging in. See you soon.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Ok, back again. Put back on some weight unfortunately so it’s time to bounce back with renewed vigor. I want to eat even less and start running and lifting more. At least 1 exercise activity a day.

  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Had a busy weekend, lots of hiking and not the best foods but also not a lot of food, kept drinking plenty of water. Busy day of weeding and mulching today and we're still not done yet but treated ourselves to deer steak, morrel mushrooms and a baked potato. YUM! I hope everyone is doing well and I'll post again soon.
  • andrewgoggans7
    andrewgoggans7 Posts: 3 Member
    I’m new to this app & to tracking my calories and looking to go from 212 to 185. I started using this app for a 5 week fitness challenge, I’m about half way through now. Been doing 30ish minute high intensity workouts almost every day and (per the app’s goal setter) keeping myself to 1800 calories a day. Have a weigh-in this week to check progress, so I’m crossing my fingers & will let you guys know where I’m at.
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    I'm at 215 and hoping to get down to the 185 mark.
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    thanks for posting and keeping the thread going!
  • brocktoon666
    brocktoon666 Posts: 74 Member
    Ok, had a good today yesterday. Lifted weights this morning and got some walking in. Ate light for lunch and will have a salad with chicken for dinner. I feel like I am back on track. Let’s do this!
  • mz144
    mz144 Posts: 216 Member
    Mentally smacking my hand away from trying to grab yet another snack.... Time to get out of the house and away from the kitchen for a bit!