Teachers or Future Teachers



  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    I teach pre-k and am dreading the donuts and candy that will always be laying around!!!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285

    That is a great surprise! As far as snacks I like frozen grapes, Greek yogurt, granola, tuna, weight watchers snacks, almonds, special k sour cream and onion chips, smoothies, graham crackers, carrot sticks, peanut butter celery and raisins, and frozen mango slices.

    Thank you joimichele for the excellent healthy snack ideas. I am also struggling with snacks, and I've already begun my school year (we started Aug 8th).
  • Hi! This is a great idea, I'd love to join! My name is Kimberly, I'm 29, and I teach and direct Theatre for grades 9 - 12. This will be my 5th year teaching. Like some of you have already said, this summer I was able to workout whenever I wanted and had time to prepare healthy meals. I'm a little nervous for what will happen when school starts up again next week. My schedule can get pretty hectic as I teach until 3pm and then have rehearsal for 3 to 5 hours after. I'm very much looking forward to hearing some ideas on how to stay motivated, fit more workouts in, and eat healthy meals. Thanks for creating this group!
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Okay, I teach 8 grade English. I also have teaching credentials for disabled (physically and educational). I know that they're called different things in different places. This is my second week back at work. Last week while preparing for students, I had to deal with the district breakfast (mandatory, but I made sure to eat before showing up and didn't eat anything there), and the welcome back to school barbeque our principal does. This week with students, I've dealt with the donuts and snacks in the workroom that some other nice teachers have decided to leave in there so that I can drool as I try to make photocopies and get supplies.

    And let's not forget the only five minutes I get in between classes where I am starving and need a quick (healthy?) snack AND find time to use the restroom because my bladder isn't use to being on a schedule anymore after summer.

    Other than that, I have three wonderful kids and husband. My husband is across the country now, and I will be joining him (hopefully) in Decemeber when I break contract with a fantastic district that respects me as a professional and that I've been at for 6 years. There are no teaching jobs where I'm moving, and the district I'm moving too won't even hire substitutes.

    I eat when I'm stressed and it's a struggle to not eat away my woes currently.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Hi, I teach 3rd grade, and I love it!! This will be my 11th year teaching. I also taught ESL for a couple of years and one year I did a split class of 2nd/3rd grade. That was a wild ride. I have been on MFP since May. Well I dabbled with the site a little in May but was bogged down with the end of school. I really got on the bandwagon in June once school was out. I have lost 14 pounds, and I would like to keep a downward trend going. I'm not really sure what goal weight I'm looking for, but I think I will know it when I get there. This sounds like an awesome idea to share the struggles and successes of teaching while making healthy choices!!
  • mamathrash2
    mamathrash2 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a teacher in Springfield, Illinois. This will be my 10th year of teaching (that seems insane that I have teaching that long). I teach 4th grade math, science, and social studies. When i started teaching, I was about 125 pounds and at the end of last school year, I was 175 pounds. I am also a mother of twin 3 year old boys, Evan and Owen. Reading through everyone's post it seems like we share a lot of the same concerns. I have been doing really good since I joined MFP but am very nervous about going back to school. I have a 45 minute commute, my husband is a football and track coach which means he also works long hours, and I tutor 5th graders Mon-Thur after school. This causes supper to be something I can cook fast and tends to be unhealthy :(

    I have gotten a lot of good fish and chicken recipes from friends and posts on MFP so I am not as worried about dinner. Lunch is my concern. I have been eating the school lunch for the last couple of years because it is supposed to be "healthy" and cheap. I have told my husband several times that lunch is my worry. I won't be eating the school lunch most days because it is a lot of crap to be honest with you. If you have any ideas for lunch that is quick and doesn't require cooking (we do have a fridge and microwave) please pass them on.

    My goal for August/September is to do some kind of physical activity at least 4 days a week (that 4 more days than I did last school year)!!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I usually take leftovers for lunch the next day which works well if I am eating healthy at night. On days we don't have leftovers I usually take a sandwich. My goal is to keep up with my water and exercise and stay within my calorie goals. Our lunch is a super quick one, but snacks in the teacher's work room are abundant so my school goal is not to be a grazer.
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    Hi teachers! So, I was thinking that we all should set two goals for the first month of teaching. Then continue for each month until the end of the year.

    My goal is to not eat fast food for lunch more than twice a month and to exercise at least 5 times a week NO MATTER WHAT!

    My goals are 1) only take one serving of each item offered in the cafeteria and 2) to workout at at least 4 times a week.
  • smlandry
    smlandry Posts: 12 Member
    I was going to start a string just like this! Glad to know others are thinking the same way!

    I'm a first grade teacher in Texas. I'm entering my 7th year and I can't wait to get under way. I've got new ideas in my head and a classroom of kids waiting to be my guinea pigs. ;) I'll be honest and say that as for my weight goals, I've met it. But I think I could do more. My biggest goal at this point really is to maintain what I've done AND be healthy while I'm at it. I don't want my stress levels to be any higher than necessary. As we all know, the 9 months we work can be grueling and it takes away from family time. I think I've worked in that in along with exercising. I just need motivation and encouragement to stay put. My husband has always encouraged me but he always admits that he doesn't understand my job or why I stress about it like I do. I want to show him that I can be a good wife and mommy on top of working to be a good teacher. Let's do this people! Happy teaching!
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    My goal is to actually take time to eat during the day, so when evening hits I'm not starving and wolfing down everything in sight or ordering half the menu at a fast food drive through.
  • I want to join! I am a preschool teacher. I have started back to work and I am looking forward to a more structured schedule. It seems I do better with my nutrition and exercise this way. I am getting married in December. Currently, I am 129 and would love to be 120 by the wedding or less! :)
  • razzmahtazz
    razzmahtazz Posts: 78 Member
    I love this idea! I am a kindergarten teacher in Texas and I love it! Unfortunately, it comes with a lot of stress (mainly due to faculty meetings!) My goal is to eat a balanced diet and lose about 20 more pounds. We have a wonderful PTA who always feeds us goodies so I will be battling that!
  • amylyork
    amylyork Posts: 11 Member
    What a great idea! I teach 4th grade reading in a very small rural school in Texas. I've survived 7 years of teaching, and this will be my eighth Our school nurse challenged the school in a biggest loser contest. It's been fun seeing all my coworkers lose weight. It's also nice to be in a supportive environment.
  • JJasMyself
    JJasMyself Posts: 79 Member
    What a great idea! I teach 4th grade reading in a very small rural school in Texas. I've survived 7 years of teaching, and this will be my eighth Our school nurse challenged the school in a biggest loser contest. It's been fun seeing all my coworkers lose weight. It's also nice to be in a supportive environment.

    Hey Amy! My company did a biggest loser competition last year right after the new year and there was a cash prize for the winner. So I put my 10 bucks in thinking this would help me be more motivated to lose weight since I was starting another grad class and that usually meant gaining more weight. I'm so looking forward to not only losing weight this semester, but also entering and winning the biggest loser competition if they have it at work again this year because MFP has really helped me focus and keep track of what I am doing to better my health and weight loss!
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
    Part of me can't wait for school to start back, part of me worries about all the temptation. Doughnuts, baked godies and the such in the mornings. School lunches usually aren't that bad. On the good side we have a wonderful salad bar everyday at lunch. I am getting ready to start my 14th year in education. This year as principal, so i have to stay away from stress eating and eating just to eat. The biggest problem i will have this year is when the cooks make pepperoni rolls. They are absolutely the most wonderful creation to come out of a school cafeteria.
  • djcon
    djcon Posts: 216 Member
    R U from West Virginia? I'm asking because of the pepperoni rolls
  • Hi!
    I'm a teacher too.

    I teach cosmetology to 11th & 12th graders. Starting my 3rd year at this school, but was teaching at a community college for almost 8 years before that. I am already back at work, didn't get much of a summer, since my program relies on clock hours and the students have to clock so many hours each year. So much for enjoying the summer with my own kids, ages 11, 8, and 4. Bummer.

    I've been trying to lose weight forever but got more serious about it in MArch....I've lost 25 pounds since then and some of my clothes are starting to actually fit or be a little loose, even my bras! I had to cut off part of the cups of one bra so the loose cups wouldn't poke out of the neckline of the fancy dress I bought, that I had to buy 2 sizes smaller than normal!!! YAY!!! I still have lots more to lose though and happy to have motivation!! I'm still not 100% clear on calories eaten vs exercise calories vs net calories, etc. but working on it.

    I've tried to eliminate as many bread/rice/pasta things from my diet but do eat some carbs. I also quit drinking my 1-can-coke daily habit, which was hard....every now and then I am craving one!! But I really lack enough fruits and veggies....I'm not a fan of veggies, especially green ones, and the ones I like are the more carby veggies, like corn, potatoes, and sweet potatoes!! So anyone that looks at my food diary will see how poor my eating habits are. And some days, I definately don't drink enough water, but lots of decaf iced tea......

    Thanks for reading my rambling.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    I think a monthly goal is a good idea.
    Mine should be to only have one of whatever is on the table in the team office regardless of how many times I have to walk past it!
  • meggers123
    meggers123 Posts: 711 Member
    Hi! I'm 26, my name's Meg.

    I have B.A.s in International Relations and German Literature, but I'm an Engish (as a foreign language) teacher in Germany. I have TESOL, TEFL, and TESL certifications, and am thinking about doing a Masters in pedagogy. I teach all ages, from at a kindergarten once a week to business students at a private school.

    We *always* have snacks in the teacher's room, and the hours are never the same so it can be hard to get in 3 healthy meals.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Hi! I'm a language teacher (French, Spanish and Japanese) in the UK. I'm also EAL coordinator (although there is hardly anyone to coordinate right now!) and training for a Special Needs qualification.

    There is food all the time at school, but most of my colleagues are fit and skinny. I realised I was the one eating all the biscuits! I am maintaining now, so the challenge is finding time to eat enough!