Hotties With Bodies (Closed Group)



  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Alright, I feel like my life is organized again! Made myself a notebook with weekly and monthly to-do lists (including exercising :) I've needed to do this for a while. I'm sort of kind of maybe a bit too much obsessed with schedules and keeping things organized hah. So now that my notebook is out and ready to be used, I'm ready to start checking off the exercise tab daily!

    I have accepted (I don't want to say given up, but really I did) the fact that I will not get up at 7am to workout lol. I know to a lot of you that seems like sleeping in, but I just can't get out of bed before everyone else haha. For one, my giant dogs wake up when I get out of bed and that wakes up Lukas. Which then angers my husband because we both know Lukas would sleep til 8 if he doesn't hear the dogs haha. So I will wake up with the rest of the household, and if my husband works a close shift I WILL get in Insanity, if he opens, I will jog with Lukas.

    Sorry for the blah blah about my life.. just needed to get all that in writing :)

    I have been doing alright with food this week, not the best, but not over calories either. I'm waiting for Lukas to finish his nap, then we're going out for a jog. Tonight I will get in some MUCH needed yoga!! Tomorrow and Saturday are Insanity days. Push-ups will happen all the days! I feel like after 2 weeks of basically not working out, Insanity is going to be hell, but I need a good kick in the *kitten* haha.

    Robin, the map looks amazing! We are all doing awesome ladies. If you are in a slump like me, figure out a good motivator and get moving!! No excuses :) I just realized it's about a month and a half until my husbands 10 year high school reunion, YIKES! That was enough to get me going again hah. I hope August is the month I can say I weigh my pre-baby weight!!

    <3 you all!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Once again thank you Robin. :) I didn't turn in my burn. I apologize. I didn't do too much. I don't think. This week has been shot.

    We had some big time drama with my mom at her rehab facility. For those of you in Michigan...if you need NOT EVER I repeat EVER send a person to Clinton-aire in Clinton Township. I wouldn't let my DOG go there. It's awful. We transferred my mom to an awesome place today. I am ready to cry I am SO freakin' happy. The lady gave my mom a private room because she felt so bad for what she has been thru. So I can go (visitng hours are 24 hours!) anytime and take my boys. We can close the door and we'll be good to go. They even fed all of us lunch. And the food was AMAZING. Totally not healthy. A sub with CHEESE! LOL. Homemade mac and cheese and of course this sinful chocolate cake with mousse and ganache.

    I am REALLY hoping now that things will quiet down with her I can get back on track. I seriously miss my boring life! My oldest will be starting school already in a couple of weeks. Sheesh.

    Love you girlies! :) xoxo

    ugh, I hate that! I worked 6 years at a rehab center and our place was AWESOME but there are some $hitty $hitty ones. I'm SO sorry you had to go through all that! Where is she at now? Since I work for Macomb county now, it's good to know the "good places" and the "bad!" =) You're mom is going to do awesome! Good luck mom!!
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    Lorraine - I LOVE 30DS. Right now I'm mixing it in with other cardio (treadmill, other DVDs, etc). I know you'll love it, let us know how it goes!

    Linds - You'll have to show me your binder tomorrow!

    I'm officially declaring myself at a plateau. I've been around the same 2lbs since June. I just can't seem to break it, I'm hoping to really focus on my eating and getting more strength training into my work outs. I'm considering a ZigZag diet, has anyone done this before?? I think my body just got used to what I was doing and I know I need to shock it to get back to losing more consistently.

    HOWEVER, being at a plateau has really helped me realized how much I've gained by working out and eating better. I overall have more energy, and even though the scale isn't moving I can still see small changes in my body by working out. I realized that this is the first time I could ever say in my life that I've lost so much weight, I've tried and failed so many times over the last 3 years I have to be proud of my accomplishment so far. I think the feeling I get after working out and the energy I have now is worth continuing this even if the scale isn't budging. So... what have YOU gained by losing??? :-)
  • janana81
    janana81 Posts: 278 Member

    ugh, I hate that! I worked 6 years at a rehab center and our place was AWESOME but there are some $hitty $hitty ones. I'm SO sorry you had to go through all that! Where is she at now? Since I work for Macomb county now, it's good to know the "good places" and the "bad!" =) You're mom is going to do awesome! Good luck mom!!

    Kerri - the place my mom was at in Clinton Township...Clinton-aire. 17 and Garfield. OMG I can't even fathom how people live there for the rest of their life. IT's awful. Dark, dingy, smells bad, I felt like I had to wash my hands every 5 seconds...the food was terrible. My mom lost weight in just the 6 days she was there! Just terrible.

    The place she's at now is Medilodge in Sterling Heights. 15 Mile between Schoenherr and Moravian. I seriously can't say enough GREAT things about that place. My mom is totally a different person. I am SO happy I was able to get her in there.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    7/8: 162.0
    7/15: 162.0
    7/22: 160.6
    7/29: 160.2
    8/5: 159.4
    8/12: 157.6

    Incredibly excited to see such a big loss. I decided this week to stop living the lifestyle in my head and just live it instead. I was spending so much time planning every single bite of food and every minute of each work out and adjusting everything based on what I burned or was going to burn and I think I was causing myself unnecessary stress. This week I tried to listen to my body. If I was tired, I took a nap. If I was feeling good I went for a run. If I was hungry, I would eat if not I wouldn't (although I did make sure to stay at 1200 calories min). If I wanted a glass of wine, I would drink it. Amazingly, it lead to the biggest loss I have seen in the last few months and one of the biggest I have seen since started MFP in jan. I am 0.2 lbs from my 25 lb mark and only 7.7 pounds from my first goal (may lower to 145 if I get to 150 and think I can get a few more off).

    I want to apologize for being kind of absent this week. I didn't realize how much time it would take to take care of a (now walking) 10.5 month old son and an 12 week old puppy. Most days I feel like I am running around like a chicken with my head cut off (which probably helps with my cal burn :-) ). Things are calming down a bit so I should be around more next week.

    Here we are on another weekend and another couple of challenges. I am going to 2 parties tomorrow. First is my cousins baby shower which is going to have tons of delicious bad for you food. I am hoping to get there early and park myself in front of the veggies and fill up on those before the bad food comes out. Tomorrow night I am going to a campfire. All I can say is smores! The good thing with the campfire is it is with my middle school/ high school colorguard girls so at least i won't have the alcohol temptation.

    My goals for the weekend are to not overindulge and to DRINK WATER.

    Have a great one! Baby just woke up so I am off to start my crazy day.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    07/08 161.0
    07/15 162.4
    07/22 ---
    07/29 161.2
    08/05 157.4
    08/12 155.0

    Ahhh so excited to be at my pre-pregnancy weight. It is the best feeling ever! I want to thank you all for being so encouraging through the tough times and keeping me motivated to get it done! I definitely would not be at this weight without you girls and MFP!!

    @Dani, I don't know how you do it! A walking little man AND a puppy! I mean my two have the energy of puppies, but they don't get into things like a puppy does. I imagine it's probably like taking care of twins :) If you ever need any puppy advice, shoot it my way. I know you all know... but I love to talk dogs hehe.

    I wasn't able to get in Insanity this morning, I don't know what I was thinking, but my husband opened this morning. So instead Lukas and I got out for a jog :) I got attacked by a giant *kitten* mosquito too. Ewww!! Seriously when did these damn things get so big?!?! My weekend shouldn't be too bad. Sarah, her husband and Ava, their pup, are coming over tonight for a Healthy BBQ, tomorrow my husband works a close shift. I will get in Insanity and I will be working on finding garage sale stuff around the house. Sunday will be much more of the same.

    Oh so far I have done 15 push-ups each day. With Insanity tomorrow I will get way more in haha.

    Happy Friday everyone!!
  • dezil
    dezil Posts: 252 Member
    Week 1(07.08.2011): 159.4
    Week 2(07.15.2011): 159.2
    Week 3(07.22.2011): 159
    Week 4(07.29.2011): 160
    Week 5(08.05.2011): 159.8
    Week 6(08.12.2011): 159.4
    Week 7(08.19.2011):
    Week 8(08.26.2011):
    Week 9(09.02.2011):
    Week 10(09.09.2011):
    Week 11(09.16.2011):
    Week 12(09.23.2011):
    Week 13(09.30.2011):

    Calories burned this week: 2071

    I'm planning to get in 2 great workouts this weekend, and hopefully a good house cleaning since it's supposed to be rainy! Ohhh, praying for rain! ;) Yoga at 11:00am tomorrow, and Spinning at 9:15am on Sunday. Happy Friday girls!
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Good Evening Ladies!!

    I am skipping weigh in this week as I am visiting my parents and away from my own scale. My Dad has a scale but I'd prefer my own to keep things consistant. Also TOM is in the house, so weigh in would probably be futile.

    Glad to see everyone checking in even with the ups and downs of our crazy lives.

    Will be back on track and back to work next week.

    Week 1(07.08.2011): 136.18 lbs
    Week 2(07.15.2011): ==== TOM
    Week 3(07.22.2011): 136.4 lbs
    Week 4(07.29.2011): 136.18 lbs
    Week 5(08.05.2011): 136.18 lbs
    Week 6(08.12.2011): ==== TOM
    Week 7(08.19.2011):
    Week 8(08.26.2011):
    Week 9(09.02.2011):
    Week 10(09.09.2011):
    Week 11(09.16.2011):
    Week 12(09.23.2011):
    Week 13(09.30.2011):
    GW: 130 lbs

    Time to kick it up a notch and get ready for Vegas. 10/07/2011
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    June 17--143.6
    August 12--142.8

    This week was the first time I officially weighed myself in about 2 months (I moved our scale to our new bathroom finally). I don't know if I fluctuated much or not. I'm just glad there wasn't a gain of massive amounts since I wasn't being that good about what I ate during most of that time.

    Massive (for me) calorie burn today, I should have a good total calories burned number to report tomorrow. Hopefully I can move in the morning to jazzercise, I have a baby shower and a late lunch/early dinner thing to be at, so I need some calorie burn!
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    HI girls! Hope you all had a great week. I managed to work out every day but Thursay this week. I went to the dr and everything is going fantastic! During the ultra sound the baby was very active! The arms and legs were moving and it was amazing! I ate better this week. Next week I go back to work and I hoping to maintain my work out schedule. We are getting ready to go away for the weekend, but I am bringing my HRM and going to go walking tomorrow =)

    I hope you all have a great week! Congrats on all the losses!! Keep up the hard work!

    Week 1(07.08.2011): 133 Week 6 of pregnancy
    Week 2(07.15.2011): 135 Week 7
    Week 3(07.22.2011): 135 Week 8 *Starting to pudge out a little =)
    Week 4(07.29.2011): 135 Week 9
    Week 5(08.05.2011): 136 Week 10
    Week 6(08.12.2011): 136.2 Week 11
    Week 7(08.19.2011):
    Week 8(08.26.2011):
    Week 9(09.02.2011):
    Week 10(09.09.2011):
    Week 11(09.16.2011):
    Week 12(09.23.2011):
    Week 13(09.30.2011):
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Please forgive my lack of involvement the last couple of's been mayhem. Was away until this evening so I didn't get to weigh in but I can't imagine it's any form of a good number.

    On the upside though, Im getting my head back together and clearing my mind, ready to start afresh and get going on the right track again.

    I finally had my 'chat' with the bf about his traveling. And Im happy to say that it went very well indeed and Im no longer worried or stressed or upset like I have been the last few weeks.
    He surprised me with dinner and a nights' stay at a fancy Country Club on Thursday night. After a long discussion, he told me that he would completely regret it if we broke up over this. He said he's realized in the last few weeks that he LOVE loves me and he doesn't want anything to change. We are meant to be together because we do click so well and have the best time when we're together. Neither of us want to lose that.
    But I figured out that this adventure is something he wants to do on his own because he hasn't been single since he was 15 years old! And he wants this time for himself which I can totally respect and Im not going to stop him. However we decided that I will join him after Christmas and we will go traveling together for a few months in 2012. Im excited about this, but it means I will have to save my head off until then! It's a costly adventure!

    He also said that when we're finished traveling he wants us to move back in together but in an apartment with just the two of us! YAYYYYY! Im so happy about this! We lived together for 3 years but were sharing a house with other friends and it just got uncomfortable trying to be ourselves around them, so when he moved out last year I thought it would be forever before he would move back in with me. But he wants to do it just as much as I do which is awesome!!

    I feel on top of the world now! It was so amazing to hear him say all that stuff! Now I know for sure that he feels this relationship is the real deal! It's such a brilliant feeling :) He told me he could never imagine us breaking up because he would never find anyone like me again :) How awesome is that to hear!

    Ive finally gotten out of my rutt and Im in the right state of mind to look after myself again.

    So, sorry that I haven't been supportive and contributing as much as I should have, I was letting myself be controlled by all this self inflicted stress and upset which (was not necessary and) is my usual reaction to these sort of circumstances. It's ending this weekend and Im pulling myself together from now on. Ive nothing to worry about and I have to stop being so insecure and paranoid about the good things in my life. Im so used to expecting the worst and convincing myself that I don't deserve anything good to happen to me. It's times like these that make me realize that even though my appearance has changed drastically over the years, my mental attitude hasn't changed all that much from my teenage days. Which is sad.

    Anyways, onwards and upwards! Here's to being more positive for the rest of the month!

    Well done to everyone on their hard work and the losses they've achieved so far. I WILL contribute to the groups' success from now on.

  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    By any chance does anyone have a Polar Ftt7 HRM?? I put mine on today and it read my resting heart rate at 180bpm. I can't figure this out and not sure how to fix it. I checked and all the settings are in right, just not quite sure whats going on with it. :-(
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    Calorie burn 2297.
  • SarahSway
    SarahSway Posts: 85 Member
    HRM seems to be working right today. Calorie burn for the week is 993. Yikes.
  • Lindz8afish
    Lindz8afish Posts: 342 Member
    Calorie burn for the week is 2131. Need a killer calorie burn this week to help offset the damage of next weekend :)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Calorie burn 2424.

    I had a great weekend but not so great from a healthy eating standpoint. I don't really care. I had fun and ate some wonderful food. My colorguard girls introduced me to pudgy turtles and I am in love. Good thing I don't do campfires that often.

    Goals for this week:
    1) Burn 2500 calories
    2) Track all my food
    3) Track water consumption
    4) stay under on sodium

    Hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    @Lurayne yay! I am so happy for you! It is so good that you guys were able to talk about it and everything worked out. So glad he realizes he would be crazy to lose you!!

    So last week was kinda a bust for me
    Calories burn:210 pathetic iknow

    It has been a little weird with getting ready for the new job...but can't exctly explain why I have been so out of it lately. But I am getting back on track!!!

    I'm going to be traveling this week and I'm packing my workout clothes with a plan to do a night workout Tuesday, morning and night on Wednesday, and morning workout Thursday (i get back Thursday night so possibly another then)

    Then on friday when I'm home I'm going to be starting to work out from home so I will workout on my lunch and after work when i would be commuting :) and Saturday too

    Thus my goal is
    to be the top burned this week!! :) k it will be really tough because all you ladies kick *kitten* but i will give it my best shot!!

    Im also going to try to get onhere/the facebook group every day to be a better encouragement, you all deserve more from me!

    Hope ya have a good week!!!
  • lucybp
    lucybp Posts: 193
    Calorie burn for last week = 3450

    Just got back from a mini vacation :) We went to water country and busch gardens in Williamsburg, VA. Sooo much fun BUT lousy food. Went to Lebanese Tavern for the first time (had never had Lebanese food) and the food was just delish. I almost licked my toes ;) It was awesome. It felt good to have a decent/healthy meal for the first time since Thursday.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Will catch up later.
  • mamunroe
    mamunroe Posts: 152 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!!

    I was a bit lazy OK a lot lazy last week being on vacay, so no calorie burn last week. But now vacation is over (BOO HOO) and back to work tomorrow. I'll be back on track also. The countdown to Vegas is on. 53 days to go.

    On a bright note our daughter competed in a provincial softball tournament over the weekend and are now Provincial Champions. SO HAPPY FOR HER!! She's only 11 so that is quite an accomplishment.:happy:
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Finally got my copy of 30DS in the post :) Sooo excited to start it first thing in the morning.

    This is it. This is going to get me out of this slump once and for all!!!! Come on Jillian, do you worst!