Dating someone from your gym

rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
Stories please. Have you done it? Would you do it again?

I've done it once. I said I wouldn't do it again. But now I'm being so tempted and think I might do it. This guy is's really hard for me to say no.


  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    I've dated someone who goes to the gym, yes.

    No story to go along with that?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    Go for it, common interests... and all, why not?

  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    your an adult....if you like him go for it....Gyms arent highschool...Although admittedly some of the bros seem to think it is...
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    If you like the person why not?
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    rose2_0 wrote: »
    I've dated someone who goes to the gym, yes.

    No story to go along with that?

    Not really, no. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is if he goes to your gym or not? If you like him and he likes you why wouldn't you? I don't understand.

    I understand the apprehension.

    If she's entrenched in her gym and it's a part of her day-today routine she might not want anything to detract from her time there. If the relationship sours, then there is that added distraction to what was once a diversion free environment.

    Thing is, it cuts both ways for him and her.

    That being said, I still think: Damn The Torpedoes !
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    rose2_0 wrote: »
    I've dated someone who goes to the gym, yes.

    No story to go along with that?

    Not really, no. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is if he goes to your gym or not? If you like him and he likes you why wouldn't you? I don't understand.

    I spend 12-14 hours per week in the gym. I've dated someone from the gym before and it was a little uncomfortable when we broke up. But I'm willing to see if it's worth it again.
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    your an adult....if you like him go for it....Gyms arent highschool...Although admittedly some of the bros seem to think it is...

    You're* an adult too, thanks! I know gyms aren't* high school but I do take my training seriously and like to keep that in mind.
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    rose2_0 wrote: »
    rose2_0 wrote: »
    I've dated someone who goes to the gym, yes.

    No story to go along with that?

    Not really, no. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is if he goes to your gym or not? If you like him and he likes you why wouldn't you? I don't understand.

    I spend 12-14 hours per week in the gym. I've dated someone from the gym before and it was a little uncomfortable when we broke up. But I'm willing to see if it's worth it again.
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    your an adult....if you like him go for it....Gyms arent highschool...Although admittedly some of the bros seem to think it is...

    You're* an adult too, thanks! I know gyms aren't* high school but I do take my training seriously and like to keep that in mind.

    Maybe just don't go at the same time he goes?

    Aaha, we're all the 5-7:30 after work crowd on the week days. Good idea though.

    I don't really want to overthink it for myself. I'm probably going to at least go out with him. Just felt like chatting and hearing stories.
  • jaycanchu
    jaycanchu Posts: 265 Member
    Go for it! My gym is 24/7, so if just change up my time lol
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I assume the hesitancy is because if/when things don't work out, then seeing him at the gym will be awkward? Will that somehow impact your ability to train?
  • EHollander89
    EHollander89 Posts: 169 Member
    My boyfriend and I go to the same gym. A mutual gym friend introduced us. We enjoy working out together. We don't always go at the same time and have different fitness goals. A lot of the other regular members we talk to didn't know we were a couple. Dating someone from my gym has worked out well for me. We've been together over 2.5 years.
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    I assume the hesitancy is because if/when things don't work out, then seeing him at the gym will be awkward? Will that somehow impact your ability to train?

    It didn't really with the last guy. I chose to say hello at the gym, he chose to ignore me. I trained like I always would.

    The new guy is kind of more social with other people at the gym though..

    I guess I always want to maintain a bit of privacy. I've been going to that gym for many many years and though I'm friendly with a lot of people there I am one of the only women down in the weight room and I know...don't want everyone knowing all the things.
  • rose2_0
    rose2_0 Posts: 150 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    Since everyone seems to assume "dating" won't work out, and they're probably right, perhaps it's best to approach this activity with caution?

    Meaning, like, keeping the clothes on and maintaining separate sleeping quarters until you're dang sure you're going to get married with the ring and the wedding date to back it up?

    Then if it goes sour, you can still keep going to the gym, the workplace, the clinic, the laundromat and the strip club like nothing ever happened.

    Yeah that's what I was planning. One night out, a little conversation, get my butt home in bed alone by midnight.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited May 2018
    I once dated this woman from my gym back in the day. We went out, fooled around, went out again a little then it seemed we lost interest in each other.

    A few months later, I was out with a good friend of mine and his girlfriend her two girlfriends who were strippers.

    They -- that is, the strippers -- liked me. They would take turns sitting on my lap, buying me drinks, whispering naughty things in my ear. The evening was going awesome until crazy ex-gym gf sees me out with them and promptly c*ck blocks me.

    Still, as a consolation, I go home with crazy ex-gym gf -- last time I ever saw her before moving to Chicago.
  • kam26001
    kam26001 Posts: 2,799 Member
    I asked out my Zumba instructor once. She said hell no but I still kept taking her class anyway. I think it's important in life to try.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I once dated this woman from my gym back in the day. We went out, fooled around, went out again a little then it seemed we lost interest in each other.

    A few months later, I was out with a good friend of mine and his girlfriend her two girlfriends who were strippers.

    They -- that is, the strippers -- liked me. They would take turns sitting on my lap, buying me drinks, whispering naughty things in my ear. The evening was going awesome until crazy ex-gym gf sees me out with them and promptly c*ck blocks me.

    Still, as a consolation, I go home with crazy ex-gym gf -- last time I ever saw her before moving to Chicago.

    What is c*ck blocking. It sounds very mean. I mean, if you were able to turn the tables on strippers and get them to buy you drinks and sit on your lap free of charge and say dirty things to you out of the goodness of their hearts, I don't see why this gym girl couldn't just be happy for you and offer to move to Chicago with you too and start a family.

    Or just joined in with me and the strippers
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I once dated this woman from my gym back in the day. We went out, fooled around, went out again a little then it seemed we lost interest in each other.

    A few months later, I was out with a good friend of mine and his girlfriend her two girlfriends who were strippers.

    They -- that is, the strippers -- liked me. They would take turns sitting on my lap, buying me drinks, whispering naughty things in my ear. The evening was going awesome until crazy ex-gym gf sees me out with them and promptly c*ck blocks me.

    Still, as a consolation, I go home with crazy ex-gym gf -- last time I ever saw her before moving to Chicago.

    What is c*ck blocking. It sounds very mean. I mean, if you were able to turn the tables on strippers and get them to buy you drinks and sit on your lap free of charge and say dirty things to you out of the goodness of their hearts, I don't see why this gym girl couldn't just be happy for you and offer to move to Chicago with you too and start a family.

    Or just joined in with me and the strippers

    You mean she didn't? I thought c*ck blocking had something to do with that sort of cultural possibility but now you have me all confused. Nevermind. Last time I heard strippers talking about whooping it up after a hard night on the pole with some white zinfandel and some girl-girl-girl-boy action, somebody got their wallet stolen and feelings were hurt all around.
    That was funny!

    That night I was hoping to hook up with the two strippers and not the crazy ex gf girlfriend, who put the c*ck block on me. I ended up with one woman that night, and not two as I hoped
  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member

    OP-I have before
    We never worked out together really I always did my own thing he did his

    We ended things and it remained the same way.. I didn’t try to avoid him he didn’t either, to much work into doing that and I’m there to workout anyways not socialize

    We ended things on a pretty mature note so maybe that was a reason it wasn’t bad?