Women in their 40s!



  • kbtyson
    kbtyson Posts: 8 Member
    I’m 47, and I have 60 lb to loose. I have already lost 17. The last 5-6 years have been very stressful for me and Within the last 5 months I’ve been on this journey to make myself a priority, and figure out who I am. I’m looking for motivation, support, and accountability!
  • shnell25
    shnell25 Posts: 49 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hello everyone!
  • shnell25
    shnell25 Posts: 49 Member
    shnell25 wrote: »
    Hello everyone!

  • kenkel4
    kenkel4 Posts: 60 Member
    kbtyson wrote: »
    I’m 47, and I have 60 lb to loose. I have already lost 17. The last 5-6 years have been very stressful for me and Within the last 5 months I’ve been on this journey to make myself a priority, and figure out who I am. I’m looking for motivation, support, and accountability!
    kbtyson wrote: »
    I’m 47, and I have 60 lb to loose. I have already lost 17. The last 5-6 years have been very stressful for me and Within the last 5 months I’ve been on this journey to make myself a priority, and figure out who I am. I’m looking for motivation, support, and accountability!

    Welcome and good luck. Please add me as a friend if you would like to.
  • staci2476
    staci2476 Posts: 42 Member
    Do we actually have a group or just this post?
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    Grammytryingtogetfit Posts: 672 Member
    staci2476 wrote: »
    Do we actually have a group or just this post?

    It's an awesome group pf ladies that post here. A lot of them are my friends now too :)
  • Spaffdavidson
    Spaffdavidson Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you @Grammytryingtogetfit

    Right back at ya!!!
  • diggiedawn
    diggiedawn Posts: 4 Member
    I am 41 and I have about 60 lbs still left to lose. I would love to get and offer support. Feel free to add me!
  • Gritty_Gal
    Gritty_Gal Posts: 96 Member
    I’m in early 40’s and have about 10-12 lb to go. Would love to join a supportive group! Feel free to add me to your friends :)
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    I decided last week I really need to start doing meal prep. It's tough since I work 7 days a week, but my food budget has been absolutely outrageous, and a lack of "easy" meals sees me eating out WAY to often. Trying to come up with some ways to make it happen. Grocery delivery for starters, but found they were "out of stock" of several of my key items, and of course, you don't find that out until they're delivered. I just ran with what actually showed up, but the variety in my meals for this week will be seriously lacking because of it :(

    So, that seemed like a great idea at first to save me some serious time, but not sure that's much help when 2 out of 3 proteins weren't included, a major ingredient/sauce for a main dish wasn't included....so not sure that's going to work so well.

    Hoping I can dedicate myself to cooking/prepping one night a week and get enough together that I won't fall prey to my usual excuses. This week I ended up cooking Monday night, but I think I'd prefer to get it done on the weekend. Main issue here is shopping time vs when I can get around to cooking (with roommates, fridge space is pretty limited).
  • kenkel4
    kenkel4 Posts: 60 Member
    We have almost made to the weekend everyone!!! Enjoy!
  • staci2476
    staci2476 Posts: 42 Member
    edited May 2018
    I'm so excited! My girl is coming home for the weekend :) I haven't seen her since September.
  • Spaffdavidson
    Spaffdavidson Posts: 117 Member
    staci2476 wrote: »
    I'm so excited! My girl is coming home for the weekend :) I haven't seen her since September.

    My daughter is still away at school till the middle of July.

    Enjoy your time together

  • Spaffdavidson
    Spaffdavidson Posts: 117 Member
    I got some of my favorite chicken breasts on sale so I decided to make Greek chicken. This looks like it will be so good. I will grill it tomorrow or Saturday. Yogurt marinated chicken is so moist. I'm going to make Greek oizza with spinach and feta with some of it Sunday. I also oven pan fried my favorite chicken sausages. They were marked down fro $6/lb to $1.79/lb! I have enough cooked protein in my fridge to feed all of you! Lol




    I'm on my way for dinner!! LOL Looks great!!!
  • Spaffdavidson
    Spaffdavidson Posts: 117 Member

    Have a fantastic Friday Ladies!!!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    @melissa6771 - I'm going to have to try the yogurt coated chicken. I'm not a huge chicken fan because a lot of times it's too dry.

    I thought you last night. My husband bought some shrimp and scallops to grill. He did the grocery shopping this past week. I said "Oh, were the scallops on sale? They've been so expensive." His reply..."I have no idea, I just grabbed them." I look at the sticker on the wrap..."$20/lb?!" He's like "What??!!!" Bwahahaha. Yeah, that's how men shop.
  • Misty_1375
    Misty_1375 Posts: 759 Member
    I'm 43 and finding it so hard to get out of the 140's. Although being in my 40's I can say now that I have changed my way of eating I feel better than I have in a long time!
  • AgileK9
    AgileK9 Posts: 255 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hi! I'd love to join your group here. I've been away from MFP since the fall. I got sick, had surgery and gained the 8 pounds of my last 15 back. I'm so mad about it. It was just a struggle to lose those 8 and now I have to lose them again along with hopefully the following 7.

    I'm 48 and short, and I'm sure you understand, that really puts a damper on calorie cutting since we supposedly use so little just to be alive. I recently started weight lifting and am now back to mountain biking a couple times a week so I'm hoping that I can at least get down to below 150 (I'm 155 now and 5'3") before my 30th high school reunion in July. It's such slow going....