Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30



  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey Everyone, would love to join in on the fun...This is my first Jillian Michaels DVD and I have heard some amazing things about it...I will be starting tomorrow and will workout on Tues to Saturday along with doing 3 day of cardio workouts!

    Starting Weight is 204.6
    Chest: 42in
    Waist: 34.5 (smallest spot)
    Belly Button: 42
    Hips: 47in
    Legs 26
    Arms 12

    Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!! Good luck with your workouts! Keep us posted.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Thursday! Hope you all have a great day and are looking forward to the weekend. My goals today:

    To eat clean and healthy
    To go to a workout class at 7:00 and then do Jillian Michaels DVD right after
    To walk my dog! lol
  • Whew, I am so glad tomorrow is Friday. I am going to rest Saturday and get back on track Sunday. Today was Week 2 Day 2 for me. My cleanse ends Sunday night so I'll put up results for that Monday for you guys that are interested in it. I am so glad I found this post as well, thanks for making it Juliane, it is really keeping me motivated. :)
  • RachelH25
    RachelH25 Posts: 108
    I actually just finished week four. My body toned up alot however I didn't follow the diet. I would love to start over with you girls and do it right this time!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Hey ladies! Could I join ? I've been meaning to join a support group but just haven't yet. I started week2 today and burned 375 calories! I use a HRM and let it run during the warmup and cool down. Btw, I really hate plank moves lol
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey!! Welcome to you ladies who just posted. I created this thread to be a support for anyone doing this DVD who wanted to join at any time! It's fun to be able to motivate each other at different levels and compare what we all think, how we're doing and the results we're seeing.

    I completed day 5 week 1 tonight and then instead of an exercise class took my dog for a walk...I know she enjoyed it lol.

    Tomorrow is my birthday and I'm working out before work with my personal trainer so may not get to completing day 6 week 1 until Saturday (but most likely Sunday! LOL).

    Thanks everyone for joining!! Keep us posted! I love the support!
  • aholtz1
    aholtz1 Posts: 27
    Thanks for the welcome
    I have been very busy the past few days, and it doesn't help that I made some excuses...but Today is a New day and I will finish Week 1 Day 1 tonight along with my cycling class that I take!
    Can't wait to get my butt kicked!!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for the welcome
    I have been very busy the past few days, and it doesn't help that I made some excuses...but Today is a New day and I will finish Week 1 Day 1 tonight along with my cycling class that I take!
    Can't wait to get my butt kicked!!

    Go for it!!! Good luck! Lets get ripped in 30 :-)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    Happy birthda Juliane!! Enjoy your day! Day 4 Week 2 for me (week 1 in program)..sore..very sore, lol!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Completed week2day2 today. It was easier then yesterday but I still hate the first round of cardio. I can wait to get to my halfway point and check measurements. I feel like I'm getting smaller already.

    Happy birthday juliane!
  • apricot_annie
    apricot_annie Posts: 54 Member
    Week 2, Day 5 for me today. Overall it has gotten a lot easier, but I still can't do the first round of cardio worth a hoot. Why Jillian? WHY two minutes of planks?!
  • missmiller1
    missmiller1 Posts: 131 Member
    Finished Week 1 Day 4 and I was able to go from doing 5 full push ups to 13! Woot woot! Looking forward to Week 2!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    Hello everyone! Is it ok to join in? I completed the 30s about 3 weeks ago and then got this dvd.lost 6 inches in total ! I finished week one day six yesterday. Rest day today and start week 2 tomorrow. I also do zumba and running on top. Looking to get stronger and lose inches rather than weight. Im glad to leave the side lunges behind me! Hated these!
  • Ok, getting ready to do week3 day 1. Wish me luck! If I don't post again sometime today it's because I died during the workout....
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Ok, getting ready to do week3 day 1. Wish me luck! If I don't post again sometime today it's because I died during the workout....

    LMAO! Too funny!!! Good luck!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Hello everyone! Is it ok to join in? I completed the 30s about 3 weeks ago and then got this dvd.lost 6 inches in total ! I finished week one day six yesterday. Rest day today and start week 2 tomorrow. I also do zumba and running on top. Looking to get stronger and lose inches rather than weight. Im glad to leave the side lunges behind me! Hated these!

    Absolutely!! Welcome! Your goals are similar to mine. I'm trying to focus on losing inches and gaining strength than losing pounds on the scale at the moment.
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    I will be catching up on JIllian tomorrow most likely and completing my 1st week, then jumping right into week 2.

    Keep up the great work everyone!!!! We can do this!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes!
  • Summerleahd
    Summerleahd Posts: 314 Member
    Almost made it through the first round of cardio without breaking! (lvl 2). I can tell all the plank work is getting easier for me.
  • Ok, anyone else on Week 3. I DON"T LIKE IT!!!!!! lol I don't know what it is, but my body is definitly not liking this one. I think my abs actually laughed at me once. I'm gonna stick with it though. Either I really trust Jillian Michaels or I'm just plain freakin nuts!
  • Juliane1986
    Juliane1986 Posts: 138 Member
    Week 3! Your so far ahead of me, but I'll let you know when I get there! I had every intention of finishing up week 1 yesterday but it literally took me the entire weekend to recover from Friday night and I seriously enjoyed my lazy Sunday since it was pouring outside all day. Finishing up Week 1 tonight then going straight into week 2. I am committing to completing week 2, all 6 days without taking any breaks this time. Then I'll take a rest between week 2 and 3 to recover.

    Back to the grind ladies! Happy Monday!