DITR Round4 Week4



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thursday QOTD: We are about to finishe this challenge and essentially be on our own again, so can you give us an example of the best meal you made or had which was within your given calorie allowance?

    MMmmm probably the Bison burger from The counter.....
  • QOTD Wed. 8/10: The greatest gift is the gift of life...treasure it always.

    Thurs. QOTD 8/11: To be honest I can't think of one off the top of my head, I've been doing really well with eating...though as something I ate out was a slice of pizza with eggplant as a topping that was really good and not too terrible on calories either.

    And I love the idea of changing the profile pic and signing our name...so I am off to switch my picture and then head off for the night.


    My hair is a lot shorter then the picture now, will have to have my daughter take another picture soon lol
  • Thursday QOTD: We are about to finish this challenge and essentially be on our own again, so can you give us an example of the best meal you made or had which was within your given calorie allowance?

    My favorite lately is grilled chicken and veggies and a salad.
  • Example of the meal? Well, it's more of a sandwich...."Everything" Bagel Thins, 2 TBS of cream cheese, sliced cucumber , sliced tomato, and shaved smoked turkey or ham....MMMMM, makes me want one right now!!
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    just to let you know i think i weighed in a bit early this week so im not sure if it registers or not ... Thanks for such an amazing challenge!
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Wed: He conquers who endures - Persius

    Thur: Hmmm i've taken a liking to wholemeal pasta with tomatoes...

    I dont know if you'll see much of me this week as we're having a bit of a family crisis at the moment. I'll try to get back to you as soon as i can but...
  • Thursday QOTD: We are about to finishe this challenge and essentially be on our own again, so can you give us an example of the best meal you made or had which was within your given calorie allowance?

    My best idea came with wanting pizza but not the calories so here's what I tried:

    Portabello Pizza
    One large portabello mushroom
    tomato slice (large)
    1/8 c shredded skimmed moz. cheese

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees
    Use non-stick spray on pizza pan
    Scoop out the center of the portabello to the desired thickness of your "crust"
    Add tomato slice
    cut up remaining stem of portabello as topping (if desired)
    spread shredded cheese on top
    (other toppings can be added, just add the calories :)
    Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes

    150 calories
  • I love quotes. My favorite has been from the Biggest Loser, "Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever." But my new fav is a Jillian Michaels quote from Ripped in 30 "Transformation is not a future result, it's a current activity." That may not be exact, but you get the point!

    You look beautiful! Congrats!
  • Thursday QOTD: We are about to finishe this challenge and essentially be on our own again, so can you give us an example of the best meal you made or had which was within your given calorie allowance?

    for me my best meals are breakfast and dinner so my typical clean meals are
    breakfast: cup egg whites, 1/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal and 1/2 banana, keeps me full for hours on end..
    dinner: 4-6 oz chicken breast strips, 1/2 cup rice and 1-2 cups brocolli or green beans

    Sounds very yummy and filling!
  • Example of the meal? Well, it's more of a sandwich...."Everything" Bagel Thins, 2 TBS of cream cheese, sliced cucumber , sliced tomato, and shaved smoked turkey or ham....MMMMM, makes me want one right now!!

  • Sorry, it was my idea to use our photo and name. And I forgot to tell you that my name is Heather. Hope you all have a great day!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Thursday QOTD: We are about to finishe this challenge and essentially be on our own again, so can you give us an example of the best meal you made or had which was within your given calorie allowance?

    My best idea came with wanting pizza but not the calories so here's what I tried:

    Portabello Pizza
    One large portabello mushroom
    tomato slice (large)
    1/8 c shredded skimmed moz. cheese

    Preheat oven to 400 degrees
    Use non-stick spray on pizza pan
    Scoop out the center of the portabello to the desired thickness of your "crust"
    Add tomato slice
    cut up remaining stem of portabello as topping (if desired)
    spread shredded cheese on top
    (other toppings can be added, just add the calories :)
    Bake at 400 degrees for 10 minutes

    150 calories

    That sounds delicious!! I will be trying this at the weekend!! Thanks

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Thursday QOTD: We are about to finishe this challenge and essentially be on our own again, so can you give us an example of the best meal you made or had which was within your given calorie allowance?

    for me my best meals are breakfast and dinner so my typical clean meals are
    breakfast: cup egg whites, 1/4 cup old fashioned oatmeal and 1/2 banana, keeps me full for hours on end..
    dinner: 4-6 oz chicken breast strips, 1/2 cup rice and 1-2 cups brocolli or green beans

    Mmmm chicken, rice, veggies.... My fav! The fam is burned out on it but I could eat it every day! I also have a new found favorite veggie... sugar snap peas, they are like candy to me ;)
  • Adynata
    Adynata Posts: 128 Member
    Hey everyone, today is my QOTD. It's maybe a little controversial, but hopefully won't upset anyone =P.

    QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?
  • Hey everyone, today is my QOTD. It's maybe a little controversial, but hopefully won't upset anyone =P.

    QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    Wow, that's a tough question. We are influenced so much by society that I have to say that more than likely, if that type of lifestyle was considered more attractive, then we would not feel the need to lose the weight. However, to make this a little more controversial...God made us in his image, and I don't think he would ever want obesity to be the norm. He would want us to take care of our bodies as it is a temple for him.
  • QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    This is in my opinion one of the BEST questions asked during this challenge! It really made me have to think (honestly)
    I would say in my younger years up to 30ish, I would say that I wouldn't lose weight because I would want to be one of those "attractive" obese people...
    now as I'm getting older, I am considering my health and know that exercising and being at a healthier weight will increase my time here on this earth, so it is a high priority for me to reach "my happy/healthy weight & size" so at this current moment, being the old age of 33 (lol) i would say YES I would lose weight..although my goal is not to reach what the dr says is a healthy weight for me, I'm more looking for a look to my body that in all honesty I think will happen with the next 20 or so pounds that I lose, but we shall see..I want to retain curves, but no lumps or bumps of fat on my body and look nice in a 2 piece bikini

    I also want to take the time to tell everyone this will be my last challenge with DITR, it was nice while it lasted for me. I am back at work now and don't have much time to get on the internet and give as much attention as I would like to this challenge. I have 2 other challenges finishing next month and then thats a wrap (at least till next summer) but by then I shall be at my goal size!!

    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE xoxo :love:

    correction, SECOND! lol
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    So I was thinking, now that this round is almost over...how about tomorrow we use a real photo, instead of our team color photos, for our profile pic and add our name to the posts. That way we can recognize each other next week.

    I like this idea! Thanks for suggesting it :)

  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hey everyone, today is my QOTD. It's maybe a little controversial, but hopefully won't upset anyone =P.

    QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    Wow..definitely best question...

    I'm going to have to think on this...but I will spit out the first answer that comes to my mind ( I might come back and change it!).

    I wouldn't lose it. Perhaps that's me just being shallow. As many reasons as I have to lose the weight...feeling good about the way I look is at the top of the list. So if I could feel good, and look the way I do now I really don't think I would change it. I guess....I don't know!!!! Frick girl...good question!
  • also just changed my pic....

  • QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    My motivation for weight loss right from the start was health issues. I don't think it would change anything for me. I'd still lose.