Coffee, or more accurately...



  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Wow. I thought 3 sugars was a lot when I started. Just start scaling back. Tablespoon by tablespoon. You will not be happy if you just cut it all at once.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,001 Member
    I’ve never seen creamer either, but it’s mentioned often on these threads. Must be a US thing?
    Can you cut back slowly? Use less of it and substitute with low-fat milk?
    I have 2 instant coffees each morn with 1/2tsp sugar and a splash of low-fat milk. 58cal I think for both.

    kimny72 wrote: »
    Creamer is just a product specifically made to lighten coffee. Dairy or non-dairy, powder or liquid, flavored or plain, it's all called creamer.

    Historically, it was non-dairy (short for "non-dairy creamer" -- if it was a dairy product, people called it "cream" or "milk" or "half and half").

    I think in these threads, people are most often referring to liquid, sweetened, flavored products that might be dairy, non-dairy, or a mix of dairy and non-dairy fat or fat substitutes.

    Cutting back slowly and replacing some of it with plain (unsweetened) milk sounds like a good idea.

    Also, could you try cold brew? I find that it borders on sweet when you drink it black, so it would probably need a lot less of what you're adding to get it taste good to you. And in general, buying good coffee beans, as freshly roasted as possible, grinding them yourself just before you brew, and making sure your brewing set-up, press, pour-over gear, or whatever you use is clean, without old coffee oils on them, is going to give you a better-tasting cup to begin with that should, hopefully, need less added to it.

    I have never put sugar in my coffee (it tastes vile to me -- the essence of coffee is to be bitter). Once in a long while I might stir the coffee with a spoon I used to put unsulphured molasses in hot cereal, that still has a little film of molasses stuck to it. That's not bad, because the molasses is a mix of bitter and sweet.

    I used to prefer my coffee with milk or cream in it, the higher fat, the better, but they stopped having the little ultra pasteurized one-serving half and half containers at work, and the powdered non-dairy stuff they had just clumps up, and if you do get it to dissolve right, you get an oily film on your coffee, so I just learned to drink it black, and now I prefer it that way. I mostly only add milk or cream if it's too hot to drink and I don't want to wait for it to cool down, or if it's bad coffee (over-roasted, old, really weak, insanely strong).

    I do have lattes sometimes. I don't get them flavored, and I generally use non-fat milk, which to me has a reasonable calories-to-protein ratio, so I don't even see it as something I have to "fit in" as a treat. It's just a normal food. (At home, if you don't have an espresso machine or some other gizmo for foaming your milk, put the milk in a jar that's at least twice the volume of the milk, close, shake vigorously until it gets foamy, remove lid, nuke in microwave, watching carefully so you can turn the microwave off when the milk starts to rise toward the rim of the jar. So good!)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I gather this "creamer" has got a lot of sugar in it.

    My first boss suggested I stop putting sugar in the nice Italian coffee we used to get from the café next to our bookshop, saying it would spoil the taste.

    I went from 2 sugars to none, and did not look back (but still had white coffee). Coffee tastes so nice without sugar. Kind of nutty.

    Weaning yourself off it slowly would just prolong the "agony".

    Going straight to no sugars, you might find you like a whole new thing, rather settle for a poor substitute for something you have a thing about.

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,001 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    I gather this "creamer" has got a lot of sugar in it.

    My first boss suggested I stop putting sugar in the nice Italian coffee we used to get from the café next to our bookshop, saying it would spoil the taste.

    I went from 2 sugars to none, and did not look back (but still had white coffee). Coffee tastes so nice without sugar. Kind of nutty.

    Weaning yourself off it slowly would just prolong the "agony".

    Going straight to no sugars, you might find you like a whole new thing, rather settle for a poor substitute for something you have a thing about.

    My parents didn't serve coffee to children, but at about 12 I had spent the night at a friend's and her mother offered me a cup of coffee at breakfast prepared the way my friend liked it, white and sweet. I thought it was awful, and almost like a cruel trick, that something that smelled so wonderful should taste so awful.

    I think most people like the way coffee smells, and it's kind of weird that so many seem to prefer to cover up the coffee flavor with sugar.
  • sauronseye
    sauronseye Posts: 40 Member
    It's not necessarily about covering the taste but about the combination of tastes. I don't like sweetened black coffee, but latte with sugar? Yum.

    Has anyone successfully cut back on the coffee consumption? I am trying, but it is difficult. I scaled back with the sugar, I only use cca 3 tablespoons altogether now (usually with the first two cups in the day), daily. I am also drinking smaller cups (around 1dl of black coffee and 0.5 dl of milk - don't use creamers, ever) and I'm trying to make them last longer. But I still drink four or five of those during the day.

    I know I'm addicted and it's horrible. I'd like to consume lesser amount, two coffees a day would be great!
  • Ziaki
    Ziaki Posts: 18 Member
    I used to drink energy drinks and my trainer told me that energy drinks are so bad for you that it's better to drink coffee. I told him I hated coffee so he suggested mixing hot chocolate mix instead of sugar.

    I've been doing that ever since and as I gradually acquired a taste for coffee I was able to scale back the amount of cream and mix I use. My coffee still ends up being like 222 calories but that's my whole breakfast. It surprisingly gets me through a good portion of the day.
  • rainingribbons
    rainingribbons Posts: 1,051 Member
    As a fellow coffee creamer lover, I totally relate. If you love having creamer in your coffee then make adjustments to the amount you use instead of cutting it out completely. Personally I probably used to use anywhere from 3-5 tablespoons of creamer before I started measuring. Now I limit myself to two tablespoons per cup (I also only usually have a single cup per day, your adjustments may vary depending on how much coffee you usually consume). Perhaps you can try adjusting your normal amount down as well, so that you don't have to completely give it up?
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    sauronseye wrote: »
    It's not necessarily about covering the taste but about the combination of tastes. I don't like sweetened black coffee, but latte with sugar? Yum.

    Has anyone successfully cut back on the coffee consumption? I am trying, but it is difficult. I scaled back with the sugar, I only use cca 3 tablespoons altogether now (usually with the first two cups in the day), daily. I am also drinking smaller cups (around 1dl of black coffee and 0.5 dl of milk - don't use creamers, ever) and I'm trying to make them last longer. But I still drink four or five of those during the day.

    I know I'm addicted and it's horrible. I'd like to consume lesser amount, two coffees a day would be great!

    About 10 or 15 years ago I believed the "experts" about caffeine addiction and how it was a bad thing. I cut out my coffee cold turkey and I had a headache the first day and by the end of the second it was pretty much over. That was it. As far as addictions go it is pretty mild. I never got back into the habit of drinking it again and now if I do early in the morning it seems to make me hungrier through the day. I wouldn't give it up if I was still accustomed to drinking it today.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    squeaker87 wrote: »
    Coffee creamer. That’s my problem. Delicious, warm coffee with a butt load of coconut creme liquid creamer in it. Like 210 calories worth.

    Any tips on dropping the habit? Should I scale it back and wean myself off of creamer? Should I just switch to tea?

    I recently re-evaluated my goals and the switch to 1230 is gonna make it difficult to splurge on drinking my calories.

    Thanks in advance!

    Try Walden Farms coffee creamer. It's decent. Or get coconut coffee pods and add in just a little bit of skim milk or coconut milk. Coffee doesn't have to be cut out, but the creamer and sugar typically has to get minimized in order to obtain calorie intake goals.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    edited May 2018
    I was never a fan of coffee creamer but I did like my coffee pretty sweet (a lot of sugar and half/half) several years ago I weaned myself down to 1 tsp sugar and 1 tbsp (approx) of half and half (this is for a travel size mug. For a typical coffee mug I use half of the amounts I mentioned) any more sugar than that is gross to me now. I just slowly decreased the amount of sugar I was putting in there each week until I got to one tsp. You could also use Splenda or something like that for zero calories, but I think Splenda is gross so I just spare the 15 calories for sugar :p
  • Kevin_Hassenpflug
    Kevin_Hassenpflug Posts: 70 Member
    squeaker87 wrote: »
    Coffee creamer. That’s my problem. Delicious, warm coffee with a butt load of coconut creme liquid creamer in it. Like 210 calories worth.

    Any tips on dropping the habit? Should I scale it back and wean myself off of creamer? Should I just switch to tea?

    I recently re-evaluated my goals and the switch to 1230 is gonna make it difficult to splurge on drinking my calories.

    Thanks in advance!

    Try looking for "Coconut" flavored coffee - most of which is like zero calories or nominal 20 at best.
  • ejoyk113
    ejoyk113 Posts: 7 Member
    I use a 1/4 cup of whole in a large coffee.
  • HollyJean2013
    HollyJean2013 Posts: 33 Member
    Hazelnut coffee broke my habit
  • melissa6771
    melissa6771 Posts: 894 Member
    I use vanilla premier protein shakes in my coffee. 4 oz of it for 58 calories and 11 protein. I love doing this and have never looked back.

    chocolate, caramel, and cookies and cream are all good flavors for coffee if you like flavors. I use those moreninnice coffee mixed with the vanilla.

    Here's a pic of 4 oz of vanilla in a large mug of coffee, makes it pretty creamy.

  • Lyrica7
    Lyrica7 Posts: 88 Member
    Brew your coffee with coconut extract and measure out half and half or heavy cream and sweetener per cup to control calories