THE Team - Week 2 - 2/13/09



  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Morning team :flowerforyou:
    Just wanted to let you all know, that I've left my plateau behind :drinker: I lost 2 lbs over the past few days, and am now 209lbs :drinker:
    How's everyone doing?
  • vonzo
    vonzo Posts: 161
    HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!!! :heart: :love: :heart: :love:

    Hope you all got a lovely card or at least a big cuddle and smooch :smile:

    My hubby forgot until last night so I woke up this morning to a handmade card on the kitchen counter with a cup already prefilled with milk and a teabag (he left for work at 6.15am), bless him :laugh:

    Well I have started well with a 30 min power walk on the treadmill 230kcals gone before 9am woohoo!! Trying to rectify the evil chocolate cake incident last night (SHH!!!) :embarassed: so I'll do another 30mins this afternoon or this evening or I may get a little adventurous and crack out the old exercise dvd :laugh:

    Hope you all have a wonderful day!!

    "Love is in the air, everywhere I look around ....... "

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lacijae
    Congrats Nitag and Markay on being able to fit into smaller jeans!! That is like the ultimate reward :flowerforyou:

    Congrats to EVERYONE that lost weight this past step at a time :drinker: !!

    :smooched: Happy Valentines Day to everybody:smooched: ! Remember go light on the candy and have a great time!!
  • Kelleighanne
    Wow, I'm in awe of you who have lost (any) weight this week, much less those 2,3,5 pluses. WTG! :drinker:

    I'm so proud of myself though. Yesterday at the party at school, I only ate 1 small heart shaped piece of sandwich. Probably 1/4 of a whole. Then I ate my special K for lunch and didn't eat anything else until Supper. DH took me out to eat and I did eat more fries than I should (bad I know) BUT I only ate 1/2 of 1/2 of a rack of ribs, 1 chicken tender, and 1/2 potato. I thought that was pretty good. Of course the twizzlers killed me at the movies, but it could have been MUCH worse! I didn't gain any so t hat's good.

    I hope everyone had a great valentine's day. Dh sent me flowers and balloons to school (SO pretty!). I took him to a game store and let him pick out any game he wanted LOL. And got him a card.

    Thanks for the birthday wshes :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Chanty- :laugh: :laugh: amen to that sister!! Hubby left early this morning before I was even up. He's meeting up with someone to go through and complete his armed guard certification, she hes out blasting things in the woods today. Its all good, we need him to get it done so he can go back to work. Im going to the gym here in a couple minutes then at noon I have 2 little ones coming over until about 5 tonight. Gonna make some cute valentines crafts with the 4 year old. After they leave we'll get to spend some quiet time together since my 3 kids are gone to thier dads until Tuesday...:wink:

    Jackie W- I bet you are so thrilled to leave that plateau in the dust!! Congrats on your loss!! :drinker:

    Vonzo- awww, what a nice hubby. At least he remembered! Handmade is so sweet! You go girl on getting your exercise in early in the day!! That rocks! I love to work out in the mornings because it gives me so much energy all day long and the gym is empty! hehehe Not to mention, those evil cake incidents (:laugh: ) seem like history when you know you are workin yer tail off :happy:

    Laci- amen to that too... light on the candy...that is my goal today, if I am even around it.. LOL

    Kelle- I used to be addicted to red licorice! May be loaded with sugar but at least its fat free... :laugh: oops.. there goes me and my justifying again :laugh: Still, better than greasy buttered popcorn or junior mints which is where my tastebuds wanna go at the movies. Great job dining out last night. You have every right to be proud :drinker:

    Better run guys.... gotta go get my workout in before the kiddos get here :)
  • Kelleighanne
    I had no idea a chicken sandwich from Sonic had 670 calories!!!! I would have been better off getting a cheese burger from mcdonalds (and even better off if I hadn't had either one). I guess it will be exercise city for me today... and special K for supper.
  • chantybear
    Chanty- :laugh: :laugh: amen to that sister!! Hubby left early this morning before I was even up. He's meeting up with someone to go through and complete his armed guard certification, she hes out blasting things in the woods today. Its all good, we need him to get it done so he can go back to work. Im going to the gym here in a couple minutes then at noon I have 2 little ones coming over until about 5 tonight. Gonna make some cute valentines crafts with the 4 year old. After they leave we'll get to spend some quiet time together since my 3 kids are gone to thier dads until Tuesday...:wink:

    Jackie W- I bet you are so thrilled to leave that plateau in the dust!! Congrats on your loss!! :drinker:

    Vonzo- awww, what a nice hubby. At least he remembered! Handmade is so sweet! You go girl on getting your exercise in early in the day!! That rocks! I love to work out in the mornings because it gives me so much energy all day long and the gym is empty! hehehe Not to mention, those evil cake incidents (:laugh: ) seem like history when you know you are workin yer tail off :happy:

    Laci- amen to that too... light on the candy...that is my goal today, if I am even around it.. LOL

    Kelle- I used to be addicted to red licorice! May be loaded with sugar but at least its fat free... :laugh: oops.. there goes me and my justifying again :laugh: Still, better than greasy buttered popcorn or junior mints which is where my tastebuds wanna go at the movies. Great job dining out last night. You have every right to be proud :drinker:

    Better run guys.... gotta go get my workout in before the kiddos get here :)

    :smile: Wahoo no kids! Have fun hun:wink::drinker:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone..

    I'm feeling irritated today and I can't figure out why.. Maybe it's getting to be that time of the month :explode: who knows.. When you get to be my age (44) I just don't keep track anymore.. I have nothing to worry about other then just get irritated when it happens.. Ugg....

    I really need to train myself not to step on the scale daily, it's a bad habit... I am up 8 ozs from yesterday and I don't know how.. I drank so much water... I keep telling myself I am not going to worry bout it.. Yeah right!!!

    Dinner tonight.. I am looking forward to it.. I am going to order a 6 oz fillet Mignon with green beans and a salad with no cheese and the dressing on the side... I am only going to eat half of everything and bring the rest home for lunch tomorrow.. Is that a plan or what??? I hope I can stick with it...

    I dreamed of being thin last night.. :bigsmile: and I was so happy.. I keep saying to everyone it's not about being thin its about being healthy!! But yet in my dream being thin is what made me happy...

    Well I am rambling.. Thanks all for the support and reading this post..

    Have a Happy Day...

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Dinner tonight.. I am looking forward to it.. I am going to order a 6 oz fillet Mignon with green beans and a salad with no cheese and the dressing on the side... I am only going to eat half of everything and bring the rest home for lunch tomorrow.. Is that a plan or what??? I hope I can stick with it...

    mmmmmmmm filet mignon... one of my favs! havent had it in a long time either.

    I dug through the freezer and Im making hubby a tbone dinner tonight with some low cal, homemade potato celery soup. The steaks are huge so Im gonna only do 1/2 of one for myself. Will have a 1/4 of the the leftovers for lunch tomorrow, chopped up onto my usual spinach feta pizza. I gotta hit the store tomorrow, so Im making my recipe & grocery list today.

    Got my gym workout in.. 30 minutes of arms on the weights and 40 minutes on the treadmill.

    zano- I did 1.5 miles in 25.31 minutes. No wogging, just very brisk paced walking at 3.6 on the treadmill. Im thinking Monday I should be back to being able to add wogging back in. My back is feeling much better and didnt bother me at all while I was working my arms. We'll see how I feel tomorrow after I go to Yoga in the AM :happy: Im thinking the stretching should help a ton!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Whats wogging?? Thats a new one for me...

    I did 40 mins on the treadmill... 2 miles.. I sweated my buns off. (I wish)

    3 sets of squats
    3 sets of biceps 5 lb weights
    3 sets of triceps 5 lb weights

    12 per set...

    I need to up that...

    But wogging, what is it...


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    I read all your posts - THE Team is time-consuming!:laugh:
    The WATER Challenge:
    You can do the water! I do it! Your skin will stay much more elastic and will shrink with you and you will look so much more…hydrated and healthy.
    Don’t drink your calories.
    Nothing else is worth drinking but green tea. Eat whole fruit, no juice. Whole fruit has less calories and contains fiber which fills you up and helps move food through your system. Shoot for 30+ grams fiber daily!
    To add to Li4g's excellent advice on water:
    1. ~As soon as your glass or bottle is empty, fill it back up :drinker:
    Logging FOOD:-
    When I go away from my computer, I just write down what I eat in a little notebook and log it when I get back. The practice of logging your food is helpful in many ways.

    Since I re-gained 10 lbs after hitting goal, I realized NEW good reasons to log food.

    1.~Once ya stop lookin’, it’s a slippery slope to eating more and not even realizing it
    2.~Nutrition. I gained the weight…..but what made me pay attention is that I wasn’t feeling as good as I had when eating nutritious food. One day I said “When was the last time I had a bunch of veggies?” ….and I couldn’t remember. :embarassed:
    3.~And a funny reason: logging is a pain in the touchas. Sometimes it’s just enough to keep you from eating that bite of birthday cake! :laugh:

    The best reasons to log:
    1.~To learn portion control
    2.~To be honest with yourself. How quickly we begin to justify that “cookie” here, or that “Margarita” there. Margaritas = 500-700 cals:ohwell: I hafta see it.
    3.~You can use the “Reports” here to see your trends. You need accurate data, meaning food and exercise.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Welcome newest ones: And congrats on your weight loss sucesses!
    ~renayeb – WOOT!! You're the biggest loser so far!!Woohoo-Dance.gif
    ~Li4g – WTG!!
    ~Chantybear – how’d the visit to the oral surgeon go Saturday?
    ~nitag – Awright, awright, awright on the weight loss!! And gotta love the pants falling off!
    Wogging is a made-up word from Losingit4good – a cross between walking and jogging. Go to our thread from last week….
    ….scoll down to Losingit4good’s post with the “wogging” lady. LOL.bikebabevc5.gif
    ~prayerfulmom – Keep it going!! Oh, and BTW :grumble: EXCUSES! I drove 400 miles yesterday, and still drank my 80 ounces of water. Bathrooms are everywhere that cars go. I stopped twice – and one of those times I needed gas, so only one stop for potty.
    My travel rule: if ya need gas, go potty. If you need the potty, get gas. Multitaking! :happy:
    ~Kelleighanne – Enjoy the birthday, Holidays don’t count. Just keep your choices reasonable - (like a few hundred over is much easier to ovecome than 3000 over.)
    ~Get_fit2009 – Take that .5 and be proud, girl!!
    ~agapita – Yes! Lesson. Food is fuel.
    ~lacijae – You are on a roll, girl 11 lbs in less than 2 wks is a great motivator for you and all of us!
    ~Markay3 – Stay in those 8th grade pants till they fall down! Great motivation! And don’t people have to buy bigger better presents if your birthday falls on some other holiday?? That’s some kind of rule, right?:angry:
    ~wuwu – Right on Target! Go Go!
    ~adamk – Good job, woman! Don’t hurt yourself. The Biggest Loser contestants are under constant medical supervision. I wouldn’t advise trying to lose 15 lbsw in a week without someone qualified to watch you present at your workouts.
    ~morgolis – Keep it up! Congrats.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    the “wogging” lady. LOL.bikebabevc5.gif

    LOL I love that picture...altho it looks nothing like me unless you look at me from the BACK.. HAHA!! Just kiddin!

    Anyway...Wogging is a combo of walking and jogging. Zano had said earlier he had a goal of 1.5 miles in under 15 minutes to reach by April, so I decided to join him and make a challenge out of it.
    Anyone else who wants to give it a try and join is is welcome too!! With my history of low back probs I had to start out pretty darn slow and just started working the jogs into my treadmill workouts. Having the right shoes made a VERY big difference for me also. Before last week when I fell down the stairs, I would jog for a minute, walk for 3, jog for a minute, walk for 3 until I completed my 3 miles or goal for calories burned. Last week I was at 30 minutes of wogging to get up to 1.5 miles. Today I did 1.5 miles of very brisk walking in 25.31 minutes so Im looking forward to seeing what I can do on Monday when I add the jogging back in.
  • Sadeyes2
    Welcome newest ones: And congrats on your weight loss sucesses!
    ~renayeb – WOOT!! You're the biggest loser so far!!Woohoo-Dance.gif
    ~Li4g – WTG!!
    ~Chantybear – how’d the visit to the oral surgeon go Saturday?
    ~nitag – Awright, awright, awright on the weight loss!! And gotta love the pants falling off!
    Wogging is a made-up word from Losingit4good – a cross between walking and jogging. Go to our thread from last week….
    ….scoll down to Losingit4good’s post with the “wogging” lady. LOL.bikebabevc5.gif
    ~prayerfulmom – Keep it going!! Oh, and BTW :grumble: EXCUSES! I drove 400 miles yesterday, and still drank my 80 ounces of water. Bathrooms are everywhere that cars go. I stopped twice – and one of those times I needed gas, so only one stop for potty.
    My travel rule: if ya need gas, go potty. If you need the potty, get gas. Multitaking! :happy:
    ~Kelleighanne – Enjoy the birthday, Holidays don’t count. Just keep your choices reasonable - (like a few hundred over is much easier to ovecome than 3000 over.)
    ~Get_fit2009 – Take that .5 and be proud, girl!!
    ~agapita – Yes! Lesson. Food is fuel.
    ~lacijae – You are on a roll, girl 11 lbs in less than 2 wks is a great motivator for you and all of us!
    ~Markay3 – Stay in those 8th grade pants till they fall down! Great motivation! And don’t people have to buy bigger better presents if your birthday falls on some other holiday?? That’s some kind of rule, right?:angry:
    ~wuwu – Right on Target! Go Go!
    ~adamk – Good job, woman! Don’t hurt yourself. The Biggest Loser contestants are under constant medical supervision. I wouldn’t advise trying to lose 15 lbsw in a week without someone qualified to watch you present at your workouts.
    ~morgolis – Keep it up! Congrats.

    Thanks for the welcome,

    My Challenge for this week:

    1. Log my food everyday this week
    2. Drink half of my body weight in water :drinker:

    3. Reach 10,000 steps per day for 4 days

  • chantybear
    CM - No visit with the oral surgeon, we went to go view a house!! We put in an offer yayy!! It is a really old fixer upper, but worth it to flip!
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    That sounds exciting!! I wish I could afford a fixer upper house to flip. The real estate market here is not a sellers market tho. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they accept for you! Would you guys move into it and fix it up or just fix it to sell it?
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Someone please stop me. I made potato celery soup and it is sooooo good.. I cant stop! Its only like 56 cals a serving but If I dont stop I wont be able to get to my tbone steak.. LOL helllllllp
  • lacijae
    I had no idea a chicken sandwich from Sonic had 670 calories!!!! I would have been better off getting a cheese burger from mcdonalds (and even better off if I hadn't had either one). I guess it will be exercise city for me today... and special K for supper.

    Fast food is so hard to work around when dieting!! I live about 10 minutes out of town and I work Monday thru Friday as well as volunteering at our animal shelter and have no time to run home to eat during lunch. One thing that helped me was the book called "Eat This Not That". You've probably heard of it before but its really a great book that puts fast food calories in perspective.

    My faves to get (if I must go to a fast food place) are Burger Kings Jr. Whopper (minus the mayonnaise and cheese) with a side salad and a water, Wendy's Large chili with a side salad, or Quizno's Sammies with a bowl of Broccoli and Cheese soup.

    I'm not sure of the exact nutrition info but I've looked it up before and these are all pretty good choices as far as fast food goes :happy:

    Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • chantybear
    That sounds exciting!! I wish I could afford a fixer upper house to flip. The real estate market here is not a sellers market tho. I'll keep my fingers crossed that they accept for you! Would you guys move into it and fix it up or just fix it to sell it?

    It is SOOOO much work though, the house is like 50 years old, but going for about 70-100,000 less then other nicely maintained ones in the neighborhood. Oh here it is definitely a buyers market, that is why we would buy it now, and fix it up, and in about 2-3 years when the market peaks again we would sell it, and buy a nicer house. I hope so, they will counter offer I bet though, but it is an estate sale, and the people want it gone I am pretty sure. Fix it up to live in it until the market goes back up, and make some equity! I hope we get it for around our offer though, because it is a lot of work!:smile: Thanks for the fingers crossing hun!!..oh yeah and stop eating that delicious soup!!:tongue: