Women over 300lb Starting Weight



  • coreawilson1
    coreawilson1 Posts: 7 Member
  • coreawilson1
    coreawilson1 Posts: 7 Member
    add me
  • confusionmaven
    confusionmaven Posts: 33 Member
    Hi! I'm also 5'10". I started last June at 334. I'm now 249. I'd love to be mfp friends.
  • jules81
    jules81 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi I am jules my HW is 350 my weight at moment is 310. I need ss much support to get to my GW as possible.

    I am 37 and have a 6 year old son

  • SimplyAdia
    SimplyAdia Posts: 39 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Let's all commit to lose at least 1lb this week!
  • Lilygator1017
    Lilygator1017 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello awesome people! I've been struggling for many years. I've always let my mind win when it comes to eating; almost always out of boredom. After having my daughter I reached my highest weight at 305 pounds. My long term goal is to live a healthy lifestyle: delicious and healthy foods accompanied with being active. My brain treats healthy choices like a virus and fights it off, lol. The biggest problem is that I let myself quit, I let myself fail. It's so easy to quit before starting.

    I'd be happy for some friends who understand the ongoing struggle, and are just as sick of it as I am :)
  • Original_Sinner
    Original_Sinner Posts: 180 Member
    Hi. My start weight was 375 and I've lost over 150 lbs, however in the past two years I've steadily and slowly put on 45 lbs due to IVF drugs otherwise I'm maintaining the loss. I've now lost 25 of that weight and I'm almost back to my lowest weight point. However I want to get down to 170 at which point I can do a couple of things that are on my to-do list, after which, I'll re-evaluate and see what I need my end goal to be.

    My husband and I have a home gym and we work out 4 days a week however due to toddler issues we are currently stuck in quick, fast 20 minute HIIT sessions until he's a little older and we can re-introduce longer treadmill runs and or course 5/3/1 again.

    Good luck everyone.
  • kjcarthen
    kjcarthen Posts: 6 Member
    Hello Ladies! Looking for a few friends on my weight loss journey...Ive been doing it alone and sorta hit a plateau. Currently 361, started at 429 in August 2017.
  • time2change1111
    time2change1111 Posts: 114 Member
    I don’t know how to add people. Add me!!
  • campfirequeen1
    campfirequeen1 Posts: 317 Member
    I have scads of friends and it doesn't help me much to just see what exercise they have done or what they are eating, although what they eat can be interesting :) but what really helps me is to chat on the thread. So here is my chat for the day. I've been back on the wagon for several weeks now and my hunger has been tamed. In fact last night I had to hunt in the fridge because I still needed about 400 calories and I was already over in my protein and just about right on the carbs, so what I needed was fat. Ended up eating a few slices of cheese. I like this having to worry about not eating enough calories! :p My big struggle now is increasing my water intake and getting more exercise. I'm thinking I will sign up for some restorative yoga classes when I get back from my visit to my son's farm in PA for Mother's Day. Any suggestions on increasing water?
  • bertabugg
    bertabugg Posts: 28 Member
    I have scads of friends and it doesn't help me much to just see what exercise they have done or what they are eating, although what they eat can be interesting :) but what really helps me is to chat on the thread. So here is my chat for the day. I've been back on the wagon for several weeks now and my hunger has been tamed. In fact last night I had to hunt in the fridge because I still needed about 400 calories and I was already over in my protein and just about right on the carbs, so what I needed was fat. Ended up eating a few slices of cheese. I like this having to worry about not eating enough calories! :p My big struggle now is increasing my water intake and getting more exercise. I'm thinking I will sign up for some restorative yoga classes when I get back from my visit to my son's farm in PA for Mother's Day. Any suggestions on increasing water?

    I also have a problem drinking all my water, I substitute a VitaRain Zero, (costco brand) for 2 waters everyday to make it bit more interesting. They are yummy and have 0 calories.
  • seashellct
    seashellct Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new here and I would love to have some friends. My goal is a 150 pound weight lost. I have no idea how to add friends so please request me!
  • HockeyHoney86
    HockeyHoney86 Posts: 5 Member
    @sra455 - I'm in the same boat as you. When I got on the scale and noticed how heavy I had gotten, I was extremely disappointed in myself for allowing it to happen. I'm regrouping and going to work this out - and never let myself get to that point again! Adding you to my friends list - we got this! You're doing great already!
  • jennyann58
    jennyann58 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I’m new to this, but not too the dieting yo-yo. My cw is 277lb and goal weight is 170lb. I have stuck to my calorie goal all week but lacking in motivation to go to the gym. Last year I lost 20lb by going to the gym and classes five times a week and genuinely loved it. I was then diagnosed with a heart condition and although my cardiologist says it’s ok to now go back to the gym, I just feel so anxious that every excuse not to go is winning. I booked my membership yesterday and yet still haven’t been. Needing some motivation and support.
  • Bailey00030
    Bailey00030 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone. I read through some of this thread and would really like to join in. I have 100+ to lose and it can seem pretty daunting. I need to make it work this time and I am committed to making this happen. Would love to have some fun, supportive, motivational friends and be there for each other on this journey. Feel free to add me.
  • chi_mama
    chi_mama Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! I enjoyed reading all of the threads and hearing everyone's stories, very inspiring! I just recently started my weight loss journey. I started at 320 lbs but now I am at 297. So, I have lost 23 lbs. My goal is to loose 150 lbs. I would love to hear from others on exercises that you all recommend and any other helpful tips. I have been doing this alone and would love to make some new friends through my weight loss journey, so please add me.
  • bertabugg
    bertabugg Posts: 28 Member
    chi_mama wrote: »
    Hi all! I enjoyed reading all of the threads and hearing everyone's stories, very inspiring! I just recently started my weight loss journey. I started at 320 lbs but now I am at 297. So, I have lost 23 lbs. My goal is to loose 150 lbs. I would love to hear from others on exercises that you all recommend and any other helpful tips. I have been doing this alone and would love to make some new friends through my weight loss journey, so please add me.

    Your doing great! I know some days are harder than others, I find letting people know your having a bit of a struggle helps. I ride my stationary bike an hour every day, this helps in a lot of ways besides exercise, my cellulite is very minimal now and my mood is a lot better. I would love to do other leg options but will need to lose more weight due to bad knees. Keep up the good work.
  • chi_mama
    chi_mama Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks @bertabugg! I will definitely take the idea of the stationary bike into consideration. For now, I am doing some light exercises that on found on youtube by the American Heart Association where you can exercise at home and its like walking 2 miles or more depending on the videos you watch.
  • aylerz
    aylerz Posts: 27 Member
    Hey everyone, I'd love to join in on this thread! My starting weight was 330 in January and I am currently 294. My first goal weight was 299, and now that I've achieved that, my next goal is 250. I'm traveling to Europe in August, and the last time I went to Europe I weighed about 275 and the plane ride was almost unbearable. I am hoping to be 270 or less by the time I leave to make the flight a little more bearable. After I hit 250, my next goal is to hit 199 and my ultimate goal weight is 140.

    I started out really basic - just tracking calories. I transitioned in March to a high fat, low carb diet and in April added in intermittent fasting. I've been doing 16/8 fasting since, and am planning on transitioning over to a 5:2 fasting schedule in June (5 days eating, 2 days fasting.) Eventually I would like to get to a 1:1 fasting schedule because I love the way that I feel fasting and have heard great things from people on 1:1. I think the key to the intermittent fasting is the high fat, low carb diet. Before, when I was just tracking calories, I felt hungry all the time! Now my weakness isn't snacking, but in motivating myself to work out.