GhOst StorIes....



  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    My dad was haunted pretty severely for 5 years. It started when he was fishing on a rock. He heard growling from behind another rock a good distance away, but saw nothing, and continued fishing. Then it happened again, but closer, and nothing was there still. It happened like this until it was so close he turned and put his arm up because he thought a dog was going to bite him. Freaked him out so he packed up all his stuff and went home. He was sitting on the couch at home with his cousin when he felt something scratching his back from behind the couch, like a dog, but nothing was there. He thought he was going crazy...but then the cupboards shook and things fell out of them, and then his cousins beer was lifted off the table and dropped. After that he had horrible things happen like someone trying to choke him in the middle of the night, the sound of a shovel digging a hole outside of his window, dog heads fighting each other above his closet.......something actually scratching his back and pushing him. One night he had someone stroke his hair.....totally creepy. Another time he had a party at his house, and when the last of a group of guests left, they ran back in screaming because a pair of eyes were floating in the air. He isn't religious and doesn't believe in christianity but he got it all to stop after he read something from the bible and demanded it to leave. This isn't baloney, my Dad is a no bull****ter type of man. It seems like a lot of people in my family are sensitive to ghosts, my aunt was also haunted severely, even worse than my dad. She got pulled out of her bed once, had it lifted off of the ground and dropped back down....

    My Grammy stayed with my aunt once in their guest bedroom, which had been my uncle's mom's room before she had passed. Grammy and my uncle's mom were friends, and one morning Grammy got up and sat on the edge of the bed. She heard a voice say "I'm sitting right next to you." She knew it was her. Ghosts freak me out a little but but completely intrigue me.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I had two incidents happen to me while I was living at my last apartment with my husband shortly after we were married. I swear that place was haunted!! The first "incident" happened this past December, right before Christmas. It was the afternoon and I was home alone wrapping gifts in my bedroom. I had the TV volume on low for background noise, and my bedroom door was cracked open. All four of my cats were either sleeping on the floor or on the bed. All of the sudden I heard this very loud thud coming right outside the bedroom door. It sounded like someone had dropped a 50 pound weight in the hallway. I jumped, and all of my cats started growling and bracing themselves. I was so scared but I swung the door open and nothing was there. I grabbed my mace and slowly walked down the stairs to the main level, I was convinced there was someone in the house. Everything checked out until I walked to the bathroom and tried to open the door, but couldn't because it was locked. Why would the bathroom door have been locked from the inside? My heart jumped in my throat and I ran back upstairs, locked myself in the bedroom and called my husband, who called 911. The cops showed up and broke the door open, but there was NOTHING there. They tried to explain it away, saying that it was the UPS man making the noise (there was a package left at the front door) but I knew what I heard and felt, and that noise could not be explained by a small package. I never figured out how that door got locked.

    The second incident happened a few days later early in the morning, around 2 or 3 am. I am a night owl so I'd been sitting up in bed for a few hours watching tv while my husband was asleep next to me. All the lights in the house were off including the bedroom lights, so the only light came from the tv. After I got tired, I went to remove my contact lenses. We had a bathroom inside our bedroom, so I walked over to it, turned the bathroom light on, took out my contacts and put my glasses on. As I was doing this, I heard a strange banging downstairs. I brushed it off because we have four cats, so I assumed they were just playing around. The banging continued, it was a steady, rhythmic banging. Then it stopped. I turned the bathroom light off and turned to walk back over to the bed. That's when I looked over at the closed bedroom door and saw light streaming through the cracks. The hall light downstairs had been turned on. I literally stood frozen for a few moments, trying to figure out whether or not my eyes were playing tricks on me. I was terrified that someone was in our house and had turned a light on. I woke my husband up and he saw the light too. He opened the door and went downstairs to check. We didn't find anything out of the ordinary, except for the hall light strangely being on, and all four of our cats sitting in the hallway, staring at us like they knew something was wrong. We could never figure out how that light got switched on.

    We moved from that apartment to a new, bigger apartment about a month after that, much to my relief. The new apartment is right across the parking lot from the old one. After we had vacated the place, I was outside one night before new tenants had moved in, and I could see our old bedroom window. The light was on, and there were shadows against the shades. I'm not gonna say it was a "ghost" but I know what I saw.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Another note, every since I was younger, I have always been very sensetive to the other side, or the demon world if you will.

    Many times when I was little I would wake up in the middle of the night and play with children in my room - They were black figures/shadows. They would be playing around my dresser then I would wake up, see them, play, go to the bathroom and when I would be back in my room they would be gone.

    I also get a 6th sense for people who seem to almost be posessed - not like the exorcist, but almost soulless. Its hard to explain.

    Just the last part about where you have a 6th sense for people who are soulless. That is creepy. I believe it too. :)

    It is very crrepy. There will be times when I will accidently lock eyes with someone..and it is almost like they ave black is so so weird, and I get the chills. Every hair on my arm goes up. My mother has this same 6th sense. Maybe it is that "womens gut feeling" but I feel like it is something waaayy more than that.

    Yeah and I believe that people who worship the devil or provoke him often can get possessed. Maybe not in the way that we see in the movies but yes I think they can.
    My ex use to mess around with astral projection and had something tormenting him for a long time. He could sense spirits, he swore the house he was in was demonic after he started to practice this there. He also started getting strange phone calls from numbers that couldn't exist in this country and he said the numbers seemed familiar but he couldn't explain it. Since moving from this house he has had no issues and he swore to never try astral projection again. That always kind of freaked me out..
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Cowardly Lion: I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I *do*!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I live in Arlington Heights IL, and let me tell you there are ghosts up here too!

    There was one time my mom was vacuuming our upper floor in the house and the vacuum cord twisted its self into the shape of a body..there was a head and shoulders.

    A second time my mom was home alone and i used to have this snowglobe that played music. It would come on all by its self and play the whole way through.When we had our old washer, my mom would go downstairs to find the washer full of water but the lid up and the machine off.. could never explain those two events.

    I go to church on wednesday nights and when I come home late, all the lights are generally off. Normally I go to sleep no problem, but some nights there are odd shadows moving along the wall that look and sound like people walking around, even tho everyone is asleep. I've also felt weight on my bed, even tho I'm the only there.

    Ghosts are very creepy creatures... but for the most part harmless.. I hope!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
  • VELVET2688
    Does anyone else smell flowers when a loved one comes to visit?

    This used to happen to me a lot as a child but not so much as I got older. I would smell overwhelming flower fragrances when I was thinking about a family member that had passed and there would be no possible source for the flowers.

    Then in highschool my Uncle passed away and I would smell flowers for a few weeks after his passing. At random times and in random places (one time driving down the road with the windows up and no flowers anywhere close by on the roads) One day I saw my dad just stop and inhale deeply and get this look calm look on his face. I asked him if he was smelling flowers and he said yes. I couldn't smell them but he said it was an overpowering smell of roses and lavender. I thought it was neat that it was very specific to the person, those flowers were meant for him at that time.

    I have to say, on numeral occassions I have smelled flowers or a sweet is really odd. I could never figure out what it usually happens in the middle of the night, and wakes me up. It kind of does smell like the pipe my dad use to smoke...and he had passed away about 10 years ago. My parents divorced when I was 1-1/2 yrs. old, and she never let us ever see our dad ever again. Then when I was 18 I started to look for him, and I found him when I was about 30. He died 4 months after I found him, he had cancer for about a year...maybe he's trying to get to know me now.