Women over 300lb Starting Weight



  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    Started at 311. Current 176. I'm 5'9" and it's been 10 months. I track every single food item that goes in my mouth and I hit the gym 3-5 times a week. It takes hard freakin workin and dedication. YOU CAN DO IT.

    When you slip, you get back up. You don't beat yourself up, you just keep trucking.

    Add me for support if you need it.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    *waves hello* Hi, can I join in? I've always told people that there is a world of difference between being someone with more than 100lbs to lose with a lifelong struggle, and someone who was always lean but gained 30-40lbs after having kids (or another life event). It would be great to be among folks with similar struggles.

    Age: 46
    Height: 5' 9"
    Starting weight: 370-380 lbs (many years ago, like 2005 I think)
    Current weight: 280lbs
    Goal weight: 170lbs (I guess? I've never been a healthy weight so I have no idea)
    Current loss to date: Varies, LOL. I was at 225lbs a few years back but regained some

    This was me! My original goal was 215, then I kept lowering it because I had NO idea what number I needed to set for myself.

    I'm also 5'9". GOOD LUCK!!!! Feel free to add me for support :)

  • aylerz
    aylerz Posts: 27 Member
    rbfdac wrote: »
    Started at 311. Current 176. I'm 5'9" and it's been 10 months. I track every single food item that goes in my mouth and I hit the gym 3-5 times a week. It takes hard freakin workin and dedication. YOU CAN DO IT.

    When you slip, you get back up. You don't beat yourself up, you just keep trucking.

    Add me for support if you need it.

    Have you been maintaining for 10 months, or did it take you 10 months to get down to 176? Either way, WOW!
  • chi_mama
    chi_mama Posts: 4 Member
    rbfdac wrote: »
    Started at 311. Current 176. I'm 5'9" and it's been 10 months. I track every single food item that goes in my mouth and I hit the gym 3-5 times a week. It takes hard freakin workin and dedication. YOU CAN DO IT.

    When you slip, you get back up. You don't beat yourself up, you just keep trucking.

    Add me for support if you need it.

    Wow! That is awesome! That is truly inspiring! When you were 311, what type of exercises would you do? And I have the same question as @aylerz, did it take you 10 months to get down to 176lbs?
  • cnavarro002
    cnavarro002 Posts: 235 Member
    Hey everyone! We have a great private group for people between high 290's to 400 lbs+ (and are pretty flexible). I don't know how to add a link, but if you search under groups for 350+ pound support for men and women (or something like that) you should find it. It's a safe and comfortable environment where we support each other, have challenges, and just not have to worry about people that only have to lose 20 lbs judging us. Feel free to join or friend me. :)
  • jessnorcross9746
    jessnorcross9746 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm starting at 377. I need to be about 180. I'm down now to 352 so it's coming off, slowly but surely. I get discouraged sometimes because I have so much to lose, but I know I can do it. One day at a time.
  • lyndsfattofit
    lyndsfattofit Posts: 33 Member
    edited May 2018
    Hiii, I'm just under 350lbs atm and back on it this week. A few years ago I went from 330lbs to 235lbs and here I am 20lb heavier then I was to begin with.
    Back on the wagon now and looking to get down to the 220/230 mark to begin with and reassess my goals from there.
    I'm in this for the long haul and gonna need all the support I can get, likewise I'll share my knowledge from the first time and support all I can. Please feel free to add me and we can do this together
  • Live0rDieTrying
    Live0rDieTrying Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all! Reading all of your posts is so inspiring! I'm 29, soon to be 30 in December.. My heaviest was just last month, when I hit 350. It terrified me. I'm not new to dieting/new lifestyles, or exercising. I lost about 50 lbs from my then heaviest at 320, went down to 270, and was able to maintain for a few months until my mother passed away (she was a poor source of motivation - mainly to tell her I was losing weight, getting healthy and I did it despite her telling me throughout my childhood and teenaged years that I'd always be fat and ugly).

    I pretty much immediately fell off the wagon in 2013 when that happened, and have been struggling with coming to terms about where to pull motivation from ever since. A few months ago, my sister in law introduced me to the keto lifestyle. I kind of figured it was just another fad diet with a bunch of mumbo jumbo (you know what I mean, right?). I tried it for a month or so, lost 15 lbs, but let my laziness and lack of motivation get the better of me and racked the weight back up.

    In the meantime, I actually did more research on just what all is involved, and since my father (who lives with my husband and I) has diabetes and epilepsy, I decided to give this keto thing another spin, since it's touted to help control blood sugar for type 2 diabetics, and help with epilepsy (although I have found no hard scientific concrete evidence to either claim).

    But, I've decided to do this for myself, and hoping to inspire my father to eat better so he can get off his meds too. Life is hectic and finding the time to squeeze in a workout is difficult. I'm a desk jockey more or less, an ad designer for a small marketing firm. Trying to get in extra steps throughout the day is difficult but not impossible. And in the last 3 weeks since starting back up on the keto lifestyle, I've found it to be much easier this time after all my research and reading posts in a couple groups I'm in on Facebook. I noticed my cravings for my vices (chips, crackers, pizza, pasta, etc) are fading, I'm able to mentally say "I don't want this" vs "I can't have this", and the near constant pain I've been in for months (whether back, feet, etc) is now diminishing just a tad, every day.

    I'm not saying keto is the holy grail or anything, but it sure is a great tool for me. Through it, I've lost 10 lbs in 3 weeks, and I'm looking forward to keto-ing on. And I'm not even strict about it. My goal is to mainly keep my carb intake under 50 a day, which is outstanding considering I would consume a good 300-400 carbs in a day before. I'm trying to reduce my chances of getting diabetes and heart conditions that run on my dad's side of the family, and hopefully reduce my chances of getting breast/colon cancer that runs on my mother's side (I've been blessed with amazing genes, lol).

    Feel free to add me - I may be long winded in posting, but I love listening to others, whether it's venting, asking for advice, shooting the breeze, wondering what to make for dinner, etc. I'm a horrible millenial that loves taking photos of my food as well and adding dinky filters to them. It's just a hobby, I swear! :smiley:
  • Carrieffa04
    Carrieffa04 Posts: 9 Member
    Can I join too? I'm 36 my current weight is 335. My highest ever. In 2012 i lost over a hundred pounds and got down to 180. Then, of course, I relapsed and gained it all back plus 50 or so more. :( I found out today I have a fatty liver when they did an ultrasound to check for gallbladder issues (ive been having stomach problems) and I'm terrified of what else I could develop if I don't lose weight.
  • Krissylynn423
    Krissylynn423 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi. I'm 31 and a mom. My start weight was 310 and I'm currently at 279. I also have to have surgery for endometriosis and uterine fibroids and want to be closer to 200 because surgery this big scares me. I do a keto lifestyle but am looking for others going through The same journey for support and accountability. Anyone with similar goals of weight loss and making friends please add me.
  • Krissylynn423
    Krissylynn423 Posts: 39 Member
    renedalynn wrote: »
    Has anyone on here tried the ketogenic plan? I'm currently doing it and have been feeling great the past week.

    I have been doing keto for just about 2 weeks. And I love it. Not just for the 11lbs ive lost but it makes me feel sooo much better. The first few days with the fatiuge was tough. But once I go through it. Its been great. And it's naturally supressed my appetite also(although I still ended up binging a bit last night but first time in 2 weeks which is great for me). And not craving sugar anymore is a true blessing. I've tried a lot of lifestyle ways and this is for sure the one for me.
  • mackie_pants
    mackie_pants Posts: 99 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sorry -- posted on the wrong board.
  • MombieNurseRN
    MombieNurseRN Posts: 1 Member
    So I didn’t read everyone’s responses but i feel like this is the group I need to be in...
    I’m 5 days away from my 33rd birthday...I’m married in a blended family with 3 children...I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 2009 and have struggled on and off with consistency and compliance...I’ve been on every medication imaginable and am really trying to now get it together to really make some progress but finding motivation is so hard for me.
    I would love to have some friends in the same boat who can help motivate me, encourage me and hold me accountable as well as share tips and ideas for staying on track...
    It’s so hard for me and I usually mess up every day...I need to get serious and make some real changes for my health...I hope being more active in this community can help me...
    Feel free to add me or message me if you’d like to be friends and keep each other accountable!!!

    Starting Weight: 375
    Current Weight: around 361
    Goal Weight: just to be under 300 right now...I get too overwhelmed thinking about the big picture so I’m starting small...
  • MissYatta90
    MissYatta90 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey, I'm Kenyatta. I am restarting again after falling off the bandwagon a lot of times. I am starting at well over 300lbs and my goal weight is 200. I am really trying to get back on (and stay on) my weight loss journey because I have a little girl I want to be able to chase after. Having some motivation and friends would help me a lot. Feel free to add me.
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    Hey everyone! We have a great private group for people between high 290's to 400 lbs+ (and are pretty flexible). I don't know how to add a link, but if you search under groups for 350+ pound support for men and women (or something like that) you should find it. It's a safe and comfortable environment where we support each other, have challenges, and just not have to worry about people that only have to lose 20 lbs judging us. Feel free to join or friend me. :)

    The group: 350+ pounds support for men & women

    It's a good group and a safe place.
  • bertabugg
    bertabugg Posts: 28 Member
    I'm in this category.

    I've never posted here before, but I am today because even though my progress has been excellent, I'm just feeling like it is such a slog... and it's getting me down.

    6/15/2017 367.8
    5/20/2017 226 (up from 225 yesterday because the scale hates me)
    goal weight: 180
    stretch goal: 165

    So, it's been what, about 11 months, and I've lost something like 142 pounds... this should feel great, right?

    But all this week I have been so hungry. And I am so tired of being hungry, and being disciplined, etc. etc. etc.

    By the one-year point, in almost a month, I should be closing in on 150 pounds down. That's like, a lot.

    This is officially the whiniest post ever. Because I should be all grateful and feeling all positive and being all go me! go you! rah rah! but instead I'm all why am I still so fat and are any of my old clothes ever going to fit and basically throwing myself a pity party.

    I guess I decided to post to this thread because this is a long-haul project for me. It's different for folks who've been so big. Twelve years ago I went from 360->145. Then after a series of misadventures and health woes, ended up even heavier at 367.8.

    I guess I just really don't want to have to slog through all this again. Motivation for getting maintenance right this time I suppose!

    Anyway. I've made it through holidays and birthdays and mother's day and vacations and am still trundling onwards, so I suppose I can keep going.

    I'm just so tired of it all.

    Sorry for a downer of a post.

    Don't get down on yourself, your doing awesome! I hit these feeling at least once a month and its very draining. I pick myself back up after a couple of days and become my own cheerleader all over again.

    I have done the same yo yo for the last 23 years and understand all to well. I'm trying to make my brain believe this is a life style and if I want to sustain the weight I lose I have to think about what I eat every day, I exercise a lot so I have extra calories and feel like I can have things I want to eat more often. Treat yourself to a new hairstyle or color and or an outfit to help get you feeling good about your accomplishment.

    I added hot pink to my hair and that kicked me into happiness for a while. I used to celebrate with food more often, now I treat me with calorie free happiness.
  • PloddingTurtle
    PloddingTurtle Posts: 283 Member
    Starting weight this time: 335 lbs
    current weight: 314 lbs
    Initial big goal: 235 lbs (losing 100 lbs feels like an overwhelming and massive goal right now, I'll revisit the end goal when I get there)
    Initial milestone goal: 299 lbs
    Initial fitness goal: 10,000 steps/day

    I'm 55, 5'9", never married, no kids. I think that (without exaggeration) I have lost 2,000 lbs over the last 30+ years, the same 50 lbs over and over and over, so around 40 times at least. The number on the scale just kept shifting higher each time. So around 10 years ago, I just gave up. I said, "I don't care anymore. I'm going to eat butter, dang it!"

    And a funny thing happened. My weight kind of stabilized when I stopped doing the feast/famine thing with food. Sure I was fat, but the weight just stayed the same for quite a while. That was such a relief. Last year I was diagnosed with severe hypothyroidism and severe sleep apnea. I got a CPAP machine for the sleep thing (best.thing.ever!). My doctor prescribed a starter dose of synthroid and thus began a 14-month period of increasing doses of synthroid and going for repetitive blood tests to tweak the medication. It was so frustrating, but now that we hit the right prescription, I am so happy. I used to wake up exhausted. Now, I'm getting up feeling energized in the morning.

    In February 2018 my doctor broached the subject of weight loss. She thought that since my thyroid medication was right, I should be losing weight by now, and since I wasn't losing weight, maybe I should consider bariatric surgery. That scared me into caring about weightloss again. The scare seems to have motivated me more than anything has ever motivated me. It is obvious to me now that fear-based motivation is more powerful for me than reward-based motivation. Sufficiently motivated (aka terrified), I signed up for MFP and started caring. Being well-rested and working from a stabilized thyroid has certainly helped and has rewarded me with some scale-number success for my efforts, so I'm feeling optimistic. Actually, very optimistic.

    I am not in this for the quick win this time. My goal is not so much a number on the scale or a dress-size number, although that is certainly important. My goals are to figure out what I can eat and how I can eat for the rest of my life in a way that doesn't cause me medical/health problems, and to get more active so that my mobility is not an issue in my senior years. I am not interested in running marathons or winning bathing suit contests, but I would like to be able to go out for a 45-minute hike through the river trail system in my city and be comfortable in my clothes (or an airplane seat). My initital physical goal is to get to a consistent 10,000 steps a day on a flat surface (maybe this summer).
  • sweetpie704
    sweetpie704 Posts: 43 Member
    So far I lost 25 pounds. I'd weighed 305 and now I'm 279.2. I had a cheat day today and im full. I hate myself for doing so. I wish I can stop having cheat days because I want to reach my goal by this time next year because both my girls will be graduating. I want be able to wear a dress for the first time in 20 years. Any advice to stop cheating.
  • siobhanaoife
    siobhanaoife Posts: 150 Member
    So far I lost 25 pounds. I'd weighed 305 and now I'm 279.2. I had a cheat day today and im full. I hate myself for doing so. I wish I can stop having cheat days because I want to reach my goal by this time next year because both my girls will be graduating. I want be able to wear a dress for the first time in 20 years. Any advice to stop cheating.

    Life can involve "cheat days", indulgences, refeeds, Thanksgiving dinners, etc., and you can still lose weight. The trick is:

    1. Draw a bright line around the off-plan eating. Whatever the occasion, whether planned or unplanned, separate it from your "normal". So like, your family feast on a food related holiday? Eat normally before the feast, eat normally after the feast, and don't let it either bum you out or make you feel bad or spread into the next day. Put a line around it in your mind, limit your off-plan eating to that box, then get right back on your plan.

    2. Stop hating yourself. You had a cheat day today? OK. It happens. If your best friend was trying to lose weight and she had a day off-plan, would you hate her? Tell her bad things about herself? Beat her up? Decide that she was "a failure" who would never get back on track so she might as well give up? Of course not. Tell yourself, in words in your head, actually think the words, what you would tell your fabulous best friend who you love, at the end of her "cheat day".

    3. Tomorrow morning, eat normally. Normally is your plan, whatever it happens to be. That's your default. Wedding cake and Thanksgiving dinner and your mom's special dessert, those kinds of things happen in life. They're just not how you normally eat. Cheat days? Sometimes they happen. Just don't let that be how you normally eat. This is a long haul - deviations will happen, but in the end, the way you eat most of the time will prevail.

    Don't hate yourself. It's undeserved. Eyes on the prize, deep breath, and get back to normal.