DITR Round4 Week4



  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    I don't think OBESE but I suspect I certainly wouldn't care as much about being 135 vs like, 165 or 175. Not sure though - if fashion was the same as it is now I'd stillw ant tob e thinner because a lot of styles just don't look that good when you're heavy, but if obesity was valued I supposed clothes woudl look different.
  • Karmiene
    Karmiene Posts: 115 Member
    Do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    No. I don't think I'd be so hard on myself if we didn't live in a society where obesity is considered unattractive. I don't think I'd be this heavy but I definitely wouldn't put in the extra effort to be thin. Sure, the physical health benefits are important but I really want out of the mental confinements I've created for myself. It’s actually my mental health I’m worried about. If I could be nice to myself while fat, I would. I’m lazy and in my perfect world I’d be able to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.
  • QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    Good question. Well, living in a society that praises skinny didn't make me NOT gain weight, I kept right on eating those cupcakes!! So I guess the person I was a year ago would have loved a society that praises obesity. The me I am now would know better :)
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    WOW - great question. Because I'm losing for health reasons I would still be losing - but I'm not certain that my goal would be the same - rather than go for an "ideal weight", it might be more where I feel good and don't have to worry about blood work coming back with elevated numbers.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Hey everyone, today is my QOTD. It's maybe a little controversial, but hopefully won't upset anyone =P.

    QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    hmmmmmmmm I'm going to go with I would be on the same path...I have NO desire to look like an underweight super model - and quite a few men in my life (my very dear husband excluded) think any girl over 130lbs is fat. I don't let their opinion of what "beautiful" is effect my own body image. I'm losing weight to keep myself around for a few extra years and feel comfortable in my own skin.

    Now...I've been with my husband since I was 16 and he has made me feel sexy and attractive at EVERY weight I've been...so maybe I would feel different if I was "playing the field"...but god willing I won't have to ever find out :-)

    ~ Betty
  • claeysm
    claeysm Posts: 85
    OOH great question! I dont think i'd want to be obese, becuase of all the health issues, but a certainly wouldn't care about being "slim" and would just be average... I WANT THIS PARALLEL WORLD SO BAD.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    Hey Ladies!

    Some of you have asked about registering for Round 5. I will get you all a link as soon as I can. No need to worry...any returning Diamonds will have first dibs on Round 5 before registration goes public!

    I just want to congratulate all of you for completing Round 4!! We kicked butt in this Challenge!! The Diamond Challenge will be taking this next week off before coming back for week 5. If you still all want to keep in touch feel free to use this thread :)

    I want to send a big CONGRATULATIONS to our biggest losers of the Challenge! These ladies pulled the biggest numbers for weight loss over the last 4 weeks.

    sistermooooon with a total loss of 12lbs!!!!!!!! Way to go!

    moonlight17 with a total loss of 10.2lbs!!

    twistedsista0408 with a total loss of 10lbs!!

    Claeysm with a total loss of 9lbs!!

    These will be the ladies to beat next round!!!

    Have a kick butt week Diamonds, if you need me I am here!

  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    Awesome job ladies!!!! 10lbs in a month... that is super impressive! Not sure I can even compete with that but i'll damn sure try ;)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,803 Member
    It is Tameko's day for QOTD, but I wanted to ask all you Diamonds something!

    If you could change or add one thing into the Diamond Challenge, what would it be?:flowerforyou:
    After seeing those huge #'s of weight loss, maybe using the percent of fat loss would make this a little more accurate since we have people of all different sizes weighing in.... just a thought ;)
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Congrats diamonds for a great challenge!! I look forward to seeing everyone in round 5!!
  • QOTD Friday 12/8: I see a lot of people on here that comment that they are just aiming to get healthy. This is all well and good, and definitely the right attitude, but I believe a lot of people are also on here so they can feel more attractive after losing weight (myself included). So my question is this: do you think you'd want to lose weight if we lived in a society where obesity was generally considered more attractive?

    I hurt all over all the time. I am slowly getting stronger, but there was a time that I couldn't even walk up my stairs without my lungs screaming. Althougth health is my main motivation, I also hope to wear high heels and a little black dress someday too :). So I guess it's both.
  • WTG to all the diamonds who helped with our total loss of 129 pounds! It takes everyone working hard as a team to win and that is what we did!

    BTW, I agree to using weight percentage instead of pounds lost...it just seems more fair and is more motivational for everyone involved! Good luck next round, Ladies :)
  • Congrats ladies!!! Awesome job and I am so looking forward to round 5...I'll still be checking in here this next week even though we are off...of the challenge anyway.