Handstand Challenge

TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
edited June 2018 in Challenges
If you have never done one - now is a great time to get started.

If you can already do one - now is a great time to refine you skills, or work on your press handstand.

As much as handstand is a skill the best way to improve it is daily practice. So it would be great to have people join in. Below are some links to resources if you are interested.




Handstand are a lot of fun, highly addictive and make you look freakin awesome when you nail one. Why not give it a try?



  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Count me in. I still haven't nailed that sucker after two years.
  • jen29nmark6
    jen29nmark6 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok, I've been working on them, but not daily....But another handstand challenge seems like great motivation to work on it everyday. Maybe by June 30th I will finally conquer the beast :smile:
  • Elfinnyx
    Elfinnyx Posts: 55 Member
    Count me in. I used to be good at handstands, but got out of practice and now have to get over the fear.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    Elfinnyx wrote: »
    Count me in. I used to be good at handstands, but got out of practice and now have to get over the fear.

    I think if you could do them previously, you should be able to get it back pretty quickly. I've never been able to hold one for more than 10s.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,677 Member
    I’m gonna do this!!
  • tropicalchicy
    tropicalchicy Posts: 27 Member
    I'm going to try this :) I can do a headstand against the wall and would love to try practicing handstands too.

    My goal is to be able to kick into a handstand against the wall. I reckon it will be a long shot but we will see how I go.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    I've been "doing" handstands for about 40 years, on and off, but I've never held one still for more than 10 seconds.

    This sounds like a great challenge for me to put in some extra effort.

    Thanks for the thread!!
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    Elfinnyx wrote: »
    Count me in. I used to be good at handstands, but got out of practice and now have to get over the fear.

    Have a look at the nerd fitness article I linked. Wall drills are the way to go to build up strength - and helps with learning how to bail out if it all goes wrong.

    I am exited for the challenge as it helps me keep motivated for the daily practice which I find makes a big difference (not that I have done daily practice since August last year)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited June 2018
    I did 5 minutes of wall practice today, 1 June (Australia).

    It seemed a long time, so as per the second article, I can see how 5 minutes a day will really help you to improve!

    I noticed I need to get much better at breathing while upside down!

    I also noticed that at the slightest hint of overbalance, my body/legs really have a memory for wanting to go straight back down before giving my arms and core enough time to straighten myself.
  • TiisTitanium
    TiisTitanium Posts: 235 Member
    Well done @Orphia . You are pretty hardcore if you managed to do 5 minutes in a row of wall drills. I can only managed a minute tops - and that is usually in a class environment where it is almost like a competition to stay up.

    I did plan getting in some handstands and splits practice after I finished my yoga this morning (1 June for me as well in Aus) but I had to go keep my daughter company as she was admitted to hospital due to tonsillitis. Will get it in tonight as it will help me decompress after a day of sitting.
  • tropicalchicy
    tropicalchicy Posts: 27 Member
    Just finshed my first round of wall drills!! I combined it a quick yoga flow which is another reason I'm doing this challenge - I want to be more consistent with my home yoga practice.

    Man it kicked my butt!! I have a long way to go :s
  • NoMoSlackin
    NoMoSlackin Posts: 12 Member
    This is a cool idea. Thanks for the links!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member

    I do recommend taking photo's or video's of yourself as it helps work out were you are doing things wrong and it is a great way to track progress

    Yes! I take video all the time for handstands because it lets me see what I'm doing wrong. Like I think my legs are in line with my body but they are actually way over my head.
  • Elfinnyx
    Elfinnyx Posts: 55 Member
    Thanks so much for the links. I have done two minutes of wall drills today (going to try for five tomorrow). I'm definitely going to try taking photos and videos.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @TiisTitanium Hope your daughter gets better soon. Will she need to have her tonsils out?

    How long do you hold the handstand splits? Is that easier than traditional handstands?

    1 June 2018. 5 minutes of wall drills.
    2 June 2018. 5 minutes of wall drills.

    I usually take video. Never know when I'm going to finally get that long hold done! :smile:

    @mom23mangos I first thought you were too far away from the wall, but then I realised I need to be further away so I get better at rebalancing myself instead of constant assistance.

    I will need stronger wrists for that, but I'm hoping 5 minutes daily will help that aspect too.

  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    @Orphia - I have to be that far away because I need a big arch in my back to balance. If my shoulders were more open and I could stay stacked, I wouldn't need to be so far. I have a really hard time holding it facing the wall because it's a massive effort to force my shoulders open.

    Like Tiis mentioned, practicing Crow/Crane is really good for balance/wrist strength too.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @mom23mangos I love Crow/Crane, and can hold it for a minute or as long as I like. Handstands seem so much harder on the wrists/hands.

    What do you mean by "if my shoulders were more open"? Do you mean you need your core to work in sync with your shoulders and arms?

    I used to do a lot of gymnastics and had a great arch, but that weakened my back and led to back problems (which running and walking has fixed), and I don't like to arch it anymore. It's been a long process getting straighter, so I sympathise.