Lose 5lbs + in June 2018



  • conatser9
    conatser9 Posts: 139 Member
    Original starting weight - 193
    June starting weight -
    June goal - 183
    Ultimate goal - 165

    June 1st -
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -
  • SamanthaLouiseMence
    SamanthaLouiseMence Posts: 663 Member
    Original starting weight - 224lbs
    June starting weight - 210lbs
    June goal - 205lbs
    Ultimate goal - 112lbs
  • katef275
    katef275 Posts: 23 Member
    edited May 2018
    Going into hospital to have my throat cut middle of June so if i can't lose 5lbs this month what hope is there for me?? ;-)

    Original starting weight - 15.6
    June starting weight 14.13
    June goal - 14.8
    Ultimate goal - 10.7

    June 1st -
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June -
  • rotorhead22
    rotorhead22 Posts: 3 Member
    Original starting weight -280
    June starting weight -276
    June goal -270
    Ultimate goal -215

    June 1st -
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June 6+
  • nikki8412
    nikki8412 Posts: 108 Member
    This has helped so MUCH! I’m back in for June. Bye bye baby weight.
  • eminater
    eminater Posts: 2,477 Member
    Original starting weight -
    June starting weight - 219.0
    June goal - 211.0
    Ultimate goal -

    June 1st - 219.0 lbs
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June :-
  • CathyVee
    CathyVee Posts: 117 Member
    I’m in.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Original starting weight - 151.1 lbs
    June starting weight - 126.8 lbs
    June goal - 122 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 120 lbs

    June 3 -
    June 10 -
    June 17 -
    June 24 -
    June 30 -

    Total loss for June -
  • macrominimama
    macrominimama Posts: 3 Member
    June starting weight - 166
    June goal - 160
    Ultimate goal - 130


  • Edycopeland
    Edycopeland Posts: 10 Member
    Original starting weight- 239
    June starting weight - 221.4
    June goal - 216
    Ultimate goal - 160

    May 31st - 221.4
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June -

    So excited for June/July. I've never dreamed I could ever be under 200lbs. I hope to reach that by the end of the summer.
  • AnnaChange
    AnnaChange Posts: 14 Member
    Original starting weight - 80
    June starting weight - 77
    Ultimate goal - 58

    June 1st - 77
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June :-
  • jennylynn1342017
    jennylynn1342017 Posts: 6 Member
    Original starting weight -190
    June starting weight -145
    June goal -140
    Ultimate goal -135

    June 1st -145
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June :-

    I have been up and down and fighting issues with food and weight loss for the past three years and I’m finally looking to get things straighten out for life! I’m hoping this community helps me stay on track and form a good relationship with food and a good lifestyle!!!
  • DebbieNeedham1
    DebbieNeedham1 Posts: 234 Member
    I am in!! Back on here having put back on the 3 stone I lost after meeting my fiance!! Time to get the weight back off!! And get control of my diet. He is a now recovering alcoholic - since Tuesday he has gone tee-total - under supervision! I love him to bits but its been a hard year. Hence I have fallen back onto alcohol myself and bad eating habits. This is now the start of our life!! As I have also cut the alcohol!! Already lost 1lb over the last 2 days!! oh yes!! I am on a SERIOUS mission lol!! looking forward to do this with you all!!!

    Original starting weight - 188 lbs
    June starting weight -185.8 lbs
    June goal - 170 lbs
    Ultimate goal - 147 lbs

    June 1st - 185.8 lb
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June :-
  • Chocciebunbuns
    Chocciebunbuns Posts: 62 Member
    Original starting weight - 212.6
    June starting weight -164.6
    June goal - 160
    Ultimate goal - 157

    June 1st - 164.6
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June :-

    Back in :) I've been maintaining over the last 6 weeks (not deliberately) and I'm now on the countdown to the annual summer holiday so could do with shifting the last half stone before I go.

    Good luck everyone!
  • dlhollin1
    dlhollin1 Posts: 664 Member
    edited June 2018
    Ready to drop 5 in June
    How? Avoid processed foods, up fruits & veggies, increase exercise.

    Original starting weight -294.0 (1-1-16)
    June starting weight -264.9
    June goal -5
    Ultimate goal -215

    June 1st -264.9
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June :-0

  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    Original starting weight - 298.5
    June starting weight - 229.5
    June goal - 220
    Ultimate goal - 180

    May 25th - 229.50
    June 2nd - 228.75
    June 9th -
    June 16th -
    June 22st -
    June 29th -

    Total loss for June :-0.75

    Last weigh in from previous month is always my first of next month or figures don't match up *yes I am OCD lol)
  • AmyM831
    AmyM831 Posts: 258 Member
    Original starting weight - 165
    June starting weight - 159
    June goal - 154
    Ultimate goal - 140

    June 1st - 159
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June
  • angel0305
    angel0305 Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2018
    Original starting weight - 260
    June starting weight - 230
    June goal - 220
    Ultimate goal - 185

    June 1st - 230
    June 8th -
    June 15th -
    June 21st -
    June 28th -

    Total loss for June
  • Lora2380
    Lora2380 Posts: 195 Member
    Age 37 height 5’5”
    Feb 3/18 starting MFP weight - 168lbs
    End of June goal - 130
    Ultimate goal - 130

    May end 137.4
    June 1-136.2
    June 8-
    June 15-
    June 21-
    June 28-

    This is the big month! Good luck everyone!