Husband critisizing weight loss plateau



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i didn't share my weight loss with my husband. he tried to help and be supportive but he fell into the cut out sugar or carbs trap. and that wasn't going to float with me. so i counted and measured. i gave him the food and portions he wanted and ate within my calorie allotment. this worked and kept the peace most days.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    You have been losing really well. 3 lbs in a month is not nothing. If you are still losing weight it is not a plateau or maintenance.
    The calorie counts on most foods are probably fine if you are weighing and logging as accurately as you can. If you are not being accurate logging that is tbe first thing to change.
    If you are eating all of your exercise calories you might want to eat back less.

    At 5'4" and 228 lbs you should be able to lose 1 lb a week eating more than 1,200 calories. If you are feeling burned out maybe reset to 1 lb a week. It is okay to slow down your rate of loss.

    Your husband needs to butt out unless you asked for input. It is your body and he doesn't get to tell you to abuse it by malnourishing yourself or telling you you need to lose faster. 1,200 is the minimum recommended for health not a made up number. It is also not sustainable to eat a very low calorie diet. Tell him to eat below 1200 every day for a week and see how he feels. Give him some reading to do.

    I'd distance him from your weight loss efforts. Stop weighing in with him if he is going to criticize your progress. Stop discussing the topic with him. Absolutely do not take his advice.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    In my opinion 1200 calories is not enough. That being said - your husband is being an insensitive *kitten* AND he doesn't know what he's talking about so clearly he should not be giving you weight loss advice. Discussion over. Tell him to keep his negative thoughts to himself. You've lost 45 pounds so far! That's awesome! That's success! If you need more motivation or inspiration - look for it here on MFP. We got your back! Lol, if it were me, spite alone would prompt me to jump back on the fitness wagon. I'd show him a thing or two about weight loss. Don't give up, get better, you got this!
  • simplypositive01
    simplypositive01 Posts: 19 Member
    1200 is hard! Ouch! I have about 90 pounds to go and have lost 80. I weigh about 234 and eat 1900-2000 daily. From what I understand, we're not supposed to eat below 1200 because of malnutrition possibilities. So it's easy to hit a wall when you're already as low as you can go calorie wise. Would you be able to do reverse dieting for a couple of weeks?
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,304 Member
    You started exercising this month, that's why you're not losing as much..because of the false water weight gain from tears in your muscles. Just stick to your plan and the weight will start coming off as fast again. Also, maybe consider not talking to your husband about your weigh in days.. or even lie to him. what harm could that do..but make your life easier.

  • ChristianMomWifeFriend
    Sometimes mfp doesn't always calculate food calories. One chick had logged that she cleaned the house or 20 minutes and mfp said she burned like 600 calories. Just go with your intuition. And make sure youre not stressing. Sometimes lack of sleep can slow loss down. I lost 10 pounds in the past 2 months cause I am sleeping better. Of course it didn't last I'm stuck but that's just the way my journey has been.
  • Mithridites
    Mithridites Posts: 595 Member
    This happens. But it’s SO hard. The calories we are given for exercising are often more than we ACTUALLY burn. But the hunger that comes from starting to exercise can be huge. So we take those exercise calories like a blessing and chomp them down and ask for more. If we are not losing any weight for a while, then we need to re-balance the equation. CICO works but our body doesn’t want to hear about math. It doesn’t like sudden change either and it will protest and fight our brain that knows better. This is the struggle. I’m halfway to my goal weight and this has been my experience the last 3 months. Hang in there and be awesome for and to yourself.
  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,146 Member
    Maybe it's time to stop discussing the amount of calories you eat and your weight loss with your husband, particularly as he isn't being supportive.

    BOOM!!! best answer ever.